The 'What If...' Thread


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
What if God were proven to exist but didn't look at all like human beings? Not even like the various ideas of an alien (trunk, arms, legs, etc.) but something totally different? Say some kind of insectoid or worm-thing? What if God were something completely un-animal like we wouldn't even know was alive to look at it? A gaseous cloud of energy or something?


"Lorien" from Babylon 5 (true form.)
This is why one must see that source and power of life we call God as an Essence and not a form because all forms have a further orocess in creating them therefore they sre not the most finite source of creation.
Even if an alien species created you and set you up a nice planet that would not make them God it would only
make them your god in your eyes. Woyld not give them the right for you to submit especially if they can be wrong and fallable. Therefore only defining the most finite source as an essence describing that force in life (progression/evolution) can allow you to properly decipher if you are going in the direction in life or opposition. With a form god the submission to it's ego might find you going opposite that created purpose life we see when Christians and Muslims kill for their prophet
who they set higher then God and set of affiliation pride with such consequences.
Sounds non-theistic, Delta

Question--what would make it "God"?

I am starting to wonder if the whole concept of God is even necessary.:confused:
What if God were proven to exist but didn't look at all like human beings? Not even like the various ideas of an alien (trunk, arms, legs, etc.) but something totally different? Say some kind of insectoid or worm-thing? What if God were something completely un-animal like we wouldn't even know was alive to look at it? A gaseous cloud of energy or something?

God is incorporeal with no visible shape or material form. The only thing about you that is incorporeal is your conscious mind. You will never find God 'out there' or see him visually. To find God you must look within.
what if, when you die, you face the creator of the universe and he asks you why you refused to believe he existed?......
what if, when you die, you face the creator of the universe and he asks you why you refused to believe he existed?......

I would say that there were so many liars saying and doing stupid things in the name of God that the whole notion that a supreme being would choose such scumbags as his earthly representatives made his existence and the professed claims of salvation by believers seem like the delusions of the hopelessly insane..

What if, when you die, you face the creator of the universe and he asks you why you believed in lies and perjured yourself in his name?
what if, when you die, you face the creator of the universe and he asks you why you refused to believe he existed?......

What if, when you die, you face the creator of the universe and he asks you why you believed in lies and perjured yourself in his name?
trying to piece this together......I believe there is a creator of the universe and tell people there is a creator of the universe.....I meet the creator of the what is the lie and where is the perjury?......
what if, when you die, you face the creator of the universe and he asks you why you refused to believe he existed?......

What if, when you die, you face the creator of the universe and he asks you why you believed in lies and perjured yourself in his name?
trying to piece this together......I believe there is a creator of the universe and tell people there is a creator of the universe.....I meet the creator of the what is the lie and where is the perjury?......
Others believe there are space aliens.................... they tell people there are space aliens....................... they tell people they have met space aliens..........,................ So what?.............. ….............
what if, when you die, you face the creator of the universe and he asks you why you refused to believe he existed?......

What if, when you die, you face the creator of the universe and he asks you why you believed in lies and perjured yourself in his name?
trying to piece this together......I believe there is a creator of the universe and tell people there is a creator of the universe.....I meet the creator of the what is the lie and where is the perjury?......
Others believe there are space aliens.................... they tell people there are space aliens....................... they tell people they have met space aliens..........,................ So what?.............. ….............
read the question I was responding to......if you still don't get it, ask your mother to explain it to you.........
what if, when you die, you face the creator of the universe and he asks you why you refused to believe he existed?......

What if, when you die, you face the creator of the universe and he asks you why you believed in lies and perjured yourself in his name?
trying to piece this together......I believe there is a creator of the universe and tell people there is a creator of the universe.....I meet the creator of the what is the lie and where is the perjury?......
Others believe there are space aliens.................... they tell people there are space aliens....................... they tell people they have met space aliens..........,................ So what?.............. ….............
read the question I was responding to......if you still don't get it, ask your mother to explain it to you.........
Denigrating space aliens is racist.
what if, when you die, you face the creator of the universe and he asks you why you refused to believe he existed?......

What if, when you die, you face the creator of the universe and he asks you why you believed in lies and perjured yourself in his name?
trying to piece this together......I believe there is a creator of the universe and tell people there is a creator of the universe.....I meet the creator of the what is the lie and where is the perjury?......

Where isn't the perjury?

Even if there is a creator, you have never seen him and do not know him, except if your entire belief system about a trinity that diddled a virgin to become a man so he could be crucified because he loved the romans so much is a deliberate desecration of the teachings of Jesus and demonstration of pure hatred for he who truly is God .
Others believe there are space aliens.................... they tell people there are space aliens....................... they tell people they have met space aliens..........,................ So what?.............. ….............

If you do not believe you may never know the joy of being chosen for probing or the ecstacy of being taken up to the higher realms of superior intelligences.

And if you don't make nice with the space aliens, they will probably eat your brain.
what if, when you die, you face the creator of the universe and he asks you why you refused to believe he existed?......

What if God takes on the persona and appearance of something you harmed in life? The life-long hunter meets up with Bambi or the rapists with his victim; the earth or sea with polluters and callous conservatives spending eternity in poverty, suffering unremitted pain.
I have never thought of God as having a human form. I believe God is an ocean of pure consciousness composed of a higher form of energy. We ourselves are made out of the same stuff, and we are a small piece of God sealed off from the ocean like drops of water. Our soul is encased in a bubble of energy called the causal body. We then filter down through several higher bodies: The mental, the astral, and the etheric bodies.
Finally we are connected to the physical body by chakras in the etheric body.
what if, when you die, you face the creator of the universe and he asks you why you refused to believe he existed?......

What if, when you die, you face the creator of the universe and he asks you why you believed in lies and perjured yourself in his name?
trying to piece this together......I believe there is a creator of the universe and tell people there is a creator of the universe.....I meet the creator of the what is the lie and where is the perjury?......

Where isn't the perjury?

Even if there is a creator, you have never seen him and do not know him
???? the hypothetical you raised I have just died and met him face to you say I have never seen him......make up your fucking mind!........
What if you died and when you meet God he says ... "Damn, I gave you sorry fuckers pot ... What the hell were you people thinking?"


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