The World Is Sick Of Israeli Atrocities...

That is the Propaganda version. We have all heard the story a gazillion times.

The UN voted to partition Palestine. The Jews accepted their state. The Arabs rejected their state. Too bad for them.​

There are some problems with this scenario as it leaves out important information.

The UN did approve the partition of Palestine, however, Resolution 181 was a non binding General Assembly resolution that recommended that the Security Council implement the partition.

Britain, as the mandate, refused to implement the plan because it was not approved by both sides. The Security Council failed to implement the plan voicing the same concerns. The US withdrew its support and was drafting an alternate plan.

Resolution 181 was not implemented. No states were authorized or created. The land allotted for the Jewish state was never transferred.

Resolution 181 didn't happen.

The resolution was adopted on November 29, 1947 in the General Assembly by a vote of 33-12, with 10
abstentions. Among the supporters were the United States and the Soviet Union,
as well as other nations including France and Australia.
The Arab nations,
including Egypt, Syria, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia denounced the plan on the General
Assembly floor and voted as a bloc against Resolution 181 promising to defy its
implementation by force.
The resolution recognized the need for immediate Jewish statehood (and a
parallel Arab state), but the blueprint for peace became a moot issue when the
Arabs refused to accept it. Subsequently, de facto [In Latin: realities] on the
ground in the wake of Arab aggression (and Israel‟s survival) became the basis for
UN efforts to bring peace.
Aware of Arabs‟ past aggression, Resolution 181, in paragraph C, calls on the
Security Council to:
“Determine as a threat to the peace, breach of the peace or act of aggression, in
accordance with Article 39 of the Charter, any attempt to alter by force the
settlement envisaged by this resolution.” [italics by author]
The ones who sought to alter the settlement envisioned in Resolution 181 by
force, were the Arabs who threatened bloodshed if the United Nations was to
adopt the Resolution:
From your link:

What resulted was Resolution 181 [known also as the 1947 Partition Plan], a non-binding recommendation to partition Palestine, whose implementation hinged on acceptance by both parties–Arabs and Jews.

Hmmm, just as I stated.

It was adopted and implemented. They ignored the Arabs because they were such arrogant bastards. See below, from the same link I posted last time. Note where it says "following the PASSAGE of . . . "

Arab Aggression Before and After the Adoption of
Resolution 181
Following passage of Resolution 181 by the General Assembly, Arab countries
took the dais to reiterate their absolute rejection of the recommendation and
intention to render implementation of Resolution 181 a moot question by the use
of force. These examples from the transcript of the General Assembly plenary
meeting on November 29, 1947 speak for themselves:
“Mr. JAMALI (Iraq): … We believe that the decision which we have now taken …
undermines peace, justice and democracy. In the name of my Government, I wish
to state that it feels that this decision is antidemocratic, illegal, impractical and
contrary to the Charter … Therefore, in the name of my Government, I wish to
put on record that Iraq does not recognize the validity of this decision, will
reserve freedom of action towards its implementation, and holds those who were
influential in passing it against the free conscience of mankind responsible for the
“Amir. ARSLAN (Syria): … Gentlemen, the Charter is dead. But it did not die a
natural death; it was murdered, and you all know who is guilty. My country will
never recognize such a decision [Partition]. It will never agree to be responsible
for it. Let the consequences be on the heads of others, not on ours.”
“H. R. H. Prince Seif El ISLAM ABDULLAH (Yemen): The Yemen delegation has
stated previously that the partition plan is contrary to justice and to the Charter
of the United Nations. Therefore, the Government of Yemen does not consider
itself bound by such a decision … and will reserve its freedom of action towards
the implementation of this decision.”8
Where does it say that resolution 181 was implemented?

Here, when it was determined that Israel's statehood should not be dependent upon agreement by the Arabs (because everyone knew they would never agree to ANYTHING - just like today - nothing has changed). Nobody liked them then, and nobody likes them now. Below was the determination of people who tried everything to get the Arabs to compromise. So, Israel was allowed to determine it's own destiny, fought the WARS like I mentioned earlier in the thread, won the land.

What's really funny is that the Arabs and palestinians actually WANTED to resurrect Resolution. LOL! Everyone just laughed at them because they are SO ridiculous.

“The coming into existence of Israel does not depend legally upon the Resolution.
The right of a State to exist flows from its factual existence-especially when that
existence is prolonged shows every sign of continuance and is recognised by the
generality of nations.”12
Reviewing Lauterpacht‟s arguments, Professor Stone, a distinguished authority
on the Law of Nations, added that Israel‟s “legitimacy” or the “legal foundation”
for its birth does not reside with the United Nations‟ Partition Plan, which as a
consequence of Arab actions became a dead issue. Professor Stone concluded:
“The State of Israel is thus not legally derived from the partition plan, but rests
(as do most other states in the world) on assertion of independence by its people
and government, on the vindication of that independence by arms against assault
by other states, and on the establishment of orderly government within territory
under its stable control.”13
Got links?
Ha-ha! All of this just goes to show how dishonest the Arabs (palestinians) are, and how they cannot be trusted.

Attempts by Palestinians to roll back the clock and resuscitate Resolution 181
more than six decades after they rejected it as if nothing had happened are a
baseless ploy designed to use Resolution 181 as leverage to bring about a greater
Israeli withdrawal from parts of western Palestine and to gain a broader base
from which to continue to attack an Israel with even less defendable borders.
Both Palestinians and their Arab brethren in neighboring countries rendered the
plan null and void by their own subsequent aggressive actions.

Professor Stone wrote about this novelty of resurrection in 1981 when he
analyzed a similar attempt by pro-Palestinian experts at the UN to rewrite the
history of the conflict (their writings were termed “studies”). Stone called it
“revival of the dead.”

