"The World Hates Our President"

The Muslim in Chief should be proud of his Kenyan heritage instead of trying to hide it.

And you should be proud of your bottom dwelling standards. ;)


Careful, remember Republicans make more money on average than Democrats. Take out the ultra-wealthy elites in the gap is even larger. You see, we are much smarter than you think you are.
The Muslim in Chief should be proud of his Kenyan heritage instead of trying to hide it.

And you should be proud of your bottom dwelling standards. ;)

Yes we deplorables are remarkably stupid, except in the math of the electoral college. You wackos know what that is right??

They do now.
Except those that still don't

The weird thing is that they loved that big impenetrable blue wall - until it wasn't
Cut-and-run Democrat Donald J. Trump in 2007: “I think Bush is probably the worst president in the history of the United States. The rest of the world hates us."

Birther Donald J. Trump on Obama: “The world hates our president.”

I can't think of anything citizen or President Donald J. Trump has ever whined about that has not come back to bitch slap him.

The Pew Research Center found, in a survey of 13 countries, that America’s standing in the world has dropped to hitherto unimaginable lows. Only 26 percent of Germans, 30 percent of the Dutch, 31 percent of the French, 33 percent of Australians and Swedes, 35 percent of Canadians, and 41 percent of the Japanese and British have a favorable impression of the United States. The only country among the 13 — all U.S. allies — that still views the United States favorably is South Korea. That is a precipitous fall in just four years. In 2016, the U.S. favorability rating ranged from a low of 57 percent (Germany) to a high of 72 percent (Japan).

Following the fall of the Berlin Wall, the blurring speed at which Europe (including remnants of the British Empire) rushed to embrace Global Socialism was immeasurable. Within a decade the change was complete, with the Democrats in the US shuffling along behind them, removing their Uncle Sam masks as rapidly as they thought safe. By 2002, they had pretty much lined up and begun the slow coup to transform America into just another mundane conquest. What they are today in no way identifies with the term American.

Socialist Europe tolerated George W. Bush - a closet globalist like his daddy - but they just loved Barack Obama, the facsimile Messiah who bowed and gave them everything they wanted.

The election of Donald Trump slammed the brakes on nearly a century of their progress, so naturally they were terribly cross and terrified. The Democrats sole assigned purpose from even before he was elected was to destroy the man and any political influence he might have. It backfired, and continues to backfire.

Many of our so-called allies dating from WWII have become precisely what Nikita Khrushchev predicted - they are buried under Marxist nonsense and political correctness dictated by those who, like our own Democrats, are using Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four as a mission statement. Considering the pathetic nonsense that passes for education in the West these last several decades, the position of Europe is easy to delineate.

Such polls are no surprise. We are the last bastion of individual liberty. They cannot proceed with us in the way.

If you want that stupid fuck Biden in office, feel free. I guarantee you won't be happy with what follows.
Careful, remember Republicans make more money on average than Democrats. Take out the ultra-wealthy elites in the gap is even larger. You see, we are much smarter than you think you are.

Meh, most wealthy Republicans inherited their money from Daddy Warbucks (like Dear Leader)
And Birfers are two notches below "Retarded"

Who should we blame for the unprecedented mess we are in? is it really just an accident that could not have been diverted to something less dramatic & hysterical ?
I wouldn't really say the rest of the world hates our President.

They're just bewildered at how we could be convinced to allow such a person in the White House. The ultimate Ugly American, essentially a caricature of America as arrogant, brutish, selfish and ignorant.

They thought we were better than this. So did I.

Sadly we were NOT better than this. And it'll take a generation to repair damage to our ally relationships.
Not really.....the first time any of those socialist countries needs help our relationship will amazingly be healed. You wackos worry too much about silly things

Yup. The only time they want to be friends is when they need money or someone to fight a war for them.

The rest of the world can kiss our ass.
Cut-and-run Democrat Donald J. Trump in 2007: “I think Bush is probably the worst president in the history of the United States. The rest of the world hates us."

