The White Party vs. The Minority that where we’re headed?

Let’s just cut to the chase...fuck it. They’ll really be no diluted GOP or DNC....
As the DNC builds its 21st century constituency around American hating illegals, Mexicans and Alphabet Wacks. The GOP will strengthen its foundation with Patriotic Whites...only makes sense right?
I would venture a guess this dynamic will create an opportunity for a legitimate Independent Party to develop and take shape.
Your thoughts?

You nailed it.
The DNC always aims at the lowest common Denominator.

Actually, where we're headed is where the "white party" IS the minority party
South Africa is 10% white and is run by whites, white is power and if we take what we want
There ya go Trumpers...

Go full on racist,

People need to understand just who and what you are

If protecting oneself and one's culture means racism then by all means feel free to call it racism. It won't go away just because you call it that.

Who knew chuck Norris movies would be so coveted In 2020? I’m going to binge this weekend
What we are seeing is the boomers finally starting to become politically insignificant and not a minute too soon. Things are changing and the most entitled and pampered generation of humans ever are scared. The bills are due for the sins of the twentieth century. Boomers kicked a lot of cans down the road, do not expect the millennials to be happy about that.
What we are seeing is the boomers finally starting to become politically insignificant and not a minute too soon. Things are changing and the most entitled and pampered generation of humans ever are scared. The bills are due for the sins of the twentieth century. Boomers kicked a lot of cans down the road, do not expect the millennials to be happy about that.
Without Boomers...the GOP is DONE.

And Boomers are dying

There's that
What we are seeing is the boomers finally starting to become politically insignificant and not a minute too soon. Things are changing and the most entitled and pampered generation of humans ever are scared. The bills are due for the sins of the twentieth century. Boomers kicked a lot of cans down the road, do not expect the millennials to be happy about that.
Without Boomers...the GOP is DONE.

And Boomers are dying

There's that

So the GOP leans on boomers to stay relevant while the DNC relies on the voting age anchor babies planted here by the DNC’s coveted illegal wetbacks?
Illegals can’t vote ya friggin bigot

Read it again fool.
Let me teach you something....
TA-DA!....What else do you want to learn about?
Let’s just cut to the chase...fuck it. They’ll really be no diluted GOP or DNC....
As the DNC builds its 21st century constituency around American hating illegals, Mexicans and Alphabet Wacks. The GOP will strengthen its foundation with Patriotic Whites...only makes sense right?
I would venture a guess this dynamic will create an opportunity for a legitimate Independent Party to develop and take shape.
Your thoughts?

More pipe dreams.
Let’s just cut to the chase...fuck it. They’ll really be no diluted GOP or DNC....
As the DNC builds its 21st century constituency around American hating illegals, Mexicans and Alphabet Wacks. The GOP will strengthen its foundation with Patriotic Whites...only makes sense right?

NO, no it does not make sense.

Where the f* did this come form?

In 2016 hacked and released DNC e-mails exposed Democrats' racist, sexist, homophobic, and anti-Semitic content. Since then it is as if the Democrats just said, 'F* it - the cat's out of the bag' and embraced who they really are, refusing to hide it any more.

Latinos have already seen that the Democrats are lying SOBs who sought and continue to seek to manipulate them for their votes when they walked away from DACA on 3 separate occasions. The Democrats proved they would rather have the ISSUE of DACA to use as a manipulation tool rather than keep their promise and get it done.

And the 3 Amigos..., er Comrades - the Socialist / Muslim darlings have been repeatedly publicly rebuked by their own party for anti-Semitism.

But what the hell, let's just lob a few more false narratives and try to get stupid 'Gruber' dems / leftists / snowflakes to believe that the GOP is 'evil racists' by falsely accusing them of doing what Democrats have and continue to do and of being who the Democrats continue to demonstrate they are.


Bwuhahahahahahaha....... FAIL!
What we are seeing is the boomers finally starting to become politically insignificant

Not really, we're beginning to retire in significant numbers however. I'm at the very end of that generation. Having paid into the system for a lifetime, I fully expect the next generation or two to try an fuck us over. The Rabid Right already fucked us over so why not? We're old and feeble and easy targets.....</sarcasm>
The Democratic Party now consists of the following groups of Voters:

1) Most Blacks
2) Most Hispanics
3) All professional Porch Sitters on the Federal Government Plantation
4) Pinheads and Loons in the rotting cities of the north
5) Almost all Federal Government Employees
6) Illegal Aliens
7) The Recently Deceased
8) The Mentally Deranged
9) Almost all Homosexuals and those who can't figure out what sex they are

There is much overlap among these groups, but its close to 50% IF they have enough money on election day to pay the Porch Sitters to go vote, and it is kind of expensive to get the Recently Deceased all voted.

The fastest way to get to 51 per cent for sure is to open up the borders....and encourage the Mexicans to invade...which is exactly what Obama Gross and Criminal Violation of his Oath to enforce the laws.

The Obama Democrat Party's National Policy as it stands today is, essentially:


So, yea its ugly and going to get uglier. Heartland Americans aren't just going to roll over.

You started up with blacks and Hispanics. But then about everyone else you named sounds more like Republicans.
We’re not headed there. We are already there. Republicans are a nearly all white party. That’s not going to change soon anytime soon since the aryan nation and the Nazi party and all those other racist organizations joined and swelled the ranks of the GOP.
That’s not maligning anybody. That’s just the truth.
Meanwhile the Leftist Extremists have taken over the DNC - the party is eating itself.

