The White Party vs. The Minority that where we’re headed?

Man. You freaks sure haven't calmed down since the election last year. You'd think all the winning would put you dumb fucks in a state of constant euphoria.
The divide is not between blacks and whites to any real degree, except as magnified by media.

The actual divide is between Americans and Progressives, both Democrat and Republican, and it becomes more exquisitely defined every day.

That's where the fault line is located.

The actual divide is between right-wingers and the rest of Americans. The right-wing yahoos have no right to define who is or is not an "American." They drape themselves in flags, both the American flag and the traitor flag, and then think that they have the right to boss around normal, decent Americans.
The divide is not between blacks and whites to any real degree, except as magnified by media.

The actual divide is between Americans and Progressives, both Democrat and Republican, and it becomes more exquisitely defined every day.

That's where the fault line is located.

The actual divide is between right-wingers and the rest of Americans. The right-wing yahoos have no right to define who is or is not an "American."

Playing "Opposites Day" does not give your statement credence. What is American was defined long ago.
The divide is not between blacks and whites to any real degree, except as magnified by media.

The actual divide is between Americans and Progressives, both Democrat and Republican, and it becomes more exquisitely defined every day.

That's where the fault line is located.

The actual divide is between right-wingers and the rest of Americans. The right-wing yahoos have no right to define who is or is not an "American."

Playing "Opposites Day" does not give your statement credence. What is American was defined long ago.

Seriously? By whom? I'm a born and bred American, complete with red, white, and blue crepe paper intertwined in the spokes of my bike as a kid to join in the July 4 parade down main street in the town I grew up in. What are you talking about? Who defined what?
The divide is not between blacks and whites to any real degree, except as magnified by media.

The actual divide is between Americans and Progressives, both Democrat and Republican, and it becomes more exquisitely defined every day.

That's where the fault line is located.

The actual divide is between right-wingers and the rest of Americans. The right-wing yahoos have no right to define who is or is not an "American."

Playing "Opposites Day" does not give your statement credence. What is American was defined long ago.

Seriously? By whom? I'm a born and bred American, complete with red, white, and blue crepe paper intertwined in the spokes of my bike as a kid to join in the July 4 parade down main street in the town I grew up in. What are you talking about? Who defined what?

By the Founders, and their documents and writings. Ever read their stuff?

You know, the Russians also fly red, white and blue.

BTW, I was born in the birthplace of Uncle Sam, so there.
Let’s just cut to the chase...fuck it. They’ll really be no diluted GOP or DNC....
As the DNC builds its 21st century constituency around American hating illegals, Mexicans and Alphabet Wacks. The GOP will strengthen its foundation with Patriotic Whites...only makes sense right?
I would venture a guess this dynamic will create an opportunity for a legitimate Independent Party to develop and take shape.
Your thoughts?

Only if you live in a bubble. In the real world, the population is fast changing to a minority majority, and that will happen in another 30 years. The problem right wingers will have then is the same percentage of whites will be voting with that minority majority.
The divide is not between blacks and whites to any real degree, except as magnified by media.

The actual divide is between Americans and Progressives, both Democrat and Republican, and it becomes more exquisitely defined every day.

That's where the fault line is located.

The actual divide is between right-wingers and the rest of Americans. The right-wing yahoos have no right to define who is or is not an "American."

Playing "Opposites Day" does not give your statement credence. What is American was defined long ago.

Seriously? By whom? I'm a born and bred American, complete with red, white, and blue crepe paper intertwined in the spokes of my bike as a kid to join in the July 4 parade down main street in the town I grew up in. What are you talking about? Who defined what?

By the Founders, and their documents and writings. Ever read their stuff?

You know, the Russians also fly red, white and blue.

BTW, I was born in the birthplace of Uncle Sam, so there.

I don't know where the "birthplace of Uncle Sam" is. Yeah, the "Founders" had some ideas, and I've read them. They were careful to leave sectarianism out of it. They also were careful to leave female and black citizens out of it, even though these people were present then and are present up until this day. Don't wish for power that is not the product of your own personal merit.
The divide is not between blacks and whites to any real degree, except as magnified by media.

