"The World Hates Our President"

Globalists who want the USA to fail hate Trump.

The globalists sure ran the country better than Trump. We are really failing now.

Hahahahahahahahahahaha....Muslim in Chief ran the country better.....hahahahahahahahaha. You are the reason we have Trump now doofus.

Clearly better. Now we have bigger deficits, bigger bailouts, a recession, more riots, the most pandemic deaths... 4 years ago was like paradise compared to now.

Actually Obammy had a larger deficit in his first term than Trump and didn't lower it until the second term. The riots are the fault of your wimpy, sissy Deem leaders too afraid to stop them. And who knows how many pandemic deaths we truly have, but your wacko Dem governors caused nearly half of them in only 6 states. So stop lying about the President and accept some responsibility for your idiot party.

You have a lot of excuses. Fact is we are a huge mess. Deficit will be over $3 trillion this year. And we have the most pandemic deaths. What a huge failure.

Actually what I have are facts which I know make your empty head hurt. Already explained your party's failures and like a good little libber you always deflect to someone else.

I have facts, you have excuses. Fact is deficit will be by far largest ever. Fact is we’ve had more bailouts than ever before. Fact is despite all the spending we have the most pandemic deaths. Oh and we are in a recession and have constant rioting. Those are facts, your excuses are weak and pathetic.

Your leftyvirus hoax is the reason for the issues we mistakenly have now and the President is fixing those. Again, your idiot governors killed 90,000 in 6 Dem states not the President doofus. And we do by far the most testing, 7% positives give us a lot of cases and as a result more documented deaths...the leftyvirus does have its metrics. But in deaths per capita we are not the highest so stuff a sock in it.
Globalists who want the USA to fail hate Trump.

The globalists sure ran the country better than Trump. We are really failing now.

Hahahahahahahahahahaha....Muslim in Chief ran the country better.....hahahahahahahahaha. You are the reason we have Trump now doofus.

Clearly better. Now we have bigger deficits, bigger bailouts, a recession, more riots, the most pandemic deaths... 4 years ago was like paradise compared to now.

Actually Obammy had a larger deficit in his first term than Trump and didn't lower it until the second term. The riots are the fault of your wimpy, sissy Deem leaders too afraid to stop them. And who knows how many pandemic deaths we truly have, but your wacko Dem governors caused nearly half of them in only 6 states. So stop lying about the President and accept some responsibility for your idiot party.

You have a lot of excuses. Fact is we are a huge mess. Deficit will be over $3 trillion this year. And we have the most pandemic deaths. What a huge failure.

Actually what I have are facts which I know make your empty head hurt. Already explained your party's failures and like a good little libber you always deflect to someone else.

I have facts, you have excuses. Fact is deficit will be by far largest ever. Fact is we’ve had more bailouts than ever before. Fact is despite all the spending we have the most pandemic deaths. Oh and we are in a recession and have constant rioting. Those are facts, your excuses are weak and pathetic.

The fact is that only TDS morons believe Trump is responsible for any of that.
I wouldn't really say the rest of the world hates our President.

They're just bewildered at how we could be convinced to allow such a person in the White House. The ultimate Ugly American, essentially a caricature of America as arrogant, brutish, selfish and ignorant.

They thought we were better than this. So did I.
So, it's purely a beauty contest for you?
Globalists who want the USA to fail hate Trump.

The globalists sure ran the country better than Trump. We are really failing now.

Hahahahahahahahahahaha....Muslim in Chief ran the country better.....hahahahahahahahaha. You are the reason we have Trump now doofus.

Clearly better. Now we have bigger deficits, bigger bailouts, a recession, more riots, the most pandemic deaths... 4 years ago was like paradise compared to now.

Actually Obammy had a larger deficit in his first term than Trump and didn't lower it until the second term. The riots are the fault of your wimpy, sissy Deem leaders too afraid to stop them. And who knows how many pandemic deaths we truly have, but your wacko Dem governors caused nearly half of them in only 6 states. So stop lying about the President and accept some responsibility for your idiot party.

