The "Wise Latina" jumped the shark

The fat taco bell bitch says it's not right for whites to discriminate in the USA but it is ok if minorities discriminate against whites....
Actually, most of the posters on yesterday's thread about the damages for child porn thought her opinion was the correct one. And, I can't totally disagree.

Is that because they, like you, can't actually think?

Well, asshole, why don't you postulate on what is legally, or morally, wrong with a scheme in which anyone who watches child porn of you is jointly liable for all the damages you suffer, but he can sue his fellow child porn viewers for contribution. Can u thing of anyother legal form of damage recovery employing such a scheme? There is one, asshole. I'm figuring you're too stupid to know what it is.

edit. I think the maj is correct. But the only netherworld opinion involved was Roberts dissent.
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So other than dissing her race and gender, do any of you actually have a critique of her dissent?

because, honestly, while I agree with the majority on this one, this isn't an easy question.

Only the most in denial will claim that racial inequality and bigotry don't exist in this country.

Is affirmative Action the best way to address it? Maybe not. It tends to benefit affluent minorities at the expense of working class whites.
and boy did she talk........58 pages worth of dissent......maybe the goal was to kill off Ruth Senile Ginsberg...
She threw quite a temper tantrum. The Supreme Court justice appointments was a major reason I disagreed with the Obama vs McSame rhetoric. We are stuck with the Supremes for a long long time, long after the president is gone. Obama will probably appoint one or two more leftwing activists before he's done trashing the nation.
So other than dissing her race and gender, do any of you actually have a critique of her dissent?

because, honestly, while I agree with the majority on this one, this isn't an easy question.

Only the most in denial will claim that racial inequality and bigotry don't exist in this country.

Is affirmative Action the best way to address it? Maybe not. It tends to benefit affluent minorities at the expense of working class whites.
The people of MI voted not to discriminate on the basis of race. Somehow Sotomayor thinks this is racist.
Does that make sense to you?
So other than dissing her race and gender, do any of you actually have a critique of her dissent?

because, honestly, while I agree with the majority on this one, this isn't an easy question.

Only the most in denial will claim that racial inequality and bigotry don't exist in this country.

Is affirmative Action the best way to address it? Maybe not. It tends to benefit affluent minorities at the expense of working class whites.
The people of MI voted not to discriminate on the basis of race. Somehow Sotomayor thinks this is racist.
Does that make sense to you?

would depend on your point of view, wouldn't it?

A recent survey found that applicants with "black" names were 50% less likely to get callbacks on their resumes than people with white names.

I'm not saying that current affirmative actions policies are the best solution to the problem, but the problem really is still out there.
So other than dissing her race and gender, do any of you actually have a critique of her dissent?

because, honestly, while I agree with the majority on this one, this isn't an easy question.

Only the most in denial will claim that racial inequality and bigotry don't exist in this country.

Is affirmative Action the best way to address it? Maybe not. It tends to benefit affluent minorities at the expense of working class whites.
The people of MI voted not to discriminate on the basis of race. Somehow Sotomayor thinks this is racist.
Does that make sense to you?

would depend on your point of view, wouldn't it?

A recent survey found that applicants with "black" names were 50% less likely to get callbacks on their resumes than people with white names.

I'm not saying that current affirmative actions policies are the best solution to the problem, but the problem really is still out there.

No, Joe. The state of MI voted to bar using race as a criterion. Sotomayor said this was somehow racist. Does that make sense to you?
The people of MI voted not to discriminate on the basis of race. Somehow Sotomayor thinks this is racist.
Does that make sense to you?

would depend on your point of view, wouldn't it?

A recent survey found that applicants with "black" names were 50% less likely to get callbacks on their resumes than people with white names.

I'm not saying that current affirmative actions policies are the best solution to the problem, but the problem really is still out there.

No, Joe. The state of MI voted to bar using race as a criterion. Sotomayor said this was somehow racist. Does that make sense to you?

Rabbid, did I need to use smaller words with you. Because, honestly, you are going full retard.
So other than dissing her race and gender, do any of you actually have a critique of her dissent?

because, honestly, while I agree with the majority on this one, this isn't an easy question.

Only the most in denial will claim that racial inequality and bigotry don't exist in this country.

Is affirmative Action the best way to address it? Maybe not. It tends to benefit affluent minorities at the expense of working class whites.
The people of MI voted not to discriminate on the basis of race. Somehow Sotomayor thinks this is racist.
Does that make sense to you?

would depend on your point of view, wouldn't it?

A recent survey found that applicants with "black" names were 50% less likely to get callbacks on their resumes than people with white names.

I'm not saying that current affirmative actions policies are the best solution to the problem, but the problem really is still out there.

Well, maybe it's time to stop giving their kid fake African sounding names.
The people of MI voted not to discriminate on the basis of race. Somehow Sotomayor thinks this is racist.
Does that make sense to you?

would depend on your point of view, wouldn't it?

A recent survey found that applicants with "black" names were 50% less likely to get callbacks on their resumes than people with white names.

I'm not saying that current affirmative actions policies are the best solution to the problem, but the problem really is still out there.

Well, maybe it's time to stop giving their kid fake African sounding names.

That's really not the problem, guy.

Okay, here's the problem. Racism exists. The study I cited is that they sent out hundreds of resumes with identical experience. some of them had names like "Mary Jones" and other ones had names like "Kesha Washington".

Mary got calls for interviews, Kesha didn't.

