The War That Most Threatens US Security; the Mexican War on Drugs


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Yeah, it isnt the Syrian conflict thousands of miles away, though to judge by our Fake Leaders in Congress you might think so.

No, The Mexican Drug War has cost us 70,000 US American lives last year alone. these were drug overdose deaths and virtually all of them come from Mexico.

In Mexico itself, up to 120,000 Mexican civilians have been killed, about 27,000 are missing and hundreds of Mexican government officials, soldiers, judges, etc, have been assassinated.

Mexico has daily shootouts with drug cartels.

Mexican drug cartels control large swathes of Mexican territory, more than ISIS ever did.


So why isnt the US Congress ranting about US troops not being in Mexico, our next door neighbor, helping them in a war against our mutual enemy? Is it because the US government has been in league with these criminals, like they did with Whitey Herzog? Do Congress people receive cash from Mexican drug cartels?

For over a decade, under multiple administrations, the U.S. government had a secret agreement with the ruthless Mexican Sinaloa drug cartel that allowed it to operate with impunity, an in-depth investigation by a leading Mexican newspaper confirmed this week. In exchange for information and assistance in quashing competing criminal syndicates, the Bush and Obama administrations let the Sinaloa cartel import tons of drugs into the United States while wiping out Sinaloa competitors and ensuring that its leaders would not be prosecuted for their long list of major crimes. Other revelations also point strongly to massive but clandestine U.S. government involvement in drug trafficking.

Relying on over 100 interviews with current and former government functionaries on both sides of the border, as well as official documents from the U.S. and Mexican governments, Mexico’s El Universal concluded that the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and the U.S. Justice Department had secretly worked with Mexican drug lords. The controversial conspiring led to increased violence across Mexico, where many tens of thousands have been murdered in recent years, the newspaper found after its year-long probe. The U.S. agents and their shady deals with Mexican drug lords even sparked what the paper called a “secret war” inside Mexico....

The newspaper’s investigation also confirmed long-held suspicions that U.S. authorities were signing secret agreements with Mexican drug cartels — especially Sinaloa, which CIA operatives have said was a favorite for use in achieving geo-political objectives. Supposedly without the knowledge or approval of officials in Mexico, ICE and DEA, with a green light from Washington, D.C., made deals with criminal bosses allowing them to avoid prosecution for a vast crime spree that has included mass murder, corruption, bribery, drug trafficking, extortion, and more. In exchange, cartel leaders simply had to help U.S. officials eliminate their competitors — certainly a win-win scenario for crime bosses who prefer to operate without competition or fear of prosecution.

As The New American first reported in early 2011, a high-ranking operative with the Sinaloa cartel had outlined elements of the criminal agreements with U.S. authorities in official court documents. “The government of the United States and its various agencies have a long history of providing benefits, permission, and immunity to criminals and their organizations to commit crimes, including murder, in exchange for receiving information against other criminals and other organizations,” trafficker Jesus Vicente “El Vicentillo” Zambada-Niebla argued in U.S. court filings cited by El Universal. The New American has also reported extensively on the Zambada-Niebla case and what it reveals.​

Mexican Drug Trafficker Says He Worked With Feds

“U.S. Agents Helped Drug Trafficking,” reads a headline about the case in a Mexican newspaper — one of many. “The United States Sponsors Drug Traffickers,” declares another, noting in the opening paragraph that the ATF was recently caught supplying weaponry to the cartels in Operation Fast and Furious. “DEA and FBI allowed ‘El Vicentillo’ to traffic drugs to the U.S.,” states a third. The outrage is intense.

Reporters also pointed out that Zambada was connected to an airplane that crashed in 2007 carrying four tons of cocaine. European investigators linked that plane — tail number N987SA — to CIA torture operations in Europe. It was purchased using Sinaloa drug money just weeks before it crashed. The buyer, a man named Greg Smith, is known to have worked for the numerous U.S. law enforcement and intelligence agencies.

There are several theories floating around about what might be going on. “[Zambada’s] claim, if true, adds credence to theories long in play that the Mexican and U.S. governments are essentially showing favor toward the Sinaloa drug organization and its leadership … as part of a broader strategy to weaken and ultimately eliminate rival narco organizations,” wrote Bill Conroy in a detailed piece for NarcoNews.

The Austin, Texas-based global intelligence firm Stratfor confirmed in a recent report that most of the Mexican cartels were suffering major setbacks — except the Sinaloa Federation. “In order to reduce the violence, compromise with the lead cartel — once unspeakable — now looks like a real option for the Mexican government, which is incapable of eliminating cartels completely,” a summary of the report explained, noting that Sinaloa would likely dominate Mexican drug trafficking soon.​

The background on all of this is spiked in US news orgs across the natioon, but you can dig it out if you dig deep enough.
This is from a masters degree paper and fully documented.