You have a lot of excuses. Fact is we are a huge mess. Deficit will be over $3 trillion this year. And we have the most pandemic deaths. What a huge failure.

Actually what I have are facts which I know make your empty head hurt. Already explained your party's failures and like a good little libber you always deflect to someone else.

I have facts, you have excuses. Fact is deficit will be by far largest ever. Fact is we’ve had more bailouts than ever before. Fact is despite all the spending we have the most pandemic deaths. Oh and we are in a recession and have constant rioting. Those are facts, your excuses are weak and pathetic.

Your leftyvirus hoax is the reason for the issues we mistakenly have now and the President is fixing those. Again, your idiot governors killed 90,000 in 6 Dem states not the President doofus. And we do by far the most testing, 7% positives give us a lot of cases and as a result more documented deaths...the leftyvirus does have its metrics. But in deaths per capita we are not the highest so stuff a sock in it.

...or shove it up your pelosi either one.
Cut-and-run Democrat Donald J. Trump in 2007: “I think Bush is probably the worst president in the history of the United States. The rest of the world hates us."

Birther Donald J. Trump on Obama: “The world hates our president.”

I can't think of anything citizen or President Donald J. Trump has ever whined about that has not come back to bitch slap him.

The Pew Research Center found, in a survey of 13 countries, that America’s standing in the world has dropped to hitherto unimaginable lows. Only 26 percent of Germans, 30 percent of the Dutch, 31 percent of the French, 33 percent of Australians and Swedes, 35 percent of Canadians, and 41 percent of the Japanese and British have a favorable impression of the United States. The only country among the 13 — all U.S. allies — that still views the United States favorably is South Korea. That is a precipitous fall in just four years. In 2016, the U.S. favorability rating ranged from a low of 57 percent (Germany) to a high of 72 percent (Japan).
I don’t want a President who kisses ass to be liked by other nations. Obviously, you do.
The U.S. has more to fear when the rest of the world loves us. China loved us when V.P. Biden made it easy for them to steal technology and jobs. N.K. loved Bill Clinton when he shipped enough nuclear technology for them to make a bomb. Russia loved Obama when Barry disrupted the peaceful transition of government by using a foreign informant to undermine Trump's presidency. The Islamic radicals loved Bill Clinton when he was smooching with PLO leader Yassir Arafat and he bombed a defenseless country in Europe while jihadists were attending flight school in Florida.
Actually, Hildabeast was the original birther right snowflake?

Debunked for the berzillionth time :rolleyes: Choose your source

fact check hillary started birtherism

I laugh at you ignorant fucks
It was Mark Penn who worked for the Clinton Campaign who suggested the idea that Barack Hussein could be harmed by playing the - he is even eligible card.
That is not, and has never been in dispute.

The claim was that "Hildabeast" started it which is of course - A LIE. And Mark Penn was baby in the movement compared to Orly Taitz, Sheriff Joe, Jerome Corsi, Joe Farah and of course - Donald himself!
What you forget that a Hillary supporter was fired because of spreading the birther movement?
Globalists who want the USA to fail hate Trump.

The globalists sure ran the country better than Trump. We are really failing now.

Hahahahahahahahahahaha....Muslim in Chief ran the country better.....hahahahahahahahaha. You are the reason we have Trump now doofus.

Clearly better. Now we have bigger deficits, bigger bailouts, a recession, more riots, the most pandemic deaths... 4 years ago was like paradise compared to now.

Actually Obammy had a larger deficit in his first term than Trump and didn't lower it until the second term. The riots are the fault of your wimpy, sissy Deem leaders too afraid to stop them. And who knows how many pandemic deaths we truly have, but your wacko Dem governors caused nearly half of them in only 6 states. So stop lying about the President and accept some responsibility for your idiot party.

You have a lot of excuses. Fact is we are a huge mess. Deficit will be over $3 trillion this year. And we have the most pandemic deaths. What a huge failure.

Actually what I have are facts which I know make your empty head hurt. Already explained your party's failures and like a good little libber you always deflect to someone else.