You have openly racist anti-Semites being rebuked by their party then turn around and stage a public rebellion against their leader. What was initiated as a 2nd rebuke of an anti-Semite within their ranks gets turned into a watered-down opposition to 'all racism and hatred' and a defense of their anti-Semite.

The Democrats' worse nightmare (ok, 2nd worst - Hillary is not running again ... yet) is coming true - the Socialist Party Candidate they completely screwed in 2016 is again leading the field. The old guard was able to fend off the Socialist charge within their party last time by screwing Sanders out of his nomination, but there is enough openly Socialist Democrats in the party - who have already rebelled against the old guard and won - to prevent that from happening this time...if they can rally around Sanders.

The more radical the platform the better - Killing babies, allowing illegals to vote, publicly engaging in vile anti-Semitism...this is the NEW Socialist Democrat Party!

God help them...and this country.
We’re not headed there. We are already there. Republicans are a nearly all white party. That’s not going to change soon anytime soon since the aryan nation and the Nazi party and all those other racist organizations joined and swelled the ranks of the GOP.
That’s not maligning anybody. That’s just the truth.
:th_spinspin: :th_believecrap:
Not really, we're beginning to retire in significant numbers however. I'm at the very end of that generation. Having paid into the system for a lifetime, I fully expect the next generation or two to try an fuck us over. The Rabid Right already fucked us over so why not? We're old and feeble and easy targets.....</sarcasm>

The new generation has not f*ed you over, and the 'Rabid Right' has not f*ed you over...but if you want to tell yourself that and itr makes you feel better, go for it.

Our own generation's politicians have f*ed us over. They stole OUR money entrusted to the govt (forcefully taken from us without our say so) 'for our own good' because we 'could not be entrusted to save and invest for our own future retirement. Our money is GONE. The Social Security checks being issued today are being backed by the money being taken out of people's pay, people who ignorantly think their money is being stored away for THEM.

(How the f*, for example, do Americans think the money taken out of our paychecks for decades can suddenly be stretched to cover 20+ million illegals entering the country who have NOT paid in for years, many of whom get paid with cash off the books or who are getting jobs illegally by using forged documents?)

It has become one big huge Ponzi scheme. The President who signed this nightmare into law declared the program MUST NOT BE ALLOWED TO CONTINUE...because he saw what it would become...exactly what it has become.

Democrats and snowflakes who want to attack the 'Rabid Right' / GOP and blame them for the problems with the 'SSDD' Social Security Ponzi Scheme we have need to remember Bush came out with a plan to change SS to make it solvent, help it last...and Democrats ramped up the Fear-Mongering Machine and killed the plan without coming up with any answer themselves to fix it. Their plan was 'Do Nothing & Milk It Until The Cash Cow DIES'.

YES, Bush's plan would have been painful to execute and make the switch, but it was a better idea than knowing the 'end' / 'crash' is coming and riding it until the collapse, which is what the Democrats have and continue to advocate...except they have added a brand new source of strain on the system - millions of illegals crossing the border with immediate access to our rights - to include voting - and social programs.

So enough of the 'rabid right' and blaming the GOP bullshit!
Not really, we're beginning to retire in significant numbers however. I'm at the very end of that generation. Having paid into the system for a lifetime, I fully expect the next generation or two to try an fuck us over. The Rabid Right already fucked us over so why not? We're old and feeble and easy targets.....</sarcasm>

The new generation has not f*ed you over, and the 'Rabid Right' has not f*ed you over...but if you want to tell yourself that and itr makes you feel better, go for it.

Our own generation's politicians have f*ed us over. They stole OUR money entrusted to the govt (forcefully taken from us without our say so) 'for our own good' because we 'could not be entrusted to save and invest for our own future retirement. Our money is GONE. The Social Security checks being issued today are being backed by the money being taken out of people's pay, people who ignorantly think their money is being stored away for THEM.

(How the f*, for example, do Americans think the money taken out of our paychecks for decades can suddenly be stretched to cover 20+ million illegals entering the country who have NOT paid in for years, many of whom get paid with cash off the books or who are getting jobs illegally by using forged documents?)

It has become one big huge Ponzi scheme. The President who signed this nightmare into law declared the program MUST NOT BE ALLOWED TO CONTINUE...because he saw what it would become...exactly what it has become.

Democrats and snowflakes who want to attack the 'Rabid Right' / GOP and blame them for the problems with the 'SSDD' Social Security Ponzi Scheme we have need to remember Bush came out with a plan to change SS to make it solvent, help it last...and Democrats ramped up the Fear-Mongering Machine and killed the plan without coming up with any answer themselves to fix it. Their plan was 'Do Nothing & Milk It Until The Cash Cow DIES'.

YES, Bush's plan would have been painful to execute and make the switch, but it was a better idea than knowing the 'end' / 'crash' is coming and riding it until the collapse, which is what the Democrats have and continue to advocate...except they have added a brand new source of strain on the system - millions of illegals crossing the border with immediate access to our rights - to include voting - and social programs.

So enough of the 'rabid right' and blaming the GOP bullshit!

Nope our money is not gone. The SS Administration invested the excess is US Treasury Notes. Just like China, Japan, and a whole host of other nations. Why do they all invest in the USA? Because it's the safest bet in the world. The problem is the BB generation's retirement bubble is too large for the tax base to compensate for. Adjustments will be necessary.

Increase the tax base. Companies who rely on undocumented workers (like Trump's businesses) don't pay the taxes they should be paying and the workers wages are not taxed either. They are the real leaches here. Not those seeking jobs.

Increase the retirement age. People are living longer and we need to adjust.

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