The White Party vs. The Minority that where we’re headed?

Let’s just cut to the chase...fuck it. They’ll really be no diluted GOP or DNC....
As the DNC builds its 21st century constituency around American hating illegals, Mexicans and Alphabet Wacks. The GOP will strengthen its foundation with Patriotic Whites...only makes sense right?
I would venture a guess this dynamic will create an opportunity for a legitimate Independent Party to develop and take shape.
Your thoughts?
Actually Martin Luther Kings niece voted for Trump
Let’s just cut to the chase...fuck it. They’ll really be no diluted GOP or DNC....
As the DNC builds its 21st century constituency around American hating illegals, Mexicans and Alphabet Wacks. The GOP will strengthen its foundation with Patriotic Whites...only makes sense right?
I would venture a guess this dynamic will create an opportunity for a legitimate Independent Party to develop and take shape.
Your thoughts?
This is Obama's legacy. As impotent as James Buchanon.
Evver wonder how come Trump doesn't support putting employers of illegal aliens in the pokey for 30days with a fine that'd make their dicks wither?
Nope. I never wonder. He is a businessman. He knows full well businesses have hired illegals. He knows if he made such a push all hell would break loose across the political and economic spectrum. Notice how no Democrats have called for this to be done? They don't want it either. Doing so would cause a political and economic impact no one wants to be responsible for, not even Trump.

And, of course, the lure of illegal, under-the-table work is one of the primary reasons they're so desperate to get here.

Funny, ya never hear either party pointing this out to any significant degree.

It's tough to take people seriously when they're clearly not serious people.
Trump know HE hires illegal aliens.

And JUST TO BE CLEAR to you and snowflake, the GOP RARELY WAS FOR FINING EMPLOERS. Obama started doing it but changed the practice to be part of a "reset" and amnesty. Whoopee.

Obama amnesty extends to businesses that hire illegals

but if we don't want illegal aliens, just don't hire them. They'll go away to find food.
The fact remains, we don't see either party making much noise about this. Right now. Today.

If you want to just blame one, that's fine. I know that's the game.

People have been talking about corporations hiring illegal aliens for slave wages for years and years. I suspect the only thing YOU would change about that situation is you'd rather them be paid more.
Um, no, I'm against both illegal immigration and hiring illegals.

Another swing and a miss. Obviously my politics are not simple enough for you. Sorry.
The truth is that neither party was willing to use e-verify. Corporate America wanted the cheap labor and they are still getting it. They basically asked the Mexicans to come and work here in the US. Gee that doesn't even sound like it was the peoples idea of what is right. So now even though we know both parties are complicit in this bullshit now the right wants to villanize the people who came in order to feed their family. I am a proud veteran and a proud democrat and yes I and most other democrats want a secure border. Just not the throwing away of money on the donalds campaign rally. Why he even used illegals in his businesses. What a fucking phony our current president is. Remember he used illegal labor to help build trump tower.
The truth is that neither party was willing to use e-verify. Corporate America wanted the cheap labor and they are still getting it. They basically asked the Mexicans to come and work here in the US. Gee that doesn't even sound like it was the peoples idea of what is right. So now even though we know both parties are complicit in this bullshit now the right wants to villanize the people who came in order to feed their family. I am a proud veteran and a proud democrat and yes I and most other democrats want a secure border. Just not the throwing away of money on the donalds campaign rally. Why he even used illegals in his businesses. What a fucking phony our current president is. Remember he used illegal labor to help build trump tower.
Some politicians want to help long as they don't hurt themselves, their businesses, and their plan to become millionaires. Then there are those who just say, ''F* America - I'm getting mine.' Trump is the former, as even the biggest snowflakes have to admit he has done things to improve some things in the US.
The two parties will be Americans living in American soil, and the not Americans living in American soil.
Meanwhile the Leftist Extremists have taken over the DNC - the party is eating itself.

You have openly racist anti-Semites being rebuked by their party then turn around and stage a public rebellion against their leader. What was initiated as a 2nd rebuke of an anti-Semite within their ranks gets turned into a watered-down opposition to 'all racism and hatred' and a defense of their anti-Semite.

