The wealthy Democrats who pumped over $1 billion into Hillary Clinton’s losing effort want answers

7. She stayed away from interviews while Trump would talk to anybody on any network.
This is one of the bigger mistakes Clinton made.

Another big mistake was saying she would improve/fix Obamacare. That's not what the Left wants to hear. They want single payer, and that is what Sanders promised them.

It's almost as if Hillary saw the polls and played a prevent defense. I understand the Left doesn't like FoxNews, but it really would have server her well to go onto FoxNews as much as she could. She played to her base and assumed it was the same as Obama's.

She should have known that the blacks wouldn't come out in numbers to vote for her like the came out to vote for Douchebag.

She was her own worst enemy.
Yet, 2.8 million more people voted for her than trump.

Who is the 45th President?
7. She stayed away from interviews while Trump would talk to anybody on any network.
This is one of the bigger mistakes Clinton made.

Another big mistake was saying she would improve/fix Obamacare. That's not what the Left wants to hear. They want single payer, and that is what Sanders promised them.

It's almost as if Hillary saw the polls and played a prevent defense. I understand the Left doesn't like FoxNews, but it really would have server her well to go onto FoxNews as much as she could. She played to her base and assumed it was the same as Obama's.

She should have known that the blacks wouldn't come out in numbers to vote for her like the came out to vote for Douchebag.

She was her own worst enemy.
Yet, 2.8 million more people voted for her than trump.
so, do you know the rules of the presidential election game? If not, you shouldn't have played. seems you don't understand the rules or don't know them at all. Some advice, learn the rules before you play the game.
7. She stayed away from interviews while Trump would talk to anybody on any network.
This is one of the bigger mistakes Clinton made.

Another big mistake was saying she would improve/fix Obamacare. That's not what the Left wants to hear. They want single payer, and that is what Sanders promised them.

It's almost as if Hillary saw the polls and played a prevent defense. I understand the Left doesn't like FoxNews, but it really would have server her well to go onto FoxNews as much as she could. She played to her base and assumed it was the same as Obama's.

She should have known that the blacks wouldn't come out in numbers to vote for her like the came out to vote for Douchebag.

She was her own worst enemy.
Yet, 2.8 million more people voted for her than trump.
so, do you know the rules of the presidential election game? If not, you shouldn't have played. seems you don't understand the rules or don't know them at all. Some advice, learn the rules before you play the game.

If they win, the rules are fine!! if they lose? CHANGE THE RULES!!!

It's just what LWNJ's do....they can't help themselves.

I'll tell you what happened. For free.

Bernie Sanders happened. That's what happened.

The two parties have become more and more polarized toward the extremes over the past 40 years.

Populist Trump was the lightning rod for the right wing extremists whose percentage has grown, and populist Sanders was the lightning rod for the left wing extremists whose percentage has grown.

Hillary never quite captured the hearts and minds of the left wing extremists when Sanders lost the primaries.

As a result, Hillary was like someone on the edge of a cliff who has just lost their balance and their arms are pinwheeling.

Hillary could have righted herself, given time, but then Comey came along and gave her just enough of a push to send her into the abyss.

lol the only thing Trump is far right (in the literal sense also) immigration. Other than that his stance are moderate.

Sent from my iPhone using
OH that liberal money drying up?

Democratic donors call for Clinton campaign post-mortem

The wealthy Democrats who helped pump over $1 billion into Clinton’s losing effort have been urging their local finance staffers, state party officials, and campaign aides to provide a more thorough explanation of what went wrong. With no dispassionate, centralized analysis of how Clinton failed so spectacularly, they insist, how can they be expected to keep contributing to the party?
How much did Russia spend?
7. She stayed away from interviews while Trump would talk to anybody on any network.
This is one of the bigger mistakes Clinton made.

Another big mistake was saying she would improve/fix Obamacare. That's not what the Left wants to hear. They want single payer, and that is what Sanders promised them.

It's almost as if Hillary saw the polls and played a prevent defense. I understand the Left doesn't like FoxNews, but it really would have server her well to go onto FoxNews as much as she could. She played to her base and assumed it was the same as Obama's.

She should have known that the blacks wouldn't come out in numbers to vote for her like the came out to vote for Douchebag.

She was her own worst enemy.
Yet, 2.8 million more people voted for her than trump.
so, do you know the rules of the presidential election game? If not, you shouldn't have played. seems you don't understand the rules or don't know them at all. Some advice, learn the rules before you play the game.
The rules to the "presidential election game" as you call it are obviously anything goes. As far as saying I shouldn't have played, I have no idea what you are even talking about there. I wasn't a player in the "game".
This is one of the bigger mistakes Clinton made.

