The weaponization of law and order


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
Here's a question: if a democrat was in the White House and running for re-election, would the democrat mayors, city councils, and governors have allowed all these riots to continue this long?

Answer: NO, of course not. We can't have all this lawlessness when our person is the president, damaging public and private property night after night and people are dying? Why, he/she might not get re-elected! Can't have that, at all costs!

BUT - if a Republican is in the White House and is up for re-election, now that's a different story. In that case, we gotta have freedom of speech and the right to protest, right? Even if it's 2 am and they're throwing bottles and rocks at a federal courthouse and trying to blind cops/agents with lasers, nope we have to stand back and let 'em demonstrate, right? Does anyone really think what's going on today would have happened under Obama and lasted this long?

I contend that the democrats running our biggest cities are allowing all this criminal activity to go on without restraint is because they're trying to convince the voters to vote for Biden and the democrats because somehow it's all Trump's fault because he's the president. They haven't said so in so many words, but why else haven't they put an end to the violence? Historically, we tend to can the incumbent when bad shit happens on his watch, right? Never mind that all of this was the responsibility of the democrats who are in charge of those big cities.

They could've and should've nipped this crap in the bud after the first night of rioting, arrested people and kept them in jail instead of letting them go the next day. We are seeing the lack of justice and law and order being used as a political weapon at the local level, the same as the democrats did at the federal level with the Mueller investigation that had no real predicate to begin with.

So, what will the voters do come November? Forget the polls, they mean nothing just like in 2016. One hopes that the democrats who have allowed this nonsense to continue will get voted out of office, but if not then their constituents will get the gov't they deserve. Same deal if we elect Joe Biden, and give the Senate back to the Dems.
Democrats are trying to make the case for "unrest" and "riots" and "racial tension". That's total bullshit.
Riots and unrest are only happening in democrat run cities. In normal areas we appreciate the tough job cops do.
Biden and the democrats want to "defund the police" and to "destroy the energy sector" and other "Green New Deal" idiocy.

Voters are not stupid nor gullible. I'm not worried about November. The democrats need to worry about November.
Most of us are voting with the police, the others are voting with the criminals.
Why would conservatives protest? ... everything is the way they like it ... why would anyone march down the street demanding the status quo? ... that would be hypocritical ... disrupt the way things are going to demand things keep going the way they are ...

Folks paying 3% of their income in Federal taxes have no reason to protest ...

Four police officer chained a man to the ground and murdered him ... why aren't you protesting? ...
Why would conservatives protest? ... everything is the way they like it ... why would anyone march down the street demanding the status quo? ... that would be hypocritical ... disrupt the way things are going to demand things keep going the way they are ...

Folks paying 3% of their income in Federal taxes have no reason to protest ...

Four police officer chained a man to the ground and murdered him ... why aren't you protesting? ...

1. Things are just fine thank you. Way better than if democrats were in control.
2. Who is paying 3% in Federal tax? Link and graph please. See mine below.
3. No one "chained" anyone. That's a lie.

If Biden wins the following will happen:

The Riots will stop.
COVID around the world will have been declared "negligible."
Biden will revert to Pro-China trade imbalances and everyone will applaud him for "making peace with east."

The indictments of the Deep State that AG Barr is intentionally postponing for the swamp will disappear. AG Barr will then appear on CNN as a featured guest and claim he was being bullied by Trump and claim "there was really no evidence of a coup...I did my best in there to keep people safe from that tyrant."

Oh and COVID vaccines will be mandatory to return to work/school, even though twofaced MSM will have already claimed the infection/death rate is now negligible.

So, bookmark this post, and if Biden wins, bump it 365 days from now.
Why would conservatives protest? ... everything is the way they like it ... why would anyone march down the street demanding the status quo? ... that would be hypocritical ... disrupt the way things are going to demand things keep going the way they are ...

Folks paying 3% of their income in Federal taxes have no reason to protest ...

Four police officer chained a man to the ground and murdered him ... why aren't you protesting? ...

No. Lies. That "man" overdosed on Fentanyl. Regardless, "that man" was a violent convicted criminal who sealed his own fate on that fateful day. Your new messiah was a piece of shit alive and remains a piece of shit even as fertilizer.
how could you or anyone else know what would have happened with a different president, unicorns & magical thinking AGAIN !
Why would conservatives protest? ... everything is the way they like it ... why would anyone march down the street demanding the status quo? ... that would be hypocritical ... disrupt the way things are going to demand things keep going the way they are ...

Folks paying 3% of their income in Federal taxes have no reason to protest ...

