The violation of Agreement by the Russian party


Mar 15, 2014
A letter of information on the Agreement of the status and conditions of the Russian Black Sea fleet presence on the territory of Ukraine and the violation of the Agreement by the Russian party.

The status and conditions of the temporary Russian Federation Black Sea presence on the territory of Ukraine are governed by the current Agreement between Ukraine and the Russian Federation Black Sea presence on the territory of Ukraine, bilaterally signed on the 28-th of May 1997.

Thus, article 4 of the Agreement provides for the general number of manpower, number of warships and vessels, arms and military equipment of the Russian Federation that is situated on the territory of Ukraine shall not exceed the levels determined in the Agreement between Ukraine and the Russian Federation on the characteristics and division of the Black Sea fleet.

In addition to the abovementioned, the Russian party should annually, before the first of January provide information to the Ukrainian party in accordance with the approved list concerning the number of manpower and the main armaments of the Russian Federation Black Sea fleet, that is situated on the territory of Ukraine.

Despite this fact, the Russian party started a hidden increase of the number of warships and armament, military and special equipment of the Russian Federation Black Sea fleet, situated on the territory of Ukraine. Thus, more than 180 units of military vehicles and warlike equipment were imported on the territory of Ukraine and naval torpedo tests were conducted without the acquisition of appropriate permissions and approval. Recently the number of Russian troops in the Crimea has been increased by 6000 servicemen without the approval of the Ukrainian party.

The article 6 of the Agreement provides for Russian military formations to carry out their activity in places of permanent dislocation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, respect the sovereignty of Ukraine, its laws and not interfere into the internal affairs of Ukraine.

However, the recent actions of the Russian military formations in the Crimea connected with the blockade of infrastructural objects of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the places of dislocation of military units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and also the attempts to disarm Ukrainian military men evidently show the blatant ignorance by the Russian Federation concerning the fulfillment of the mentioned article of the Agreement.

Article 12 provides for service vehicles of the Russian Federation Black Sea fleet to have a registration number and a clear sign. However the Russian Federation units in Crimea absolutely ignore this demand.

Article 15 provides for transportation of troops, individuals that are part of military formations and are travelling alone or as a part of a military formation, armaments, military equipment and other material and technical supplies, watches and specialist that accompany them, by all means of transport that is carried out in the interest of the Black Sea fleet of the Russian Federation should be conducted with the observance of border, custom and other types of state control during the crossing of the Russian- Ukrainian border in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine. In addition, any movement connected with the activity of Russian military formations beyond their places of permanent dislocation should be conducted only after acquisition of approval from Ukrainian competent authorities. In addition to the above mentioned the decision of the National Defense and Security Council from 13 of August 2008 governs the appropriate conditions of the Russian Black Sea fleet presence and provides for the Russian party to inform its Ukrainian counterpart in 72 hours about the crossing of the state border by any military units that are directed to the bases of dislocation of the Russian Federation Black Sea fleet, and also the presentation of complete information the number of military men and the type of equipment that is transported.

Despite this fact, on the 28-th February this year 8 military warships, four planes type «IL-76» carrying troops on board and a hover borne vessel «Zubr» unauthorized entered Ukraine from Russia. Herewith the transportation of Russian military men by sea and air transport evidently shows the absolute disregard of these demands by the Russian party.

The policy of the Russian Federation towards Ukraine does not only exterminate the bilateral international-legal basis. It poses a threat to the global system of international law, the protection of which is a common affair for international jurists around the globe.

International law was and shall remain the key instrument of peaceful settlement of disputes between states. Any interference of a state into the affairs of another state is unacceptable and shall be condemned by the global community.
"Peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations--entangling alliances with none, I deem the essential principles of our government, and consequently those which ought to shape its administration." --Thomas Jefferson: 1st Inaugural Address, 1801. ME 3:321

I agree with Jefferson. I like the idea of a sovereign USA that isn't beholden to "international law" and the globalist agenda.
I have read that there were three agreements. Please be more specific and of course give links and credit to make sure you do not break any copyright rules. And whatever you do, this is just a heads up, never put up a whole article. Only a portion is allowed.

Ultimately, Russia and Ukraine signed three agreements in 1997 governing the status of the Black Sea Fleet. The fleet was divided between Kyiv and Moscow, with the Kremlin receiving most of the warships. In exchange, Russia paid Ukraine's cash-strapped government $526 million in compensation. Kyiv also agreed to lease Crimean naval facilities to the Russian portion of the fleet for $97 million annually. The leasing agreement was renewed in 2010 and expires in 2042.

Bound by treaty: Russia, Ukraine and Crimea | Europe | DW.DE | 11.03.2014
Who said that those "polite well armed people" in Crimea are Russians? Any evidence?
Crimean volunteers got equipment from somewhere and decided to protect their cities..
Russia helped them to get the armament - probably...quite like US helped rebels in Syria and Libya. The difference is crimean volunteers do not shot and kill anyone.

International law was and shall remain the key instrument of peaceful settlement of disputes between states. Any interference of a state into the affairs of another state is unacceptable and shall be condemned by the global community.
Say that to People of Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Syria...

Sounds funny - when US breaks international laws it has valuable reason..

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