Now, yeah, I guess if black folks started naming their daughters Mary, the racists would wait until after they met them to not offer them jobs. Maybe when they picked up the phone and talked with an ebonics accent. Maybe when they came to the interview and "oh, you're black!"

Doesn't really solve the problem that you are kicking the discrimination further down in the process by giving them "mainstream" names.
would depend on your point of view, wouldn't it?

A recent survey found that applicants with "black" names were 50% less likely to get callbacks on their resumes than people with white names.

I'm not saying that current affirmative actions policies are the best solution to the problem, but the problem really is still out there.

No, Joe. The state of MI voted to bar using race as a criterion. Sotomayor said this was somehow racist. Does that make sense to you?

Rabbid, did I need to use smaller words with you. Because, honestly, you are going full retard.

And NOBODY knows full retard better than you, Joey!:lol:
would depend on your point of view, wouldn't it?

A recent survey found that applicants with "black" names were 50% less likely to get callbacks on their resumes than people with white names.

I'm not saying that current affirmative actions policies are the best solution to the problem, but the problem really is still out there.

No, Joe. The state of MI voted to bar using race as a criterion. Sotomayor said this was somehow racist. Does that make sense to you?

Rabbid, did I need to use smaller words with you. Because, honestly, you are going full retard.

Do you see a problem with Sotomayor's stance that voting to eliminate race is racist? Yes or no. Pretty simple question requiring an even simpler answer. Even for you.
So other than dissing her race and gender, do any of you actually have a critique of her dissent?

because, honestly, while I agree with the majority on this one, this isn't an easy question.

Only the most in denial will claim that racial inequality and bigotry don't exist in this country.

Is affirmative Action the best way to address it? Maybe not. It tends to benefit affluent minorities at the expense of working class whites.

I don't care if she is white or brown or green or purple.
I don't care if she is male or female or either or both.

Affirmative action is wrong and a society that stops acknowledging excellence and rewards non-achievement based on alleged historical wrongs is doomed to failure and extinction.

If one can prove that I, a white male, personally harmed a female or a non-white person, go ahead and give that person I personally harmed, preference over me.

If you can prove that my ancestors harmed somebody living today, give that person living today favorable treatment over me. It's still not fair, but what the hell.

I had nothing to do with slavery of the black folks in America. My ancestors had nothing to do with slavery, either. If anything, my ancestors, who were feudal serfs, were far worse off, and for far longer than any of the ancestors of present day blacks being slaves.

I and those of us who came to America (including Canada) don't bitch about the past. We are happy to be here. We realize that what happened, happened and we are honest enough to go on with our lives, work, have families, contribute to society, raise our kids, and do the best we can.

It is time to realize that the 19th century, people of Oriental origin were abused and exploited just as bad or worse than their black contemporaries. Yet, today's Asians (Oriental/Chinese/Korean) are doing absolutely the best of all ethnic groups in every walk of life. They show no animosity or envy, nor should anyone else. They never asked for affirmative action because their honesty, hard work and work ethics were enough for them to succeed.

Affirmative action is for losers. Affirmative action is for whiners. Affirmative action is for natural born free loaders.

the time for affirmative action has long passed.
Making sure blacks and Hispanics get into a college with lower grades is racist against whites losing a spot in the college and those minorities too. It assumes minorities are dumb when the standard is lowered for them, that is subtle racism by white liberals.
No, Joe. The state of MI voted to bar using race as a criterion. Sotomayor said this was somehow racist. Does that make sense to you?

Rabbid, did I need to use smaller words with you. Because, honestly, you are going full retard.

Do you see a problem with Sotomayor's stance that voting to eliminate race is racist? Yes or no. Pretty simple question requiring an even simpler answer. Even for you.

I see no problem with Justice Sotomayor expressing her opinion.

I wonder why you are bothered by it, though. Maybe because deep down you know she's right.

I don't care if she is white or brown or green or purple.
I don't care if she is male or female or either or both.

Affirmative action is wrong and a society that stops acknowledging excellence and rewards non-achievement based on alleged historical wrongs is doomed to failure and extinction.

If one can prove that I, a white male, personally harmed a female or a non-white person, go ahead and give that person I personally harmed, preference over me.

If you can prove that my ancestors harmed somebody living today, give that person living today favorable treatment over me. It's still not fair, but what the hell.

I had nothing to do with slavery of the black folks in America. My ancestors had nothing to do with slavery, either. If anything, my ancestors, who were feudal serfs, were far worse off, and for far longer than any of the ancestors of present day blacks being slaves.

I and those of us who came to America (including Canada) don't bitch about the past. We are happy to be here. We realize that what happened, happened and we are honest enough to go on with our lives, work, have families, contribute to society, raise our kids, and do the best we can.

It is time to realize that the 19th century, people of Oriental origin were abused and exploited just as bad or worse than their black contemporaries. Yet, today's Asians (Oriental/Chinese/Korean) are doing absolutely the best of all ethnic groups in every walk of life. They show no animosity or envy, nor should anyone else. They never asked for affirmative action because their honesty, hard work and work ethics were enough for them to succeed.

Affirmative action is for losers. Affirmative action is for whiners. Affirmative action is for natural born free loaders.

the time for affirmative action has long passed.

No, it really hasn't.

The old "I didn't own a slave, why am I being penalized argument" ignores the fact that you as a white person have an advantage in this society because of slavery.

But frankly, we Americans aren't really up for that conversation.

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