I have facts, you have excuses. Fact is deficit will be by far largest ever. Fact is we’ve had more bailouts than ever before. Fact is despite all the spending we have the most pandemic deaths. Oh and we are in a recession and have constant rioting. Those are facts, your excuses are weak and pathetic.

Your leftyvirus hoax is the reason for the issues we mistakenly have now and the President is fixing those. Again, your idiot governors killed 90,000 in 6 Dem states not the President doofus. And we do by far the most testing, 7% positives give us a lot of cases and as a result more documented deaths...the leftyvirus does have its metrics. But in deaths per capita we are not the highest so stuff a sock in it.

Such a huge success that we have over 20% of the worlds pandemic deaths when we are less than 5% of the population. And we have the most expensive healthcare system in the world. Huge failure.
Globalists who want the USA to fail hate Trump.

The globalists sure ran the country better than Trump. We are really failing now.

Hahahahahahahahahahaha....Muslim in Chief ran the country better.....hahahahahahahahaha. You are the reason we have Trump now doofus.

Clearly better. Now we have bigger deficits, bigger bailouts, a recession, more riots, the most pandemic deaths... 4 years ago was like paradise compared to now.

Actually Obammy had a larger deficit in his first term than Trump and didn't lower it until the second term. The riots are the fault of your wimpy, sissy Deem leaders too afraid to stop them. And who knows how many pandemic deaths we truly have, but your wacko Dem governors caused nearly half of them in only 6 states. So stop lying about the President and accept some responsibility for your idiot party.

You have a lot of excuses. Fact is we are a huge mess. Deficit will be over $3 trillion this year. And we have the most pandemic deaths. What a huge failure.

Actually what I have are facts which I know make your empty head hurt. Already explained your party's failures and like a good little libber you always deflect to someone else.

I have facts, you have excuses. Fact is deficit will be by far largest ever. Fact is we’ve had more bailouts than ever before. Fact is despite all the spending we have the most pandemic deaths. Oh and we are in a recession and have constant rioting. Those are facts, your excuses are weak and pathetic.

The fact is that only TDS morons believe Trump is responsible for any of that.

He isn’t the president?
Globalists who want the USA to fail hate Trump.

The globalists sure ran the country better than Trump. We are really failing now.

Hahahahahahahahahahaha....Muslim in Chief ran the country better.....hahahahahahahahaha. You are the reason we have Trump now doofus.

Clearly better. Now we have bigger deficits, bigger bailouts, a recession, more riots, the most pandemic deaths... 4 years ago was like paradise compared to now.

Actually Obammy had a larger deficit in his first term than Trump and didn't lower it until the second term. The riots are the fault of your wimpy, sissy Deem leaders too afraid to stop them. And who knows how many pandemic deaths we truly have, but your wacko Dem governors caused nearly half of them in only 6 states. So stop lying about the President and accept some responsibility for your idiot party.

You have a lot of excuses. Fact is we are a huge mess. Deficit will be over $3 trillion this year. And we have the most pandemic deaths. What a huge failure.

Actually what I have are facts which I know make your empty head hurt. Already explained your party's failures and like a good little libber you always deflect to someone else.

I have facts, you have excuses. Fact is deficit will be by far largest ever. Fact is we’ve had more bailouts than ever before. Fact is despite all the spending we have the most pandemic deaths. Oh and we are in a recession and have constant rioting. Those are facts, your excuses are weak and pathetic.

fact is you dont know your ass from a hole in the ground, let alone who is actually running for president on the demoncrat ticket..
I wouldn't really say the rest of the world hates our President.

They're just bewildered at how we could be convinced to allow such a person in the White House. The ultimate Ugly American, essentially a caricature of America as arrogant, brutish, selfish and ignorant.

They thought we were better than this. So did I.

Sadly we were NOT better than this. And it'll take a generation to repair damage to our ally relationships.
LOL! It will take a 1 billion dollar grant and they'll the President who writes that check paid for by US tax payers.
Globalists who want the USA to fail hate Trump.

