The woke mentality would have us throw off the four 'olds': thinking, culture, customs, habits


Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
Bill Maher and I would probably disagree on more than we agree. I bridle when he personally attacks somebody I appreciate or admire, but I appreciate him for being one of the few leftists leftists who still utilizes critical thinking and can separate reality from propaganda. He is one I think I would enjoy sitting down and having a conversation with over dinner.

In this short verbal essay, he begins with: "If you're part of today's woke revolution, you need to study the part of revolutions where they spin out of control."

He goes on to illustrate, in an entertaining way, how much of our modern leftist 'virtue' is right out of Chairman Mao's and Lenin's playbook.

Takes a very few minutes to listen and it is worth it:
Not only do they spin out of control, but those who provide the "brains" (for lack of a better description) and muscle are almost always the first to be put up against the wall, when the coup is complete.

See: Night of the Long Knives and the communist purges in China and USSR.
Bill Maher and I would probably disagree on more than we agree. I bridle when he personally attacks somebody I appreciate or admire, but I appreciate him for being one of the few leftists leftists who still utilizes critical thinking and can separate reality from propaganda. He is one I think I would enjoy sitting down and having a conversation with over dinner.

In this short verbal essay, he begins with: "If you're part of today's woke revolution, you need to study the part of revolutions where they spin out of control."

He goes on to illustrate, in an entertaining way, how much of our modern leftist 'virtue' is right out of Chairman Mao's and Lenin's playbook.

Takes a very few minutes to listen and it is worth it:

Other people are starting to see echoes of the Cultural Revolution in the current woke playbook.
Not only do they spin out of control, but those who provide the "brains" (for lack of a better description) and muscle are almost always the first to be put up against the wall, when the coup is complete.

See: Night of the Long Knives and the communist purges in China and USSR.
Careful. Do you have any idea of how much PAIN you just caused?
Not all my conservative friends have agreed with me, but I have said several times that Maher is one of the more important people on television now.
I do not mistake him for being conservative, he is not. Not even close.
BUT - he is one of the FEW liberals who is willing to not bend at the knee to the woke rule.
Nearly all other liberals... all of them... take a knee and bow their heads and submit to the insanity of the extremist.
If for anything else.. he needs to keep doing what he is doing to at least protect our children from the clutches of the groomers and mind fuckers.
Not all my conservative friends have agreed with me, but I have said several times that Maher is one of the more important people on television now.
I do not mistake him for being conservative, he is not. Not even close.
BUT - he is one of the FEW liberals who is willing to not bend at the knee to the woke rule.
Nearly all other liberals... all of them... take a knee and bow their heads and submit to the insanity of the extremist.
If for anything else.. he needs to keep doing what he is doing to at least protect our children from the clutches of the groomers and mind fuckers.
He is in fact one of the very few intellectually honest leftoids remaining.
He is in fact one of the very few intellectually honest leftoids remaining.
Yes. I have looked to leftists like William Raspberry, Michael Kinsley, Molly Ivans, to a certain extent Maureen Dowd and others for intelligent perspective from the left. But most have now retired or moved on and have been largely replaced by a vast wasteland of group think and dogma/propaganda dutifully parroted by those who have never been encouraged to think critically or with intellectual honesty about anything.

Amidst all that, I have a strong appreciation for Bill Maher. And I think his verbal essay in the OP is brilliant.
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Not all my conservative friends have agreed with me, but I have said several times that Maher is one of the more important people on television now.
I do not mistake him for being conservative, he is not. Not even close.
BUT - he is one of the FEW liberals who is willing to not bend at the knee to the woke rule.
Nearly all other liberals... all of them... take a knee and bow their heads and submit to the insanity of the extremist.
If for anything else.. he needs to keep doing what he is doing to at least protect our children from the clutches of the groomers and mind fuckers.
No. He is a pretty hard core leftist. But somehow he managed to avoid the indoctrination and brain washing that causes most leftists to just parrot the party line and join in group think instead of wanting to see things clearly and get the facts right before judgment. Thus, even though I really object to some of his points of view, I appreciate him and just can't hold him in contempt as I do those who are carelessly dishonest and destructive.
The American left believes they are recreating the Chinese cultural revolution.
Honestly I doubt any could tell you much, if anything, about the Chinese cultural revolution. They are mostly woefully under educated in American history as well as world history, have never been taught or encouraged to think critically or what intellectual honesty is, and that made them totally gullible to fall for this 'woke' revolution with its fuzzy SJW approach to creating what they think will be Utopia. Which of course is what Marx and Engles fed the gullible of their day leading to the Chinese cultural revolution and the tyranny of Lenin, the fall of Cuba to Fidel Castro etc.
Seattle has a monument to Lenin.
Yes and it has been toppled and oft vandalized over the years since it was put up 35 years ago. But 1988 was long before the current 'woke' revolution, and even though there was a growing leftist presence among the Boomers of that era, they would never have tolerated the 'woke' revolution of current times.

Back then people could still see history as not something to love or hate but something that happened and all of it, the good and the bad, is to understand, learn from, teach us, inform us so that we can avoid the mistakes of those who went before us. I really hate, even mourn, the works of art and statues and monuments coming down all over the country because they represent somebody or something that is politically incorrect in our time and culture.` Our history is one of the 'olds' Bill Maher was talking about when the woke revolutionaries seek to destroy it and erase it from our knowledge and memories in order to remake us into their version of what human beings must be.
Bill Maher was spot on when he pooh poohed the safe space seeking 'woke' people claiming a BOOK was painful/hurtful. Maher said it might be painful if the musician hit the drummer over the head with it. Andy Ngo's "Unmasked" has been ripped as wild, unsupported, sensationalism by book reviewers from the 'woke' people--the musician who read and liked it was forced to go under extensive "re-education" before he would be allowed back on the A-list.

Objective review of the book by those capable of critical thinking all found some issues with content that could be questionable. Others for instance think ANTIFA is disgusting, reprehensible, dishonest in their stated motives, destructive, dangerous, etc., but think Ngo went overboard exaggerating the threat. But as one reviewer said, if only half of the book is accurate, it is worth the read and understanding what we're dealing with.

If I were selecting educational material on ANTIFA and similar groups for the school library, I would probably choose one a bit more objective than Ngo's book. But the 'woke revolution demanding re-education of a person who read and liked the book and said so in public is way over the line and far more dangerous than anything that might be contained in the book.

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