The 'What If...' Thread

what if, when you die, you face the creator of the universe and he asks you why you refused to believe he existed?......

What if, when you die, you face the creator of the universe and he asks you why you believed in lies and perjured yourself in his name?
trying to piece this together......I believe there is a creator of the universe and tell people there is a creator of the universe.....I meet the creator of the what is the lie and where is the perjury?......

Where isn't the perjury?

Even if there is a creator, you have never seen him and do not know him
???? the hypothetical you raised I have just died and met him face to you say I have never seen him......make up your fucking mind!........

LOL... No, you said that you know God exists because you already met him to which I said:

Even if there is a creator, you have never seen him and do not know him, except if your entire belief system about a trinity that diddled a virgin to become a man so he could be crucified because he loved the romans so much is a deliberate desecration of the teachings of Jesus and demonstration of pure hatred for he who truly is God .

Was what I said above your grasp, or were you being deliberately deceptive by conveniently committing the rest of my post?

Damn, what a worm!

In the hypothetical question I raised I asked you what if ,when you die, God asks you why you wasted your life perjuring yourself in his name..

Are you going to tell him that you sincerely believed that Jesus is God because, gosh, God can do anything..... including diddling a virgin to father himself so he could become fully human without a human father? Good luck with that.

What about the bullshit that you already met him?

Care to elaborate further? Was it a grilled cheese sandwich encounter? Did you start to drool and gibber and squeak and imagined that you were speaking in tongues instead of having a nervous breakdown??
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what if, when you die, you face the creator of the universe and he asks you why you refused to believe he existed?......

I will tell God that I had doubts about His existence, but that I went to church anyway, and tried to be a good Christian. I will tell Him that I am glad that those doubts have been resolved.
what if, when you die, you face the creator of the universe and he asks you why you refused to believe he existed?......

I will tell God that I had doubts about His existence, but that I went to church anyway, and tried to be a good Christian. I will tell Him that I am glad that those doubts have been resolved.

according to some people you win-------but there are some people who would say you do not
Others believe there are space aliens.................... they tell people there are space aliens....................... they tell people they have met space aliens..........,................ So what?.............. ….............

If you do not believe you may never know the joy of being chosen for probing or the ecstacy of being taken up to the higher realms of superior intelligences.

And if you don't make nice with the space aliens, they will probably eat your brain.
Is there dinner and a movie, first?
If you do not believe you may never know the joy of being chosen for probing or the ecstacy of being taken up to the higher realms of superior intelligences.

And if you don't make nice with the space aliens, they will probably eat your brain.
Is there dinner and a movie, first?

Not likely. I heard that space aliens can be very rude. They seem to have only one thing on their minds and like to get right down to business. Best thing you can do is just surrender and enjoy the ride.

The more open you are to exaltation the more likely they are to insert a corrective lens into your brain as a parting gift..
what if, when you die, you face the creator of the universe and he asks you why you refused to believe he existed?......

What if, when you die, you face the creator of the universe and he asks you why you believed in lies and perjured yourself in his name?
trying to piece this together......I believe there is a creator of the universe and tell people there is a creator of the universe.....I meet the creator of the what is the lie and where is the perjury?......

Where isn't the perjury?

Even if there is a creator, you have never seen him and do not know him
???? the hypothetical you raised I have just died and met him face to you say I have never seen him......make up your fucking mind!........

LOL... No, you said that you know God exists because you already met him to which I said:

Even if there is a creator, you have never seen him and do not know him, except if your entire belief system about a trinity that diddled a virgin to become a man so he could be crucified because he loved the romans so much is a deliberate desecration of the teachings of Jesus and demonstration of pure hatred for he who truly is God . which you said....."What if, when you die, you face the creator of the universe and he asks you why you believed in lies and perjured yourself in his name? can't say I am facing the creator of the universe and answering his questions and simultaneously say I have never seen, I don't know if you are an atheist or not, but you are clearly demonstrating the irrationality that is their number one characteristic........
you can't say I am facing the creator of the universe and answering his questions and simultaneously say I have never seen him.....

Sure I can.

Lets say that God exists as a given, but you spend your entire life believing in and praying to a roman trinity and perversion of the historical Jesus who is not and was not God and never claimed to be God.

Thats how you never met him, never have seen him and do not know him. You claim to have already met God and his name is Jesus. This is a lie. Your own professed beliefs confirm this.