The globalists sure ran the country better than Trump. We are really failing now.

Hahahahahahahahahahaha....Muslim in Chief ran the country better.....hahahahahahahahaha. You are the reason we have Trump now doofus.

Clearly better. Now we have bigger deficits, bigger bailouts, a recession, more riots, the most pandemic deaths... 4 years ago was like paradise compared to now.

Actually Obammy had a larger deficit in his first term than Trump and didn't lower it until the second term. The riots are the fault of your wimpy, sissy Deem leaders too afraid to stop them. And who knows how many pandemic deaths we truly have, but your wacko Dem governors caused nearly half of them in only 6 states. So stop lying about the President and accept some responsibility for your idiot party.

You have a lot of excuses. Fact is we are a huge mess. Deficit will be over $3 trillion this year. And we have the most pandemic deaths. What a huge failure.

Actually what I have are facts which I know make your empty head hurt. Already explained your party's failures and like a good little libber you always deflect to someone else.

I have facts, you have excuses. Fact is deficit will be by far largest ever. Fact is we’ve had more bailouts than ever before. Fact is despite all the spending we have the most pandemic deaths. Oh and we are in a recession and have constant rioting. Those are facts, your excuses are weak and pathetic.

Your leftyvirus hoax is the reason for the issues we mistakenly have now and the President is fixing those. Again, your idiot governors killed 90,000 in 6 Dem states not the President doofus. And we do by far the most testing, 7% positives give us a lot of cases and as a result more documented deaths...the leftyvirus does have its metrics. But in deaths per capita we are not the highest so stuff a sock in it.

Such a huge success that we have over 20% of the worlds pandemic deaths when we are less than 5% of the population. And we have the most expensive healthcare system in the world. Huge failure.

Hmmmm yes you wackos love places like Italy and their healthcare system....they almost wiped out their entire population and were the world's worst until Killer Cuomo stepped to the plate and started murdering New Yorkers. Do you wackos always blame your idiocy on others??
Globalists who want the USA to fail hate Trump.

The globalists sure ran the country better than Trump. We are really failing now.

Hahahahahahahahahahaha....Muslim in Chief ran the country better.....hahahahahahahahaha. You are the reason we have Trump now doofus.

Clearly better. Now we have bigger deficits, bigger bailouts, a recession, more riots, the most pandemic deaths... 4 years ago was like paradise compared to now.

Actually Obammy had a larger deficit in his first term than Trump and didn't lower it until the second term. The riots are the fault of your wimpy, sissy Deem leaders too afraid to stop them. And who knows how many pandemic deaths we truly have, but your wacko Dem governors caused nearly half of them in only 6 states. So stop lying about the President and accept some responsibility for your idiot party.

You have a lot of excuses. Fact is we are a huge mess. Deficit will be over $3 trillion this year. And we have the most pandemic deaths. What a huge failure.

Actually what I have are facts which I know make your empty head hurt. Already explained your party's failures and like a good little libber you always deflect to someone else.

I have facts, you have excuses. Fact is deficit will be by far largest ever. Fact is we’ve had more bailouts than ever before. Fact is despite all the spending we have the most pandemic deaths. Oh and we are in a recession and have constant rioting. Those are facts, your excuses are weak and pathetic.

Your leftyvirus hoax is the reason for the issues we mistakenly have now and the President is fixing those. Again, your idiot governors killed 90,000 in 6 Dem states not the President doofus. And we do by far the most testing, 7% positives give us a lot of cases and as a result more documented deaths...the leftyvirus does have its metrics. But in deaths per capita we are not the highest so stuff a sock in it.

Such a huge success that we have over 20% of the worlds pandemic deaths when we are less than 5% of the population. And we have the most expensive healthcare system in the world. Huge failure.

It's the price we pay with 50 sovereign states, the Constitution and freedom
Globalists who want the USA to fail hate Trump.

The globalists sure ran the country better than Trump. We are really failing now.

