The winner: Juan Carlos Vera



Just because I think that one adds measurably to the matter under discussion.
Proves what a liar Hannity is.
No it doesn't.

My two cents worth on acorn for its jacking around the election system with bad votes to throw a presidential election last time when Romney was leading by 5% the day before the election in most places:


Down with ACORN!
Acorn was a criminal organization, that finally was dissolved because of criminal activities and the fact that its very existence was an embarassment to Obama, who was for a while one of the criminals involved with the criminal organization.

Acorn didn't win anything. The title is misleading and stupid. James O'Keefe paid out some money to a specific employee based on the fact that the employee was filmed without his consent, and was defamed by the film when in fact he allegedly DID call the police to report...something. Who knows what.

Anyway. Criminal organization. This lawsuit has nothing to do with it, and the organization itself no longer exists, thanks to the exposure of RAMPANT fraud perpetuated by it. Which crimes, incidentally (voter fraud) were NUMEROUS and completely unrelated to O'Keefe or his film in any way, shape or form.
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Proves what a liar Hannity is.
No it doesn't.

My two cents worth on acorn for its jacking around the election system with bad votes to throw a presidential election last time when Romney was leading by 5% the day before the election in most places:


Down with ACORN!

Romney was down in the polls in every state he lost.

Pre-election polling was almost completely correct, even as all of you guys kept yelling about "biased" polls.

Perhaps Romney was leading in the "unskewed" polls.
By the way, the title of this thread is deliberately misleading. Isn't that against the rules, particularly in "politics"?

Might want to check that.
REEEEEALLY? (SEE p. 31 of 74 pdf pages). At "Table 4."

Of course, the convictions were those of 8 defendants, and they did not constitute a finding of guilt or responsibility BY acorn. Still it doesn't take a bloodhound to sniff this one out, boys and girls.

Yah Ilar..

What happened is that ACORN, an organization dedicated to actually doing something about poverty by finding homes for people and getting them to participate in society so they feel they have a buy in, did something most other organization do not do..they hired convicts.

Turns out they didn't supervise them all that well.

Which was a "great" reason for congress to essentially shut them down.

And do nothing in regards to taking up the functions they use to perform.

Sure. It was just a coincidence that the convicts they hired just HAPPENED to all engage there in that voter registration criminality -- due to a lack of oversight.

Yes. That must be it.

It's not a "coincidence".

ACORN hired a bunch of people to collect voter registrations - and those people quickly realized that they could keep their jobs without actually having to work if they just filled out the forms themselves.

Think about Occam's Razor - which is more likely? A massive, nationwide conspiracy, or people simply being lazy?
Yeah, hundreds of instances across the nation, spanning years..."coincidence"....

Including many, many convictions.

Er..I'm only one person. And I'm not a guy.

Anyway. The thread title is deliberately misleading. The settlement between O'Keefe and the individual reflects nothing at all on Acorn...who won nothing and remains defunct thanks to their criminal practices.
Er..I'm only one person. And I'm not a guy.

Anyway. The thread title is deliberately misleading. The settlement between O'Keefe and the individual reflects nothing at all on Acorn...who won nothing and remains defunct thanks to their criminal practices.

My post was not just directed at you, but at all the people in this thread and throughout the right wing noise machine that espouse the same nonsense as you.
The other side of the account. :)

In 320 gripping pages, 28-year-old O'Keefe describes being thrust under the national microscope at a young age after he and fellow activist Hannah Giles, armed with hidden cameras, asked employees of the now-defunct Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) to help them open a brothel for underage teens from Latin America. In the videos, some ACORN employees obliged or looked the other way. The footage caused a sensation at the time and led to an overwhelming vote in Congress to strip ACORN of grant money from the federal government.

The operation made O'Keefe an instant household name—and also a target.

The videos, first released by the late Andrew Breitbart's website, made O'Keefe the scourge of the American left. O'Keefe was quickly maligned as "racist" for wearing a "pimp costume" in his videos that consisted of a chinchilla coat he borrowed from his grandmother. He was also called a manipulator who "selectively edits" his videos to make them appear sensational. (O'Keefe pushes back on that criticism, noting that he makes it a habit to release the raw, unedited versions of footage alongside his final product, a practice largely unused by most documentary filmmakers and television journalists.)