There never was and never will be a time when a human being was God or became God either before during or after their human existence.
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Sounds non-theistic, Delta

Question--what would make it "God"?

I am starting to wonder if the whole concept of God is even necessary.:confused:

As Ha' said above, aliens may well be godlike to us. Might even be the gods and angels of our religions. Since much of what we say and atribute to God proper isn't actually Scriptural, it's entirely possible that God is something much more mundane and recognizable. As with an alien species, who to ancient Man would be as close to gods as makes any difference. But if claims that the God of the Bible created the entire universe are to be believed, then clearly god isn't a mundane if very advanced alien but something else entirely.

It's irrational to claim some deity created the universe if the universe created the race of beings who became deities. The deity would have had to exist prior to the universe's creation. If God is eternal, this is possible and consistent. But if God is a race of benevolent technologically advanced aliens, it isn't. As products of the universe itself, no matter how advanced they may be, they're still finite beings like us.

So for most people's idea of God to be literally true, it would have had to exist before the universe did and possess capabilities unlike any being who came about after the universe did. In effect then, this god would be truly alien and be unlike anything that evolved in the universe it created.
But if claims that the God of the Bible created the entire universe are to be believed, then clearly god isn't a mundane if very advanced alien but something else entirely.

The book of genesis is not about the creation of the universe, the solar system, the earth, the fist plants, animals, or human beings.

It is about a time in human history less than 10,000 years ago when the law was given as a light in a "world that was without form and void and darkness covered the face of the deep" and there was no knowledge of right or wrong or good and evil or cause and effect and ignorance superstition and confusion reigned among bipeds for millions of years.
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Sounds non-theistic, Delta

Question--what would make it "God"?

I am starting to wonder if the whole concept of God is even necessary.:confused:

As Ha' said above, aliens may well be godlike to us. Might even be the gods and angels of our religions. Since much of what we say and atribute to God proper isn't actually Scriptural, it's entirely possible that God is something much more mundane and recognizable. As with an alien species, who to ancient Man would be as close to gods as makes any difference. But if claims that the God of the Bible created the entire universe are to be believed, then clearly god isn't a mundane if very advanced alien but something else entirely.

It's irrational to claim some deity created the universe if the universe created the race of beings who became deities. The deity would have had to exist prior to the universe's creation. If God is eternal, this is possible and consistent. But if God is a race of benevolent technologically advanced aliens, it isn't. As products of the universe itself, no matter how advanced they may be, they're still finite beings like us.

So for most people's idea of God to be literally true, it would have had to exist before the universe did and possess capabilities unlike any being who came about after the universe did. In effect then, this god would be truly alien and be unlike anything that evolved in the universe it created.

The occult theory is that we are God within God. He created the universe as a realm of experience then created us out of himself, and sent himself out into the universe. We are God within God finding our way back to him through trial and error. Karma and reincarnation.
What if, when you die, you face the creator of the universe and he asks you why you believed in lies and perjured yourself in his name?
trying to piece this together......I believe there is a creator of the universe and tell people there is a creator of the universe.....I meet the creator of the what is the lie and where is the perjury?......

Where isn't the perjury?

Even if there is a creator, you have never seen him and do not know him
???? the hypothetical you raised I have just died and met him face to you say I have never seen him......make up your fucking mind!........

LOL... No, you said that you know God exists because you already met him to which I said:

Even if there is a creator, you have never seen him and do not know him, except if your entire belief system about a trinity that diddled a virgin to become a man so he could be crucified because he loved the romans so much is a deliberate desecration of the teachings of Jesus and demonstration of pure hatred for he who truly is God . which you said....."What if, when you die, you face the creator of the universe and he asks you why you believed in lies and perjured yourself in his name? can't say I am facing the creator of the universe and answering his questions and simultaneously say I have never seen, I don't know if you are an atheist or not, but you are clearly demonstrating the irrationality that is their number one characteristic........
Well yeah, because you Flat Earthers' are perfectly rational when you believe in an entity that cannot be seen, cannot be felt, exists outside of the natural realm in an asserted supernatural realm, that has attributes we need to worship but cannot understand or even describe, who lives in eternity n both directions, who can create existence from nothing and is uncreated himself and uses methods and means we can never know or hope to understand, that stands outside proof which is exactly why it's for certain he exists. Yep, and those evolutionist atheists are irrational.

