Zone1 The Woke Dogmas Explained


Platinum Member
Feb 28, 2023
The New York Times, March 29, 2023

ROCKVILLE, Md. — For the college class he teaches on inequality, Richard D. Kahlenberg likes to ask his students about a popular yard sign.

“In This House We Believe: Black Lives Matter, Women’s Rights Are Human Rights, No Human Is Illegal, Science Is Real,” it says.

His students usually dismiss the sign as performative. But what bothers Mr. Kahlenberg is not the virtue signaling.

“It says nothing about class,” he tells them. “Nothing about labor rights. Nothing about housing. Nothing that would actually cost upper-middle-class white liberals a dime.”


It does not cost upper class white liberals anything either. This is the best explanation of the woke dogmas that have corrupted political discussions in the United States, and in the West in general. Enforcing the dogmas of woke political correctness is the way the people who own and run the United States distract attention away from the fact that they are getting richer, while most incomes are stagnating or declining.

Woke people favor diversity of people, but they rarely defend diversity of opinion. They consider themselves entitled to punish those who promote heriditarianism and race realism. In so doing they suppress a debate they know they will lose.

Woke people condemn the use of what they call "code words" and "dog whistles" for what they call "racism." Code words and dog whistles should not be necessary. It should be safe to express the findings of genetics and criminology.

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