“To attempt to show … that Resolution 181(II) „remains‟ in force in 1981 is thus an
undertaking even more miraculous than would be the revival of the dead. It is an
attempt to give life to an entity that the Arab states had themselves aborted
before it came to maturity and birth. To propose that Resolution 181(II) can be
treated as if it has binding force in 1981, [E.H., the year the book was written] for
the benefit of the same Arab states, who by their aggression destroyed it ab initio,
[In Latin: From the beginning] also violates „general principles of law,‟ such as
those requiring claimants to equity to come „with clean hands,‟ and forbidding a
party who has unlawfully repudiated a transaction from holding the other party
to terms that suit the later expediencies of the repudiating party.”11 [italics by
From your link:

What resulted was Resolution 181 [known also as the 1947 Partition Plan], a non-binding recommendation to partition Palestine, whose implementation hinged on acceptance by both parties–Arabs and Jews.

Hmmm, just as I stated.

It was adopted and implemented. They ignored the Arabs because they were such arrogant bastards. See below, from the same link I posted last time. Note where it says "following the PASSAGE of . . . "

Arab Aggression Before and After the Adoption of
Resolution 181
Following passage of Resolution 181 by the General Assembly, Arab countries
took the dais to reiterate their absolute rejection of the recommendation and
intention to render implementation of Resolution 181 a moot question by the use
of force. These examples from the transcript of the General Assembly plenary
meeting on November 29, 1947 speak for themselves:
“Mr. JAMALI (Iraq): … We believe that the decision which we have now taken …
undermines peace, justice and democracy. In the name of my Government, I wish
to state that it feels that this decision is antidemocratic, illegal, impractical and
contrary to the Charter … Therefore, in the name of my Government, I wish to
put on record that Iraq does not recognize the validity of this decision, will
reserve freedom of action towards its implementation, and holds those who were
influential in passing it against the free conscience of mankind responsible for the
“Amir. ARSLAN (Syria): … Gentlemen, the Charter is dead. But it did not die a
natural death; it was murdered, and you all know who is guilty. My country will
never recognize such a decision [Partition]. It will never agree to be responsible
for it. Let the consequences be on the heads of others, not on ours.”
“H. R. H. Prince Seif El ISLAM ABDULLAH (Yemen): The Yemen delegation has
stated previously that the partition plan is contrary to justice and to the Charter
of the United Nations. Therefore, the Government of Yemen does not consider
itself bound by such a decision … and will reserve its freedom of action towards
the implementation of this decision.”8
Where does it say that resolution 181 was implemented?

Here, when it was determined that Israel's statehood should not be dependent upon agreement by the Arabs (because everyone knew they would never agree to ANYTHING - just like today - nothing has changed). Nobody liked them then, and nobody likes them now. Below was the determination of people who tried everything to get the Arabs to compromise. So, Israel was allowed to determine it's own destiny, fought the WARS like I mentioned earlier in the thread, won the land.

What's really funny is that the Arabs and palestinians actually WANTED to resurrect Resolution. LOL! Everyone just laughed at them because they are SO ridiculous.

“The coming into existence of Israel does not depend legally upon the Resolution.
The right of a State to exist flows from its factual existence-especially when that
existence is prolonged shows every sign of continuance and is recognised by the
generality of nations.”12
Reviewing Lauterpacht‟s arguments, Professor Stone, a distinguished authority
on the Law of Nations, added that Israel‟s “legitimacy” or the “legal foundation”
for its birth does not reside with the United Nations‟ Partition Plan, which as a
consequence of Arab actions became a dead issue. Professor Stone concluded:
“The State of Israel is thus not legally derived from the partition plan, but rests
(as do most other states in the world) on assertion of independence by its people
and government, on the vindication of that independence by arms against assault
by other states, and on the establishment of orderly government within territory
under its stable control.”13
Got links?

It's in the post you quoted.
From your link:

What resulted was Resolution 181 [known also as the 1947 Partition Plan], a non-binding recommendation to partition Palestine, whose implementation hinged on acceptance by both parties–Arabs and Jews.

Hmmm, just as I stated.

It was adopted and implemented. They ignored the Arabs because they were such arrogant bastards. See below, from the same link I posted last time. Note where it says "following the PASSAGE of . . . "

Arab Aggression Before and After the Adoption of
Resolution 181
Following passage of Resolution 181 by the General Assembly, Arab countries
took the dais to reiterate their absolute rejection of the recommendation and
intention to render implementation of Resolution 181 a moot question by the use
of force. These examples from the transcript of the General Assembly plenary
meeting on November 29, 1947 speak for themselves:
“Mr. JAMALI (Iraq): … We believe that the decision which we have now taken …
undermines peace, justice and democracy. In the name of my Government, I wish
to state that it feels that this decision is antidemocratic, illegal, impractical and
contrary to the Charter … Therefore, in the name of my Government, I wish to
put on record that Iraq does not recognize the validity of this decision, will
reserve freedom of action towards its implementation, and holds those who were
influential in passing it against the free conscience of mankind responsible for the
“Amir. ARSLAN (Syria): … Gentlemen, the Charter is dead. But it did not die a
natural death; it was murdered, and you all know who is guilty. My country will
never recognize such a decision [Partition]. It will never agree to be responsible
for it. Let the consequences be on the heads of others, not on ours.”
“H. R. H. Prince Seif El ISLAM ABDULLAH (Yemen): The Yemen delegation has
stated previously that the partition plan is contrary to justice and to the Charter
of the United Nations. Therefore, the Government of Yemen does not consider
itself bound by such a decision … and will reserve its freedom of action towards
the implementation of this decision.”8
Where does it say that resolution 181 was implemented?

