The White Party vs. The Minority that where we’re headed?

Let’s just cut to the chase...fuck it. They’ll really be no diluted GOP or DNC....
As the DNC builds its 21st century constituency around American hating illegals, Mexicans and Alphabet Wacks. The GOP will strengthen its foundation with Patriotic Whites...only makes sense right?
I would venture a guess this dynamic will create an opportunity for a legitimate Independent Party to develop and take shape.
Your thoughts?
Racists are loudest, but they aren't growing in numbers.

If the GOP was doing so well while being 89% white, they wouldn't need to practice voter suppression.
In case you never noticed, Americans are comprised of people from all over the world, not just white people.

The common denominator is being an American, and standing for America.

Either you're an American and espouse the Founding Fathers ideals, or a turd! Your pick!

Did you know there was once a Cuban couple that wanted their kid to be American so bad, they named him "U.S. Mail"?

I agree...I have neighbors and friends from all over the world. All hard working, tax paying, positive contributing, law abiding, English speaking high quality people....see how this works?

The OP doesn't exactly convey that clearly.
I think the OP is fucked up.

The OP isn’t a scared little bitch...he’s not afraid of reality...he’s smart enough to see the collision course we’re on...pull your head from your ass and you will to.

Because insulting a cracker and pissing him off is how to bring him around to your point of view, amirite? :rolleyes-41:

<hint> Not happening. This cracker's far from "a scared little bitch". Son.
I think the OP is fucked up.

The OP isn’t a scared little bitch...he’s not afraid of reality...he’s smart enough to see the collision course we’re on...pull your head from your ass and you will to.

Because insulting a cracker and pissing him off is how to bring him around to your point of view, amirite? :rolleyes-41:

<hint> Not happening. This cracker's far from "a scared little bitch". Son.

Im not really here to sell my point of view bud...I’m here for the entertainment value.
I think the OP is fucked up.

The OP isn’t a scared little bitch...he’s not afraid of reality...he’s smart enough to see the collision course we’re on...pull your head from your ass and you will to.

Because insulting a cracker and pissing him off is how to bring him around to your point of view, amirite? :rolleyes-41:

<hint> Not happening. This cracker's far from "a scared little bitch". Son.

And how did I insult a cracker?
Let’s just cut to the chase...fuck it. They’ll really be no diluted GOP or DNC....
As the DNC builds its 21st century constituency around American hating illegals, Mexicans and Alphabet Wacks. The GOP will strengthen its foundation with Patriotic Whites...only makes sense right?
I would venture a guess this dynamic will create an opportunity for a legitimate Independent Party to develop and take shape.
Your thoughts?
Racists are loudest, but they aren't growing in numbers.

If the GOP was doing so well while being 89% white, they wouldn't need to practice voter suppression.

Don’t you cry racist at anyone with the courage to point out, acknowledge and open dialogue related to the cause of this nations degradation?
Let’s just cut to the chase...fuck it. They’ll really be no diluted GOP or DNC....
As the DNC builds its 21st century constituency around American hating illegals, Mexicans and Alphabet Wacks. The GOP will strengthen its foundation with Patriotic Whites...only makes sense right?
I would venture a guess this dynamic will create an opportunity for a legitimate Independent Party to develop and take shape.
Your thoughts?

If so, that's not exactly promising for the "white party", since whites are a shrinking majority.

Let's hope that's not the case, because otherwise, your grandkids are in for a hell of a bad time.
It's more likely to be the white party vs the majority party.
The actual divide is between right-wingers and the rest of Americans. The right-wing yahoos have no right to define who is or is not an "American."

Playing "Opposites Day" does not give your statement credence. What is American was defined long ago.

Seriously? By whom? I'm a born and bred American, complete with red, white, and blue crepe paper intertwined in the spokes of my bike as a kid to join in the July 4 parade down main street in the town I grew up in. What are you talking about? Who defined what?

