The White Party vs. The Minority that where we’re headed?

Indeed Black chicks love me usually (unless they are hopelessly ugly and have given up on finding a White guy). That said, Lysistrata, can you post a pic to see what we working with! To be honest, I know some post menopausal White females sometimes have boobs grow huge, but I am more interested in a big butt. Post a pic. Let's see what we got! Holla.
You are quite disgusting. I don't care what your crude self is interested in. Go get some values from somewhere.
Okay, you are in good shape and have no tatoos. What are you doing for New Year's! Let's party!
The Democratic Party now consists of the following groups of Voters:

1) Most Blacks
2) Most Hispanics
3) All professional Porch Sitters on the Federal Government Plantation
4) Pinheads and Loons in the rotting cities of the north
5) Almost all Federal Government Employees
6) Illegal Aliens
7) The Recently Deceased
8) The Mentally Deranged
9) Almost all Homosexuals and those who can't figure out what sex they are

There is much overlap among these groups, but its close to 50% IF they have enough money on election day to pay the Porch Sitters to go vote, and it is kind of expensive to get the Recently Deceased all voted.

The fastest way to get to 51 per cent for sure is to open up the borders....and encourage the Mexicans to invade...which is exactly what Obama Gross and Criminal Violation of his Oath to enforce the laws.

The Obama Democrat Party's National Policy as it stands today is, essentially:


So, yea its ugly and going to get uglier. Heartland Americans aren't just going to roll over.

I live in the reddest of the red..Idaho--and let me tell you..most folks here would read your post and howl with laughter. I won't count all the obvious lies and stupid, inbred propaganda in your post..suffice it to say...that you don't know shyte about middle America. We value compromise and civility.

You're so full of shit....I have a place in Montana and many friends there..they would all agree that he is perfectly on point...your filthy, white trash circle of Liberal friends aren't suppose to approve...that's kind of the point.
**yawn** Why is it that you losers always assume that someone who disagrees with your bullshit is a lib? Montana is not Idaho..they mate with sheep up there in Montana...granted..only the white ones.

Being Conservative does not have to mean being full of hate and bile. It does not have to be racist--but I guess that sort of thing is lost on you. Now the alt/right is something else again..but they're just a flash in the pan..soon to be laughed out of town...and back under the rocks from whence they came.


You’re saying lots of words but you’re really not saying anything...Let’s hear you stop with the circle talk....I’m curious...I’d like to hear your opinion. What of my “bullshit” do you disagree with? What did I say that was “racist” and “hateful”?
Did I cast too much clarity over things with my candid style? Do you prefer someone to beat around the bush, disguise shit and polish it off?
I would characterize your remarks about "coal-burners' as both..wouldn't you? No, if you are being as honest about yourself and your beliefs as you can be..that's cool. I don't see that as 'clarity' because I find your views to be hate filled propaganda, for the most part.

It is curious that you see me as 'talking around in circles' when I see my posts as being quite clear.

How you see the world is all about you..and not so much about the world. I'm not going to engage in an itemized tit-for tat series of posts about your views..because, as you say, I'm here for the entertainment value. No minds are going to be changed...nothing is at stake.

Hey look, I’d venture a guess that my views are quite popular among good quality Americans...and I think your attempt to label my psychological state through cyberspace is off the mark. The tone of my posts here are quite redundant and I don’t work too hard at dressing up my choice of wording. That tends to hurt some feelings from time to time as people tend to love word-play.
Where I stand is quite simple for most to wrap their head around.
I HATE bottom feeding baby factories of all colors, I HATE illegal wetbacks and people who think they deserve to be here, I HATE criminals and drug addicts and I would never encourage my daughters to date a Black man. Simple shit.
If you think my views are way outside the box you either haven’t profiled enough good quality Americans or your head is in the sand.
If my views make me a “hateful racist”....AWESOME....I’m good with that.
The Republican Party is NOT "The White Party," and the democrat party is comprised of a majority of white people. Those trying to insist upon some bullshit 'race war' are un-American whores just as much as those trying to push a 'class war' or 'gender war' agenda. All bullshit pushed by those who exist to divide for one reason or another.
Anyone who sees a couple and, instead of hoping they are happy together, becomes distraught over what color one or both of them are is failing at life.

Awww....sounds like noble fantasy land.
What percentage of people do you think encourage and or embrace interracial dating?
Do you think Blacks encourage their children to date outside the race?
This topic is still extreme taboo for most...don’t look for too much involvement on the subject....people are scared shitless to be totally honest with themselves on this....they’re absolutely paranoid to share their view with others.