Here, when it was determined that Israel's statehood should not be dependent upon agreement by the Arabs (because everyone knew they would never agree to ANYTHING - just like today - nothing has changed). Nobody liked them then, and nobody likes them now. Below was the determination of people who tried everything to get the Arabs to compromise. So, Israel was allowed to determine it's own destiny, fought the WARS like I mentioned earlier in the thread, won the land.

What's really funny is that the Arabs and palestinians actually WANTED to resurrect Resolution. LOL! Everyone just laughed at them because they are SO ridiculous.

“The coming into existence of Israel does not depend legally upon the Resolution.
The right of a State to exist flows from its factual existence-especially when that
existence is prolonged shows every sign of continuance and is recognised by the
generality of nations.”12
Reviewing Lauterpacht‟s arguments, Professor Stone, a distinguished authority
on the Law of Nations, added that Israel‟s “legitimacy” or the “legal foundation”
for its birth does not reside with the United Nations‟ Partition Plan, which as a
consequence of Arab actions became a dead issue. Professor Stone concluded:
“The State of Israel is thus not legally derived from the partition plan, but rests
(as do most other states in the world) on assertion of independence by its people
and government, on the vindication of that independence by arms against assault
by other states, and on the establishment of orderly government within territory
under its stable control.”13
Got links?

It's in the post you quoted.
I didn't see the highlighted text

"So, Israel was allowed to determine it's own destiny, fought the WARS like I mentioned earlier in the thread, won the land. "

in your link.
It was adopted and implemented. They ignored the Arabs because they were such arrogant bastards. See below, from the same link I posted last time. Note where it says "following the PASSAGE of . . . "
Where does it say that resolution 181 was implemented?

Here, when it was determined that Israel's statehood should not be dependent upon agreement by the Arabs (because everyone knew they would never agree to ANYTHING - just like today - nothing has changed). Nobody liked them then, and nobody likes them now. Below was the determination of people who tried everything to get the Arabs to compromise. So, Israel was allowed to determine it's own destiny, fought the WARS like I mentioned earlier in the thread, won the land.

What's really funny is that the Arabs and palestinians actually WANTED to resurrect Resolution. LOL! Everyone just laughed at them because they are SO ridiculous.

“The coming into existence of Israel does not depend legally upon the Resolution.
The right of a State to exist flows from its factual existence-especially when that
existence is prolonged shows every sign of continuance and is recognised by the
generality of nations.”12
Reviewing Lauterpacht‟s arguments, Professor Stone, a distinguished authority
on the Law of Nations, added that Israel‟s “legitimacy” or the “legal foundation”
for its birth does not reside with the United Nations‟ Partition Plan, which as a
consequence of Arab actions became a dead issue. Professor Stone concluded:
“The State of Israel is thus not legally derived from the partition plan, but rests
(as do most other states in the world) on assertion of independence by its people
and government, on the vindication of that independence by arms against assault
by other states, and on the establishment of orderly government within territory
under its stable control.”13
Got links?

It's in the post you quoted.
I didn't see the highlighted text

"So, Israel was allowed to determine it's own destiny, fought the WARS like I mentioned earlier in the thread, won the land. "

in your link.
What's wrong with what he said ? It's completely true. You should know this
Where does it say that resolution 181 was implemented?

Here, when it was determined that Israel's statehood should not be dependent upon agreement by the Arabs (because everyone knew they would never agree to ANYTHING - just like today - nothing has changed). Nobody liked them then, and nobody likes them now. Below was the determination of people who tried everything to get the Arabs to compromise. So, Israel was allowed to determine it's own destiny, fought the WARS like I mentioned earlier in the thread, won the land.

What's really funny is that the Arabs and palestinians actually WANTED to resurrect Resolution. LOL! Everyone just laughed at them because they are SO ridiculous.

“The coming into existence of Israel does not depend legally upon the Resolution.
The right of a State to exist flows from its factual existence-especially when that
existence is prolonged shows every sign of continuance and is recognised by the
generality of nations.”12
Reviewing Lauterpacht‟s arguments, Professor Stone, a distinguished authority
on the Law of Nations, added that Israel‟s “legitimacy” or the “legal foundation”
for its birth does not reside with the United Nations‟ Partition Plan, which as a
consequence of Arab actions became a dead issue. Professor Stone concluded:
“The State of Israel is thus not legally derived from the partition plan, but rests
(as do most other states in the world) on assertion of independence by its people
and government, on the vindication of that independence by arms against assault
by other states, and on the establishment of orderly government within territory
under its stable control.”13
Got links?

It's in the post you quoted.
I didn't see the highlighted text

"So, Israel was allowed to determine it's own destiny, fought the WARS like I mentioned earlier in the thread, won the land. "

in your link.
What's wrong with what he said ? It's completely true. You should know this
Then there should be no problem to provide a link.
Here, when it was determined that Israel's statehood should not be dependent upon agreement by the Arabs (because everyone knew they would never agree to ANYTHING - just like today - nothing has changed). Nobody liked them then, and nobody likes them now. Below was the determination of people who tried everything to get the Arabs to compromise. So, Israel was allowed to determine it's own destiny, fought the WARS like I mentioned earlier in the thread, won the land.

What's really funny is that the Arabs and palestinians actually WANTED to resurrect Resolution. LOL! Everyone just laughed at them because they are SO ridiculous.
Got links?

It's in the post you quoted.
I didn't see the highlighted text

"So, Israel was allowed to determine it's own destiny, fought the WARS like I mentioned earlier in the thread, won the land. "

in your link.
What's wrong with what he said ? It's completely true. You should know this
Then there should be no problem to provide a link.

