The winner: Juan Carlos Vera


Groovy Dude
Jan 24, 2013
Acorn recently won a suit against the pimp who bugged them.

No it doesn't, you moron. Mox is a satire site. You're an idiot.
Snoopie couldn't figure that out even AFTER it was pointed out to her.

Snoopie is clearly one of the dumbest little ineffectual troll shits to ever pollute the USMB.
Besides which, ACORN doesn't exist any more. He agreed to pay the employee who got fired $100,000, based on the fact that after O'Keefe spoke to the guy, he actually DID call the police (O'Keefe had no way of knowing that). So he settled with the guy and gave him some money.

" Following the AG's report, that employee, who had been fired by ACORN immediately after the video's release, sued O'Keefe and Giles in 2010. He alleged invasion of privacy, and cited a California law that prohibits recordings without consent of all parties involved.[56] O'Keefe moved for summary judgment in his favor, arguing that the plaintiff had no reasonable expectation that the conversation would be private. In August of 2012, the federal judge hearing the case denied O'Keefe's motion for summary judgment. The judge stated that O'Keefe had "misled plaintiff to believe that the conversation would remain confidential by posing as a client seeking services from ACORN and asking whether their conversation was confidential."[57] On March 5, 2013, O'Keefe agreed to pay the fired employee, Juan Carlos Vera, $100,000. O'Keefe acknowledged in the settlement that at the time he published his video he was unaware that Vera had, in fact, notified the police about the incident.

James O'Keefe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia case you missed it the first time...ACORN no longer exists, and ACORN didn't win a lawsuit against anyone. That criminal organization, thankfully, no longer exists.
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Besides which, ACORN doesn't exist any more. He agreed to pay the employee who got fired $100,000, based on the fact that after O'Keefe spoke to the guy, he actually DID call the police (O'Keefe had no way of knowing that). So he settled with the guy and gave him some money.

" Following the AG's report, that employee, who had been fired by ACORN immediately after the video's release, sued O'Keefe and Giles in 2010. He alleged invasion of privacy, and cited a California law that prohibits recordings without consent of all parties involved.[56] O'Keefe moved for summary judgment in his favor, arguing that the plaintiff had no reasonable expectation that the conversation would be private. In August of 2012, the federal judge hearing the case denied O'Keefe's motion for summary judgment. The judge stated that O'Keefe had "misled plaintiff to believe that the conversation would remain confidential by posing as a client seeking services from ACORN and asking whether their conversation was confidential."[57] On March 5, 2013, O'Keefe agreed to pay the fired employee, Juan Carlos Vera, $100,000. O'Keefe acknowledged in the settlement that at the time he published his video he was unaware that Vera had, in fact, notified the police about the incident.

James O'Keefe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia case you missed it the first time...ACORN no longer exists, and ACORN didn't win a lawsuit against anyone. That criminal organization, thankfully, no longer exists.

I added a little emphasis to highlight what O'Keefe acknowledged. And yes, the "settlement" was with the employee, not with ACORN.

Snoopie still doesn't get any of this. :lol:

Truth is stranger than fiction, lol. Good beans.


Former ACORN employee Juan Carlos Vera sued after being wrongly portrayed as a willing participant in an underage sex-trafficking scheme. Breitbart still hasn't corrected the item!

juan carlos vera full full full.png

This image, taken today from, is scandalous, as you'll understand if you read on. The man pictured is Juan Carlos Vera.

The most absurd passage ever published at appears in a November 2011 article by Ron Capshaw, under the headline, "The Birth of the Democratic Campaign Tactics: 1964." The piece begins by discussing the race between Barry Goldwater and Lyndon Johnson. Then one reaches the third paragraph: "Journalists on the campaign trail saw Johnson drunkenly board a plane armed with nuclear weapons and then accidentally drop them on the United States," the article states. "Luckily, by the grace of God, they did not go off. None of this was reported, while newspapers editors worked in overdrive to portray Goldwater as eager to push the button."

How I love that passage. It isn't just that it appears without attribution, as if the reader should accept such an anecdote without citation. What's so priceless is that, even in a scenario where it improbably proved to be true, a writer and editor would still have just slipped it into the article as a casual aside, quietly achieving the biggest buried lede in history. Adds the next sentence, "Today, pundits argue that dirty tricks by Carville and Begalia [sic] were something new on the horizon for Democrats and were borrowed from decades of Republican campaigns. But Johnson was a pioneer of the Clinton War Room." A near nuclear disaster is mentioned not as something to dwell on or condemn, but as incidental example of the actual subjects to be dwelled upon: liberal media bias and how it enables the rotten tricks that those evil Democrats play during political campaigns.

Several days ago, I said all of this on Twitter, to the delight of many who found the passage as humorous as I do. At the time, I saved a screenshot, fearing that the piece would be changed or taken down, but I needn't have worried. Normal journalistic impulses don't really apply at Breitbart.

