The World Is Sick Of Israeli Atrocities...

g) The Arabs of Palestine made a solemn declaration before the United Nations, before God and history, that they will never submit or yield to any power going to Palestine to enforce partition. The only way to establish partition is first to wipe them out — man, woman and child. (A/AC.21/10 16 February 1948)

The Arabs of Palestine in the beginning are the "them" at the end, you frigging ignorant, stupid moron.
montelatici, et al,

I submit, you have no room to call anyone "frigging ignorant, stupid moron."

g) The Arabs of Palestine made a solemn declaration before the United Nations, before God and history, that they will never submit or yield to any power going to Palestine to enforce partition. The only way to establish partition is first to wipe them out — man, woman and child. (A/AC.21/10 16 February 1948)

The Arabs of Palestine in the beginning are the "them" at the end, you frigging ignorant, stupid moron.

I have two points to make:
  • FIRST: It is an excerpt on the variant of an Old Testament passage:
Deuteronomy 3:4-6 English Standard Version (ESV) said:
“We utterly destroyed them, as we did to a Sihon King of Heshbon, butterly destroying the men, women and children of every city."
  • SECOND: The threat passage is constructed in a very specific way.
    • The genocide passage (first to wipe them out — man, woman and child) refers to who?
      • It refers "to any power going to Palestine to enforce partition."
    • Who is the entity that is the "power going to Palestine to enforce partition (from the Arab perspective)?"
      • It is not the Hostile Arab Palestinian. It is the Jewish People who accepted the Partition and were exercising their right to self-determination.
Most Respectfully,
Coyote, et al,

This is an essential point.

But you have people living there now, in the West Bank, who have been there for along time - who some here are stating should categorically kicked off the land (ethnically cleansed), to another country so that region can be inhabited by others who seem to me to have no more right to it then they do.
Coyote said:
Both sides are stuck in that same rut.

Have you forgotten Israel's many pre-conditions over the years?

There is a very good argument, to be made on the part of the Arab Palestinian, relative to the Settlement Issue and the Oslo Accords.

But I'm not sure that anyone (in authority) on the Arab Palestinian side of the talks is actually interested in serious negotiations.

Who, actually, wants to sit down and talk about solutions?

Most Respectively,
tell us your solution...
Fight until everyone on one side or the other is dead.
Problem solved.
OK, arm the Palestinians with the same armaments and make it a fair fight.
Coyote, et al,

This is an essential point.

But you have people living there now, in the West Bank, who have been there for along time - who some here are stating should categorically kicked off the land (ethnically cleansed), to another country so that region can be inhabited by others who seem to me to have no more right to it then they do.
Coyote said:
Both sides are stuck in that same rut.

Have you forgotten Israel's many pre-conditions over the years?

There is a very good argument, to be made on the part of the Arab Palestinian, relative to the Settlement Issue and the Oslo Accords.

But I'm not sure that anyone (in authority) on the Arab Palestinian side of the talks is actually interested in serious negotiations.

Who, actually, wants to sit down and talk about solutions?

Most Respectively,
tell us your solution...
Fight until everyone on one side or the other is dead.
Problem solved.
OK, arm the Palestinians with the same armaments and make it a fair fight.
Doesn't work that way. Might wins. Weekends better surrender and hope their opponent is in a giving mood.
The world is sick of Muslim apologists. Throwing stones and chopping off heads and all that. Screw Islam. Bomb Mecca back to the stone age. Let them die for Allah if that's what they believe.
Jews where massacred. We know atrocities. Islam NOW is like Germany in 1933. When the good Germans did nothing to stop the extremists, that is what Islam is NOW, Islam does NOTHING to stop the extremists. Israel does what it has to, in self defense. Islam? it murders unarmed civilians in Europe and America. We all know what it is.

Oh brother. Yet another idiotic attempt to compare modern world events to the Holocaust with ignorant generalizations.
Oh brother, another condescending idiot that has no concept of history. people like you are why history repeats itself. You know everything and nothing.
I don't think there is any doubt that this resolution will pass, even AIPAC influenced America may support it. The world is sick of Israeli atrocities...