Here, when it was determined that Israel's statehood should not be dependent upon agreement by the Arabs (because everyone knew they would never agree to ANYTHING - just like today - nothing has changed). Nobody liked them then, and nobody likes them now. Below was the determination of people who tried everything to get the Arabs to compromise. So, Israel was allowed to determine it's own destiny, fought the WARS like I mentioned earlier in the thread, won the land.

What's really funny is that the Arabs and palestinians actually WANTED to resurrect Resolution. LOL! Everyone just laughed at them because they are SO ridiculous.
Got links?

It's in the post you quoted.
I didn't see the highlighted text

"So, Israel was allowed to determine it's own destiny, fought the WARS like I mentioned earlier in the thread, won the land. "

in your link.
What's wrong with what he said ? It's completely true. You should know this
Then there should be no problem to provide a link.

What's the point of providing a link for you? You're till going to deny it and claim you're right.

But here you go ( I cannot believe you didn't know this):

1948 Arab Israeli War - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Israel keeps area allotted to it byPartition Plan, captures 50% of area allotted to Arab state
There was no such thing as "Palestinians" before this conflict came to be. There were only the occasional nomads passing through the area back then. It was not inhabitable. The Israelis MADE Israel/Gaza what it is today.

The Truth about the Palestinian People

The 1948 Israeli War of Independence was between the neighboring Arab countries and the newly formed state of Israel. The Arab countries did not send troops to help the people that are today known as "Palestinians" but rather they sent troops to drive the Jews into the sea. Most of the "Palestinian Arabs" fled to avoid the fighting. Remember, in 1948 they were not referred to as "Palestinians". This name was was created by the Soviet disinformation masters in 1964 when they created the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO). The term"Palestinian People" as a description of Arabs in Palestine appeared for the first time in the preamble of the 1964 PLO Charter, drafted in Moscow. The Charter was affirmed by the first 422 members of the Palestinian National Council, handpicked by the KGB. This term was formally used by newspapers around the world after 1967.

United Nations Resolution 181 recommended a partition of the territory from the British Mandate for Palestine into two states - one for Jews and one for Palestinian Arabs. But the rejection of partition by the Arabs left in place as the legally operative Mandate for Palestine, the 1924 Anglo-American Convention, and Article 80 of the United Nations Charter. All of the Arab countries objected to the creation of the Jewish state and fought a war against its creation. This was Israel's War of Independence in 1948. Despite their superior numbers, the Arab countries lost the war and the Palestinian state never materialized because of this loss. In the war that was waged, the territory allotted to be the Palestinian state by the UN partition resolution was divided between Israel and Jordan. The "Palestinian Arabs" were rejected by every single Arab country, with the exception of the small percentage that ended up in refugee camps in Jordan where they remain to this day.

Multiple people have posted repeated links to historical data indicating that area was by no means inhabited by only "occasional nomads" but had a significant permanent population that had been there for centuries. They myth that it was largely "uninhabited" other than "occassional nomads" is just that, a myth that has been thoroughly debunked.

Look at the source you are using and what it has to say about itself:
Target Of Opportunity
This website is a list and record of people that betray and endanger America by their Seditious, Treasonous, and/or Terrorist activities. Operating under the false illusion of Peaceful and Non-Violent activism, their methods are anything but Peaceful and Non-Violent. These people present a serious threat to all Americans. Each and every one of them should be considered a

What the heck kind of site is that and why should anything it says be taken seriously?

That is not the only source. Multiple, multiple sources confirm the same data. I've posted at LEAST 3 other links here that give the same data. There was NO Palestine. It is a made-up place. It did not exist before the creation of Israel. It WAS a mostly uninhabitable territory owned by Arab kings which was taken over by the British and mandated to become half a Jewish state and half an Arab state by the UN. The Arabs would not accept that because of their BIGOTRY, and they tried to attack the Israelis, but the Israelis fought back and won, AND they won the land that you call "palestine."

Wrong. There has long been a Palestine - it's a very old designation. It may not have been a "nation" but it was an identifiable geographic area.

Again - as supported by links to historical census data from the Ottoman's and Mandate periods it was not mostly uninhabited. It had a definate permanent population.

Why do you keep pretending that the people who inhabited the region didn't exist? That they have no rights to live where they've been living?

The Mandate's 1922 Census: 1922 census of Palestine - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The reported population was 757,182, including the military and persons of foreign nationality. The division into religious groups was 590,390 Muslims, 83,694 Jews, 73,024 Christians, 7,028 Druze, 808 Sikhs, 265 Bahais, 156 Metawalis, and 163 Samaritans.[2]

Always been team Israel's ground rules that Palestine was never a nation just an undefined area in the M.E.

It was a population in constant flux with highs and lows throughout history but it never reached it occupational density of pre roman times after the diaspora. Even the arab muslims shunned the land because it was too harsh and not easily tamed.

The people who inhabited the region did exist, but arab muslims did not for 700 years after the diaspora. Then after holding control of a small part they were beaten and expelled by the Crusaders.

The census is correct but I wonder how many of those muslims were arab and how many were Turkish, Egyptian or Iranian all non arab muslims . I also wonder how many people were refused the right to fill in the census forms, or duplicated the forms. This happened in the Palestinian territories only a short time ago so that UNWRA could get more money for the terrorists.

A load of bullshit as usual.

Palestinians, people of the Roman provinces of Palestina have been of many religions ranging from those that worshiped the Roman religions, Judaism, Christianity and most recently Islam. They are the same people whatever the religion or language they speak.