The Democrats' worse nightmare (ok, 2nd worst - Hillary is not running again ... yet) is coming true - the Socialist Party Candidate they completely screwed in 2016 is again leading the field. The old guard was able to fend off the Socialist charge within their party last time by screwing Sanders out of his nomination, but there is enough openly Socialist Democrats in the party - who have already rebelled against the old guard and won - to prevent that from happening this time...if they can rally around Sanders.

The more radical the platform the better - Killing babies, allowing illegals to vote, publicly engaging in vile anti-Semitism...this is the NEW Socialist Democrat Party!

God help them...and this country.
I don’t understand it. Republicans own the Nazis. The Nazis are part of the Republican Party and they’re complaining that it’s Democrats who hate the Jews? Did they even know what the holocaust was?
Nope our money is not gone. The SS Administration invested the excess is US Treasury Notes. Just like China, Japan, and a whole host of other nations. Why do they all invest in the USA? Because it's the safest bet in the world. The problem is the BB generation's retirement bubble is too large for the tax base to compensate for. Adjustments will be necessary.

So you seem to think the money from your Social Security taxes were put aside for you to pay you when you reach the age to collect SS..... Boy, do I have a bridge to sell you!

In 2011 Obama was asked if he could guarantee Social Security Checks would go out despite the govt shutdown. He answered by saying:

“I cannot guarantee that those checks [he included veterans and the disabled, in addition to Social Security] go out on August 3rd if we haven't resolved this issue. Because there may simply not be the money in the coffers to do it.”

Why the hell NOT?

"And Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner echoed the president on CBS’s Face the Nation Sunday implying that if a budget deal isn’t reached by August 2, seniors might not get their Social Security checks.

Well, either Obama and Geithner are lying to us now, or they and all defenders of the Social Security status quo have been lying to us for decades. It must be one or the other."

The article goes on to explain:

"The pretense is that a flush trust fund will pay retirees for the next 26 years. Lovely, except for one thing: The Social Security trust fund is a fiction. … In other words, the Social Security trust fund contains—nothing.”

Social Security status-quo defenders have assured us for the past 25 years that Social Security is fully funded—for the next 25 years, or 2036. So if there are real assets in the Social Security Trust Fund—$2.6 trillion allegedly—then how could failure to reach a debt-ceiling agreement possibly threaten seniors’ Social Security checks?

The answer is that the federal government has borrowed all of that trust fund money and spent it

the only way the trust fund can get some cash to pay Social Security benefits is if the federal government draws it from general revenues or borrows the money—which, of course, it can’t do because of the debt ceiling.

Thus, the answer to my initial question is that the president is telling the truth now in the sense that he is conceding there’s no money in the trust fund to pay benefits; but he and other Social Security status-quo defenders have been deceiving the public for decades.

Anytime someone has proposed personal Social Security retirement accounts as a way to ensure that people have real assets in their own account without bankrupting the government or future generations, defenders of the status quo would pounce, calling such a reform, in Al Gore’s words, a “risky scheme.” They have vociferously claimed that those trust fund assets are real and that only by having the government manage and control the accounts would seniors be guaranteed to get their retirement checks.

Well, we have the status quo and seniors may not get their checks. Had we shifted to a system of pre-funded, personal Social Security retirement accounts years ago, this wouldn’t even be an issue—because retirees would have their own money in their own accounts.

Yes, the accounts likely would have declined when the stock market went down, though not if the reform were structured like three Texas counties did 30 years ago (see
here). But in case you haven’t noticed, Social Security revenues also declined during the economic downturn—because fewer people were working—so that the government is paying out more in benefits than it is taking in, and hence needing additional federal revenues, a fact admitted by Lew.

"If the budget crisis has done nothing else, it has exposed the decades-long lie about the solvency of the Social Security trust fund. The trust fund may be backed by the “full faith and credit of the federal government,” as defenders constantly remind us, but if it had real assets the president wouldn’t be talking about seniors missing their checks."

What Happened to the $2.6 Trillion Social Security Trust Fund?