Another big mistake was saying she would improve/fix Obamacare. That's not what the Left wants to hear. They want single payer, and that is what Sanders promised them.

It's almost as if Hillary saw the polls and played a prevent defense. I understand the Left doesn't like FoxNews, but it really would have server her well to go onto FoxNews as much as she could. She played to her base and assumed it was the same as Obama's.

She should have known that the blacks wouldn't come out in numbers to vote for her like the came out to vote for Douchebag.

She was her own worst enemy.
Yet, 2.8 million more people voted for her than trump.
so, do you know the rules of the presidential election game? If not, you shouldn't have played. seems you don't understand the rules or don't know them at all. Some advice, learn the rules before you play the game.

If they win, the rules are fine!! if they lose? CHANGE THE RULES!!!

It's just what LWNJ's do....they can't help themselves.

OH that liberal money drying up?

Democratic donors call for Clinton campaign post-mortem

The wealthy Democrats who helped pump over $1 billion into Clinton’s losing effort have been urging their local finance staffers, state party officials, and campaign aides to provide a more thorough explanation of what went wrong. With no dispassionate, centralized analysis of how Clinton failed so spectacularly, they insist, how can they be expected to keep contributing to the party?

So let me get this straight, Obama took trillions of dollars in stimulus money that just disappeared and did not produce any of the jobs he promised and Dims are worried about a mere billion?

$1.2 billion.


So awesome.

The sitting PRESIDENT with an approval rating of over 50% even ACTIVELY CAMPAIGNED FOR HILLARY FOR MONTHS........and they LOST. :badgrin:
I'll tell you what happened. For free.

Bernie Sanders happened. That's what happened.

The two parties have become more and more polarized toward the extremes over the past 40 years.

Populist Trump was the lightning rod for the right wing extremists whose percentage has grown, and populist Sanders was the lightning rod for the left wing extremists whose percentage has grown.

Hillary never quite captured the hearts and minds of the left wing extremists when Sanders lost the primaries.

As a result, Hillary was like someone on the edge of a cliff who has just lost their balance and their arms are pinwheeling.

Hillary could have righted herself, given time, but then Comey came along and gave her just enough of a push to send her into the abyss.
And Hillary ran a campaign that didn't use the technology and data tracking that Team Obama pioneered. We had the two candidates who guaranteed the lowest turnout compared to other potential nominees, and despite Hillary's lack of any campaign skills, it still took Comey to put Trump over the hump by less than 200K in three states.
$1.2 billion.


So awesome.

The sitting PRESIDENT with an approval rating of over 50% even ACTIVELY CAMPAIGNED FOR HILLARY FOR MONTHS........and they LOST. :badgrin:

His approvals are nowhere near 50%, of this I assure you.
I've never witnessed such utter failure by a political party, and it gets worse by the day. To use one of Trump's favorite terms, the Democrats are a disaster, and that's an understatement.
$1.2 billion.


So awesome.

The sitting PRESIDENT with an approval rating of over 50% even ACTIVELY CAMPAIGNED FOR HILLARY FOR MONTHS........and they LOST. :badgrin:

His approvals are nowhere near 50%, of this I assure you.

Your "ASSURANCE" is based on what information, exactly? Here are my sources.....please link yours....I assure you I will read them.

President Barack Obama[edit]
Most recent polls for President Barack Obama:[2][3][4]

Polling group Date Approval Disapproval Unsure Sample size
Gallup Poll[a] October 31–Nov 6, 2016 53% 40% 17% ≈1,500
Rasmussen Reports October 9–12, 2016 52% 46% 6% ≈1,500
Fox News[c] October 3–6, 2016 52% 47% 5% 1,006
CBS News September 28 – October 2, 2016 55% 38% 17% 1,501
CNN/ORC September 28 – October 2, 2016 55% 44% 11% 1,501
ABC News/The Washington Post September 19–22, 2016 55% 41% 14% 1,001
NBC/The Wall Street Journal[d] September 16–19, 2016 52% 45% 7% 1,000
Quinnipiac University August 18–24, 2016 54% 44% 10% 1,498
Pew Research Center August 9–16, 2016 53% 42% 11% 2,010
Bloomberg Politics[e] August 5–8, 2016 50% 44% 6% 1,007

United States presidential approval rating - Wikipedia
So are we in agreement that officially OBAMA'S approval ratings are north of 50%, for whatever insane reason?

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