In fact, Palestine has always been one of the most fertile of the Middle East and there were few areas not being cultivated in the late 1800s, as confirmed by Ahad Ha'am after one of his visits to the area in the late 1800s:

"We tend to believe abroad that Palestine is nowadays almost completely deserted, an uncultivated wilderness, and anyone can come there and buy as much land as his heart desires. But in reality this is not the case. It is difficult to find anywhere in the country Arab land which lies fallow."

David Goldberg The 1907 writings of one traveller to Palestine vividly describe the roots of the region s enmity Comment is free The Guardian

As far as the demographic make up prior to the 1850s and after we have confirmation of that to via the Mandatory's Interim Report of 1921, which confirms that there were but a handful of Jews in Palestine prior to 1850 and that the Muslims made up four fifths of the population in 1921.and that they were not Arabs (only Bedouins are pure Arabians), but of mixed race, which is what Palestinians have always been:

"Four-fifths of the whole population are Moslems. A small proportion of these are Bedouin Arabs; the remainder, although they speak Arabic and are termed Arabs, are largely of mixed race. Some 77,000 of the population are Christians, in large majority belonging to the Orthodox Church, and speaking Arabic. The minority are members of the Latin or of the Uniate Greek Catholic Church, or--a small number--are Protestants..... Prior to 1850 there were in the country only a handful of Jews"

. - See more at: Mandate for Palestine - Interim report of the Mandatory to the League of Nations Balfour Declaration text 30 July 1921

From that same report we see this

Length of Recidence in Palestine
(p 87 & p 98)The pre-war population accounts for 9,473 persons, which is slightly less than one-third of the present population, whereas the rest are post-war immigrants. Some 10.000 persons settled since 1924, since the so called middle-class immigration.
Length of residence in YearsMenWomenChildrenTotal %
Over 30836930-17665,8
Total124699655837630500100 %

Whether there was significant Arab immigration into Palestine after the beginning of Jewish settlement there in the late 19th century has become a matter of some controversy. According to Martin Gilbert, 50,000 Arabs immigrated to Mandatory Palestine from the neighboring lands between 1919 and 1939 "attracted by the improving agricultural conditions and growing job opportunities, most of them created by the Jews".[47] The Arab population of Palestine doubled during the mandatory period from 670 000 in 1922 to over 1.2 million in 1948. The estimates on the scope of Arab immigration to Palestine during this period range from insignificant numbers to almost 300 000.[citation needed] According to Itzhak Galnoor, although most of Arab population increase came from natural increase, the Arab immigration to Palestine was not insignificant. Based on his estimates approximately 100 000 Arabs immigrated to Palestine between 1922 and 1948.[48]

The 1931 census of Palestine considered the question of illegal immigration since the previous census in 1922.[55] It estimated that unrecorded immigration during that period may have amounted to 9,000 Jews and 4,000 Arabs.[55] It also gave the proportion of persons living in Palestine in 1931 who were born outside Palestine: Muslims, 2%; Christians, 20%; Jews, 58%
In a 1974 study, Bachi proposed an average of 900 per year for the number of Muslims who were detected as illegal immigrants but not deported.[56] He noted the impossibility of estimating illegal immigration that was undetected, or the fraction of those persons who eventually departed.[56] He suggested, though qualifying it as a "mere guess", that the unexplained increase in the Muslim population between 1922 and 1931 was due to a combination of unrecorded immigration (using the 1931 census report estimate) and undercounting in the 1922 census
Demographics of Palestine - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
P F Tinmore, et al,

Nothing is ever as simple as you present it. It is a Arab Palestinian imperative that they downplay or disavow the Partition Plan; otherwise they loose a great deal of their validity in the armed struggle stance they have taken.

That is the Propaganda version. We have all heard the story a gazillion times.

The UN voted to partition Palestine. The Jews accepted their state. The Arabs rejected their state. Too bad for them.​


There are some problems with this scenario as it leaves out important information.

The UN did approve the partition of Palestine, however, Resolution 181 was a non binding General Assembly resolution that recommended that the Security Council implement the partition.

General Assembly Resolution 181(II) was --- in fact --- non-binding, as are all resolutions simply pasted by the General Assembly.

However, it was not merely a recommendation. The recommendation was passed to the General Assembly by the UN Special Commission on Palestine (UNSCOP). And that recommendation was adopted by the General Assembly.

The instructions in the resolution were that the UN Palestine Commission (UNPC) was to be created and be the action arm for the Security Council in the implementation process. That did happen.

Britain, as the mandate, refused to implement the plan because it was not approved by both sides. The Security Council failed to implement the plan voicing the same concerns. The US withdrew its support and was drafting an alternate plan.

Without regard to what the US might have done or what position the UK might have taken, the UNPC did act and did set the stage for the creation of the Jewish State of Israel.

During today's brief meeting, Dr. Eduardo Morgan (Panama) said that this resolution of the Assembly merely "relieves responsibility. The Commission has not been dissolved. In fact the resolution of last November 29 has been implemented."

Section B. STEPS PREPARATORY TO INDEPENDENCE General Assembly Resolution 181(II) said:
14. The Commission shall be guided in its activities by the recommendations of the General Assembly and by such instructions as the Security Council may consider necessary to issue.

The measures taken by the Commission, within the recommendations of the General Assembly, shall become immediately effective unless the Commission has previously received contrary instructions from the Security Council.

The Commission shall render periodic monthly progress reports, or more frequently if desirable, to the Security Council.

SOURCE: A/RES/181(II) 29 November 1947
SOURCE: PAL/169 17 May 1948

Resolution 181 was not implemented. No states were authorized or created. The land allotted for the Jewish state was never transferred.