No harm done in this instance. But the Andrew Breitbart-inspired, averse-to-correction mode of journalism isn't always so innocuous, as I was reminded yesterday when I saw that Juan Carlos Vera's name was back in the headlines. I haven't written about him for some time, but if you're looking for the most indefensible thing that happened when Andrew Breitbart worked with James O'Keefe, this is worth revisiting.

There's finally good news to report.


Juan Carlos Vera worked at an ACORN office in San Diego. One day, O'Keefe and Hannah Giles walked in with a hidden video camera and pretended to be a pimp and prostitute as part of a sting meant to prove that some of ACORN's employees were depraved leftists.

They asked Vera for help smuggling underage girls across the Mexican border so that they could work in a brothel. Confronted with what appeared to be a sex-trafficking plot, you'd hope that someone in Vera's position would play along, get as much information as possible, and call the police.

And guess what?

That's exactly what Vera did.

Unbeknownst to O'Keefe or Giles, he called his cousin, a police officer, shortly after they left his office. Perhaps you know what happened next. Internet entrepreneur Andrew Breitbart published the ACORN hidden videos, which exposed some actual instances of bad behavior at the organization, but also turned out to be egregiously misleading to the millions who watched them.

This is true of a lot of the ACORN videos.

But the San Diego ACORN video was particularly misleading. O'Keefe produced, and Breitbart published and publicized, videos that made an innocent man look as if he was complicit in a would-be plot to traffic underage girls across the border. They didn't do this on purpose. Still, it happened.

And it cost the guy his job:

A man fired from ACORN's San Diego-area office for discussing human smuggling with a fake pimp and prostitute reported the incident to police two days after it happened, according to information released by the police. Juan Carlos Vera was fired by ACORN after a videotape was aired on Fox News showing him discussing with a couple posed as a pimp and a prostitute the best ways to smuggle underage prostitutes into the U.S. from El Salvador.

"It's better if it's in Tijuana," Vera is heard saying in the video. "Because I have a lot of contacts in Tijuana."

But police said in a press release that Vera reported the incident to his cousin, a detective with the National City Police Department. Vera worked in ACORN's National City office. The detective contacted a federal task force that deals with human smuggling, and an officer from the task force asked for more details.

After making Vera look like an eager would-be sex trafficker, what did Breitbart and O'Keefe do when it was reported that he had in fact called the police? What did they do when the California Attorney General investigated the case and affirmed as much? Did they append a correction to the story and apologize? Did they do what they could to give this man back his reputation?

They did not.

When last I wrote about this story in 2010, long after all the facts had come to light, there was no correction appended to the story. And look at the page today: The original story is still up with no correction, no clarification, no editor's note -- nothing. Long ago I confronted O'Keefe on Twitter about Vera. Back when he was alive I confronted Andrew Breitbart about the man too.

This was the only Breitbart response I recall seeing (the site's architecture has changed, so it's possible that something else was posted at some point that isn't appearing up in my searches). Breitbart also addressed the Vera matter on Twitter in this confused, misleading tweet: "Juan Vera called [his police officer] cousin LONG after videos were filmed -- when James [O'Keefe] refused to hook up w him to help girls over border. Try again!"


After examining phone records and conducting interviews with two police officers, the California Attorney General's Office reported [PDF] this about O'Keefe and Giles's visit with Vera [emphasis added]: "Immediately after the couple left, Vera telephoned his cousin, Detective Alejandro Hernandez, at the National City Police Department."

The report goes on:
He left a voicemail message for Detective Hernandez stating that some "crazy people" were in his office providing information. Vera did not explain the substance of the conversation and did not make reference to prostitution or human smuggling on the message. He asked his cousin to call him back. Later that day, Vera also reported the incident to fellow ACORN employee Cruz Acosta. Acosta had been away from the office while the couple was present. Vera explained to him what happened. Vera also reported the incident, either the same day or shortly thereafter, to Mar Murrillon, an ACORN board member. Vera told Murrillon that he had reported the incident to the police. (Vera Interview.) Vera eventually spoke with Detective Hernandez on August 27, 2009.
So Breitbart was factually wrong.

He willfully ignored me when I pointed that out at the time.

Months later, he was still insinuating than an innocent man was willing to comply with the transnational smuggling of underage prostitutes. In 2010, when I was obsessed with this story, I kept marveling aloud at it, but it did nothing to dim Breitbart's star or to prevent conservatives from shoveling money to O'Keefe for more hidden-video projects, the dubious results of which we've since seen.

I hate to say I told you so.

You'd think that someone in the conservative press, or some media critic, would have jumped on this long ago, but no one ever got interested. And by all appearances, is being run today by people with no interest in doing justice in this case.