Palestinians Israeli occupation must end in 2016 - Yahoo News
UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The Palestinians are asking the U.N. Security Council to set a deadline of November 2016 for an Israeli withdrawal from all Palestinian territory occupied since 1967 including East Jerusalem in a new push to achieve independence.
Related Stories
  1. Abbas demands end to Israeli occupation 'now' AFP
  2. Palestinian leader in new UN bid to end occupation Associated Press
  3. Israel-Palestinian 'solution' to be put to UN Security Council AFP
  4. West Bank settler group boasts rapid growth Associated Press
  5. How Palestinian divisions undercut call for a UN deadline on statehood Christian Science Monitor
The circulation of the draft resolution to council members follows Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' announcement to the U.N. General Assembly last Friday that he would ask the council to set a deadline for a pullout and dictate the ground rules for any talks with Israel.
The draft resolution, obtained Wednesday by The Associated Press, would affirm the Security Council's determination to contribute to attaining a peaceful solution that ends the Israeli occupation "without delay" and fulfill the vision of two states — "an independent, sovereign, democratic, contiguous and viable state of Palestine" living side by side with Israel in peace and security in borders based on those before the 1967 Mideast war.
It is only in favor of Jew to accept the deal as soon as possible, the longer they delay the least chance jew have.
But still I will advise to jew to give up their silly Idea that jew are special kind and masaya is coming, it just the Idea adopted by their elders to use jew race or abuse them.
I don't think there is any doubt that this resolution will pass, even AIPAC influenced America may support it. The world is sick of Israeli atrocities...

Palestinians Israeli occupation must end in 2016 - Yahoo News
UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The Palestinians are asking the U.N. Security Council to set a deadline of November 2016 for an Israeli withdrawal from all Palestinian territory occupied since 1967 including East Jerusalem in a new push to achieve independence.
Related Stories
  1. Abbas demands end to Israeli occupation 'now' AFP
  2. Palestinian leader in new UN bid to end occupation Associated Press
  3. Israel-Palestinian 'solution' to be put to UN Security Council AFP
  4. West Bank settler group boasts rapid growth Associated Press
  5. How Palestinian divisions undercut call for a UN deadline on statehood Christian Science Monitor
The circulation of the draft resolution to council members follows Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' announcement to the U.N. General Assembly last Friday that he would ask the council to set a deadline for a pullout and dictate the ground rules for any talks with Israel.
The draft resolution, obtained Wednesday by The Associated Press, would affirm the Security Council's determination to contribute to attaining a peaceful solution that ends the Israeli occupation "without delay" and fulfill the vision of two states — "an independent, sovereign, democratic, contiguous and viable state of Palestine" living side by side with Israel in peace and security in borders based on those before the 1967 Mideast war.
It is only in favor of Jew to accept the deal as soon as possible, the longer they delay the least chance jew have.
But still I will advise to jew to give up their silly Idea that jew are special kind and masaya is coming, it just the Idea adopted by their elders to use jew race or abuse them.
Jesus is coming soon and boy is he pissed!
The world is sick of Muslim apologists. Throwing stones and chopping off heads and all that. Screw Islam. Bomb Mecca back to the stone age. Let them die for Allah if that's what they believe.
World actually sick of jew can't you see dumb. See before it is too let and tell to jew that you are not special kind and not masaya is coming please give this idea and make the world better place.
Jews where massacred. We know atrocities. Islam NOW is like Germany in 1933. When the good Germans did nothing to stop the extremists, that is what Islam is NOW, Islam does NOTHING to stop the extremists. Israel does what it has to, in self defense. Islam? it murders unarmed civilians in Europe and America. We all know what it is.

Oh brother. Yet another idiotic attempt to compare modern world events to the Holocaust with ignorant generalizations.
Oh brother, another condescending idiot that has no concept of history. people like you are why history repeats itself. You know everything and nothing.
No one beleave that German killed 6 million jew and no one can prove it too may be they become Lutheran Christian as jew have this ability they can speak many languages and can practice more than one religion. So they can transform themselves in dangerous time like WII in Germany.
Jews where massacred. We know atrocities. Islam NOW is like Germany in 1933. When the good Germans did nothing to stop the extremists, that is what Islam is NOW, Islam does NOTHING to stop the extremists. Israel does what it has to, in self defense. Islam? it murders unarmed civilians in Europe and America. We all know what it is.