No matter how you frame it, the Resolution was "implemented." and it was acknowledged. There is no such thing as a transfer of land or property in the establishment of sovereignty. This is a fictitious assumption. Sovereignty is a right and evidenced by an overt act on the part of the people exercising that right. It is not, as you suggest, a real estate venture involving deeds and transfers.

The implementation was a reality. A war was fought over it. Armistice lines drawn, treaties concluded, and a state that everyone can point to today, was created; economically prosperous, thriving, and one that can stand alone --- on its own.

Resolution 181 didn't happen.

I recommend you take your blinders off.

Letter dated 25 March 1999 from the Permanent Observer of Palestine to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General[U said:
][/U]For the Palestinian side, and since the strategic decision to forge a peace on the basis of coexistence, resolution 181 (II) has become acceptable. The resolution provides the legal basis for the existence of both the Jewish and the Arab States in Mandated Palestine. According to the resolution, Jerusalem should become a corpus separatum, which the Palestinian side is willing to take into consideration and to reconcile with the Palestinian position that East Jerusalem is part of the Palestinian territory and the capital of the Palestinian State. The Palestinian side adheres to international legitimacy and respects General Assembly resolution 181 (II), as well as Security Council resolution 242 (1967), the implementation of which is the aim of the current Middle East peace process.

EXCERPT Palestinian Declaration of Independence said:
Despite the historical injustice done to the Palestinian Arab people in its displacement and in being deprived of the right to self-determination following the adoption of General Assembly resolution 181 (II) of 1947, which partitioned Palestine into an Arab and a Jewish State, that resolution nevertheless continues to attach conditions to international legitimacy that guarantee the Palestinian Arab people the right to sovereignty and national independence.

---- ---- ----

By virtue of the natural, historical and legal right of the Palestinian Arab people to its homeland, Palestine, and of the sacrifices of its succeeding generations in defence of the freedom and independence of that homeland,

Pursuant to the resolutions of the Arab Summit Conferences and on the basis of the international legitimacy embodied in the resolutions of the United Nations since 1947, and

Through the exercise by the Palestinian Arab people of its right to self-determination, political independence and sovereignty over its territory:

The Palestine National Council hereby declares, in the Name of God and on behalf of the Palestinian Arab people, the establishment of the State of Palestine in the land of Palestine with its capital at Jerusalem.
SOURCE: A/43/827 S/20278 18 November 1988
SOURCE: A/53/879 S/1999/334 25 March 1999

As recent as December 2012, the Resolution was remembered by the UN in the 67/19. Status of Palestine in the United Nations, which --- recalling its resolution 181 (II) of 29 November 1947, decided to accord to Palestine non-member observer State status in the United Nations.

You can claim, all you want, that the Resolution didn't happen, doesn't exist, is non-binding, has no impact, was never implemented --- all you want. The fact of the matter is --- in reality --- those that are not irreparably harmed and blinded by the by the need to continually justify Jihad and violence, can plainly see that it did exist, it had both documentary form, deed and action behind it. It was used by both the Jewish and the Palestinian to make legitimate their states. It is use still in contemporary times to advance the cause of Palestinian recognition.

Most Respectfully,
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P F Tinmore, et al,

Once more.

Where does it say that resolution 181 was implemented?

The text of the General Assembly resolution adopted last Friday night as it refers to the Commission reads: said:

  • "The General Assembly,

    "Having adopted a resolution providing for the appointment of a United Nations Mediator in Palestine, which relieves the United Nations Palestine Commission from the further exercise of its responsibilities,

    "Resolves to express its full appreciation for the work performed by the Palestine Commission in pursuance of its mandate from the General Assembly.
During today's brief meeting, Dr. Eduardo Morgan (Panama) said that this resolution of the Assembly merely "relieves responsibility. The Commission has not been dissolved. In fact the resolution of last November 29 has been implemented."

PAL/169 17 May 1948

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Both sides are stuck in that same rut. Have you forgotten Israel's many pre-conditions over the years?
What are they?
It's become almost normal for Palestinians and Israelis who support peace to find themselves at the same old roadblock, going nowhere fast. The only thing moving are the extremists, who continue to pave the way to the mutual destruction of both sides.
Laughable, which is, of course, acceptable from a comedian. The little problem is that, how many palistanian "supporters of peace" are there? Five, ten, twenty of them? Israeli leftists used to gather tens of thousands of peaceniks on the Rabin's square in Tel Aviv. How many palistanian "peaceniks" gathered in Ramallah? Nil will be about right, of course. Now the majority of israeli peaceniks are gone, because they understood that, whatever the place one kisses a palistanian on, it's always an ass.
Israeli and Palestinian leaders refuse to talk about the steps necessary to make peace. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has imposed several pre-conditions for peace talks to resume. They include the demand for a one-sided end to violence: Palestinians must prevent their extremists from committing acts of violence, but Israel can continue to not only attack Palestinian areas in the Gaza Strip with missiles, but they can also target Palestinians in the West Bank.
Same old general palistanian humiliational-occupational drivel, of course. They should get a life and a job, and Hananiya ahould stick to comedy.
The words of Gladden Schrock describe palistanians perfecto:
"I am a wretchedly longstanding victim; therefore I own no burden of adult accountability, nor need to honor any restraint against my words and actions. In fact, all efforts to restrain me are only further proof of my oppressed condition."
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Where does it say that resolution 181 was implemented?

Here, when it was determined that Israel's statehood should not be dependent upon agreement by the Arabs (because everyone knew they would never agree to ANYTHING - just like today - nothing has changed). Nobody liked them then, and nobody likes them now. Below was the determination of people who tried everything to get the Arabs to compromise. So, Israel was allowed to determine it's own destiny, fought the WARS like I mentioned earlier in the thread, won the land.