U.S. Ties with Mexican Drug Cartels
Had it not been for the demands of the United States, Mexico may not have been as corrupt or susceptible to drug cartel influence in its troubled history.
During World War II, the U.S. sought to acquire an alternate source for opium to make morphine. Mexico was considered the ideal country, agriculturally and otherwise, and a partnership developed. The United States, in all its hypocrisy, urged Mexico to curb the drug trade while purchasing opium from Mexico at the same time. The resulting period of government sanctioned opium trade gave rise to a new 13 breed of opium and narcotics farmers in Mexico (Grayson, 2014, pp. 35-36).
After World War II ended, the U.S. no longer needed the opium but farmers in Mexico continued to produce drugs. Mexican operations became more secretive and highly lucrative. Meanwhile, in the United States, a generation of military personnel came back from war eager to expand their minds and continue opium use. Demand for opium and narcotics skyrocketed, and Mexico’s drug trafficking industry was happy to comply. Drug cartels and opium farmers gained enormous fortunes, giving them the capability to bribe officials and hire their own armies of troops (Grayson, 2014, p. 36).
Rather than fight against this, the Mexican government set up an elaborate system of bribes and kickbacks in the 1970s. While the Mexican Army helped watch over drug plantations, the Federal Judicial Police (PJF) helped transport the drugs and the Mexican Federal Security Directorate (DFS) made direct transactions with drug lords. In return, drug cartels paid a tax of sorts- sixty dollars per kilo -to the federal government for immunity.
This tax was divided up the chain of command, and everyone got a share. Testimony from informants allege that Mexico’s president, attorney general, and secretary of defense were aware and supportive of these operations. In “the upper echelons of the state, everyone had a job to do and everyone was handsomely rewarded for doing it ‘well’ ” (Hernández, 2013, p. 65).​

Yeah, and now we demand that Mexico clean up their shit we helped them develop.

Our Oligarchs rule by magician tricks, misdirection, mirrors, smoke and beautiful assistants to keep us looking the wrong way.

So now we have a Congress more concerned about the war in Syria and a handful of deaths of Marxist terrorists (AKA Kurdish PKK militia) than they are concerned about 70,000+ American deaths here at home or the thousands of veteran suicides every year as well from the PTSD these wars cause them.

Americans need to wake the hell up and look at what is going on around us in our own back yard and see who is responsible; the Washington political Establishment.
No, the war waged by the left is the one that most threatens us. And the enemy includes the entire Dem party and half of the Republican party. Throw in the media, academia, and ignorant people who would vote tyrants into office for the promise of a free ride. That's what we're up against as Americans.
Take the $$$ outta the equation, and the war would be over PDQ Jimbo


Wow it's that easy is it?
Lol, yeah.

Stopping the drug war was not my point.

My point is we have this full scale civil war going on in Mexico just to our South, and our idiot Congresscritters want to whine and stamp their little feet about what is going on over in the Middle Eastern nation of SYRIA instead!

Washington DC is in drastic need of a better class of criminal to run the place.

Take the $$$ outta the equation, and the war would be over PDQ Jimbo

Nope. You still have the love democommiecrats have for drug dealers and killers. Sex sells. Sex with minors sells for double. Democommiecrats are making a fortune out of sex trafficking. Nothing you can do with drugs will touch that. Not unless you want to legalize sex slavery and pedophilia.
No, the war waged by the left is the one that most threatens us. And the enemy includes the entire Dem party and half of the Republican party. Throw in the media, academia, and ignorant people who would vote tyrants into office for the promise of a free ride. That's what we're up against as Americans.
This isn't partisan.

Who started the war in Afghanistan to protect the Opium trade?

All administrations have been protecting the drug trade up from down south.

The Clinton's were working with the Reagan WH on the whole Iran-Contra thing running the drugs through Mena.

If we are ever going to clean up this corruption, we NEED TO DROP THE PARTISAN SHIT.
No, the war waged by the left is the one that most threatens us. And the enemy includes the entire Dem party and half of the Republican party. Throw in the media, academia, and ignorant people who would vote tyrants into office for the promise of a free ride. That's what we're up against as Americans.
You are falling for the smoke and mirrors.

The DC Establishment is as much Republican as it is Democrat.

They are united in trying to stop Trump from exposing them.
Take the $$$ outta the equation, and the war would be over PDQ Jimbo

Nope. You still have the love democommiecrats have for drug dealers and killers. Sex sells. Sex with minors sells for double. Democommiecrats are making a fortune out of sex trafficking. Nothing you can do with drugs will touch that. Not unless you want to legalize sex slavery and pedophilia.
You are both right.

BCCI has always been known for laundering, and so have the other big banks.

