The Wife-Beater Disease


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
The modern world is gauged by networking sophistication (e.g., European Union, Wall Street, Facebook, etc.). The high volume of mercantilism-based traffic (e.g., eBay, eTrade, esurance, etc.) can make someone feel very claustrophobic or even overwhelmed.

The Christian Bible says that at the End of Days, the mysterious Harlot of Babylon will rise to power to seduce men away from civics.

Why do Americans make gender-paranoia films such as Whore and Bad Girls?

Maybe the high volume of modern traffic has people sensitized to more human issues such as unemployment, gender conflicts, and alcoholism.

In this climate, the suburban housewife may become a mental target of chauvinism-engendered frustrations (e.g., planned parenthood biases, gender-suffocated community values, etc.).

A post office worker comes home after a terrible frustrating day of high-traffic work and drinks a lot of alcohol and starts beating his wife.

There may be a modern 'Wife-Beater Disease' present (and invisible) in our midst...

Could art provide relief? Gender-conscious films such as Frida and Marie Antoinette speak to a social interest in stirring up 'gender-muscle dialogue.'


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