What's really funny is that the Arabs and palestinians actually WANTED to resurrect Resolution. LOL! Everyone just laughed at them because they are SO ridiculous.

“The coming into existence of Israel does not depend legally upon the Resolution.
The right of a State to exist flows from its factual existence-especially when that
existence is prolonged shows every sign of continuance and is recognised by the
generality of nations.”12
Reviewing Lauterpacht‟s arguments, Professor Stone, a distinguished authority
on the Law of Nations, added that Israel‟s “legitimacy” or the “legal foundation”
for its birth does not reside with the United Nations‟ Partition Plan, which as a
consequence of Arab actions became a dead issue. Professor Stone concluded:
“The State of Israel is thus not legally derived from the partition plan, but rests
(as do most other states in the world) on assertion of independence by its people
and government, on the vindication of that independence by arms against assault
by other states, and on the establishment of orderly government within territory
under its stable control.”13
Got links?

It's in the post you quoted.
I didn't see the highlighted text

"So, Israel was allowed to determine it's own destiny, fought the WARS like I mentioned earlier in the thread, won the land. "

in your link.
What's wrong with what he said ? It's completely true. You should know this

It's SHE. You should REALLY check the gender of a person (by clicking their profile) before you refer to them as a "he" or as a "she."

Just because a person is intelligent and good at debating does not mean SHE is a HE!!! :rolleyes-41: It's like you guys assume all the posters here are men!!!
The world is sick of Muslims attacking everybody. That's what the world is sick of.
The world is sick of Muslims attacking everybody. That's what the world is sick of.
The Western Powers in their determination to Control ME Oil, politically and forcibly allowed
Zionism to invade Palestine to create Israel as a client state, arming it and turned a blind eye to its atrocities...

That exploitation has led to a populist supported Arab Spring which is growing daily...Even ISIS is a direct result of this de-facto Western Colonialism...

America needs to break all links to the ME...We are now self-sufficient in Oil...
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Both sides are stuck in that same rut. Have you forgotten Israel's many pre-conditions over the years?
What are they?
It's become almost normal for Palestinians and Israelis who support peace to find themselves at the same old roadblock, going nowhere fast. The only thing moving are the extremists, who continue to pave the way to the mutual destruction of both sides.
Laughable, which is, of course, acceptable from a comedian. The little problem is that, how many palistanian "supporters of peace" are there? Five, ten, twenty of them? Israeli leftists used to gather tens of thousands of peaceniks on the Rabin's square in Tel Aviv. How many palistanian "peaceniks" gathered in Ramallah? Nil will be about right, of course. Now the majority of israeli peaceniks are gone, because they understood that, whatever the place one kisses a palistanian on, it's always an ass.

And this spew has what to do with the false claim by some that Israel had no pre-conditions?

Israeli and Palestinian leaders refuse to talk about the steps necessary to make peace. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has imposed several pre-conditions for peace talks to resume. They include the demand for a one-sided end to violence: Palestinians must prevent their extremists from committing acts of violence, but Israel can continue to not only attack Palestinian areas in the Gaza Strip with missiles, but they can also target Palestinians in the West Bank.
Same old general palistanian humiliational-occupational drivel, of course. They should get a life and a job, and Hananiya ahould stick to comedy.
The words of Gladden Schrock describe palistanians perfecto:
"I am a wretchedly longstanding victim; therefore I own no burden of adult accountability, nor need to honor any restraint against my words and actions. In fact, all efforts to restrain me are only further proof of my oppressed condition."

Again. What does this have to do with the false claim that Israel had no preconditions?
Multiple people have posted repeated links to historical data indicating that area was by no means inhabited by only "occasional nomads" but had a significant permanent population that had been there for centuries. They myth that it was largely "uninhabited" other than "occassional nomads" is just that, a myth that has been thoroughly debunked.

Look at the source you are using and what it has to say about itself:
What the heck kind of site is that and why should anything it says be taken seriously?

That is not the only source. Multiple, multiple sources confirm the same data. I've posted at LEAST 3 other links here that give the same data. There was NO Palestine. It is a made-up place. It did not exist before the creation of Israel. It WAS a mostly uninhabitable territory owned by Arab kings which was taken over by the British and mandated to become half a Jewish state and half an Arab state by the UN. The Arabs would not accept that because of their BIGOTRY, and they tried to attack the Israelis, but the Israelis fought back and won, AND they won the land that you call "palestine."

Wrong. There has long been a Palestine - it's a very old designation. It may not have been a "nation" but it was an identifiable geographic area.

Again - as supported by links to historical census data from the Ottoman's and Mandate periods it was not mostly uninhabited. It had a definate permanent population.

Why do you keep pretending that the people who inhabited the region didn't exist? That they have no rights to live where they've been living?

The Mandate's 1922 Census: 1922 census of Palestine - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The reported population was 757,182, including the military and persons of foreign nationality. The division into religious groups was 590,390 Muslims, 83,694 Jews, 73,024 Christians, 7,028 Druze, 808 Sikhs, 265 Bahais, 156 Metawalis, and 163 Samaritans.[2]

Always been team Israel's ground rules that Palestine was never a nation just an undefined area in the M.E.

It was a population in constant flux with highs and lows throughout history but it never reached it occupational density of pre roman times after the diaspora. Even the arab muslims shunned the land because it was too harsh and not easily tamed.

The people who inhabited the region did exist, but arab muslims did not for 700 years after the diaspora. Then after holding control of a small part they were beaten and expelled by the Crusaders.

The census is correct but I wonder how many of those muslims were arab and how many were Turkish, Egyptian or Iranian all non arab muslims . I also wonder how many people were refused the right to fill in the census forms, or duplicated the forms. This happened in the Palestinian territories only a short time ago so that UNWRA could get more money for the terrorists.