Four police officer chained a man to the ground and murdered him ... why aren't you protesting? ...
1. he was not murdered
2. the cop was not trying to kill him
3. it had nothing to do with race
4. he deserved it for living a life of crime
5. there is not a problem of police brutality
BLM and the protesters are RIOTING for LIES
Why would conservatives protest? ... everything is the way they like it ... why would anyone march down the street demanding the status quo? ... that would be hypocritical ... disrupt the way things are going to demand things keep going the way they are ...

Folks paying 3% of their income in Federal taxes have no reason to protest ...

Four police officer chained a man to the ground and murdered him ... why aren't you protesting? ...
There are many taxes, fees and fines. The federal income tax is just one. Social Security/Medicare ramps it up another 15%. And all of the hidden ones. State, local, regional and city taxes galore. On everything. The bottom classes pay a lot. And there are those who do not pay federal taxes also.
BUT - if a Republican is in the White House and is up for re-election, now that's a different story. In that case, we gotta have freedom of speech and the right to protest, right? Even if it's 2 am and they're throwing bottles and rocks at a federal courthouse and trying to blind cops/agents with lasers, nope we have to stand back and let 'em demonstrate, right? Does anyone really think what's going on today would have happened under Obama and lasted this long?

Well, no, because Obama would have calmed the situation down instead of escalating it like Trump did. Yes, law and order has been weaponized, by Trump. He's the one who sent in Federal Stormtroopers to instigate more riots in Portland. Let's be honest, most of us didn't even know there were ongoing demonstrations in Portland until Trump started picking up people in unmarked vans.

I contend that the democrats running our biggest cities are allowing all this criminal activity to go on without restraint is because they're trying to convince the voters to vote for Biden and the democrats because somehow it's all Trump's fault because he's the president. They haven't said so in so many words, but why else haven't they put an end to the violence? Historically, we tend to can the incumbent when bad shit happens on his watch, right? Never mind that all of this was the responsibility of the democrats who are in charge of those big cities.

I think it's quite the opposite. I think that this anger and resentment has been brewing for a long time, and the combination of Covid Lockdowns and mass unemployment just meant that there was a spark that was going to light a big explosion.

The thing is, it's not just black folks who are out there demonstrating, it's a lot of white kids, too.

They could've and should've nipped this crap in the bud after the first night of rioting, arrested people and kept them in jail instead of letting them go the next day. We are seeing the lack of justice and law and order being used as a political weapon at the local level, the same as the democrats did at the federal level with the Mueller investigation that had no real predicate to begin with.

How could they have nipped this in the bud? You can't arrest everyone, that's the thing.

For instance, the Chicago demonstrations in Grant park was 1000 people, where the cops were out of control hitting people and gassing them. Were they really going to arrest 1000 people?

What's needed is to calm the situation down. Trump is escalating it, probably because he hopes to scare Suburban Women back on the reservation.

But it's their kids going downtown to participate in the protest.
1. Things are just fine thank you. Way better than if democrats were in control.
2. Who is paying 3% in Federal tax? Link and graph please. See mine below.
3. No one "chained" anyone. That's a lie.

2] I burn gas ... so there's Federal Excise Tax on that ... on the tax forms where it says to subtract $750,000, and if less than 0, then enter 0 ... I enter 0 on the 1040 ... you know which forms I mean ... and just the trivial amount of interest I get is offset by the standard deduction ... been this way since Obama signed the tax bill in early 2013, remember he promised to raise taxes on the rich? ... no one seems to have notice he lower taxes for the rich ... except the rich of course ...

State of Oregon charges a flat 9%, the bastards, plus property taxes, marijuana taxes, fees to enter the parks, State road tax at the pump, corporation activities tax, dam removal tax ... the list goes on ...

3] You don't think hand-cuffing someone before you choke them to death is cowardly? ... weird ...
1. he was not murdered
Minnesota Statute 609.19 "Murder in the Second Degree" ... this is what the officers were charged with ... maybe you should run for DA there ...
2. the cop was not trying to kill him
Watch the 9 minute video again ... are you arguing "Gross Indifference to Human Life" instead of murder? ...
3. it had nothing to do with race
I didn't mention race in my post ... it doesn't matter to me ... corrupt police murder whities too ...
4. he deserved it for living a life of crime
Maybe ... that's strictly up to a jury of his peers ... not the police ... it's this 18th Century English brutality we rebelled against ... or I'm I just being an American? ...
5. there is not a problem of police brutality
In most places there's not ... police and their departments are the finest example of civil service and community benefit ... I can't say enough to properly praise my local police ... fucking GREAT folks ... the City's finest in every way ... I'm guessing it's that way where you live ... our police think all lives matter, every last one ... I know you disagree (see 4] above), damn good thing you're not a police officer ...
BLM and the protesters are RIOTING for LIES
Rioting is a crime, not a lie ... we used to have the Friday Night Riots up in Eugene ... no protest, just getting drunk and fist-fighting with police ... Friday night, south of the UO ... the City passed an ordinance holding the landlords financially responsible, so it stopped ... loco parentis in professional hands works wonders ... [giggle] ...