The actual divide is between Americans and Progressives, both Democrat and Republican, and it becomes more exquisitely defined every day.

That's where the fault line is located.

The actual divide is between right-wingers and the rest of Americans. The right-wing yahoos have no right to define who is or is not an "American."

Playing "Opposites Day" does not give your statement credence. What is American was defined long ago.

Seriously? By whom? I'm a born and bred American, complete with red, white, and blue crepe paper intertwined in the spokes of my bike as a kid to join in the July 4 parade down main street in the town I grew up in. What are you talking about? Who defined what?

I call BULLSHIT...loud and fucking clear.
At best, you’re a anchor baby born to illegal parents. We both know this.
The divide is not between blacks and whites to any real degree, except as magnified by media.

The actual divide is between Americans and Progressives, both Democrat and Republican, and it becomes more exquisitely defined every day.

That's where the fault line is located.

The actual divide is between right-wingers and the rest of Americans. The right-wing yahoos have no right to define who is or is not an "American."

Playing "Opposites Day" does not give your statement credence. What is American was defined long ago.

Seriously? By whom? I'm a born and bred American, complete with red, white, and blue crepe paper intertwined in the spokes of my bike as a kid to join in the July 4 parade down main street in the town I grew up in. What are you talking about? Who defined what?

I call BULLSHIT...loud and fucking clear.
At best, you’re a anchor baby born to illegal parents. We both know this.
What kind of bullshit are you trying to spread? Both of my parents were born in New Jersey, my mother to Russian immigrants, my father to an established family that originated in Ireland. It's useless to play the game of "who is an American," since we all are.
Gop is not the “white party” it’s the “racist party”. All there taking points revolve around hate . Hate of brown people , woman, the poor , other countries, freedom .
The divide is not between blacks and whites to any real degree, except as magnified by media.

The actual divide is between Americans and Progressives, both Democrat and Republican, and it becomes more exquisitely defined every day.

That's where the fault line is located.

The actual divide is between right-wingers and the rest of Americans. The right-wing yahoos have no right to define who is or is not an "American."

Playing "Opposites Day" does not give your statement credence. What is American was defined long ago.

Seriously? By whom? I'm a born and bred American, complete with red, white, and blue crepe paper intertwined in the spokes of my bike as a kid to join in the July 4 parade down main street in the town I grew up in. What are you talking about? Who defined what?

I call BULLSHIT...loud and fucking clear.
At best, you’re a anchor baby born to illegal parents. We both know this.
What kind of bullshit are you trying to spread? Both of my parents were born in New Jersey, my mother to Russian immigrants, my father to an established family that originated in Ireland. It's useless to play the game of "who is an American," since we all are.

You see that’s where you’re confused...being / acting American is a behavioral thing that has little to do with the soil you were born on. Us AMERICANS understand this clearly.
Gop is not the “white party” it’s the “racist party”. All there taking points revolve around hate . Hate of brown people , woman, the poor , other countries, freedom .

Just fed up with the filth and corruption....guess the common denominators?
In case you never noticed, Americans are comprised of people from all over the world, not just white people.

The common denominator is being an American, and standing for America.

Either you're an American and espouse the Founding Fathers ideals, or a turd! Your pick!

Did you know there was once a Cuban couple that wanted their kid to be American so bad, they named him "U.S. Mail"?
Gop is not the “white party” it’s the “racist party”. All there taking points revolve around hate . Hate of brown people , woman, the poor , other countries, freedom .
Right on timmy Presidential board misses you
In case you never noticed, Americans are comprised of people from all over the world, not just white people.

The common denominator is being an American, and standing for America.

Either you're an American and espouse the Founding Fathers ideals, or a turd! Your pick!

Did you know there was once a Cuban couple that wanted their kid to be American so bad, they named him "U.S. Mail"?

I agree...I have neighbors and friends from all over the world. All hard working, tax paying, positive contributing, law abiding, English speaking high quality people....see how this works?
If it were truly a white party then Trump would win 45 states!! Too many whites have gone INSANE & side with America HATING socialist OPEN borders GLOBALIST liberals!!

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