The Woke-Industrial Complex: Lockheed Martin execs made to attend ‘white male privilege’ training


Woke industries should be required to fire all their white executives and replace them with minorities....... that is as long as the minority isn't Jewish or Asian.


I hope they learn something, and most importantly practice it.

BTW, who made them?

As long as they say the sacrament about "white male privilege," they can keep ripping off taxpayers with ludicrous government contracts.

Pjw sounds off on it

“If your message is being echoed and amplified by the largest defense contractor in the world — net worth $50 billion — does that suggest to you that maybe, just maybe, your message isn’t an organic movement for equality and justice? When every cultural institution, government entity, transnational corporation, and arms manufacturer is parroting your talking points, maybe, just maybe, you’re not the revolutionaries you deluded yourselves into thinking you are.”

I hope they learn something, and most importantly practice it.

BTW, who made them?
Learn something like what?

We all know white people are better than everybody else. It's just a waste of time trying to lie in all these stupid classes.

You know your race is inferior when other races have to take classes on how to not hurt your sensitive feelings.

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