The WEF is coming after our coffee next

It takes 500 years for 1 year of paperwork that the government uses to push an agenda like getting rid of coffee...


Don't misinterpret my tidbit of trivia as support for any government's plan for coffee, my wife partakes and I fear her before her first cup... It's just piece of trivia I happened to learn this past weekend.

Don't misinterpret my tidbit of trivia as support for any government's plan for coffee, my wife partakes and I fear her before her first cup... It's just piece of trivia I happened to learn this past weekend.
I worked in the ATF&E Headquarters building, i know how much paper was wasted yearly, while the government had pushed for a paperless system. Oxymoronic is our government, and the only person who can get it fixed....

It takes twenty to twenty-five trees to support the coffee habit of the average coffee drinker for one year. Think about that.
Trees that are entirely renewable and bear fruit for roughly 13 to 15 years while putting out oxygen and absorbing CO2. Plus they provide jobs for those who plant, cultivate and nurture the plants, pick, clean and ship the beans, transport them, roast and grind them and package them for marketing, advertise, and sell them to the consumer. Plus all those who provide the materials, equipment, all the probably millions of factors that go into that cup of coffee.

That coffee we drink is helping people all over the world. And if inevitable climate change affects the coffee growers in one place, it probably creates a hospitable environment for it somewhere else.
Trees that are entirely renewable and bear fruit for roughly 13 to 15 years while putting out oxygen and absorbing CO2. Plus they provide jobs for those who plant, cultivate and nurture the plants, pick, clean and ship the beans, transport them, roast and grind them and package them for marketing, advertise, and sell them to the consumer. Plus all those who provide the materials, equipment, all the probably millions of factors that go into that cup of coffee.

That coffee we drink is helping people all over the world. And if inevitable climate change affects the coffee growers in one place, it probably creates a hospitable environment for it somewhere else.
I applaud the sentiment here, but I attended a presentation a couple years ago on this specific topic: the impact of global warming on coffee agriculture. New growing regions are NOT opening up. Coffee grows best on volcanic mountainsides because it requires rich fertile soil and a cooler range of temperatures than those which support tropical flora. As temperatures have risen, the fields are being pushed further and further up the slopes in search of appropriate temperatures but the slopes at higher elevations, having previously been too cold for tropical vegetation, lack the fertile soil the coffee requires. The land area amenable for growing coffee is shrinking, globally, not moving.
trump wants to destroy democracy and your concern is coffee
It would certainly appear that way, if one were stuck in a bed, and the only channels they were watching were CNN & MSNBC.. . . right?

Media Warn If Trump’s Re-Elected Every Bad Thing They Can Possibly Imagine Will Happen​

It would certainly appear that way, if one were stuck in a bed, and the only channels they were watching were CNN & MSNBC.. . . right?

Media Warn If Trump’s Re-Elected Every Bad Thing They Can Possibly Imagine Will Happen​


Are you not the least bothered by the things Trump has SAID he will do if reelected? How many times has he said HE will weaponize the DoJ? How much more clearly can he say he WILL abandon Ukraine and NATO? Given his past, how would you expect him to react were he to actually LOSE the general election?

And, don't you drink coffee?
It would certainly appear that way, if one were stuck in a bed, and the only channels they were watching were CNN & MSNBC.. . . right?

Media Warn If Trump’s Re-Elected Every Bad Thing They Can Possibly Imagine Will Happen​


You forgot the 3rd choice. Turn the TV a book.
Assuming this is the real deal (and that might be a stretch I hope):

If you thought WEF policies and suggested policies were ridiculous before, coffee drinkers we must unite! They are coming after our coffee now. We will be restricted to two or three cups a year. I hope this was a joke, but it doesn't appear to be. These people can be this stupid.

Are you not the least bothered by the things Trump has SAID he will do if reelected?
I have looked at things Trump has said, and I have looked at things the propaganda has claimed Trump has said. Usually? There is a wide gulf between the two.

. . . and even in the cases where there are not? I acknowledge? Trump's understanding of the Constitution, is minimal at best. The institutions and establishment, because of their . . . hmmmm, how shall we say, patronage? Of establishment types like Biden? Are, IMO, far less willing to hold him to what I feel are strict Constitutional principles when they conflict with the global agenda.

OTH? With Trump? We are assured, as we have seen with his first term, that America's institutions, are far stronger than he is. The congress, the courts, the military, and the spooks, and civil society will be more than enough to keep a check on any unconstitutional or extra-constitutional behavior he might even dream to come up with. . . I assure you.

The MAJOR objection that leftists, neo-liberals, neo-cons, and globalists/internationalists have with him? Is that they just don't see eye to eye with his populist agenda. TOO BAD.

How many times has he said HE will weaponize the DoJ?

See previous statement. . . we saw from his first term? Not a concern.

How much more clearly can he say he WILL abandon Ukraine and NATO?

Oh well. Ukraine is not a state in the union, and NATO was established to counter the threat of the Warsaw pact. The Warsaw Pact no longer exists. meh.

Given his past, how would you expect him to react were he to actually LOSE the general election?

IDGAF how he reacts. Either way? He never fails to entertain, right? :auiqs.jpg:

And, don't you drink coffee?

The mind of Donald Trump: Does he want absolute power? | Debate: Ben Shapiro vs Destiny​

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Assuming this is the real deal (and that might be a stretch I hope):

If you thought WEF policies and suggested policies were ridiculous before, coffee drinkers we must unite! They are coming after our coffee now. We will be restricted to two or three cups a year. I hope this was a joke, but it doesn't appear to be. These people can be this stupid.

Assuming this is the real deal (and that might be a stretch I hope):

If you thought WEF policies and suggested policies were ridiculous before, coffee drinkers we must unite! They are coming after our coffee now. We will be restricted to two or three cups a year. I hope this was a joke, but it doesn't appear to be. These people can be this stupid.
These people can be this stupid.

Yes they can

Never assume that the crazy greenies dont mean exactly what they say
There isn't any 'conservative' MSM any more. There are a few common sense media sources reporting real news these days but they are hard to find for many people and don't have high readership.

There really never was. Faux was always a FRAUD run by Hillary/Biden loving Murdoch....
I applaud the sentiment here, but I attended a presentation a couple years ago on this specific topic: the impact of global warming on coffee agriculture. New growing regions are NOT opening up. Coffee grows best on volcanic mountainsides because it requires rich fertile soil and a cooler range of temperatures than those which support tropical flora. As temperatures have risen, the fields are being pushed further and further up the slopes in search of appropriate temperatures but the slopes at higher elevations, having previously been too cold for tropical vegetation, lack the fertile soil the coffee requires. The land area amenable for growing coffee is shrinking, globally, not moving.
If that is the case then eventually the coffee industry ceases to exist and it will happen naturally. No draconian orders from any government or any quasi-government authority will be necessary to accomplish that. Meanwhile I will continue to enjoy my morning coffee.
This is possible. I did check some other sources that give a somewhat different perspective on this. But I concede it is possible the source in the OP did not give an accurate representation of the situation either.

The NY post described the debate without taking a position on it:

As did Bizpac

And here is some scholarly information from the WEF itself including a link to a scientific study on the coffee growing industry:

So I will at this time do something of a mea culpa that I did not research my topic sufficiently in the OP and it is likely misleading in its conclusion.
These people can be this stupid.

Yes they can

Never assume that the crazy greenies dont mean exactly what they say
In this case per my Post #56, the inferences in the OP are likely not the real deal.
There really never was. Faux was always a FRAUD run by Hillary/Biden loving Murdoch....
Fox News has always reported news that most of the other MSM won't touch however and for the most part report it honestly.

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