The White Party vs. The Minority that where we’re headed?

Let’s just cut to the chase...fuck it. They’ll really be no diluted GOP or DNC....
As the DNC builds its 21st century constituency around American hating illegals, Mexicans and Alphabet Wacks. The GOP will strengthen its foundation with Patriotic Whites...only makes sense right?
I would venture a guess this dynamic will create an opportunity for a legitimate Independent Party to develop and take shape.
Your thoughts?
We certainly need a good new party...
Gop is not the “white party” it’s the “racist party”. All there taking points revolve around hate . Hate of brown people , woman, the poor , other countries, freedom .
It's very hard to take this seriously.

It's even harder coming from the "Cat in the Hat."
Why should whites(and every other SANE person) FLEE to the Trump GOP?

Because the Democratic base wants to make whites as IRRELEVANT as they can! They want to remove as many whites from positions of power as possible!

Not only that but the have INSANE policies like OPEN borders, abolish ICE, abolish prisons, & reparations for blacks!! Majorities of whites, Hispanics, & Asians are ALL against reparations!
The left have been gloating about white Americans becoming a minority in their own country. When they take steps to prevent that outcome, the left goes crazy and calls them all racist. Isn't racist to hate white people and work to destroy them?

Just saw this...this is another one of those points you will not see a Lefty debate with any logic.
Why should whites(and every other SANE person) FLEE to the Trump GOP?

Because the Democratic base wants to make whites as IRRELEVANT as they can! They want to remove as many whites from positions of power as possible!

Not only that but the have INSANE policies like OPEN borders, abolish ICE, abolish prisons, & reparations for blacks!! Majorities of whites, Hispanics, & Asians are ALL against reparations!
The left have been gloating about white Americans becoming a minority in their own country. When they take steps to prevent that outcome, the left goes crazy and calls them all racist. Isn't racist to hate white people and work to destroy them?

What a load of horse shit. It’s white flight that has been happening in this country since the 1950’s.

So how exactly is it you are going to stop the evolution of preventing white people from becoming a minority? Force white people to have more kids? Force minorities to have less kids?

Your stupidity is astounding.
Why should whites(and every other SANE person) FLEE to the Trump GOP?

Because the Democratic base wants to make whites as IRRELEVANT as they can! They want to remove as many whites from positions of power as possible!

Not only that but the have INSANE policies like OPEN borders, abolish ICE, abolish prisons, & reparations for blacks!! Majorities of whites, Hispanics, & Asians are ALL against reparations!
The left have been gloating about white Americans becoming a minority in their own country. When they take steps to prevent that outcome, the left goes crazy and calls them all racist. Isn't racist to hate white people and work to destroy them?

What a load of horse shit. It’s white flight that has been happening in this country since the 1950’s.

So how exactly is it you are going to stop the evolution of preventing white people from becoming a minority? Force white people to have more kids? Force minorities to have less kids?

Your stupidity is astounding.

Nobody has more sway over American politics than corporations, and when they say

"we need more worker units, the white ones aren't reproducing enough and they expect too much financial compensation, bring us cheaper brown worker units"

The politicians in DC say OK
Black folks driving really expensive sports cars at 15MPH in a 45 zone is my major racial peeve.

Yankees coming to FL to create the same sort of third world one party dictatorship that they had back in snow country are something that I think should be eliminated.
Why should whites(and every other SANE person) FLEE to the Trump GOP?

Because the Democratic base wants to make whites as IRRELEVANT as they can! They want to remove as many whites from positions of power as possible!

Not only that but the have INSANE policies like OPEN borders, abolish ICE, abolish prisons, & reparations for blacks!! Majorities of whites, Hispanics, & Asians are ALL against reparations!
The left have been gloating about white Americans becoming a minority in their own country. When they take steps to prevent that outcome, the left goes crazy and calls them all racist. Isn't racist to hate white people and work to destroy them?

What a load of horse shit. It’s white flight that has been happening in this country since the 1950’s.

So how exactly is it you are going to stop the evolution of preventing white people from becoming a minority? Force white people to have more kids? Force minorities to have less kids?

Your stupidity is astounding.

I know for a fact you don't believe sane person can ignore the invasion of tens of millions of fertile, welfare sucking wetbacks and pretend they aren't the primary cause for the overrun of native Caucasians.
Let’s just cut to the chase...fuck it. They’ll really be no diluted GOP or DNC....
As the DNC builds its 21st century constituency around American hating illegals, Mexicans and Alphabet Wacks. The GOP will strengthen its foundation with Patriotic Whites...only makes sense right?
I would venture a guess this dynamic will create an opportunity for a legitimate Independent Party to develop and take shape.
Your thoughts?
Problem is many whites are destroying the education system, they teach a ideology that ends up controlling people not helping
Let’s just cut to the chase...fuck it. They’ll really be no diluted GOP or DNC....
As the DNC builds its 21st century constituency around American hating illegals, Mexicans and Alphabet Wacks. The GOP will strengthen its foundation with Patriotic Whites...only makes sense right?
I would venture a guess this dynamic will create an opportunity for a legitimate Independent Party to develop and take shape.
Your thoughts?

That’s what the Marxists that use identity politics want. I think they will get what they want.
So the GOP is just going full on racist?

Well your candor is as refreshing as it is disturbing
As soon as I left a school run by Democrats I became a republican in Boston. Many will leave the democrat
Party.. I have many Latinos at work tell me they support trump.
Actually, where we're headed is where the "white party" IS the minority party
So the GOP is just going full on racist?

Well your candor is as refreshing as it is disturbing
The GOP will be the racist ones as the Progressive Socialists are the ones attacking, raping, maiming, destroying and killing people including the GOP voters.
I don't need anyone to tell me whom to vote for. I come from a European background on both sides. I vote as I please. Right now, I am voting for the Democratic ticket because of what the republicans have done.
As soon as I left a school run by Democrats I became a republican in Boston. Many will leave the democrat
Party.. I have many Latinos at work tell me they support trump.
Trust me Southie...we've read your posts.

You shoulda stayed in longer
Actually, where we're headed is where the "white party" IS the minority party
South Africa is 10% white and is run by whites, white is power and if we take what we want
There ya go Trumpers...

Go full on racist,

People need to understand just who and what you are
I live with black and Spanish people they are saying the same things lol listen to mainstream black music. Lol
Do you have a internet connection??

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