Birther Donald J. Trump on Obama: “The world hates our president.”

I can't think of anything citizen or President Donald J. Trump has ever whined about that has not come back to bitch slap him.

The Pew Research Center found, in a survey of 13 countries, that America’s standing in the world has dropped to hitherto unimaginable lows. Only 26 percent of Germans, 30 percent of the Dutch, 31 percent of the French, 33 percent of Australians and Swedes, 35 percent of Canadians, and 41 percent of the Japanese and British have a favorable impression of the United States. The only country among the 13 — all U.S. allies — that still views the United States favorably is South Korea. That is a precipitous fall in just four years. In 2016, the U.S. favorability rating ranged from a low of 57 percent (Germany) to a high of 72 percent (Japan).

Following the fall of the Berlin Wall, the blurring speed at which Europe (including remnants of the British Empire) rushed to embrace Global Socialism was immeasurable. Within a decade the change was complete, with the Democrats in the US shuffling along behind them, removing their Uncle Sam masks as rapidly as they thought safe. By 2002, they had pretty much lined up and begun the slow coup to transform America into just another mundane conquest. What they are today in no way identifies with the term American.

Socialist Europe tolerated George W. Bush - a closet globalist like his daddy - but they just loved Barack Obama, the facsimile Messiah who bowed and gave them everything they wanted.

The election of Donald Trump slammed the brakes on nearly a century of their progress, so naturally they were terribly cross and terrified. The Democrats sole assigned purpose from even before he was elected was to destroy the man and any political influence he might have. It backfired, and continues to backfire.

Many of our so-called allies dating from WWII have become precisely what Nikita Khrushchev predicted - they are buried under Marxist nonsense and political correctness dictated by those who, like our own Democrats, are using Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four as a mission statement. Considering the pathetic nonsense that passes for education in the West these last several decades, the position of Europe is easy to delineate.

Such polls are no surprise. We are the last bastion of individual liberty. They cannot proceed with us in the way.

If you want that stupid fuck Biden in office, feel free. I guarantee you won't be happy with what follows.
LOL yeah we're so happy now Who'd want to change that??? lol lol
Careful, remember Republicans make more money on average than Democrats. Take out the ultra-wealthy elites in the gap is even larger. You see, we are much smarter than you think you are.

Meh, most wealthy Republicans inherited their money from Daddy Warbucks (like Dear Leader)
And Birfers are two notches below "Retarded"


If only that were true. Democrats have the ultra-wealthy and the ultra-poor. If you are a working "wealthy" person, you are more likely to vote Republican. Take the big city salaries out of the equation where garbage collectors are being overpaid and voting for Democrats and the numbers would be worse. Face it, Democrats fancy themselves as the cat's meow, but the reality is they aren't as successful. Imagine that.

Financially, Republicans fare better than either Democrats or Independents, and tend to identify themselves as such. Republican candidates gain a significantly higher percentage of votes from individuals with incomes over $50,000 per year, and the advantage increases along with the income level, to a height of 63 percent of individuals earning $200,000 or more a year supporting Republicans. This level is the direct inverse of individuals earning less than $15,000 a year, who support Democrats at 63 percent and Republicans at only 36 percent.

Economic Demographics of Republicans & Conservatives
Careful, remember Republicans make more money on average than Democrats. Take out the ultra-wealthy elites in the gap is even larger. You see, we are much smarter than you think you are.

Meh, most wealthy Republicans inherited their money from Daddy Warbucks (like Dear Leader)
And Birfers are two notches below "Retarded"

There are more wealthy Democrats in Congress than Republicans. Your old talking points are stale and weak.
Actually, Hildabeast was the original birther right snowflake?

Debunked for the berzillionth time :rolleyes: Choose your source

fact check hillary started birtherism

It wasn't Hillary. It was her campaign staff.