Hahahahahahahahahahaha....Muslim in Chief ran the country better.....hahahahahahahahaha. You are the reason we have Trump now doofus.

Clearly better. Now we have bigger deficits, bigger bailouts, a recession, more riots, the most pandemic deaths... 4 years ago was like paradise compared to now.

Actually Obammy had a larger deficit in his first term than Trump and didn't lower it until the second term. The riots are the fault of your wimpy, sissy Deem leaders too afraid to stop them. And who knows how many pandemic deaths we truly have, but your wacko Dem governors caused nearly half of them in only 6 states. So stop lying about the President and accept some responsibility for your idiot party.

You have a lot of excuses. Fact is we are a huge mess. Deficit will be over $3 trillion this year. And we have the most pandemic deaths. What a huge failure.

Actually what I have are facts which I know make your empty head hurt. Already explained your party's failures and like a good little libber you always deflect to someone else.

I have facts, you have excuses. Fact is deficit will be by far largest ever. Fact is we’ve had more bailouts than ever before. Fact is despite all the spending we have the most pandemic deaths. Oh and we are in a recession and have constant rioting. Those are facts, your excuses are weak and pathetic.

fact is you dont know your ass from a hole in the ground, let alone who is actually running for president on the demoncrat ticket..

Sorry the facts don’t work for you.
Globalists who want the USA to fail hate Trump.

The globalists sure ran the country better than Trump. We are really failing now.

Hahahahahahahahahahaha....Muslim in Chief ran the country better.....hahahahahahahahaha. You are the reason we have Trump now doofus.

Clearly better. Now we have bigger deficits, bigger bailouts, a recession, more riots, the most pandemic deaths... 4 years ago was like paradise compared to now.

Actually Obammy had a larger deficit in his first term than Trump and didn't lower it until the second term. The riots are the fault of your wimpy, sissy Deem leaders too afraid to stop them. And who knows how many pandemic deaths we truly have, but your wacko Dem governors caused nearly half of them in only 6 states. So stop lying about the President and accept some responsibility for your idiot party.

You have a lot of excuses. Fact is we are a huge mess. Deficit will be over $3 trillion this year. And we have the most pandemic deaths. What a huge failure.

Actually what I have are facts which I know make your empty head hurt. Already explained your party's failures and like a good little libber you always deflect to someone else.

I have facts, you have excuses. Fact is deficit will be by far largest ever. Fact is we’ve had more bailouts than ever before. Fact is despite all the spending we have the most pandemic deaths. Oh and we are in a recession and have constant rioting. Those are facts, your excuses are weak and pathetic.

fact is you dont know your ass from a hole in the ground, let alone who is actually running for president on the demoncrat ticket..

Sorry the facts don’t work for you.

What facts? Libber parroting awwwwk!
Globalists who want the USA to fail hate Trump.

The globalists sure ran the country better than Trump. We are really failing now.

Hahahahahahahahahahaha....Muslim in Chief ran the country better.....hahahahahahahahaha. You are the reason we have Trump now doofus.

Clearly better. Now we have bigger deficits, bigger bailouts, a recession, more riots, the most pandemic deaths... 4 years ago was like paradise compared to now.

Actually Obammy had a larger deficit in his first term than Trump and didn't lower it until the second term. The riots are the fault of your wimpy, sissy Deem leaders too afraid to stop them. And who knows how many pandemic deaths we truly have, but your wacko Dem governors caused nearly half of them in only 6 states. So stop lying about the President and accept some responsibility for your idiot party.

You have a lot of excuses. Fact is we are a huge mess. Deficit will be over $3 trillion this year. And we have the most pandemic deaths. What a huge failure.

Actually what I have are facts which I know make your empty head hurt. Already explained your party's failures and like a good little libber you always deflect to someone else.

I have facts, you have excuses. Fact is deficit will be by far largest ever. Fact is we’ve had more bailouts than ever before. Fact is despite all the spending we have the most pandemic deaths. Oh and we are in a recession and have constant rioting. Those are facts, your excuses are weak and pathetic.

fact is you dont know your ass from a hole in the ground, let alone who is actually running for president on the demoncrat ticket..