Republican said they would hurt the country before they would help Obama. They put hurting Obama as their number one priority. Even if that hurt the country.
I know it, you know it, everybody knows it.
So what was it you thought Obama should do against such awful and malicious people?
The truth is that neither party was willing to use e-verify. Corporate America wanted the cheap labor and they are still getting it. They basically asked the Mexicans to come and work here in the US. Gee that doesn't even sound like it was the peoples idea of what is right. So now even though we know both parties are complicit in this bullshit now the right wants to villanize the people who came in order to feed their family. I am a proud veteran and a proud democrat and yes I and most other democrats want a secure border. Just not the throwing away of money on the donalds campaign rally. Why he even used illegals in his businesses. What a fucking phony our current president is. Remember he used illegal labor to help build trump tower.
Some politicians want to help long as they don't hurt themselves, their businesses, and their plan to become millionaires. Then there are those who just say, ''F* America - I'm getting mine.' Trump is the former, as even the biggest snowflakes have to admit he has done things to improve some things in the US.
You have to share your delusion because I’m mystified as to what you’re talking about. Trump has done nothing to help this country. He’s hurt it in many ways. And he’s not planning on stopping anytime soon. I’m pretty sure he’s got his orders straight from from Vladimir Putin.
I'm told the GOP doesn't need minorities to win.

So I guess that settles that.
Nope our money is not gone. The SS Administration invested the excess is US Treasury Notes. Just like China, Japan, and a whole host of other nations. Why do they all invest in the USA? Because it's the safest bet in the world. The problem is the BB generation's retirement bubble is too large for the tax base to compensate for. Adjustments will be necessary.

So you seem to think the money from your Social Security taxes were put aside for you to pay you when you reach the age to collect SS..... Boy, do I have a bridge to sell you!

In 2011 Obama was asked if he could guarantee Social Security Checks would go out despite the govt shutdown. He answered by saying:

“I cannot guarantee that those checks [he included veterans and the disabled, in addition to Social Security] go out on August 3rd if we haven't resolved this issue. Because there may simply not be the money in the coffers to do it.”

Why the hell NOT?

"And Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner echoed the president on CBS’s Face the Nation Sunday implying that if a budget deal isn’t reached by August 2, seniors might not get their Social Security checks.

Well, either Obama and Geithner are lying to us now, or they and all defenders of the Social Security status quo have been lying to us for decades. It must be one or the other."

The article goes on to explain:

"The pretense is that a flush trust fund will pay retirees for the next 26 years. Lovely, except for one thing: The Social Security trust fund is a fiction. … In other words, the Social Security trust fund contains—nothing.”

Social Security status-quo defenders have assured us for the past 25 years that Social Security is fully funded—for the next 25 years, or 2036. So if there are real assets in the Social Security Trust Fund—$2.6 trillion allegedly—then how could failure to reach a debt-ceiling agreement possibly threaten seniors’ Social Security checks?

The answer is that the federal government has borrowed all of that trust fund money and spent it

the only way the trust fund can get some cash to pay Social Security benefits is if the federal government draws it from general revenues or borrows the money—which, of course, it can’t do because of the debt ceiling.

Thus, the answer to my initial question is that the president is telling the truth now in the sense that he is conceding there’s no money in the trust fund to pay benefits; but he and other Social Security status-quo defenders have been deceiving the public for decades.

Anytime someone has proposed personal Social Security retirement accounts as a way to ensure that people have real assets in their own account without bankrupting the government or future generations, defenders of the status quo would pounce, calling such a reform, in Al Gore’s words, a “risky scheme.” They have vociferously claimed that those trust fund assets are real and that only by having the government manage and control the accounts would seniors be guaranteed to get their retirement checks.

Well, we have the status quo and seniors may not get their checks. Had we shifted to a system of pre-funded, personal Social Security retirement accounts years ago, this wouldn’t even be an issue—because retirees would have their own money in their own accounts.

Yes, the accounts likely would have declined when the stock market went down, though not if the reform were structured like three Texas counties did 30 years ago (see
here). But in case you haven’t noticed, Social Security revenues also declined during the economic downturn—because fewer people were working—so that the government is paying out more in benefits than it is taking in, and hence needing additional federal revenues, a fact admitted by Lew.

