The Wisdom of Attorneys Dan Webb, Tom Buchanan, Joseph diGenova, and Victoria Toensing


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

Attorneys Dan Webb and Tom Buchanan have been added to the list that includes Washington lawyers Joseph diGenova and Victoria Toensing, as attorneys who have cited business conflicts as the reason preventing their joining the idiot trump’s defense team. They were asked to represent him in special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation.

Like all criminals, the idiot trump likes to believe all communication with his attorneys is privileged. Undoubtedly, diGenova and Toensing, and now, Webb and Buchanan have realized if they were to join the idiot trump’s defense team, eventually he would be demanding their advise or actions that, if given or acted upon, would make them accomplices to his future criminal acts.

It’s only been a week or two since these lawyers declined the requests to become the idiot trump’s newest potential partners in crime. And yesterday, a federal investigation into suspected bank fraud, wire fraud, and campaign finance violations committed by longtime attorney for the idiot trump, Michael Cohen began. Cohen obviously caved to the idiot trump’s unethical demands.

The idiot trump gave statements to a reporter that conflict with his past assertions, “saying he had no knowledge of a $130,000 payment his personal attorney made to the porn star [Stormy Daniels] days before the 2016 election,” and, that he “did not know where his attorney Michael Cohen got the money to pay Daniels,” as part of an agreement to prevent her making public statements alleging her 2006 sexual encounter with the idiot trump.

These statements by the idiot trump have since been addressed by Daniels’ attorney, Michael Avenatti, “ ‘We very much look forward to testing the truthfulness of Mr. Trump's feigned lack of knowledge concerning the $130k payment as stated on Air Force One,’ Avenatti tweeted Thursday. ‘As history teaches us, it is one thing to deceive the press and quite another to do so under oath.’ ”

“Government ethics watchdogs have filed campaign finance complaints, alleging that the payout [by Cohen to Daniels] amounted to an in-kind contribution to Trump’s presidential campaign.”

In addition to attorney Avenatti’s curiosity concerning the idiot trump’s denial of knowledge, that denial also piqued the interest of special counsel Robert S. Mueller.

The wisdom exhibited by diGenova, Toensing, Webb, and Buchanan is undeniable. Had any of them accepted a position on the idiot trump’s defense team, sooner or later he would have made them his accomplices in one or more of his criminal activities.

Any fan of “Law and Order” or other programs involving the legal profession, understands an attorney who offers advice on how to break the law and avoid prosecution destroys all privilege of that conversation, and such unethical advise makes the lawyer an accomplice to the crime. Lawyers, diGenova, Toensing, Webb, Buchanan, AND Cohen know this very well.

Apparently, Cohen willingly stepped over the line in the Stormy Daniels situation, and likely on other occasions.

How Mueller will use evidence found implicating Cohen in federal crimes committed by the idiot trump will soon be known.

Also, will Cohen accept the consequences of the idiot trump throwing him under the bus, or, will he cooperate with Mueller for reduced charges?

The idiot trump’s claim the Mueller investigation is a “witch hunt” has never been credible, and as more and more evidence points to his guilt, only gullible fools will maintain that it is. (Those gullible fools will continue to do so in their responses to this OP.)

Former FBI director James B. Comey’s memoir, “A Higher Loyalty” will only add to the pressure on the idiot trump and make his attorneys’ defense efforts much more difficult. Which could be the final straw that makes the idiot trump blow his top, and admit his guilt in the Russian scandal by firing Mueller.

Obama corrupted the IRS, NSA, DOJ and the FBI.
The Democrats turned the DOJ and the FBI into illegal political weapons.
The Mueller investigation is 100% political.
The only Russian collusion was with Hillary and Dossiergate.
Democrats are not just wrong, They are bad people.
Democrat corruption and abuse of power is a threat to our democracy.
It is absolutely amazing how these people can remain so delusional. Declining legal business due to conflicts of interests is an absolutely normal part of American law. People and corporations with diverse interests often have to search among top-rated law firms and lawyers because conflicts and potential conflicts can be many layers deep. It is nothing unusual.

How long can idiots like the OP continue to say, "an indictment is just around the corner"? It has been nothing more than an anti-Trump dream for...what?... a couple years now? No crimes, no misdemeanors, no nothing. Mueller admits he has nothing on Trump, and the delusion still goes on.

And still they talk about Trump's "crimes."

There is no cure for idiocy. Apparently.

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