You YEC'ists are a hoot.
trying to piece this together......I believe there is a creator of the universe and tell people there is a creator of the universe.....I meet the creator of the what is the lie and where is the perjury?......

Where isn't the perjury?

Even if there is a creator, you have never seen him and do not know him
???? the hypothetical you raised I have just died and met him face to you say I have never seen him......make up your fucking mind!........

LOL... No, you said that you know God exists because you already met him to which I said:

Even if there is a creator, you have never seen him and do not know him, except if your entire belief system about a trinity that diddled a virgin to become a man so he could be crucified because he loved the romans so much is a deliberate desecration of the teachings of Jesus and demonstration of pure hatred for he who truly is God . which you said....."What if, when you die, you face the creator of the universe and he asks you why you believed in lies and perjured yourself in his name? can't say I am facing the creator of the universe and answering his questions and simultaneously say I have never seen, I don't know if you are an atheist or not, but you are clearly demonstrating the irrationality that is their number one characteristic........
Well yeah, because you Flat Earthers' are perfectly rational when you believe in an entity that cannot be seen, cannot be felt, exists outside of the natural realm in an asserted supernatural realm, that has attributes we need to worship but cannot understand or even describe, who lives in eternity n both directions, who can create existence from nothing and is uncreated himself and uses methods and means we can never know or hope to understand, that stands outside proof which is exactly why it's for certain he exists. Yep, and those evolutionist atheists are irrational.

You YEC'ists are a hoot.

They keep asking "What if, when you die..."

They never ask "What if, while you are alive....."

No one knows what will happen after you die, so why are they supposing we are going t meet their God?

"What if, when you die, you meet a sage that tells you there was no god to begin with. However, you need as much science knowledge as possible to enjoy the afterlife!!" How many of you creationist are tossing the 'Good Book' for an old copy of Holiday and Resnick?
you can't say I am facing the creator of the universe and answering his questions and simultaneously say I have never seen him.....

Sure I can.

Lets say that God exists as a given
obviously, if you say God exists is a given you can't turn around and say he doesn't exist.......and you can't say in a hypothetical that I am face to face with the creator and then argue I have never been face to face with just isn't logical......
trying to piece this together......I believe there is a creator of the universe and tell people there is a creator of the universe.....I meet the creator of the what is the lie and where is the perjury?......

Where isn't the perjury?

Even if there is a creator, you have never seen him and do not know him
???? the hypothetical you raised I have just died and met him face to you say I have never seen him......make up your fucking mind!........

LOL... No, you said that you know God exists because you already met him to which I said:

Even if there is a creator, you have never seen him and do not know him, except if your entire belief system about a trinity that diddled a virgin to become a man so he could be crucified because he loved the romans so much is a deliberate desecration of the teachings of Jesus and demonstration of pure hatred for he who truly is God . which you said....."What if, when you die, you face the creator of the universe and he asks you why you believed in lies and perjured yourself in his name? can't say I am facing the creator of the universe and answering his questions and simultaneously say I have never seen, I don't know if you are an atheist or not, but you are clearly demonstrating the irrationality that is their number one characteristic........
Well yeah, because you Flat Earthers' are perfectly rational when you believe in an entity that cannot be seen, cannot be felt, exists outside of the natural realm in an asserted supernatural realm, that has attributes we need to worship but cannot understand or even describe, who lives in eternity n both directions, who can create existence from nothing and is uncreated himself and uses methods and means we can never know or hope to understand, that stands outside proof which is exactly why it's for certain he exists. Yep, and those evolutionist atheists are irrational.

You YEC'ists are a hoot.
but I don't believe the earth is flat.....I believe your brain waves are flat.......there is a difference.....
I always picture the god described in the bible as looking like a spoiled toddler.
However, you need as much science knowledge as possible to enjoy the afterlife!!"
then I still win......
Actually, no. You're hardly a winner. Your hand-me-down gawds are just the gawds of convenience as a function of the Western traditions. Other parts of the globe have different gawds which are a part of their cultural traditions.

What is it that you think you have won? And which of the gawds would approve of such careless disregard for the truth and such self serving narcissism?
ok, it does not take a God for a freed Spirit to enter the Everlasting - avoid God as long as possible and may the day of Judgement never come to be, that way everything will be just fine - if you are not sure ...


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