These protests in Portland are some distance away from the port facilities, even further from the UP classification yard ... if there's a shortage of cheap Chinese goods at your local WalMart, it's not because of the protests ... it shouldn't be interfering with your ability to sell out the American economy to the Commies ... or, no, wait ... you buy American ... I remember that comment of yours ... no shoes for the kids ha ha ha ...

I'm pleased you're listening to the Portland protesters ... they just want to be heard is all ... all the media attention has been great ... they've done a pretty good job up there squashing out racism ... a number of Black musicians of the '50 and '60's Deep South said that their gig in Portland was the first integrated venue ever for them ... and shocked it was so ... some stayed ... veritable Jazz hot spot as it were ... plus terrific beer ... there a civic pride there of racial harmony ... a good place to see why we should include Blacks in all our economic prosperity, everybody gets richer ...

But don't move there, leave the U-Hauls at home ... the weather's brutal ... rains every day all day long ... grey, gloomy, dark ... just miserable, you'd hate it ... better off living in England ...
The riots and protests started under Obama. There were large protests over the death of Sandra Bland, Eric Garner, Freddie Grey, Tamir Rice, Travon Martin and others.

There initially weren't large protests over the murder of Breonna Taylor and Elijah McClain because there was no video.

The video of George Taylor really set things off as it really affected a very large number of people and luckily it helped shine a light on some of the earlier murders.

So the idea that this is all about Trump is bogus. Obama doing nothing is part of the reason the Democrats are having a hard time getting the "left" on board. If it was all about Trump that wouldn't be the case.

Now Trump with his words and actions have made it worse but I wouldn't have expected any better out of Hillary.
1. he was not murdered
Minnesota Statute 609.19 "Murder in the Second Degree" ... this is what the officers were charged with ... maybe you should run for DA there ...
2. the cop was not trying to kill him
Watch the 9 minute video again ... are you arguing "Gross Indifference to Human Life" instead of murder? ...
3. it had nothing to do with race
I didn't mention race in my post ... it doesn't matter to me ... corrupt police murder whities too ...
4. he deserved it for living a life of crime
Maybe ... that's strictly up to a jury of his peers ... not the police ... it's this 18th Century English brutality we rebelled against ... or I'm I just being an American? ...
5. there is not a problem of police brutality
In most places there's not ... police and their departments are the finest example of civil service and community benefit ... I can't say enough to properly praise my local police ... fucking GREAT folks ... the City's finest in every way ... I'm guessing it's that way where you live ... our police think all lives matter, every last one ... I know you disagree (see 4] above), damn good thing you're not a police officer ...
BLM and the protesters are RIOTING for LIES
Rioting is a crime, not a lie ... we used to have the Friday Night Riots up in Eugene ... no protest, just getting drunk and fist-fighting with police ... Friday night, south of the UO ... the City passed an ordinance holding the landlords financially responsible, so it stopped ... loco parentis in professional hands works wonders ... [giggle] ...

These protests in Portland are some distance away from the port facilities, even further from the UP classification yard ... if there's a shortage of cheap Chinese goods at your local WalMart, it's not because of the protests ... it shouldn't be interfering with your ability to sell out the American economy to the Commies ... or, no, wait ... you buy American ... I remember that comment of yours ... no shoes for the kids ha ha ha ...

I'm pleased you're listening to the Portland protesters ... they just want to be heard is all ... all the media attention has been great ... they've done a pretty good job up there squashing out racism ... a number of Black musicians of the '50 and '60's Deep South said that their gig in Portland was the first integrated venue ever for them ... and shocked it was so ... some stayed ... veritable Jazz hot spot as it were ... plus terrific beer ... there a civic pride there of racial harmony ... a good place to see why we should include Blacks in all our economic prosperity, everybody gets richer ...