Sorry the facts don’t work for you.

What facts?
17 MDs in Congress and not one said a word about a virus that was making US headlines since November 2019.
Globalists who want the USA to fail hate Trump.

The globalists sure ran the country better than Trump. We are really failing now.

Hahahahahahahahahahaha....Muslim in Chief ran the country better.....hahahahahahahahaha. You are the reason we have Trump now doofus.

Clearly better. Now we have bigger deficits, bigger bailouts, a recession, more riots, the most pandemic deaths... 4 years ago was like paradise compared to now.

Actually Obammy had a larger deficit in his first term than Trump and didn't lower it until the second term. The riots are the fault of your wimpy, sissy Deem leaders too afraid to stop them. And who knows how many pandemic deaths we truly have, but your wacko Dem governors caused nearly half of them in only 6 states. So stop lying about the President and accept some responsibility for your idiot party.

You have a lot of excuses. Fact is we are a huge mess. Deficit will be over $3 trillion this year. And we have the most pandemic deaths. What a huge failure.

Actually what I have are facts which I know make your empty head hurt. Already explained your party's failures and like a good little libber you always deflect to someone else.

I have facts, you have excuses. Fact is deficit will be by far largest ever. Fact is we’ve had more bailouts than ever before. Fact is despite all the spending we have the most pandemic deaths. Oh and we are in a recession and have constant rioting. Those are facts, your excuses are weak and pathetic.

Your leftyvirus hoax is the reason for the issues we mistakenly have now and the President is fixing those. Again, your idiot governors killed 90,000 in 6 Dem states not the President doofus. And we do by far the most testing, 7% positives give us a lot of cases and as a result more documented deaths...the leftyvirus does have its metrics. But in deaths per capita we are not the highest so stuff a sock in it.

Such a huge success that we have over 20% of the worlds pandemic deaths when we are less than 5% of the population. And we have the most expensive healthcare system in the world. Huge failure.

Hmmmm yes you wackos love places like Italy and their healthcare system....they almost wiped out their entire population and were the world's worst until Killer Cuomo stepped to the plate and started murdering New Yorkers. Do you wackos always blame your idiocy on others??

Says the guy who only makes excuses for Trump. Country goes to hell but sure ain’t trumps fault. Adorable.
Globalists who want the USA to fail hate Trump.

The globalists sure ran the country better than Trump. We are really failing now.

Hahahahahahahahahahaha....Muslim in Chief ran the country better.....hahahahahahahahaha. You are the reason we have Trump now doofus.

Clearly better. Now we have bigger deficits, bigger bailouts, a recession, more riots, the most pandemic deaths... 4 years ago was like paradise compared to now.

Actually Obammy had a larger deficit in his first term than Trump and didn't lower it until the second term. The riots are the fault of your wimpy, sissy Deem leaders too afraid to stop them. And who knows how many pandemic deaths we truly have, but your wacko Dem governors caused nearly half of them in only 6 states. So stop lying about the President and accept some responsibility for your idiot party.

You have a lot of excuses. Fact is we are a huge mess. Deficit will be over $3 trillion this year. And we have the most pandemic deaths. What a huge failure.

Actually what I have are facts which I know make your empty head hurt. Already explained your party's failures and like a good little libber you always deflect to someone else.

I have facts, you have excuses. Fact is deficit will be by far largest ever. Fact is we’ve had more bailouts than ever before. Fact is despite all the spending we have the most pandemic deaths. Oh and we are in a recession and have constant rioting. Those are facts, your excuses are weak and pathetic.

Your leftyvirus hoax is the reason for the issues we mistakenly have now and the President is fixing those. Again, your idiot governors killed 90,000 in 6 Dem states not the President doofus. And we do by far the most testing, 7% positives give us a lot of cases and as a result more documented deaths...the leftyvirus does have its metrics. But in deaths per capita we are not the highest so stuff a sock in it.

