CDZ The West is an infestation of parasites


Gold Member
Dec 17, 2015
There is a huge misconception that the wealth found in the west was built up through hard work and ingenuity.

The reality is that the west creates very little and exploits much. The economy is sustained upon other peoples money, other peoples labor, and other countries resources. Western economies are bubble economies, or economies marked by unsustainable growth.

The first world is going to be the new third world. What was built, was not built to last.
Yeah right. Well if you're waiting for the US to become a third world country you are in for a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG wait.
Yeah right. Well if you're waiting for the US to become a third world country you are in for a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG wait.

It is almost there. America is a luxury economy, investment economy, and service economy. None of which are very sustainable to begin with. Compound that with the fact that many of the important third world resources we use are entering into scarcity.

An economy can only survive on Coca-Cola and real estate for so long before it needs to start producing something.
If products were only toasters and cars then you might have a case. America produces software products and services of a million different varieties that is still in it's infancy. Smoke stack industry will never be what it was, but I believe Trump will revive it to some degree. You are over simplifying the Americas economy and overlooking that the rest of the world has a vested interest in keeping America robust.
If products were only toasters and cars then you might have a case. America produces software products and services of a million different varieties that is still in it's infancy.

There is no greater consumer economy than the American economy. The majority of consumer consumption consists of luxury goods instead of nessecary or practical goods.

Most services are unneeded and unsustainable, and will eventually be phased out.

You are over simplifying the Americas economy and overlooking that the rest of the world has a vested interest in keeping America robust.

The American economy is complex, but it is lacking sustainability nonetheless.

The American economy is not important to the third world, being more parasitic than anything. Like I said, America is an investment economy. America purchases something for practically nothing, hence why I said America is sustained on other people's money/labor/resources.

One thing is should be obvious, whether or not you agree with the extent of what I just said. The world is far more important to America than America is important to the world. Nearly every "Made in America" product that you own has at least one foreign component in it. Especially your food and drink.
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