The Whacky World of Sarah Palin: good gawd almight, the lady is a tramp

A tramp? Wow. I can smell your desperation from here.

Give me an example of Obama's foreign policy expertise... or any expertise on any subject for that matter.

Pay attention:

you truly are clueless and incapable of reading/viewing/hearing and comprehension.

She gets too hungry for dinner at eight
She likes the theater and never comes late
She never bothers with people she'd hate
That's why the lady is a tramp

Doesn't like crap games with barons or earls
Won't go to Harlem in ermine and pearls
Won't dish the dirt with the rest of the girls
That's why the lady is a tramp

She likes the free, fresh wind in her hair
Life without care
She's broke, and it's *"oke"*

Hates California, it's cold and it's damp
That's why the lady is a tramp

She gets too hungry to wait for dinner at eight
She loves the theater but never comes late
She'd never bother with people she'd hate
That's why the lady is a tramp

She'll have no crap games with sharpies and frauds
And she won't go to Harlem in Lincolns or Fords
And she won't dish the dirt with the rest of the broads
That's why the lady is a tramp

She'd love the free, fresh wind in her hair
Life without care
She's broke, but it's *"oke"*

Hates California, it's so cold and so damp
That's why the lady
That's why the lady
That's why the lady is a tramp
I love her "eye roll".

She and her dropout daughter have the same disdain for education the rest of that party has. I wonder why the Republican base supports a party that throws them away like old trash?
A tramp? Wow. I can smell your desperation from here.

Give me an example of Obama's foreign policy expertise... or any expertise on any subject for that matter.

LOL... I don't think you are going to get anyone to respond with Obama's foreign policy or experience before he was President...

People like Dante need to learn to not throw stones in glass houses... but I don't think Liberals will ever learn that lesson.

Actually, in the primary, I didn't voted for Obama: twice. :lol:
I don't see how this makes her a "Tramp." Maybe it's just me though? This is just another example of how stupid & hateful Socialists/Progressives are. I think the American People are waking up though and are beginning to really hate these Leftists. Lets hope this translates into a lot of Socialist/Progressive Democrats getting their a*ses kicked this Fall. Make 2010 count people.
I am no fan of Palin's, but it is funny that the self righteous left call her names like tramp and then go postal if someone posts something like this


and say she looks like a monkey in that picture.
conhog, anybody outside the klan thinks your a racist piece of shit.
Shoot any unarmed kids today
LOL... I don't think you are going to get anyone to respond with Obama's foreign policy or experience before he was President...

People like Dante need to learn to not throw stones in glass houses... but I don't think Liberals will ever learn that lesson.

Obama had the best experience of all. He actually "LIVED" in foreign countries.

so living in Indonesia for 5 years as a child prepared him for dealing with Iran, N. Korea and Russia?

NO, it keeps one from being totally US-centric. There's a big world out there and some seem to think, if it's not "Made in the USA", it ain't shit. That's the kind of thinking I personally will fight my whole life. I see it in the mosque controversy. I see it everytime a country has the audacity to have a different opinion from ours. I'd like to go overseas and not be embarrassed by dumb Americans that think "they're the shit", when usually, those who thinks so, are just shit!
I am no fan of Palin's, but it is funny that the self righteous left call her names like tramp and then go postal if someone posts something like this


and say she looks like a monkey in that picture.

we're not using the term 'tramp' in the way you do when describing the women who you are attracted to.

please try and not confuse things here ala 'marriage license'

What does Sinatra mean by 'tramp'?:eusa_whistle:
I don't see how this makes her a "Tramp." Maybe it's just me though? This is just another example of how stupid & hateful Socialists/Progressives are. I think the American People are waking up though and are beginning to really hate these Leftists. Lets hope this translates into a lot of Socialist/Progressive Democrats getting their a*ses kicked this Fall. Make 2010 count people.

Maybe you cons are sensitive and imagining I was referring to Palin's trampy ways when doing the beauty pageant circuit? I was not. This is the only mention of Palin's trampy ways -- needed to clarify things.

maybe you have trouble as Hogo does, in comprehending the simple references in the OP?

The Whacky World of Sarah Palin, International Russian Expert.

The Whacky World of Sarah Palin: good gawd almighty, the lady is a tramp.


sit back and listen while you read...

Palin And Russia, Part V - CBS News

For those keeping score at home, the first person to make this argument was Fox News' Steve Doocy, who said, with a straight face, that Palin does know about international relations because she is right up there in Alaska right next door to Russia."

Cindy McCain was second, telling George Stephanopoulos, in response to a question about national security experience, "[R]emember, Alaska is the closest part of our continent to Russia. It's not as if she doesn't understand what's at stake here."

U.S. News' Michael Barone was third, defending Palin's credentials by insisting, "Foreign policy experience? Well, Alaska is the only state with a border with Russia.

Fourth was conservative writer Frank Gaffney, who said Palin has learned foreign policy "by osmosis," because of Alaska's physical location.

John McCain, then, is fifth. Remember, when Doocy first made the argument, it was so laughable on its face that Jon Stewart called him a "moron." Now, the Republican nominee for president is making the same pitch, hoping people are just stupid enough to believe it.

Palin has never been to Russia.
Disagreeing with her does not make her a "Tramp." Socialists/Progressives are such snotty A*sholes. Pretty shameful stuff.
Idiot Psyco Tramp!

"I think he's quite complacent," the former Republican vice presidential hopeful said. "And I think he's in over his head. And I think he has poor advisers around him. And I think he's really in flux kind of when it comes to what his governing philosophy actually is. Some of this though is a result of he not having much experience and then a complicit media and maybe some voters who chose to not to allow him to be vetted very closely."

So she blames the voters fore her loser staus? Idiot much?

No shit Sara. The voters spoke...loudly and clearly!

Face it bitch...God lied to you!! He was just spoofin when he told you he wanted you as VP and then Prez!:lol: :lol: :lol:

Man O Man she is some kinda stupid!
Maybe the left could go make up T shirts that say's Sarah Palin is a **** next.

OH WAIT, they already have.

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A tramp? Wow. I can smell your desperation from here.

Give me an example of Obama's foreign policy expertise... or any expertise on any subject for that matter.

LOL... I don't think you are going to get anyone to respond with Obama's foreign policy or experience before he was President...

People like Dante need to learn to not throw stones in glass houses... but I don't think Liberals will ever learn that lesson.

Obama had the best experience of all. He actually "LIVED" in foreign countries.

Doesn't count, because he didn't live in Russia.
[ame=]YouTube - Waco's Spoof of Sarah Palin Interview Bush Doctrine Part 1 katie couric[/ame]

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