The World Has 42 +/- years left then the well runs dry

It's a negative number.

Sorry, the answer cannot be a negative number. A cubic foot of air under water has a lifting force of 64 pounds. The machine has 118,428 cubic feet of submerged air at any one moment in time under water trying to rise to the surface.

Please tell me where I went wrong

He might have used 118.428 you had a comma and a period in your original.
You people have been telling this story since the 1970s. No one's buying it anymore.

marvin martian, must have missed this post--

May 25, 2020
A closer look at China--
China Is Set to Become The World's Renewable Energy Superpower, According To New Report
Jan 11, 2019, 07:21am
The continuing growth in renewable energy around the world is set to boost the power of China
while undermining the influence of major oil exporters such as Russia and Middle East states like Saudi Arabia, according to a new report on the geopolitical implications of the changing energy landscape.

“No country has put itself in a better position to become the world’s renewable energy superpower than China,” says the report, which was issued by the Global Commission on the Geopolitics of Energy Transformation – a group chaired by a former president of Iceland, Olafur Grimsson.

The commission was set up by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) last year and its findings were published on January 11 in Abu Dhabi, at IRENA’s annual assembly.

The report points out that China has taken a lead in renewable energy and is now the world’s largest producer, exporter and installer of solar panels, wind turbines, batteries and electric vehicles.

China also has a clear lead in terms of the underlying technology, with well over 150,000 renewable energy patents as of 2016, 29% of the global total. The next closest country is the U.S., which had a little over 100,000 patents, with Japan and the E.U. having closer to 75,000 patents each.

“The renewables revolution enhances the global leadership of China, reduces the influence of fossil fuel exporters and brings energy independence to countries around the world,” said Grimsson, speaking at the launch of the report. “The transformation of energy brings big power shifts.”

Many of these governments are well aware of the risks they face and have been making significant investments into renewable energy in recent years. For example, the UAE has developed vast solar energy parks and Saudi Arabia recently unveiled plans to develop 59GW of renewable energy by 2030.

Stressing a more optimistic view, Adnan Amin, director general of IRENA, said at the launch of the report that “The global energy transformation driven by renewables can reduce energy-related geopolitical tensions as we know them and will foster greater cooperation between states. This transformation can also mitigate social, economic and environmental challenges that are often among the root causes of geopolitical instability and conflict.”
China Is Set To Become The World's Renewable Energy Superpower, According To New Report

China plans ban on petrol and diesel cars
China plans ban on petrol and diesel cars

China looks at ending sales of gasoline cars
China looks at ending sales of gasoline cars

China to ban all petrol and diesel cars
China to ban all petrol and diesel cars

China to plow $361 billion into renewable fuel by 2020 | Reuters
China to plow $361 billion into renewable fuel by 2020 - Reuters

facts will set you free :)-
It's a negative number.

Sorry, the answer cannot be a negative number. A cubic foot of air under water has a lifting force of 64 pounds. The machine has 118,428 cubic feet of submerged air at any one moment in time under water trying to rise to the surface.

Please tell me where I went wrong


Sorry, the answer cannot be a negative number.

But it is.

Please tell me where I went wrong

It's a negative number.

Sorry, the answer cannot be a negative number. A cubic foot of air under water has a lifting force of 64 pounds. The machine has 118,428 cubic feet of submerged air at any one moment in time under water trying to rise to the surface.

Please tell me where I went wrong


Getting out of bed?
LOL They made the same claims decades ago and yet here we are, awash in oil and plenty more to be found.

The market will decide when alternatives are ready, not incompetent governments.
Corporate America ( and maybe more importantly China ) is making the switch as we speak. They know what is occurring today is not sustainable.
Corporate America ( and maybe more importantly China ) is making the switch as we speak. They know what is occurring today is not sustainable.

They are being PAID to do it, moron. With tax dollars.
The World Has 42 +/- years left then the well runs dry

Global demand for crude oil (including biofuels) in 2019 amounted to 100.1 million barrels per day

Daily global crude oil demand 2006-2020 | Statista
Oil Reserves By Country 2020

100.1 X 365 = 36,536,000,000 barrels consumed in one year
Total known world oil reserves = 1,532,800,000,000,000 barrels
1,523,800,000,000/36,536,000,000 = +/- 42 years then the well runs dry

All the members of the United Nations know this and are making great strives in switching to renewables for their electric power.

The facts are out there for all to see only you must look to see it.
Most countries know this and are making great strides in switching to renewables.

Renewable energy in China
China is the world's leading country in electricity production from renewable energy sources,
with over double the generation of the second-ranking country, the United States.

Renewable energy in Canada
As of 2019, renewable energy technologies provide about 17.3% of Canada’s total primary energy supply and about 67% of its electricity production.

The majority of renewable energy produced in Canada comes from hydroelectricity. It supplied 58% of total electricity production in 2016 making Canada the second largest producer of hydroelectric power globally. Wind power is a fast-growing sector of the energy market, accounting for 5% of electricity production in 2016. Globally, Canada was the eighth largest producer of wind power in 2016. Canada has also built many[quantify] photovoltaic power stations, mainly in Ontario, with one in Sarnia, being the largest in the world at the time of its construction. A 15-megawatt tidal plant sits at Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, and uses the daily tides of the Bay of Fundy to generate electricity.

Politicians have expressed interest in increasing the percentage of Canada's electricity generated by renewable methods. Ontario has created a subsidy to assist wind and solar power producers.

Renewable energy in Germany
Renewable energy in Germany is mainly based on wind, solar and biomass. Germany had the world's largest photovoltaic installed capacity until 2014, and as of 2020 it has 49 GW. It is also the world's third country by installed wind power capacity, at 59 GW in 2018, and second for offshore wind, with over 4 GW. Germany has been called "the world's first major renewable energy economy".

According to official figures, around 370,000 people were employed in the renewable energy sector in 2010, particularly in small and medium-sized companies. This is over twice the number of jobs in 2004 (160,500). About two-thirds of these jobs are attributed to the Renewable Energy Sources Act.

No such act in the USA

Germany's federal government is working to increase renewable energy commercialization, with a particular focus on offshore wind farms. A major challenge is the development of sufficient network capacities for transmitting the power generated in the North Sea to the large industrial consumers in southern parts of the country. Renewable energy in Germany - Wikipedia

Renewable energy in United Kingdom
Renewable energy in the United Kingdom can be divided into production for electricity, heat, and transport.
Interest has increased in recent years due to UK and EU targets for reductions in carbon emissions, and commercial incentives for renewable electricity such as the Renewable Obligation Certificate scheme (ROCs) and Feed in tariffs (FITs), as well as for renewable heat such as the Renewable Heat Incentive. The 2009 EU Renewable Directive established a target of 15% reduction in total energy consumption in the UK by 2020.

Renewable energy in France
Renewables ‘to become France’s main energy source by 2027’

Renewable energy in United States
The development of renewable energy and energy efficiency marked "a new era of energy exploration" in the United States, according to former President Barack Obama. In a joint address to the Congress on February 24, 2009, President Obama called for doubling renewable energy within the following three years.
Trump does not care where the energy comes from so long as he can profit from it. Trump has not mentioned or spoke the term “renewables” in the past 2+ years

Trump does not care because he has not found a way to profit from it; as of yet.

Do you believe Trump cares what happens to us knowing he can afford it while knowing his Chauffeur cannot--?

For God’s sake, do not vote for TRUMP

It sounds as you are a real good friend of Trump's for him to speak with you about his hate for America. Next he will be arming our enemies and selling our reserve to China. Get a clue even if you have to buy it. Also Trump is not president so try to sick it up.

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