The White House knew Hillary was using a private server and taking donations

from foreign powers. Ed Klein: The Day the White House Caught Hillary Red-Handed

Obama is now involved, which is why he wants you to believe it was all legal.


Do you think anybody will care?
The FBI will let you know.
But I thought Obama owns the FBI?

gawd, you people need to keep your conspiracies straight
Nixon thought that too...................................
How about this, the media knew that the white house knew Hillary was up to her ass in scandal but their job was to protect her. When you think of Woodward and Bernstein spending so much time on a 3rd rate burglary you have to scratch your head and wonder what the hell happened between the Nixon and the Obama administrations.
It could really get bad in a hurry. The Clinton Crime Family vs Obama's Chicago Mob. I see cars roaring down Pennsylvania Avenue with guys with machine guns splattering the White House. Hillary has the goods on Obama and will take him down if the FBI charges her with so much as jaywalking.
It could really get bad in a hurry. The Clinton Crime Family vs Obama's Chicago Mob. I see cars roaring down Pennsylvania Avenue with guys with machine guns splattering the White House. Hillary has the goods on Obama and will take him down if the FBI charges her with so much as jaywalking.
That could actually get Hillary charged on espionage charges and sent to Guantanamo Bay without even getting a lawyer............ This is that bad, but no one wants to admit it, as Hillary just laughs at our laws.
from foreign powers. Ed Klein: The Day the White House Caught Hillary Red-Handed

Obama is now involved, which is why he wants you to believe it was all legal.

Here's more from Ed on why Biden backed away from running against Hillary: Ed Klein: The Story Behind Biden's Decision
National Enquirer is a more reliable source than Ed Klein.
The FBI will let you know who is reliable.
Did you know John Kerry is the first Secretary of State to every strictly use a government server? And that there was no law or rule against the Secretary of State using a private server during Clinton's tenure?

No. Of course you didn't know that. Because you're an idiot.

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