A load of bullshit as usual.

Palestinians, people of the Roman provinces of Palestina have been of many religions ranging from those that worshiped the Roman religions, Judaism, Christianity and most recently Islam. They are the same people whatever the religion or language they speak.

In fact, Palestine has always been one of the most fertile of the Middle East and there were few areas not being cultivated in the late 1800s, as confirmed by Ahad Ha'am after one of his visits to the area in the late 1800s:

"We tend to believe abroad that Palestine is nowadays almost completely deserted, an uncultivated wilderness, and anyone can come there and buy as much land as his heart desires. But in reality this is not the case. It is difficult to find anywhere in the country Arab land which lies fallow."

David Goldberg The 1907 writings of one traveller to Palestine vividly describe the roots of the region s enmity Comment is free The Guardian

As far as the demographic make up prior to the 1850s and after we have confirmation of that to via the Mandatory's Interim Report of 1921, which confirms that there were but a handful of Jews in Palestine prior to 1850 and that the Muslims made up four fifths of the population in 1921.and that they were not Arabs (only Bedouins are pure Arabians), but of mixed race, which is what Palestinians have always been:

"Four-fifths of the whole population are Moslems. A small proportion of these are Bedouin Arabs; the remainder, although they speak Arabic and are termed Arabs, are largely of mixed race. Some 77,000 of the population are Christians, in large majority belonging to the Orthodox Church, and speaking Arabic. The minority are members of the Latin or of the Uniate Greek Catholic Church, or--a small number--are Protestants..... Prior to 1850 there were in the country only a handful of Jews"

. - See more at: Mandate for Palestine - Interim report of the Mandatory to the League of Nations Balfour Declaration text 30 July 1921

From that same report we see this

Length of Recidence in Palestine
(p 87 & p 98)The pre-war population accounts for 9,473 persons, which is slightly less than one-third of the present population, whereas the rest are post-war immigrants. Some 10.000 persons settled since 1924, since the so called middle-class immigration.
Length of residence in YearsMenWomenChildrenTotal %
Over 30836930-17665,8
Total124699655837630500100 %
Whether there was significant Arab immigration into Palestine after the beginning of Jewish settlement there in the late 19th century has become a matter of some controversy. According to Martin Gilbert, 50,000 Arabs immigrated to Mandatory Palestine from the neighboring lands between 1919 and 1939 "attracted by the improving agricultural conditions and growing job opportunities, most of them created by the Jews".[47] The Arab population of Palestine doubled during the mandatory period from 670 000 in 1922 to over 1.2 million in 1948. The estimates on the scope of Arab immigration to Palestine during this period range from insignificant numbers to almost 300 000.[citation needed] According to Itzhak Galnoor, although most of Arab population increase came from natural increase, the Arab immigration to Palestine was not insignificant. Based on his estimates approximately 100 000 Arabs immigrated to Palestine between 1922 and 1948.[48]

The 1931 census of Palestine considered the question of illegal immigration since the previous census in 1922.[55] It estimated that unrecorded immigration during that period may have amounted to 9,000 Jews and 4,000 Arabs.[55] It also gave the proportion of persons living in Palestine in 1931 who were born outside Palestine: Muslims, 2%; Christians, 20%; Jews, 58%
In a 1974 study, Bachi proposed an average of 900 per year for the number of Muslims who were detected as illegal immigrants but not deported.[56] He noted the impossibility of estimating illegal immigration that was undetected, or the fraction of those persons who eventually departed.[56] He suggested, though qualifying it as a "mere guess", that the unexplained increase in the Muslim population between 1922 and 1931 was due to a combination of unrecorded immigration (using the 1931 census report estimate) and undercounting in the 1922 census
Demographics of Palestine - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Hmmm, Wiki Zionist tainted material as opposed to source documents. Well done Phoney, you really know how to make a point. Now let's get the facts from the Report of the Mandatory:

As can be seen below in the table included in His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Council of the League of Nations of 1937, Muslim increase via migration was 25,168 during the period Jewish increase through migration was 245,433.

"6. The estimated total population has increased in the 15 years from 1922 to the middle of 1937, by 631,272 persons. The increase is due to immigration and to the excess of births over deaths, the allocation of the total increases between these two factors being estimated to be as follows:--

All religions.Moslems.Jews.Christians.Others.
Total increase
of population
Increase by










- See more at: Mandate for Palestine - Report of the Mandatory to the LoN 31 December 1937

You are just making a fool of yourself. Facts are facts. Lying or using tainted backup like you do is easily discovered.
Here, when it was determined that Israel's statehood should not be dependent upon agreement by the Arabs (because everyone knew they would never agree to ANYTHING - just like today - nothing has changed). Nobody liked them then, and nobody likes them now. Below was the determination of people who tried everything to get the Arabs to compromise. So, Israel was allowed to determine it's own destiny, fought the WARS like I mentioned earlier in the thread, won the land.

What's really funny is that the Arabs and palestinians actually WANTED to resurrect Resolution. LOL! Everyone just laughed at them because they are SO ridiculous.
Got links?

It's in the post you quoted.
I didn't see the highlighted text

"So, Israel was allowed to determine it's own destiny, fought the WARS like I mentioned earlier in the thread, won the land. "

in your link.
What's wrong with what he said ? It's completely true. You should know this

It's SHE. You should REALLY check the gender of a person (by clicking their profile) before you refer to them as a "he" or as a "she."

Just because a person is intelligent and good at debating does not mean SHE is a HE!!! :rolleyes-41: It's like you guys assume all the posters here are men!!!

Sorry ma'am ! ;)

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