One low level dude on her campaign compared to a dozen or so high profile wingnuts like Donald?
Not workin' for me but you go with it! :)
There isn't much working for you. Propaganda parrot.
Cut-and-run Democrat Donald J. Trump in 2007: “I think Bush is probably the worst president in the history of the United States. The rest of the world hates us."

Birther Donald J. Trump on Obama: “The world hates our president.”

I can't think of anything citizen or President Donald J. Trump has ever whined about that has not come back to bitch slap him.

The Pew Research Center found, in a survey of 13 countries, that America’s standing in the world has dropped to hitherto unimaginable lows. Only 26 percent of Germans, 30 percent of the Dutch, 31 percent of the French, 33 percent of Australians and Swedes, 35 percent of Canadians, and 41 percent of the Japanese and British have a favorable impression of the United States. The only country among the 13 — all U.S. allies — that still views the United States favorably is South Korea. That is a precipitous fall in just four years. In 2016, the U.S. favorability rating ranged from a low of 57 percent (Germany) to a high of 72 percent (Japan).
Actually, Hildabeast was the original birther right snowflake?

Just correcting your idiot dimwit mistakes right snowflake???

Ewe couldn't fix a sandwich!!!

Cut-and-run Democrat Donald J. Trump in 2007: “I think Bush is probably the worst president in the history of the United States. The rest of the world hates us."

Birther Donald J. Trump on Obama: “The world hates our president.”

I can't think of anything citizen or President Donald J. Trump has ever whined about that has not come back to bitch slap him.

The Pew Research Center found, in a survey of 13 countries, that America’s standing in the world has dropped to hitherto unimaginable lows. Only 26 percent of Germans, 30 percent of the Dutch, 31 percent of the French, 33 percent of Australians and Swedes, 35 percent of Canadians, and 41 percent of the Japanese and British have a favorable impression of the United States. The only country among the 13 — all U.S. allies — that still views the United States favorably is South Korea. That is a precipitous fall in just four years. In 2016, the U.S. favorability rating ranged from a low of 57 percent (Germany) to a high of 72 percent (Japan).
Actually, Hildabeast was the original birther right snowflake?

Just correcting your idiot dimwit mistakes right snowflake???

Ewe couldn't fix a sandwich!!!

Again, keeping you wackos in line is a time consuming business....you cannot think for yourselves. ROTFLMAOYSIL
Actually, Hildabeast was the original birther right snowflake?

Debunked for the berzillionth time :rolleyes: Choose your source

fact check hillary started birtherism

It wasn't Hillary. It was her campaign staff.

One low level dude on her campaign compared to a dozen or so high profile wingnuts like Donald?
Not workin' for me but you go with it! :)
There isn't much working for you. Propaganda parrot.
Awwwk! Libber Polly wanna cracker!
Cut-and-run Democrat Donald J. Trump in 2007: “I think Bush is probably the worst president in the history of the United States. The rest of the world hates us."

Birther Donald J. Trump on Obama: “The world hates our president.”

I can't think of anything citizen or President Donald J. Trump has ever whined about that has not come back to bitch slap him.

The Pew Research Center found, in a survey of 13 countries, that America’s standing in the world has dropped to hitherto unimaginable lows. Only 26 percent of Germans, 30 percent of the Dutch, 31 percent of the French, 33 percent of Australians and Swedes, 35 percent of Canadians, and 41 percent of the Japanese and British have a favorable impression of the United States. The only country among the 13 — all U.S. allies — that still views the United States favorably is South Korea. That is a precipitous fall in just four years. In 2016, the U.S. favorability rating ranged from a low of 57 percent (Germany) to a high of 72 percent (Japan).
Actually, Hildabeast was the original birther right snowflake?

Just correcting your idiot dimwit mistakes right snowflake???

Ewe couldn't fix a sandwich!!!

Again, keeping you wackos in line is a time consuming business....you cannot think for yourselves. ROTFLMAOYSIL

Kid, would not try to think for or like a maroon like ewe.


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