the vikings last game outdoors.


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
I cant believe I came across this video.:dance: I've never even been a vikings fan but this sure brings back a lot of fond memories.the good old days watching them play outdoors.Those were the good old days when football was actually fun to watch.

[ame=]Last Vikings Game at Met Stadium: Vikings vs Chiefs 12-20-81 - YouTube[/ame]

That was the beginning of the end for the good old days of football after that.the owners really destroyed and ruined the game starting in the 80's.

The good old days of watching teams like the vikings and Lions play all their games outdoors was the decline of the joy and fun of football.

Like I said,I'm not even a vikings fan but for the next couple years when they have their games in the winter,if its guaranteed it will be a snow day that day.Im going to watch those least for the next couple years I'll be able to enjoy football again.Its a travesty of justice they are not going to right a wrong,that they are going to build ANOTHER indoor stadium.:mad:

when it was announced they were going to get a new stadium i had hopes that they would be outdoors again like it was meant to be especially when the twins got their outdoor stadium but no,these politicians dont believe in serving the people.:mad which is what they WOULD be doing if they built a new outdoor stadium the fact that most the fans want one.another case of how the owners dont give a rats ass about the fans.

The 80's were the fall and decline of football. You not only had the vikings going indoors but you as well had teams up and moving to other cities as well which was really an even worse travesty of justice with the colts and the raiders being the first ones to do so.The colts was the real travesty.they had been playing in baltimore for over 40 years.That owner should have been jailed for stealing that team cowardly moving it in the middle of the night before a vote could take place to keep them there.:mad: His son is just as evil showing no interest in righting a wrong by his father.

the raiders and colts paved the way for new teams to follow suit with the cardinals being the next one in the late 80's then the houston oilers,and the worst of them all,the biggest travesty in the history of ALL sports,the Rams being allowed to move out of LA where they had been for over 50 years!!!!:mad: that was unthinkable back then.That was the same thing as if seeing the yankees move out of new york to Las vegas or something today.

It was worse than even when the dodgers moved from brooklyn which a lot of old timers are still upset about that rightfully so.It was worse because the fans did it to themselves.americans want winners so since they had the choice with advanced technology back then,they started traveling to yankee games to see them instead of the dodgers since they were so close to them.

With the Rams,they had great fan support there.contrary to the myths that have been spread over the years about LA not being a football town,that couldnt be anything further from the truth.The Rams always were in the top 5 for attendance matter of fact the whole time they were in LA and they even hold the record for the largest attendance ever over 102,000 for a game against the 49ers from back in the 1950's.. so they had the fan support,that makes it all the more a travesty of justice they were allowed to leave.Its not like with the cardinals in saint louis who left because of that reason.

Just something you never thought would possibly ever be allowed to happen but did.:mad: The of course the cleveland browns did the same thing and cleveland did not have a team for four years. These days,you not only dont know what team your favorite player will be playing for next year,you dont know what CITY your favorite team will be in next year the way they are allowed to up and move anytime they feel like it.:mad:

Its hard to believe there was once an innocent time like this when it was unheard of for NFL teams that play in cold weather to play in domes and for a team to up and move anytime they felt like it.:mad: the NFL has gone to hell.
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