The wedding of Lindsay Boehner!

The wedding of Lindsay Boehner and Dominic Lakhan went amazingly well. Noticeably absent were high profile repubicans like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity or Bill O'rielly! I was rather disappointed that Michele Obama or Oprah did not make it either. This event, after all, provided some insight as to where John Boehner stands on race. Obviously he is NOT a social conservative nor is he a racist like so many of his fellow Republicans are/
BTW, the bride wore white...
The moment proud father John Boehner watched his daughter say 'I Do' to her dreadlocked Jamaican-born love | Mail Online

Funny how none of those Conservative blowhards have even mentioned this........I wonder why?

Because everything doesnt invovle race with us. We dont have to run around screaming "HEY LOOK MY DAUGHTER MARRIED A BLACK MAN AND IT PROVES I AM NOT RACIST" while the dimocrats use the race card like a Visa.
The wedding of Lindsay Boehner and Dominic Lakhan went amazingly well. Noticeably absent were high profile repubicans like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity or Bill O'rielly! I was rather disappointed that Michele Obama or Oprah did not make it either. This event, after all, provided some insight as to where John Boehner stands on race. Obviously he is NOT a social conservative nor is he a racist like so many of his fellow Republicans are/
BTW, the bride wore white...
The moment proud father John Boehner watched his daughter say 'I Do' to her dreadlocked Jamaican-born love | Mail Online

Bet there were some tears at that wedding.
The wedding of Lindsay Boehner and Dominic Lakhan went amazingly well. Noticeably absent were high profile repubicans like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity or Bill O'rielly! I was rather disappointed that Michele Obama or Oprah did not make it either. This event, after all, provided some insight as to where John Boehner stands on race. Obviously he is NOT a social conservative nor is he a racist like so many of his fellow Republicans are/
BTW, the bride wore white...
The moment proud father John Boehner watched his daughter say 'I Do' to her dreadlocked Jamaican-born love | Mail Online

Bet there were some tears at that wedding.
Most wedding do. Its the end of onething and the beginning of another. Now if it were a white dimocrat marrying a black guy the liberal media would have this posted everywhere but because once again the right proving we are not the racists, it goes off with little or no coverage.

Hey No Nukes, had you told yourself your not a racist today because of your white guilt?
It's not like liberals accept blacks that wander off the liberal plantation. It's not enough to be black to be a democrat, the person has to tote the bale of liberal ideology and pole the barge of liberal propaganda.

Here we go with the detractions! This op is about Mr. and Mrs. Lakhan's wedding." Blacks wandering off liberal plantations" have nothing to do with that! What do you think of the wedding? Are you happy for the couple or not?

the thread is really about you and those of your mindset using every contrived opportunity to call your political opponents, white people, racist

I find it very interesting that you would use the term white people in describing MY political opponents. Can you be certain that I am not White?
The wedding of Lindsay Boehner and Dominic Lakhan went amazingly well. Noticeably absent were high profile repubicans like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity or Bill O'rielly! I was rather disappointed that Michele Obama or Oprah did not make it either. This event, after all, provided some insight as to where John Boehner stands on race. Obviously he is NOT a social conservative nor is he a racist like so many of his fellow Republicans are/
BTW, the bride wore white...
The moment proud father John Boehner watched his daughter say 'I Do' to her dreadlocked Jamaican-born love | Mail Online

Bet there were some tears at that wedding.
Most wedding do. Its the end of onething and the beginning of another. Now if it were a white dimocrat marrying a black guy the liberal media would have this posted everywhere but because once again the right proving we are not the racists, it goes off with little or no coverage.

Hey No Nukes, had you told yourself your not a racist today because of your white guilt?
Who the hell do you think you are talking to? Your whole party is nothing but a bastion of sexism and racial intolerance with few exceptions :John Boehner, being one.
The wedding of Lindsay Boehner and Dominic Lakhan went amazingly well. Noticeably absent were high profile repubicans like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity or Bill O'rielly! I was rather disappointed that Michele Obama or Oprah did not make it either. This event, after all, provided some insight as to where John Boehner stands on race. Obviously he is NOT a social conservative nor is he a racist like so many of his fellow Republicans are/
BTW, the bride wore white...
The moment proud father John Boehner watched his daughter say 'I Do' to her dreadlocked Jamaican-born love | Mail Online

Bet there were some tears at that wedding.
Most wedding do. Its the end of onething and the beginning of another. Now if it were a white dimocrat marrying a black guy the liberal media would have this posted everywhere but because once again the right proving we are not the racists, it goes off with little or no coverage.