There’s no doubt it’s becoming more is men wearing lipstick and dresses. Remember, becoming trendy isn’t necessarily an indicator of acceptance or normalcy.
Take notice....interracial couples are GENERALLY really bad looking people...they’ve usually exhausted all effort to land something within their own...they eventually take the path of least resistance.
"Patriotic Whites" is a bad thing these days? Is there an assumption among racist bigots that Black people Asians and people of Hispanic heritage are incapable of being "patriotic"? They shed enough blood in the last couple of Military conflicts. The GOP is a big tent. It was the DNC that kicked it's own former V.P. candidate out of the party for not adhering to party discipline and it was the DNC that offered a freaking socialist as a presidential candidate. The problem ain't about "patriotism", it's about a democrat party that has been taken over by fringe crazies.
Becoming more accepted is exactly how something becomes understood as "normal."

There is no "White Party" or "Minority Party." The very notion merely reflects the bigotry of those who would even take such nonsense seriously.

Categorical declarations about matters that are inherently subjective reflect something about those producing them.
Becoming more accepted is exactly how something becomes understood as "normal."

There is no "White Party" or "Minority Party." The very notion merely reflects the bigotry of those who would even take such nonsense seriously.

Categorical declarations about matters that are inherently subjective reflect something about those producing them.

Re-read the title of this thread and the first post.
I questioned if we’re headed “there”. I said this based on the path and position the DNC has clearly taken. Nobody can argue said position, they have made it crystal clear....they have only pandered to and intend to govern for our lowest grade, minorities, illegals and complete wack-jobs...They have all but came straight out and told the upper two thirds of this nation to go fuck themselves. Guess who mostly makes up the upper two thirds of this nation? I’m not making this shit is what they’ve made it.
The DNC, like the RNC, is primarily concerned with those who wield political influence and have lots of $$$$ (which are almost always the same). Considering the demographics of the nation at this time, that means mostly wealthy white people for both parties.
The DNC, like the RNC, is primarily concerned with those who wield political influence and have lots of $$$$ (which are almost always the same). Considering the demographics of the nation at this time, that means mostly wealthy white people for both parties.’re smarter than that bud...Democrats whore themselves out to the welfare class....They vow to protect and grow that taxpayer funded welfare cash that big business and Hollywood counts on. It’s the not so clever way that big biz and Hollywood leverages / forces government and taxpayers into being their best customers.
Please tell me I’m not teaching you anything and you already knew this?
In case you never noticed, Americans are comprised of people from all over the world, not just white people.

The common denominator is being an American, and standing for America.

Either you're an American and espouse the Founding Fathers ideals, or a turd! Your pick!

Did you know there was once a Cuban couple that wanted their kid to be American so bad, they named him "U.S. Mail"?

I agree...I have neighbors and friends from all over the world. All hard working, tax paying, positive contributing, law abiding, English speaking high quality people....see how this works?

Do they know you are a raving racist ?

Ever notice ALL minority groups favor the dem party? The common denominator is racism is the deal breaker .
The DNC, like the RNC, is primarily concerned with those who wield political influence and have lots of $$$$ (which are almost always the same). Considering the demographics of the nation at this time, that means mostly wealthy white people for both parties.’re smarter than that bud...Democrats whore themselves out to the welfare class....They vow to protect and grow that taxpayer funded welfare cash that big business and Hollywood counts on. It’s the not so clever way that big biz and Hollywood leverages / forces government and taxpayers into being their best customers.
Please tell me I’m not teaching you anything and you already knew this?

Ah yes , the Dems are buying off voters with welfare! You don’t realize how insulting that talking point is?
Only the truly gullible would buy into the transparent propaganda that the democrats somehow give a poop about this or that 'group.' The democrats are for the most part rich old white people just like the GOP.
Only the truly gullible would buy into the transparent propaganda that the democrats somehow give a poop about this or that 'group.' The democrats are for the most part rich old white people just like the GOP.

We aren’t talking about who runs the party....we’re talking about what / who motivates the party policies and ideologies. Don’t be that know who they target and why.
Every political party - ever - is motivated by the desire to gain and hold as much political power as possible. Only the hopelessly naive fail to see this.
Every political party - ever - is motivated by the desire to gain and hold as much political power as possible. Only the hopelessly naive fail to see this.’s always about control and
What you’re failing to acknowledge is if Democrats could have it their way....inevitably you wouldn’t want to live would be just a matter of time before all of America would look and feel like Los Angeles. Trust me, if you’re a decent person at all you do not want that.
Since the beginning, people flocked to America to be part of American culture and it or not, this culture and opportunity was built by Americans....NOT necessarily by people born on this soil...but more importantly people who were AMERICAN MINDED. This American state of mind is going away this can’t be seen by Stevie Wonder is beyond me.
Anyone uncertain about the persistence of the American spirit need only attend a naturalization ceremony.
Anyone uncertain about the persistence of the American spirit need only attend a naturalization ceremony.

That’s deep...noble, poetic shit right there.
Hmmm, now if we just get those 20 million disgusting illegals to attend a naturalization ceremony...huh?

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