"If the budget crisis has done nothing else, it has exposed the decades-long lie about the solvency of the Social Security trust fund. The trust fund may be backed by the “full faith and credit of the federal government,” as defenders constantly remind us, but if it had real assets the president wouldn’t be talking about seniors missing their checks."

What Happened to the $2.6 Trillion Social Security Trust Fund?


Republican said they would hurt the country before they would help Obama. They put hurting Obama as their number one priority. Even if that hurt the country.
I know it, you know it, everybody knows it.
So what was it you thought Obama should do against such awful and malicious people?
Obama blew a massive total control of the House, the Senate and his Presidency the first two years for being totally Progressive Socialist. Repubs were not going to vote for him, but the voters saw through it and they voted out a huge Progressive socialist majority in the House. He would not work with his own party in compromise. And voted Obamacare in when they were lame duck. All of those progressive socialist women in the White House with Obama and you saw the riots occur. You saw the world start to fall apart. And it continues today from people with power who think the same pulling the strings in the background. Trump had/has his work cut out. Repubs had no power and when you had all the cards. You could have voted everything in those first two years after the 2008 election.
Let’s just cut to the chase...fuck it. They’ll really be no diluted GOP or DNC....
As the DNC builds its 21st century constituency around American hating illegals, Mexicans and Alphabet Wacks. The GOP will strengthen its foundation with Patriotic Whites...only makes sense right?
I would venture a guess this dynamic will create an opportunity for a legitimate Independent Party to develop and take shape.
Your thoughts?

It is what the GOP wants to happen; clearly.

This is what the wall is about.

You guys hate brown people and you think this will help you see less of them.
Let’s just cut to the chase...fuck it. They’ll really be no diluted GOP or DNC....
As the DNC builds its 21st century constituency around American hating illegals, Mexicans and Alphabet Wacks. The GOP will strengthen its foundation with Patriotic Whites...only makes sense right?
I would venture a guess this dynamic will create an opportunity for a legitimate Independent Party to develop and take shape.
Your thoughts?

Patriotic whites? :21:

Not hardly pal. What we're headed to is normal America vs skinhead shitforbrains swastika tattooed prison inmate America.

Works for me.
Let’s just cut to the chase...fuck it. They’ll really be no diluted GOP or DNC....
As the DNC builds its 21st century constituency around American hating illegals, Mexicans and Alphabet Wacks. The GOP will strengthen its foundation with Patriotic Whites...only makes sense right?
I would venture a guess this dynamic will create an opportunity for a legitimate Independent Party to develop and take shape.
Your thoughts?

It is what the GOP wants to happen; clearly.

This is what the wall is about.

You guys hate brown people and you think this will help you see less of them.

And you guys hate white people and want to see them replaced.
Obama blew a massive total control of the House, the Senate and his Presidency the first two years for being totally Progressive Socialist

Between Franken being finally seated and Kennedy dying (with Dems dropping the ball and letting his seat slip), they had much less time than two years. It was the massive use of the Cloture rule that stopped most everything the GOP could. (and not look too bad in the public eye.)
Meanwhile the Leftist Extremists have taken over the DNC - the party is eating itself.

You have openly racist anti-Semites being rebuked by their party then turn around and stage a public rebellion against their leader. What was initiated as a 2nd rebuke of an anti-Semite within their ranks gets turned into a watered-down opposition to 'all racism and hatred' and a defense of their anti-Semite.

The Democrats' worse nightmare (ok, 2nd worst - Hillary is not running again ... yet) is coming true - the Socialist Party Candidate they completely screwed in 2016 is again leading the field. The old guard was able to fend off the Socialist charge within their party last time by screwing Sanders out of his nomination, but there is enough openly Socialist Democrats in the party - who have already rebelled against the old guard and won - to prevent that from happening this time...if they can rally around Sanders.

The more radical the platform the better - Killing babies, allowing illegals to vote, publicly engaging in vile anti-Semitism...this is the NEW Socialist Democrat Party!

God help them...and this country.
I don’t understand it. Republicans own the Nazis. The Nazis are part of the Republican Party and they’re complaining that it’s Democrats who hate the Jews? Did they even know what the holocaust was?
Do you even know what nazi means??? Lol socialism ... workers party?? Unions? Hello mcfly

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