Likewise, what sparks is saying is, do a job on the whole thing like Portugal did, that we dry up the source of these fund for these Black Ops post haste. No money in black market drugs if there is no black market.

Again, both parties are benefiting from the child pedo rings, black mail keeps people quiet, and partisans are distracted in thinking their party is clean of the black mail implications. If that were true, talk radio and FOX noise would not have let go of that Epstein story like a dog with a favorite bone.

Mint press as been doing a bang up job covering this.

Search for "epstein" - MintPress News
No, the war waged by the left is the one that most threatens us. And the enemy includes the entire Dem party and half of the Republican party. Throw in the media, academia, and ignorant people who would vote tyrants into office for the promise of a free ride. That's what we're up against as Americans.
This isn't partisan.

Who started the war in Afghanistan to protect the Opium trade?

All administrations have been protecting the drug trade up from down south.

The Clinton's were working with the Reagan WH on the whole Iran-Contra thing running the drugs through Mena.

If we are ever going to clean up this corruption, we NEED TO DROP THE PARTISAN SHIT.
Didn't I say "half the Republican party"? It's an ideology. It's not my fault that this ideology is mostly represented by the Democratic Party. And sorry, but your comment about the Clintons and Reagan is just plain stupid.
No, the war waged by the left is the one that most threatens us. And the enemy includes the entire Dem party and half of the Republican party. Throw in the media, academia, and ignorant people who would vote tyrants into office for the promise of a free ride. That's what we're up against as Americans.
You are falling for the smoke and mirrors.

The DC Establishment is as much Republican as it is Democrat.

They are united in trying to stop Trump from exposing them.
Not all of them. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Democrats, yeah, they're a lost cause but the only people who are in a position of power and still want to preserve our republic and our Constitution are in the Republican Party. It is what it is and we have to play with the cards we are dealt.
The media don’t talk about the shit hole Mexico has really become, because they want the problem to fester on. They want the influx of illegals. They want to destroy our nation by transforming it into a shit hole. No better way than to import third worlders.
No, The Mexican Drug War has cost us 70,000 US American lives last year alone. these were drug overdose deaths and virtually all of them come from Mexico. [...]

Our Oligarchs rule by magician tricks, misdirection, mirrors, smoke and beautiful assistants to keep us looking the wrong way.

So now we have a Congress more concerned about the war in Syria and a handful of deaths of Marxist terrorists (AKA Kurdish PKK militia) than they are concerned about 70,000+ American deaths here at home or the thousands of veteran suicides every year as well from the PTSD these wars cause them.

Americans need to wake the hell up and look at what is going on around us in our own back yard and see who is responsible; the Washington political Establishment.

No, those 70,000 deaths don't "come from" Mexico. They "come from" some of the finest U.S. drug companies - hooking folks up on opioids. I mean, come on, "The New American"? Did Breitbart run out of conspiracy bullshit and other clickbait for demented Trump sycophants?

I agree, these "beautiful assistants" are a particularly vile ploy.

But then, things go south, fast.

The PKK is a Kurdish resistance organization operating in Turkey after decades of vicious oppression of the Kurdish minority there. They have little, if anything, to do with the mostly Kurdish YPG operating in Syria, who fought jointly with U.S. troops to eliminate the Da'esh caliphate.

Ah, yes, and there's the big, bad, ugly bogeyman, the "Washington political Establishment". When, in fact, the whole sordid mess is to be laid at the feet of the so-called "War on Drugs" - essentially the idiotic drive to criminalize drug use - which during the last two decades was almost entirely the project of right-wing retards aiming at incarcerating more and more people of color and supplying the private prison-industrial complex with a steady stream of inmates. That's what is driving the whole drug trade underground, and that's also what is shoveling billions upon billions of dollars into the cartels' coffers.

Frankly, Jim, acquire some media literacy. Buy it, if necessary, for your choice of "sources" is abysmal, and, as a consequence, you look more besotted by the day.
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No, the war waged by the left is the one that most threatens us. And the enemy includes the entire Dem party and half of the Republican party. Throw in the media, academia, and ignorant people who would vote tyrants into office for the promise of a free ride. That's what we're up against as Americans.
Who is getting a free ride? The GOP`s base.
Federal Anti-Poverty Programs Primarily Help the GOP's Base
I, for one, support the idea of legalizing all currently ILLEGAL drugs! Have local agencies determine their purity and allow medical facilities to sell them at a reasonable price. Tax them as much as marijuana in currently being taxed. Use the profits and taxes to provide medical care for addicts.
I, for one, support the idea of legalizing all currently ILLEGAL drugs! Have local agencies determine their purity and allow medical facilities to sell them at a reasonable price. Tax them as much as marijuana in currently being taxed. Use the profits and taxes to provide medical care for addicts.

If we ban registered addicts from voting, and driving, I could support that.

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