I call BULLSHIT...loud and fucking clear.
At best, you’re a anchor baby born to illegal parents. We both know this.
What kind of bullshit are you trying to spread? Both of my parents were born in New Jersey, my mother to Russian immigrants, my father to an established family that originated in Ireland. It's useless to play the game of "who is an American," since we all are.

You see that’s where you’re confused...being / acting American is a behavioral thing that has little to do with the soil you were born on. Us AMERICANS understand this clearly.
I'm not confused at all. You are NOT the quintessential "American" and have no right to claim that status, and you have no right to define what behaving like an American is. You are playing identity politics big time, using your race, your sex, your religion, and your sexual orientation. The rest of us Americans are seeing right through you.
Playing "Opposites Day" does not give your statement credence. What is American was defined long ago.

Seriously? By whom? I'm a born and bred American, complete with red, white, and blue crepe paper intertwined in the spokes of my bike as a kid to join in the July 4 parade down main street in the town I grew up in. What are you talking about? Who defined what?

I call BULLSHIT...loud and fucking clear.
At best, you’re a anchor baby born to illegal parents. We both know this.
What kind of bullshit are you trying to spread? Both of my parents were born in New Jersey, my mother to Russian immigrants, my father to an established family that originated in Ireland. It's useless to play the game of "who is an American," since we all are.

You see that’s where you’re confused...being / acting American is a behavioral thing that has little to do with the soil you were born on. Us AMERICANS understand this clearly.
I'm not confused at all. You are NOT the quintessential "American" and have no right to claim that status, and you have no right to define what behaving like an American is. You are playing identity politics big time, using your race, your sex, your religion, and your sexual orientation. The rest of us Americans are seeing right through you.

I don’t have to be “quintessential” American to know what REAL American behaviors, values and ideologies look like.
Like I’s simple for us to wrap our heads around. You should try it.
Seriously? By whom? I'm a born and bred American, complete with red, white, and blue crepe paper intertwined in the spokes of my bike as a kid to join in the July 4 parade down main street in the town I grew up in. What are you talking about? Who defined what?

I call BULLSHIT...loud and fucking clear.
At best, you’re a anchor baby born to illegal parents. We both know this.
What kind of bullshit are you trying to spread? Both of my parents were born in New Jersey, my mother to Russian immigrants, my father to an established family that originated in Ireland. It's useless to play the game of "who is an American," since we all are.

You see that’s where you’re confused...being / acting American is a behavioral thing that has little to do with the soil you were born on. Us AMERICANS understand this clearly.
I'm not confused at all. You are NOT the quintessential "American" and have no right to claim that status, and you have no right to define what behaving like an American is. You are playing identity politics big time, using your race, your sex, your religion, and your sexual orientation. The rest of us Americans are seeing right through you.

I don’t have to be “quintessential” American to know what REAL American behaviors, values and ideologies look like.
Like I’s simple for us to wrap our heads around. You should try it.
Face it, I am a "real" American. I know what "real" American "behaviors, values and ideologies look like." How dare you even suggest that I don't know, based only on your empty head. You've gotten a bit too big for your britches, sonny.
Let’s just cut to the chase...fuck it. They’ll really be no diluted GOP or DNC....
As the DNC builds its 21st century constituency around American hating illegals, Mexicans and Alphabet Wacks. The GOP will strengthen its foundation with Patriotic Whites...only makes sense right?
I would venture a guess this dynamic will create an opportunity for a legitimate Independent Party to develop and take shape.
Your thoughts?

Color, religion, has no creed.

Our job; should we decide to accept to show how things work when NOT under lefty jurisdiction. To many people are younger, and have never had the opportunity to be free, and live their lives as they see fit.

Our biggest drawback, is trying to protect the legacy of GW! We should not! He was a nice guy, but then so was Carter.

Obama and GW should be tied together as one, and the same.

I know, I know, probably NOT a popular position, but remember-------------->was Kennedy economically more like Reagan, or more like Obama!

