The Virility of Fear


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
Alright, let's succumb to fear. Let's hide and cower from a virus. Let's huddle in a false sense of security while our fiscal livelihoods fall by the wayside.

You want to be safe from the virus? Fine. But when you have no job to go back to, no money to feed yourself or your family, or any means to keep a roof over your head, you'll soon understand that you succumbed to a different virus. Fear.

Fear generates solutions that are oftentimes more disastrous than the problems they were meant to solve. Fear is irrational, an instinctual response.

When you lay on the street, dying from starvation in a cardboard box, in half ragged clothes--you'll soon understand that it was fear that killed you, not a virus.

Have courage, my friends.
We are told by our politicians and the media to be afraid of damn near everything that the other side is doing. We have forgotten who is the dog and who is the tail.
Alright, let's succumb to fear. Let's hide and cower from a virus. Let's huddle in a false sense of security while our fiscal livelihoods fall by the wayside.

You want to be safe from the virus? Fine. But when you have no job to go back to, no money to feed yourself or your family, or any means to keep a roof over your head, you'll soon understand that you succumbed to a different virus. Fear.

Fear generates solutions that are oftentimes more disastrous than the problems they were meant to solve. Fear is irrational, an instinctual response.

When you lay on the street, dying from starvation in a cardboard box, in half ragged clothes--you'll soon understand that it was fear that killed you, not a virus.

Have courage, my friends.
The boxes from refrigerators is the most sought after living quarters...
We are told by our politicians and the media to be afraid of damn near everything that the other side is doing. We have forgotten who is the dog and who is the tail.
You never learned to ignore them like parents and peers when you were growing up?
Smerconish had a caller that made a good point. Since you guys aren't afraid of the virus, can we count on the 60+M Trump voters to not take a shot of the upcoming vaccine? That would be great for the rest of us.
I get it, nobody wants to catch this virus, but how long will you keep running from it? Viruses do more than harm the physical body, they tear at and in some cases destroy the body of society. How long can you go without an income? How long can your kids go without going to school and seeing their friends?
Smerconish had a caller that made a good point. Since you guys aren't afraid of the virus, can we count on the 60+M Trump voters to not take a shot of the upcoming vaccine? That would be great for the rest of us.

I certainly will not be getting it. Nor will my Puerto Rican wife, or her family members who live with us. Family members who do get it will not be allowed in my home for one year, minimum.
Orthodox Jews have been arrested in New York for the crime of attending a funeral without masks. Christian preachers have been arrested for holding services outdoors without a mask. Americans fear the sudden authority of mostly power hungry democrats more than they fear the disease.
If the asshole in the Oval Office had actually done his job early this year we would not be in this predicament. Instead, he encouraged the ignorant among us to go out, without masks, and refuse to social distance, apparently to prove that they (laughingly) are "men." He holds super-spreader events., and encourages people to congregate by the thousands to wave at Jesus. If there is any unfounded fear in this situation, he did his damnedest to stoke it. This is, by far, not the first thing he has totally screwed up, but I pray that it will be his last.
If lefties were more concerned with the effects of the disease rather than hate speech directed towards the President they might consider that President Trump was called a racist for shutting down relations with China early in the epidemic. Lefties would call for the indictment of Gov. Cuomo for ordering nursing homes to accept infected patients and the resulting deaths of thousands of elderly citizens if they really cared about anything except political propaganda.
If the asshole in the Oval Office had actually done his job early this year we would not be in this predicament...

The President and the Federal Government have no legitimate involvement in this sort of event and never have. That is the role of Stste and Local Governments.
It's ironic that the ultimate democrat icon of the 20th century, FDR, once said "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself" when the democrat party agenda is based on fear. Americans cower in fear because (mostly) democrat administrations have assumed (illegal) authority that subverts the Constitution in an apparent effort to skew the results of the upcoming election.
Did you get the point? Americans don't live in fear of a virus that is mostly survivable. Tractor trailers run up and down the interstate and people try to cope with (illegal) power grabs by mostly democrat administrations. People live in fear of authority more than a virus.
Smerconish had a caller that made a good point. Since you guys aren't afraid of the virus, can we count on the 60+M Trump voters to not take a shot of the upcoming vaccine? That would be great for the rest of us.
Sure. Not planning to take an experimental vaccine for what is 99% likely to be a moderate chest cold.

Vaccines rushed into use without proper testing have a fairly bad track record. Anthrax, anyone? Swine flu?

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