Hey No Nukes, had you told yourself your not a racist today because of your white guilt?

What's dangerous about your narrative is that you conjure up and believe your own illusions.

The wedding of Lindsay Boehner and Dominic Lakhan went amazingly well. Noticeably absent were high profile repubicans like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity or Bill O'rielly! I was rather disappointed that Michele Obama or Oprah did not make it either. This event, after all, provided some insight as to where John Boehner stands on race. Obviously he is NOT a social conservative nor is he a racist like so many of his fellow Republicans are/
BTW, the bride wore white...
The moment proud father John Boehner watched his daughter say 'I Do' to her dreadlocked Jamaican-born love | Mail Online

Funny how none of those Conservative blowhards have even mentioned this........I wonder why?

Because everything doesnt invovle race with us. We dont have to run around screaming "HEY LOOK MY DAUGHTER MARRIED A BLACK MAN AND IT PROVES I AM NOT RACIST" while the dimocrats use the race card like a Visa.

Why do racist. right wing bahsturds always deny their publicly broadcasted racism when archives and public records prove otherwise.?
The left is so good at this. Republicans don't bother the families of high profile democrats but "Mail Online's" entertainment editor Sara Nathan took time from her busy schedule as entertainment editor to wallow in some political intrigue. Judging by the quality of the photos Mail Online must have gone to the Hussein administration to commandeer a satellite.

Why do you consider this story to be a bother? Your mindset is the problem, not the story.
Here we go with the detractions! This op is about Mr. and Mrs. Lakhan's wedding." Blacks wandering off liberal plantations" have nothing to do with that! What do you think of the wedding? Are you happy for the couple or not?

the thread is really about you and those of your mindset using every contrived opportunity to call your political opponents, white people, racist

I find it very interesting that you would use the term white people in describing MY political opponents. Can you be certain that I am not White?

you don't deny my claim
Funny how none of those Conservative blowhards have even mentioned this........I wonder why?

Because everything doesnt invovle race with us. We dont have to run around screaming "HEY LOOK MY DAUGHTER MARRIED A BLACK MAN AND IT PROVES I AM NOT RACIST" while the dimocrats use the race card like a Visa.

Why do racist. right wing bahsturds always deny their publicly broadcasted racism when archives and public records prove otherwise.?

because you say so
The wedding of Lindsay Boehner and Dominic Lakhan went amazingly well. Noticeably absent were high profile repubicans like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity or Bill O'rielly! I was rather disappointed that Michele Obama or Oprah did not make it either. This event, after all, provided some insight as to where John Boehner stands on race. Obviously he is NOT a social conservative nor is he a racist like so many of his fellow Republicans are/
BTW, the bride wore white...
The moment proud father John Boehner watched his daughter say 'I Do' to her dreadlocked Jamaican-born love | Mail Online

Funny how none of those Conservative blowhards have even mentioned this........I wonder why?

Because everything doesnt invovle race with us. We dont have to run around screaming "HEY LOOK MY DAUGHTER MARRIED A BLACK MAN AND IT PROVES I AM NOT RACIST" while the dimocrats use the race card like a Visa.

Bullshit. Rush mentions race everyday and so does Hannity. You are all the same. "Trayvon deserved to die...........Slavery wasn't that bad...........The South should have won..............Civil rights would have happened........eventually..........Obama was a bad idea.......blah....blah.

Name one of those thing's I listed that over 95% of Conservatives don't agree with.
I wish them both well......

She did a better job choosing a mate than her mother did
MeBelle60 said:
OK-then why the reference to the bride wearing white?

Don't you know? If a bride wears white, she is a virgin. Rumor has it that she and Dominic shacked up for a while but apparently that was a platonic arrangement if the dress is any indication.

MeBelle60 said:
You must admit the bride looked gorgeous in her gown!
I can't find anything regarding her wedding gown color.
I did like the groom's appearance...with his Rasta dreadlocks perfectly quaffed for the ceremony.

I do admit it. She did look gorgeous in that gown. I think she and Dominic make a striking couple. But more importantly, her family was behind her all the way. What I cannot understand is why the Republicans are not all over this event. This is their chance to gain points with America's voting majority and they are blowing it by their silence.

PS:If you are looking for reference to her gown color look at the pictures in the link I provided.

