The Wonder That Is DeBlasio

De Blasio has many negative attributes:

1. He is a leftist Dem;
2. He is critical of cops (what politician in his right mind does this?!?);
3. His wife is a former Sandinista (hell, he may as well be married to Khrushchev);
4. His wife is a former lesbian (what the fuck?!?);
5. He is clearly a shitty parent because his daughter has a serious drug problem. Obviously his political career is more important to him than is his family);
6. He gave his children the gift of being bi-racial - that way BOTH races wi like them!;
7. The son publicly displays a Jimi Hendrix style Afro and looks like a heroin dealer.
8. He is a suspected homosexual.

If you take a look at the De Blasio family portrait it looks like a Brady Bunch episode that went VERY wrong. You may not, generally, be able to "judge a book by its cover", but when the cover actually says "This is Going To Be A Fucking Trainwreck", then it's your own damn fault if you fail to heed the warning!
His city may be slipping towards the chaos of the 80s....but least he told those cops how sucky they all are, and he's brought attention to homo concerns.
De Blasio has many negative attributes:

1. He is a leftist Dem;
2. He is critical of cops (what politician in his right mind does this?!?);
3. His wife is a former Sandinista (hell, he may as well be married to Khrushchev);
4. His wife is a former lesbian (what the fuck?!?);
5. He is clearly a shitty parent because his daughter has a serious drug problem. Obviously his political career is more important to him than is his family);
6. He gave his children the gift of being bi-racial - that way BOTH races wi like them!;
7. The son publicly displays a Jimi Hendrix style Afro and looks like a heroin dealer.
8. He is a suspected homosexual.

If you take a look at the De Blasio family portrait it looks like a Brady Bunch episode that went VERY wrong. You may not, generally, be able to "judge a book by its cover", but when the cover actually says "This is Going To Be A Fucking Trainwreck", then it's your own damn fault if you fail to heed the warning!

If you were the mayor would you spend tax dollars on infrastructure, education, police and improvements for your city????
2. I agree with you on this one...Cops are attempting to stop the thugs and yet the mayor sides with them! Damn.
3.I don't understand why this is bad?
4. People are weird...
5. Maybe
6. Maybe not the best idea
7. He probably is!
8. Well, most people are today!

Wonder why people elect this over slash, cut, deregulate and burn? Maybe you should look at your own believes and seriously have a after thought.
His city may be slipping towards the chaos of the 80s....but least he told those cops how sucky they all are, and he's brought attention to homo concerns.

The democrats have a serious problem with cops and are siding with thugs to get black support. So far this isn't hurting them bad as the loserterians are the republicans but maybe in the future.
New Yorkers are very angry at him, but did they learn their lesson about staying home and not voting?
They don't seem to.
His city may be slipping towards the chaos of the 80s....but least he told those cops how sucky they all are, and he's brought attention to homo concerns.

The democrats have a serious problem with cops and are siding with thugs to get black support. So far this isn't hurting them bad as the loserterians are the republicans but maybe in the future.

They will be hurt very badly if this Nuke deal goes wrong.
And where did you get the idea New Yorkers were pissed at DeBlasio?

Conservative fruit loops are pissed with DeBlasio, but that's because FOX tells them to be that way.

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