Anyway, no thanks to them, there's been a bit of justice after all: Juan Carlos Vera sued O'Keefe and Giles "for $75,000 in damages, arguing that he was taped without consent in violation of state law, and portrayed untruthfully. And as of yesterday, O'Keefe agreed to pay him $100,000 in damages and tender an apology." Actually, the "apology" is pretty weak, but whatever. The paperwork is below.
The Government Accountability Office report showed no wrong doing on Acorn's part. Just another example of a Republican witch hunt they seem to love so much.


United States v. Bland

Case summary
Eight defendants were changed in an indictment
filed on December 20, 2007 with two counts each of
voter registration fraud in violation of 42 U.S.C. §§
1973i(c), 1973gg-10 and 18 U.S.C. § 2. The
indictment alleged that ACORN a
recruited workers to obtain voter registrations in the City of St. Louis and St. Louis County and trained them in how to properly
obtain registration applications. It further alleged that
the defendants were employed by ACORN to obtain
voter registrations and that defendants knowingly
submitted voter registration applications with false

All defendants entered guilty pleas. Defendants received
a variety of sentences ranging from, for example, a term
of probation for 1 year and an assessment of $100.00
and imprisonment for a term of 6 months with a term of
probation for 2 years and a term of supervised release of
12 months. (SEE p. 31 of 74 pdf pages). At "Table 4."

Of course, the convictions were those of 8 defendants, and they did not constitute a finding of guilt or responsibility BY acorn. Still it doesn't take a bloodhound to sniff this one out, boys and girls.
One of the very BEST things to come out of the Breitbart expose on ACORN was:


And then there's THIS image, which is ANOTHER cool thing to come out of the exposure of ACORN:


Well, the same thing. :D
The Government Accountability Office report showed no wrong doing on Acorn's part. Just another example of a Republican witch hunt they seem to love so much.


United States v. Bland

Case summary
Eight defendants were changed in an indictment
filed on December 20, 2007 with two counts each of
voter registration fraud in violation of 42 U.S.C. §§
1973i(c), 1973gg-10 and 18 U.S.C. § 2. The
indictment alleged that ACORN a
recruited workers to obtain voter registrations in the City of St. Louis and St. Louis County and trained them in how to properly
obtain registration applications. It further alleged that
the defendants were employed by ACORN to obtain
voter registrations and that defendants knowingly
submitted voter registration applications with false

All defendants entered guilty pleas. Defendants received
a variety of sentences ranging from, for example, a term
of probation for 1 year and an assessment of $100.00
and imprisonment for a term of 6 months with a term of
probation for 2 years and a term of supervised release of
12 months. (SEE p. 31 of 74 pdf pages). At "Table 4."

Of course, the convictions were those of 8 defendants, and they did not constitute a finding of guilt or responsibility BY acorn. Still it doesn't take a bloodhound to sniff this one out, boys and girls.

Yah Ilar..

What happened is that ACORN, an organization dedicated to actually doing something about poverty by finding homes for people and getting them to participate in society so they feel they have a buy in, did something most other organization do not do..they hired convicts.

Turns out they didn't supervise them all that well.

Which was a "great" reason for congress to essentially shut them down.

And do nothing in regards to taking up the functions they use to perform.
The Government Accountability Office report showed no wrong doing on Acorn's part. Just another example of a Republican witch hunt they seem to love so much.


United States v. Bland

Case summary
Eight defendants were changed in an indictment
filed on December 20, 2007 with two counts each of
voter registration fraud in violation of 42 U.S.C. §§
1973i(c), 1973gg-10 and 18 U.S.C. § 2. The
indictment alleged that ACORN a
recruited workers to obtain voter registrations in the City of St. Louis and St. Louis County and trained them in how to properly
obtain registration applications. It further alleged that
the defendants were employed by ACORN to obtain
voter registrations and that defendants knowingly
submitted voter registration applications with false

All defendants entered guilty pleas. Defendants received
a variety of sentences ranging from, for example, a term
of probation for 1 year and an assessment of $100.00
and imprisonment for a term of 6 months with a term of
probation for 2 years and a term of supervised release of
12 months. (SEE p. 31 of 74 pdf pages). At "Table 4."

Of course, the convictions were those of 8 defendants, and they did not constitute a finding of guilt or responsibility BY acorn. Still it doesn't take a bloodhound to sniff this one out, boys and girls.

Yah Ilar..

What happened is that ACORN, an organization dedicated to actually doing something about poverty by finding homes for people and getting them to participate in society so they feel they have a buy in, did something most other organization do not do..they hired convicts.

Turns out they didn't supervise them all that well.

Which was a "great" reason for congress to essentially shut them down.

And do nothing in regards to taking up the functions they use to perform.

Sure. It was just a coincidence that the convicts they hired just HAPPENED to all engage there in that voter registration criminality -- due to a lack of oversight.

Yes. That must be it.

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