To many people want to choose party, and that is a mistake! Great Presidents, just like shi*** ones, have emerged from both sides of the aisle. And the truth is, while many Presidents have been great from BOTH sides of the aisle, they also screwed the pooch in many of their dealings. The greater we see them as being, the more we ignore what they screwed the pooch on! I suppose, that is human nature.

Politically, the pendulum always swings, just as the party's always swing. I promise all of you, left and right, that the Republicans (not Trump) will move left, and the Democrats will move right this year. This is how they perceive they can steal votes from the other side. Their base will stay intact, because a leftist party, or a right party that moves towards the middle, is still better than a party that resides out of bounds for their beliefs.

As far as Trump, he is not a ideologue. He is not right or left, he is about what he thinks will work for the country; which is probably why both left and right, despise him!
Let’s just cut to the chase...fuck it. They’ll really be no diluted GOP or DNC....
As the DNC builds its 21st century constituency around American hating illegals, Mexicans and Alphabet Wacks. The GOP will strengthen its foundation with Patriotic Whites...only makes sense right?
I would venture a guess this dynamic will create an opportunity for a legitimate Independent Party to develop and take shape.
Your thoughts? off base. The racist types will slowly die out..America will continue to brown up...the very dynamic that has created the alt/right will wither away. Patriotic Americans of all races, colors and ethnicity will rule the day.

The Democratic party you describe--are just a fringe group that have seized the spotlight..much as the Bannon types are in the Republican party.

The Progressives on the Left are as doomed as the alt/right is on the Right.

A true independent party of moderates in the middle? I'd love to see it--but doubt if it can happen. Moderate values and agendas don't bring out the vote..extremist screaming, lying and drama..that's what brings out the vote. Notice this forum--what threads get the most play..those who advocate some form of moderation?'s the tinfoil hat threads..that get the action.
The Democratic Party now consists of the following groups of Voters:

1) Most Blacks
2) Most Hispanics
3) All professional Porch Sitters on the Federal Government Plantation
4) Pinheads and Loons in the rotting cities of the north
5) Almost all Federal Government Employees
6) Illegal Aliens
7) The Recently Deceased
8) The Mentally Deranged
9) Almost all Homosexuals and those who can't figure out what sex they are

There is much overlap among these groups, but its close to 50% IF they have enough money on election day to pay the Porch Sitters to go vote, and it is kind of expensive to get the Recently Deceased all voted.

The fastest way to get to 51 per cent for sure is to open up the borders....and encourage the Mexicans to invade...which is exactly what Obama Gross and Criminal Violation of his Oath to enforce the laws.

The Obama Democrat Party's National Policy as it stands today is, essentially:


So, yea its ugly and going to get uglier. Heartland Americans aren't just going to roll over.

I live in the reddest of the red..Idaho--and let me tell you..most folks here would read your post and howl with laughter. I won't count all the obvious lies and stupid, inbred propaganda in your post..suffice it to say...that you don't know shyte about middle America. We value compromise and civility.
Let’s just cut to the chase...fuck it. They’ll really be no diluted GOP or DNC....
As the DNC builds its 21st century constituency around American hating illegals, Mexicans and Alphabet Wacks. The GOP will strengthen its foundation with Patriotic Whites...only makes sense right?
I would venture a guess this dynamic will create an opportunity for a legitimate Independent Party to develop and take shape.
Your thoughts?
The minority party will be no longer as of Nov 2018.

The Democrats Really Can Win the House in 2018
Let’s just cut to the chase...fuck it. They’ll really be no diluted GOP or DNC....
As the DNC builds its 21st century constituency around American hating illegals, Mexicans and Alphabet Wacks. The GOP will strengthen its foundation with Patriotic Whites...only makes sense right?
I would venture a guess this dynamic will create an opportunity for a legitimate Independent Party to develop and take shape.
Your thoughts?
White people are in decline around the world! Get used to it racist MF. The Gop is just about done and the dems are so so.

