The WEF is coming after our coffee next

Like "the WEF wants to make you stop drinking coffee... dyuh uhhh.. hyuk hyuk hyuk"
I knew this was coming.

Honestly? I am surprised they didn't come for the cheese and chocolate first.


Well they do intend for us all to go vegan so once you eliminate beef, mutton and cheese, that just leaves chocolate which is 'threatening our climate' more than coffee.
and the "conservative media" never ever challenges them, won't even ask questions...
There isn't any 'conservative' MSM any more. There are a few common sense media sources reporting real news these days but they are hard to find for many people and don't have high readership.
Global warming is eliminating regions in which the coffee plant may be grown. They are not saying we must stop drinking coffee. They are saying there will be no more coffee to drink.

No. That is not what they are saying. Try reading the article.




I noticed that Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego is on the steering committee.

The voters should bounce her out of there. Particularly given that Phoenix is the fifth largest city in the United States.

Looks like Bloomberg is staging his troops strategically.
Good information. The Marxist left has been infiltrating government for some time and they no doubt have a number of their operatives in high places now.
Good information. The Marxist left has been infiltrating government for some time and they no doubt have a number of their operatives in high places now.

That's quite a revealing web site if one takes the time to really browse through it.

Of course, none of it receives so much as a whisper from the talking heads in corporate media. As such, it is widely considered fringe by the mainstream masses because only the so-called fringe web sites ever report on those sort of goings-on. And then proponents of the goings-on enjoy the convenience of sitting back and attacking souces rather than addressing any of the actual substance.

It's quite a convenient monopoly they have going on actually.
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You people are retards.
Please go with strollingbones and okfine and find some other thread to troll please. Thank you very much.
That's quite a revealing web site if one takes the time to really browse through it.

Of course, none of it receives so much as a whisper from the talking heads in corporate media. As such, it is widely considered fringe by the masses because only the so-called fringe web sites ever report on those sort of goings-on. And then proponents of the goings-on enjoy the convenience of sitting back and attacking souces rather than addressing any of the actual substance.

It's quite a convenient monopoly they have going on actually.
The Marxist left has also been infiltrating big business too and that is beginning to become more and more apparent.
Global warming is eliminating regions in which the coffee plant may be grown. They are not saying we must stop drinking coffee. They are saying there will be no more coffee to drink.

Again, global warming is eliminating regions in which the coffee plant my be grown. They are not saying we must stop drinking coffee. They are saying there will be no more doffee to drink.

Yeah. "The long march through the institutions,'' I think it was.

And, of course, that's what fascists do.
Yes. In pretty much every way they can control the message and the economy, for decades now they have been infiltrating the media, education, entertainment, scientific institutions, big government, even religion. It seems the WEF intends to be the governing body that will control it all.
Yes. In pretty much every way they can control the message and the economy, for decades now they have been infiltrating the media, education, entertainment, scientific institutions, big government, even religion. It seems the WEF intends to be the governing body that will control it all.
Please go with strollingbones and okfine and find some other thread to troll please. Thank you very much.
I ain't trolling kid, I'm making a statement. If you really believe the crap in the OP you are retarded. And not figuratively either.
It takes twenty to twenty-five trees to support the coffee habit of the average coffee drinker for one year. Think about that.

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