I did look at the photos. Even the story says the dress was white. BUT the photos are fuzzy. The dress could have been off white.

From the story "Lindsay Boehner lives in a four-bedroom home in Hollywood, Florida, less than an hour from Lakhan's home in Delray Beach."
The wedding of Lindsay Boehner and Dominic Lakhan went amazingly well. Noticeably absent were high profile repubicans like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity or Bill O'rielly! I was rather disappointed that Michele Obama or Oprah did not make it either. This event, after all, provided some insight as to where John Boehner stands on race. Obviously he is NOT a social conservative nor is he a racist like so many of his fellow Republicans are/
BTW, the bride wore white...
The moment proud father John Boehner watched his daughter say 'I Do' to her dreadlocked Jamaican-born love | Mail Online

Bet there were some tears at that wedding.
Most wedding do. Its the end of onething and the beginning of another. Now if it were a white dimocrat marrying a black guy the liberal media would have this posted everywhere but because once again the right proving we are not the racists, it goes off with little or no coverage.

Hey No Nukes, had you told yourself your not a racist today because of your white guilt?

I am only half White, you asshole.

It is not all over the media for a reason, and we all know the reason.

If you are going to insult someone use proper English.
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Funny how none of those Conservative blowhards have even mentioned this........I wonder why?

Because everything doesnt invovle race with us. We dont have to run around screaming "HEY LOOK MY DAUGHTER MARRIED A BLACK MAN AND IT PROVES I AM NOT RACIST" while the dimocrats use the race card like a Visa.

Why do racist. right wing bahsturds always deny their publicly broadcasted racism when archives and public records prove otherwise.?

One can only guess at the education level of a person who would post this crap. Archives and public records indicate that the democrat party was the historic party of slavery and later segregation. Al Gore's father, senator Gore, was a segregationist. Long time democrat W. Va. senator Byrd was a member of the KKK.
MeBelle60 said:
OK-then why the reference to the bride wearing white?

Don't you know? If a bride wears white, she is a virgin. Rumor has it that she and Dominic shacked up for a while but apparently that was a platonic arrangement if the dress is any indication.

MeBelle60 said:
You must admit the bride looked gorgeous in her gown!
I can't find anything regarding her wedding gown color.
I did like the groom's appearance...with his Rasta dreadlocks perfectly quaffed for the ceremony.

I do admit it. She did look gorgeous in that gown. I think she and Dominic make a striking couple. But more importantly, her family was behind her all the way. What I cannot understand is why the Republicans are not all over this event. This is their chance to gain points with America's voting majority and they are blowing it by their silence.

PS:If you are looking for reference to her gown color look at the pictures in the link I provided.

I did look at the photos. Even the story says the dress was white. BUT the photos are fuzzy. The dress could have been off white.

From the story "Lindsay Boehner lives in a four-bedroom home in Hollywood, Florida, less than an hour from Lakhan's home in Delray Beach."
gossipextra said:
Lindsay Boehner and Lakhan, by the way, are already living together in a rented house on east side of Delray. Both are described by neighbors as “really cool.”
John Boehner?s Daughter to Marry Rastafarian in Delray Beach!

You will learn that when I say something I usually can back it up. I did not say unequivocably that Lindsay and Dominic were shacking up, I said it was reported and here is the report...believe it or not. BTW the dress looks white to me.
Because everything doesnt invovle race with us. We dont have to run around screaming "HEY LOOK MY DAUGHTER MARRIED A BLACK MAN AND IT PROVES I AM NOT RACIST" while the dimocrats use the race card like a Visa.

Why do racist. right wing bahsturds always deny their publicly broadcasted racism when archives and public records prove otherwise.?

One can only guess at the education level of a person who would post this crap. Archives and public records indicate that the democrat party was the historic party of slavery and later segregation. Al Gore's father, senator Gore, was a segregationist. Long time democrat W. Va. senator Byrd was a member of the KKK.

Look again! I never mentioned Democrats or Republicans in the above narrative, I said the right wing racist right who, to some extent, exist in both parties; more so in the GOP.But to entertain your Mystical illusion that somehow there has not been a shift in party philosophy and political leanings
I say this; in case you didn't notice, the Democrats nominated and elected a black president.
that is a huge departure from the southern strategists of yore.

Meanwhile the Republicans generally align themselves with the likes of Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and all the other aging white males who feel their power base slipping away. Ask some of your KKK buddies if they are liberals. Careful, you might get shot

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