Shit, I hope you’re wrong bud...and you should too.
How are your dependent pet humans gonna eat?
Have you been to nations ran by OTW’s? (Other Than Whites)
Sure..Japan seems well run.....But I get your point--my response? The folk here..Americans regardless of color..will have the infrastructure and the be successful--as long as the Constitution rule..this will be America..regardless of color of its citizens.
totally agree with you....most are just too paranoid to admit to themselves. I’m thinking many will wait until it’s too late to sack-up, realize it and take action
Then look to South Africa/Zimbabwe. There is our future. Thank a 'tard. are wrong. Our beginnings are different...white people may not be in control..but the mainstream culture they founded..will continue.
The Democratic Party now consists of the following groups of Voters:

1) Most Blacks
2) Most Hispanics
3) All professional Porch Sitters on the Federal Government Plantation
4) Pinheads and Loons in the rotting cities of the north
5) Almost all Federal Government Employees
6) Illegal Aliens
7) The Recently Deceased
8) The Mentally Deranged
9) Almost all Homosexuals and those who can't figure out what sex they are

There is much overlap among these groups, but its close to 50% IF they have enough money on election day to pay the Porch Sitters to go vote, and it is kind of expensive to get the Recently Deceased all voted.

The fastest way to get to 51 per cent for sure is to open up the borders....and encourage the Mexicans to invade...which is exactly what Obama Gross and Criminal Violation of his Oath to enforce the laws.

The Obama Democrat Party's National Policy as it stands today is, essentially:


So, yea its ugly and going to get uglier. Heartland Americans aren't just going to roll over.

You right wing zealots are a hoot. You actually think you’ll be rewarded for one solitary accomplishment that is historically unpopular with the American people.
You have the lowest rated president in history, the GOP has been totally unproductive but u think that’s means you’ll hold onto the senate and House.
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Let’s just cut to the chase...fuck it. They’ll really be no diluted GOP or DNC....
As the DNC builds its 21st century constituency around American hating illegals, Mexicans and Alphabet Wacks. The GOP will strengthen its foundation with Patriotic Whites...only makes sense right?
I would venture a guess this dynamic will create an opportunity for a legitimate Independent Party to develop and take shape.
Your thoughts?

Only if you live in a bubble. In the real world, the population is fast changing to a minority majority, and that will happen in another 30 years. The problem right wingers will have then is the same percentage of whites will be voting with that minority majority.
Whites have always been in the minority on a worldwide basis. It has only started moving to a minority in this country because of Dim efforts to flood this county with low wage foreign labor that votes for free stuff.
The Democratic Party now consists of the following groups of Voters:

1) Most Blacks
2) Most Hispanics
3) All professional Porch Sitters on the Federal Government Plantation
4) Pinheads and Loons in the rotting cities of the north
5) Almost all Federal Government Employees
6) Illegal Aliens
7) The Recently Deceased
8) The Mentally Deranged
9) Almost all Homosexuals and those who can't figure out what sex they are

There is much overlap among these groups, but its close to 50% IF they have enough money on election day to pay the Porch Sitters to go vote, and it is kind of expensive to get the Recently Deceased all voted.

The fastest way to get to 51 per cent for sure is to open up the borders....and encourage the Mexicans to invade...which is exactly what Obama Gross and Criminal Violation of his Oath to enforce the laws.

The Obama Democrat Party's National Policy as it stands today is, essentially:


So, yea its ugly and going to get uglier. Heartland Americans aren't just going to roll over.

You right wing zealots are a hoot. You actually think you’ll be rewarded for one solitary accomplishment that is historically unpopular with the American people.
You have the lowest rated president in history, the GOP has been totally unproductive but u think that’s means you’ll hold onto the senate and House.
Better one good accomplishment than the two really bad ones Obama got passed.
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