“If you’ve never been subject to this kind of ritual defamation," O'Keefe writes in his book, "let me warn you, it hurts.”

Riding high after the ACORN hit in January 2010, O'Keefe led a team into Landrieu's office in New Orleans, La., in an attempt to find out if she was lying when she told constituents who could not reach her office that the phone lines were malfunctioning. Two of the men with O'Keefe, who were dressed as telephone repairmen, asked to "check the phones to make sure they're working." Landrieu's staff didn't buy it—O'Keefe's "repairmen" were wearing tool belts without tools in them—and the group was quickly detained and their equipment confiscated. (Law enforcement officials erased the footage on their cameras before returning them, O'Keefe says.)

After a few days in a local jail and a lengthy fight in court, O'Keefe was cleared of felony charges but convicted of the misdemeanor of entering a federal building under "false pretenses."

Off probation, filmmaker James O?Keefe gives his side of story in tell-all book
Acorn was a criminal organization, that finally was dissolved because of criminal activities and the fact that its very existence was an embarassment to Obama, who was for a while one of the criminals involved with the criminal organization.

Acorn didn't win anything. The title is misleading and stupid. James O'Keefe paid out some money to a specific employee based on the fact that the employee was filmed without his consent, and was defamed by the film when in fact he allegedly DID call the police to report...something. Who knows what.

Anyway. Criminal organization. This lawsuit has nothing to do with it, and the organization itself no longer exists, thanks to the exposure of RAMPANT fraud perpetuated by it. Which crimes, incidentally (voter fraud) were NUMEROUS and completely unrelated to O'Keefe or his film in any way, shape or form.

Who was convicted of any crimes at acorn?
The other side of the account. :)

In 320 gripping pages, 28-year-old O'Keefe describes being thrust under the national microscope at a young age after he and fellow activist Hannah Giles, armed with hidden cameras, asked employees of the now-defunct Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) to help them open a brothel for underage teens from Latin America. In the videos, some ACORN employees obliged or looked the other way. The footage caused a sensation at the time and led to an overwhelming vote in Congress to strip ACORN of grant money from the federal government.

The operation made O'Keefe an instant household name—and also a target.

The videos, first released by the late Andrew Breitbart's website, made O'Keefe the scourge of the American left. O'Keefe was quickly maligned as "racist" for wearing a "pimp costume" in his videos that consisted of a chinchilla coat he borrowed from his grandmother. He was also called a manipulator who "selectively edits" his videos to make them appear sensational. (O'Keefe pushes back on that criticism, noting that he makes it a habit to release the raw, unedited versions of footage alongside his final product, a practice largely unused by most documentary filmmakers and television journalists.)

“If you’ve never been subject to this kind of ritual defamation," O'Keefe writes in his book, "let me warn you, it hurts.”

Riding high after the ACORN hit in January 2010, O'Keefe led a team into Landrieu's office in New Orleans, La., in an attempt to find out if she was lying when she told constituents who could not reach her office that the phone lines were malfunctioning. Two of the men with O'Keefe, who were dressed as telephone repairmen, asked to "check the phones to make sure they're working." Landrieu's staff didn't buy it—O'Keefe's "repairmen" were wearing tool belts without tools in them—and the group was quickly detained and their equipment confiscated. (Law enforcement officials erased the footage on their cameras before returning them, O'Keefe says.)

After a few days in a local jail and a lengthy fight in court, O'Keefe was cleared of felony charges but convicted of the misdemeanor of entering a federal building under "false pretenses."

Off probation, filmmaker James O?Keefe gives his side of story in tell-all book

When you play with fire, you are going to get burnt. He started this whole mess. Karma.
Er..I'm only one person. And I'm not a guy.

Anyway. The thread title is deliberately misleading. The settlement between O'Keefe and the individual reflects nothing at all on Acorn...who won nothing and remains defunct thanks to their criminal practices.

My post was not just directed at you, but at all the people in this thread and throughout the right wing noise machine that espouse the same nonsense as you.

If only anything like that had really happened in this thread.

Talk about persecution complex...

No, O'Keefe didn't start any mess. Acorn was well known as a fradulent corp long before O'Keefe came into the picture.

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