The Visual Evidence of the Full Depth and Corruption of the FBI

Kinda tough to have evidence when the Biden DOJ won't release it. The 1023 is plenty damning though. So I assume you will call for the FBI to release everything they have, right? :lol:
Well, yeah. Though info on confidential sources has to be redacted. And the full conclusions of the FBI about the 1023 raw data have to be included as well.

That's unlike the Republicans, who want the info only released to themselves, and hidden from the public. And who don't want the FBI conclusions released.

Why do Republicans want to hide evidence.? Don't they understand how guilty that makes them look?
Ifr you don't have any actual evidence for your loony claims, just admit it. Crying about being asked for evidence just makes you look corrupt and craven.

Where did you get your stories about the FBI?
You should be more worried who the FBI is making up stories about. They are a key part in keeping hate and racism alive plus interfering in elections. To do this they intimidate the innocent and lie to everyone. Just like they are told to do.
You do realize that the 1023 was presented to the Trump administration's AG, not Biden's, and it was the Trump administration that found nothing there. Cruz is doing what he does best, showboating. And listen to the idiot, "If Joe Biden is innocent he should present the evidence and show he is innocent". Seriously, he actually said that. Talk about a police state, banana Republic bullshit, "Prove you are innocent". I mean wow, just wow.
The same DOJ and FBI that Obama weaponized.

They surely didn't fire Jack Smith, who was responsible for the IRS targeting conservatives. He actively went to Lois Lerner

and initiated that. She got fired, but he didn't.

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