But don't move there, leave the U-Hauls at home ... the weather's brutal ... rains every day all day long ... grey, gloomy, dark ... just miserable, you'd hate it ... better off living in England ...
you are wrong on all points--plain and simple
so he has a pistol---he doesn't use it--but he's trying to kill him???!!!!
The riots and protests started under Obama. There were large protests over the death of Sandra Bland, Eric Garner, Freddie Grey, Tamir Rice, Travon Martin and others.

Yes, but the were localized, they were peaceful, and there was government responsiveness to the concerns.

There initially weren't large protests over the murder of Breonna Taylor and Elijah McClain because there was no video.

Well, that and we had Covid eating up all the news time.

The video of George Taylor really set things off as it really affected a very large number of people and luckily it helped shine a light on some of the earlier murders.

It's George Floyd... Again, there were videos of earlier murders, that didn't cause riots. Eric Garner screaming I can't breathe or Laquan McDonald being shot 16 times when he was lying on the ground. What caused this one was people sitting at home for three months without jobs or haircuts. It was a huge gasoline spill waiting for a match.

So the idea that this is all about Trump is bogus. Obama doing nothing is part of the reason the Democrats are having a hard time getting the "left" on board. If it was all about Trump that wouldn't be the case.

Uh, guy, the Crazy Bernie Bro left is a smaller and smaller chunk. most of the left is on board. The people who want us to all be eating our dogs, they aren't that important.

That said, yes, Obama SHOULD have done more. Of course, when he tried to do anything, white people screamed like stuck pigs and whined about why he didn't love the police. Now we have white kids out there along side the black kids. Some are just out to cause trouble, and some are being trendy. Some are actually concerned.

Now Trump with his words and actions have made it worse but I wouldn't have expected any better out of Hillary.

Of course not, you are still mad at Hillary for bitchslapping Commie Bernie. The problem was, she didn't bitch slap him enough.
The riots and protests started under Obama. There were large protests over the death of Sandra Bland, Eric Garner, Freddie Grey, Tamir Rice, Travon Martin and others.

Yes, but the were localized, they were peaceful, and there was government responsiveness to the concerns.

Eric Garner Protests Turn Violent In California

There initially weren't large protests over the murder of Breonna Taylor and Elijah McClain because there was no video.

Well, that and we had Covid eating up all the news time.

Yes probably also played a role.

The video of George Taylor really set things off as it really affected a very large number of people and luckily it helped shine a light on some of the earlier murders.

It's George Floyd... Again, there were videos of earlier murders, that didn't cause riots. Eric Garner screaming I can't breathe or Laquan McDonald being shot 16 times when he was lying on the ground. What caused this one was people sitting at home for three months without jobs or haircuts. It was a huge gasoline spill waiting for a match.

There are becoming so many that at times you get the names mixed up.

So the idea that this is all about Trump is bogus. Obama doing nothing is part of the reason the Democrats are having a hard time getting the "left" on board. If it was all about Trump that wouldn't be the case.

Uh, guy, the Crazy Bernie Bro left is a smaller and smaller chunk. most of the left is on board. The people who want us to all be eating our dogs, they aren't that important.

That said, yes, Obama SHOULD have done more. Of course, when he tried to do anything, white people screamed like stuck pigs and whined about why he didn't love the police. Now we have white kids out there along side the black kids. Some are just out to cause trouble, and some are being trendy. Some are actually concerned.

If Obama refused to do anything, I'm supposed to believe Biden will? You seem to have a habit of blaming Obama's failures on everyone else.

Obama and Holder decided to take up the Garner case..........what did they do? Nothing, they drug their feet and left it up to Trump.

Now Trump with his words and actions have made it worse but I wouldn't have expected any better out of Hillary.

Of course not, you are still mad at Hillary for bitchslapping Commie Bernie. The problem was, she didn't bitch slap him enough.

And the country is still paying for that mistake.
There are becoming so many that at times you get the names mixed up.

Really, according to the Right Wing, they happen rarely... but that's no excuse for you not getting your facts right.

If Obama refused to do anything, I'm supposed to believe Biden will? You seem to have a habit of blaming Obama's failures on everyone else.

Obama and Holder decided to take up the Garner case..........what did they do? Nothing, they drug their feet and left it up to Trump.

The ability of the Federal Government to take action is pretty limited. Let's not forget what happened when the Feds stepped in on the Rodney King case after the local jury acquitted the four cops. Two cops got acquitted again, and the two who were convicted got minimal terms. (30 months).

And the country is still paying for that mistake.

If it was a choice between Commie Bernie and Trump in 2016, I'd have voted for Trump and so would most other sensible people. Funny thing, most of us don't want to eat our dogs and cats, which is what you get with Socialism.

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