The Wales Data-Deal


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a commerce-civilization themed dialogue between two American vigilantes, Batman and Deadpool, inspired by the capitalism-sentiment film The Founder (Michael Keaton).

Signing off,


BATMAN: Maybe I should have been a vigilante in Wales...
DEADPOOL: What's wrong with Gotham City or London?
BATMAN: No, there's something meek about Wales.
DEADPOOL: So you're drawn into 'subtle frailties.'
BATMAN: Every vigilante has a yearning to discover calamity.
DEADPOOL: That is an odd irony --- like capitalism itself.
BATMAN: Exactly; you need money so you can invest and celebrate wealth.
DEADPOOL: I wonder how many 'wailing women' are in Wales.
BATMAN: There are criminals creating terror everywhere on Earth.
DEADPOOL: We need faith in the World Trade Center and Facebook!
BATMAN: Sure; we also need better leadership maybe...
DEADPOOL: What about Donald Trump?
BATMAN: I'm a fan of 'finance-based democracy,' but I worry!
DEADPOOL: I think you're equating British Petroleum with Wales Wanderlust.
BATMAN: Escapism is natural, but consumerism offers 'video-game philosophy.'
DEADPOOL: Capitalism ain't 'shallow'; you're anxious about piracy!
BATMAN: That's why I'll retire in Wales and not think about 'wailing women.'
DEADPOOL: Don't worry, Aunt Jemima pancake syrup will always be American.
BATMAN: I just don't want to become a 'capitalism-comedian.'
DEADPOOL: That will be the real challenge of the Trump Administration.



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