Such a huge success that we have over 20% of the worlds pandemic deaths when we are less than 5% of the population. And we have the most expensive healthcare system in the world. Huge failure.

so what you are saying, is that we just became the biggest health care system since 2016? what a retard---you idiots would say anything just because the asswipe demoncrats told you to. what a shame not one of you idiots can think on your own.. did your mother teach you how to hate? i think not
Globalists who want the USA to fail hate Trump.

The globalists sure ran the country better than Trump. We are really failing now.

Hahahahahahahahahahaha....Muslim in Chief ran the country better.....hahahahahahahahaha. You are the reason we have Trump now doofus.

Clearly better. Now we have bigger deficits, bigger bailouts, a recession, more riots, the most pandemic deaths... 4 years ago was like paradise compared to now.

Actually Obammy had a larger deficit in his first term than Trump and didn't lower it until the second term. The riots are the fault of your wimpy, sissy Deem leaders too afraid to stop them. And who knows how many pandemic deaths we truly have, but your wacko Dem governors caused nearly half of them in only 6 states. So stop lying about the President and accept some responsibility for your idiot party.

You have a lot of excuses. Fact is we are a huge mess. Deficit will be over $3 trillion this year. And we have the most pandemic deaths. What a huge failure.

Actually what I have are facts which I know make your empty head hurt. Already explained your party's failures and like a good little libber you always deflect to someone else.

I have facts, you have excuses. Fact is deficit will be by far largest ever. Fact is we’ve had more bailouts than ever before. Fact is despite all the spending we have the most pandemic deaths. Oh and we are in a recession and have constant rioting. Those are facts, your excuses are weak and pathetic.

fact is you dont know your ass from a hole in the ground, let alone who is actually running for president on the demoncrat ticket..

Sorry the facts don’t work for you.

What facts?
17 MDs in Congress and not one said a word about a virus that was making US headlines since November 2019.

You can’t read?
Globalists who want the USA to fail hate Trump.

The globalists sure ran the country better than Trump. We are really failing now.

Hahahahahahahahahahaha....Muslim in Chief ran the country better.....hahahahahahahahaha. You are the reason we have Trump now doofus.

Clearly better. Now we have bigger deficits, bigger bailouts, a recession, more riots, the most pandemic deaths... 4 years ago was like paradise compared to now.

Actually Obammy had a larger deficit in his first term than Trump and didn't lower it until the second term. The riots are the fault of your wimpy, sissy Deem leaders too afraid to stop them. And who knows how many pandemic deaths we truly have, but your wacko Dem governors caused nearly half of them in only 6 states. So stop lying about the President and accept some responsibility for your idiot party.

You have a lot of excuses. Fact is we are a huge mess. Deficit will be over $3 trillion this year. And we have the most pandemic deaths. What a huge failure.

Actually what I have are facts which I know make your empty head hurt. Already explained your party's failures and like a good little libber you always deflect to someone else.

I have facts, you have excuses. Fact is deficit will be by far largest ever. Fact is we’ve had more bailouts than ever before. Fact is despite all the spending we have the most pandemic deaths. Oh and we are in a recession and have constant rioting. Those are facts, your excuses are weak and pathetic.

Your leftyvirus hoax is the reason for the issues we mistakenly have now and the President is fixing those. Again, your idiot governors killed 90,000 in 6 Dem states not the President doofus. And we do by far the most testing, 7% positives give us a lot of cases and as a result more documented deaths...the leftyvirus does have its metrics. But in deaths per capita we are not the highest so stuff a sock in it.

Such a huge success that we have over 20% of the worlds pandemic deaths when we are less than 5% of the population. And we have the most expensive healthcare system in the world. Huge failure.

Hmmmm yes you wackos love places like Italy and their healthcare system....they almost wiped out their entire population and were the world's worst until Killer Cuomo stepped to the plate and started murdering New Yorkers. Do you wackos always blame your idiocy on others??

Says the guy who only makes excuses for Trump. Country goes to hell but sure ain’t trumps fault. Adorable.

you should put --lack of---in front of your id

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