The White House Wager: Terrorism (Dollars)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a political terrorism-parable inspired by the film The Day of the Jackal.

It's my last TrumpUSA-patriotism tale.

Signing off,


An ISIS terrorist kidnapped President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump and brought them to an abandoned warehouse outside D.C. The terrorist told them his name, Ajay Satan, and explained he was originally from Algeria. The terrorist allowed them to interact/converse with him and ask him questions, and they in turn had things to ask him (Ajay Satan).


TRUMP: By bringing us here, you intend to prove we're 'shallow.'
AJAY SATAN: Aren't all Americans obsessed with power/prestige?
TRUMP: Are you 'above' sin? Wouldn't you want to sleep with my wife (Melania)?
AJAY SATAN: Are you making me an offer? You want me to 'seduce' your wife?
TRUMP: I'm merely suggesting you're not above human frailty...
AJAY SATAN: I think you mean to simply disparage me as a 'fanatic.'
TRUMP: Are you rather a 'thinking revolutionary' or something?
AJAY SATAN: I intend to hold you for ransom until our demands are met!
TRUMP: You never answered my question, though...are you 'above sin'?
AJAY SATAN: I don't want to sleep with your wife; I suspect Melania despises me.
TRUMP: We'll cooperate in any way we can, Ajay...
AJAY SATAN: That's good!


President Trump and the First Lady felt like they were 'comic book characters' being kept in a 'mind-game' labyrinth by a 'super-villain' (Ajay Satan). Trump's question about the universality of frailty/sin troubled Ajay who began thinking he was too focused on Trump and Melania being 'figures' of power rather than 'diplomats' of American civilization. Nevertheless, Ajay believed holding the Trumps for ransom until ISIS prisoners in Saudi Arabia were freed by the CIA was a wise plan. This was a rather 'tense game.'


"Justice is blind" as they say, and Ajay Satan continued to brood about Trump's suggestion that no living soul was simply 'above sin,' so Ajay decided to call his ISIS cohorts with his radio-transmitter and ask for advice. After much consultation, Ajay resolved to free Donald and Melania Trump if they agreed to record a statement for Ajay to play-back on CNN. The statement would read, "Americans do not automatically think Israel is perfect and Palestine is condemnable, but rather, we hope that ISIS wants to work with Israeli authorities to establish temporary trade/commerce with Palestine." President Trump agreed to make the statement, and it was broadcast on CNN the following week (after Donald and Melania were safely returned to the White House).


Ajay Satan returned to Algeria and continued monitoring political activities on the Internet and communing with ISIS regarding information and news. He was elated that the promise-statement (regarding a temporary peace trade-compact/arrangement between Israel and Palestine) made by President Trump was broadcast on CNN and that there were new horizons created in the global landscape regarding the rights of fundamentalist Muslims in the Middle East. Meanwhile, President Trump tweeted, "Melania and I were simply relieved to return home safely; we believe this 'ordeal' will teach us invaluable lessons about basic human relations!"


Ajay Satan was streaming movies on Netflix and was appreciating the comic book adapted film Batman Forever starring Jim Carrey which presented a story about a masked superhero tackling a mind-game 'terrorist' named the Riddler who wanted to use intelligence to create pure slavery. Ajay wrote in his diary, "Are terrorists like the Riddler (since we use mind-games to achieve ends), or is America like the Riddler (since it's a nation built on capitalism-wagers)?" Ajay was overall happy that he decided to return Donald and Melania Trump safely to the White House, since of course, as President Trump suggested to him, "No living soul is above evil."


Ajay decided to go to Europe and become a jewel-thief, retiring from terrorism altogether. He planned three major jewelry-heists involving the Crown Jewels (in London), the Pink Panther diamond (in Paris), and the Mermaid Emerald (in Spain). Ajay left a memento at the scene of the Pink Panther crime --- a thief's glove with a silver-embossed P on it. Ajay decided that elaborate society-heists were preferable to radical modern terrorism. Besides, the Trump Administration was busy coordinating a 5-year commerce-ceasefire plan between Israel and Palestine, which even pleased the two major anti-American terrorist groups (ISIS and Cobra).


TRUMP: I was so relieved Melania and I were returned safely!
CARTER: There're rumors that Ajay Satan became a jewel-thief.
TRUMP: Wherever he is now, there're already significant Israel-Palestine developments!
CARTER: It seems that 'turbulence' has 'spawned' political creativity...
TRUMP: Let's not pat each other's backs yet, Carter; there's much work to be done!
CARTER: In the meanwhile, let's go watch Spy Game on Netflix, Mr. President.
TRUMP: That sounds like a terrific Saturday Night White House plan...
CARTER: I'll bring the champagne.



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