The Walker Landslide; Evidence That Polls Have Been Inaccurate All Year?

Mar 16, 2012

If Walker maintains his 15/16 point win, we can safely say that all the polls that we have been watching all year are wrong. What is the media hiding in those ABC/NBC/CBS and Compost polls? Could it be that Obama's actual approval is 38/39?, could it be that Romneys lead over Obama is actually closer to 55/45?
Remember when McDonnell had an 8/10 point lead over his dufass democrat contender in Virginia and he beat him to a pulp?
If it's a 15 or so point spread in Wisconsin, then what is the actual polling in the rest of the rust belt?

If Walker maintains his 15/16 point win, we can safely say that all the polls that we have been watching all year are wrong. What is the media hiding in those ABC/NBC/CBS and Compost polls? Could it be that Obama's actual approval is 38/39?, could it be that Romneys lead over Obama is actually closer to 55/45?
Remember when McDonnell had an 8/10 point lead over his dufass democrat contender in Virginia and he beat him to a pulp?
If it's a 15 or so point spread in Wisconsin, then what is the actual polling in the rest of the rust belt?

Exit polls in Wisconsin also show voters prefer Obama to Romney, Wisconsin may prefer the known to the unknown. Barnett getting 40+% with so few resources may mean attempts to oust cretins like Walker.
It is perhaps a white guilt thing.

Nobody really wants to tell a pollster that they aren't going to support the first mullatto POTUS.
and remember all those liberal commentators on MSNBC over the year convincing sargeant schultz that Walker will be recalled, that the polls showing that Walker could lose in a landslide? LOL LOL.
It is perhaps a white guilt thing.

Nobody really wants to tell a pollster that they aren't going to support the first mullatto POTUS.

this also means that the polls showing that Obama is in the lead are also wrong, especially with a 15 point spread? do you really believe that a chunk of those who voted for Walker are going to vote for Obama?

If Walker maintains his 15/16 point win, we can safely say that all the polls that we have been watching all year are wrong. What is the media hiding in those ABC/NBC/CBS and Compost polls? Could it be that Obama's actual approval is 38/39?, could it be that Romneys lead over Obama is actually closer to 55/45?
Remember when McDonnell had an 8/10 point lead over his dufass democrat contender in Virginia and he beat him to a pulp?
If it's a 15 or so point spread in Wisconsin, then what is the actual polling in the rest of the rust belt?

Exit polls in Wisconsin also show voters prefer Obama to Romney, Wisconsin may prefer the known to the unknown. Barnett getting 40+% with so few resources may mean attempts to oust cretins like Walker.

The point is, how can we trust that polling, if the other polling is so off??

If Walker maintains his 15/16 point win, we can safely say that all the polls that we have been watching all year are wrong. What is the media hiding in those ABC/NBC/CBS and Compost polls? Could it be that Obama's actual approval is 38/39?, could it be that Romneys lead over Obama is actually closer to 55/45?
Remember when McDonnell had an 8/10 point lead over his dufass democrat contender in Virginia and he beat him to a pulp?
If it's a 15 or so point spread in Wisconsin, then what is the actual polling in the rest of the rust belt?

Exit polls in Wisconsin also show voters prefer Obama to Romney, Wisconsin may prefer the known to the unknown. Barnett getting 40+% with so few resources may mean attempts to oust cretins like Walker.

The point is, how can we trust that polling, if the other polling is so off??

That was MSNBC's exit polling, and 19% of the people were 'undecided.'

Wisconsin is definitely in play for November.

Libtards may now begin full scale panic.
anyone wonder if Bill Clinton will take a risk of campaigning for O'Bozo again? making a fool of himself? I dont think so. Maybe the Obama campaign can hire the Afflac Duck to campaign in purple states?
It is perhaps a white guilt thing.

Nobody really wants to tell a pollster that they aren't going to support the first mullatto POTUS.

If they are being asked this in public, they might say whatever will get them to their car safely.
What was the last pre-election poll saying?? Just curious as to how things on polls compare to the actual results
Polls don't mean much. The only poll that matters is the one on election day.

If Walker maintains his 15/16 point win, we can safely say that all the polls that we have been watching all year are wrong. What is the media hiding in those ABC/NBC/CBS and Compost polls? Could it be that Obama's actual approval is 38/39?, could it be that Romneys lead over Obama is actually closer to 55/45?
Remember when McDonnell had an 8/10 point lead over his dufass democrat contender in Virginia and he beat him to a pulp?
If it's a 15 or so point spread in Wisconsin, then what is the actual polling in the rest of the rust belt?

Don't be stupid. The Afros aren't done stuffing the ballot boxes. They don't do this until the polls close so their results come in last.

If Walker maintains his 15/16 point win, we can safely say that all the polls that we have been watching all year are wrong. What is the media hiding in those ABC/NBC/CBS and Compost polls? Could it be that Obama's actual approval is 38/39?, could it be that Romneys lead over Obama is actually closer to 55/45?
Remember when McDonnell had an 8/10 point lead over his dufass democrat contender in Virginia and he beat him to a pulp?
If it's a 15 or so point spread in Wisconsin, then what is the actual polling in the rest of the rust belt?

Don't be stupid. The Afros aren't done stuffing the ballot boxes. They don't do this until the polls close so their results come in last.

They sure are some crafty *******.
as off as the polls were, we can safely assume that Obama wont get more than 45% of the vote against President Romney.
wow...another rightwingnut hack thread on the same subject.

and no merged threads yet.


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