Oh brother. Yet another idiotic attempt to compare modern world events to the Holocaust with ignorant generalizations.
Oh brother, another condescending idiot that has no concept of history. people like you are why history repeats itself. You know everything and nothing.
No one beleave that German killed 6 million jew and no one can prove it too may be they become Lutheran Christian as jew have this ability they can speak many languages and can practice more than one religion. So they can transform themselves in dangerous time like WII in Germany.
That's pretty deep, cousin.
Jews where massacred. We know atrocities. Islam NOW is like Germany in 1933. When the good Germans did nothing to stop the extremists, that is what Islam is NOW, Islam does NOTHING to stop the extremists. Israel does what it has to, in self defense. Islam? it murders unarmed civilians in Europe and America. We all know what it is.

Oh brother. Yet another idiotic attempt to compare modern world events to the Holocaust with ignorant generalizations.
Oh brother, another condescending idiot that has no concept of history. people like you are why history repeats itself. You know everything and nothing.
No one beleave that German killed 6 million jew and no one can prove it too may be they become Lutheran Christian as jew have this ability they can speak many languages and can practice more than one religion. So they can transform themselves in dangerous time like WII in Germany.

:uhoh3: Gosh, there are so many and all kinds of crazy people on the internet. Lol!
montelatici, et al,

I submit, you have no room to call anyone "frigging ignorant, stupid moron."

g) The Arabs of Palestine made a solemn declaration before the United Nations, before God and history, that they will never submit or yield to any power going to Palestine to enforce partition. The only way to establish partition is first to wipe them out — man, woman and child. (A/AC.21/10 16 February 1948)

The Arabs of Palestine in the beginning are the "them" at the end, you frigging ignorant, stupid moron.

I have two points to make:
  • FIRST: It is an excerpt on the variant of an Old Testament passage:
Deuteronomy 3:4-6 English Standard Version (ESV) said:
“We utterly destroyed them, as we did to a Sihon King of Heshbon, butterly destroying the men, women and children of every city."
  • SECOND: The threat passage is constructed in a very specific way.
    • The genocide passage (first to wipe them out — man, woman and child) refers to who?
      • It refers "to any power going to Palestine to enforce partition."
    • Who is the entity that is the "power going to Palestine to enforce partition (from the Arab perspective)?"
      • It is not the Hostile Arab Palestinian. It is the Jewish People who accepted the Partition and were exercising their right to self-determination.
Most Respectfully,
The Palestinians did not attack anyone. Why should foreign guns be going to Palestine?

Partition is a foreign concept imposed on the Palestinians at the point of foreign guns.

This is a violation of the Palestinian's inalienable rights.
Jews where massacred. We know atrocities. Islam NOW is like Germany in 1933. When the good Germans did nothing to stop the extremists, that is what Islam is NOW, Islam does NOTHING to stop the extremists. Israel does what it has to, in self defense. Islam? it murders unarmed civilians in Europe and America. We all know what it is.

Oh brother. Yet another idiotic attempt to compare modern world events to the Holocaust with ignorant generalizations.
Oh brother, another condescending idiot that has no concept of history. people like you are why history repeats itself. You know everything and nothing.

Attitudes like yours are what lead to genocide. It's a deliberately chose ignorance. It's not that you have "no concept" of history, it's that you know just enough to distort it and use it to attack the scapegoat group du jour around the world.

The Holocaust was one conflict - one main conflict carried out in cold blood with one mastermind at it's head.

How many million were killed during the Holocaust? Jews, Slavs, Gypsies etc etc.

Human experimentation (if you can call torture that) done clinically and cold bloodedly on Jewish children by "scientists" - not barbarians seeking a return to the 7th century.

2/3 of an entire ethnic group eliminated from the European continent in a carefully planned genocide.

The events of the 1940's and the events of today in a small section of the world - the Middle East - are not comparable. They are tragic, they constitute genocide and war crimes and they need to be stopped but they are a far cry from Nazi Germany.
The world is sick of Muslim apologists. Throwing stones and chopping off heads and all that. Screw Islam. Bomb Mecca back to the stone age. Let them die for Allah if that's what they believe.

Nice to see you approve of genocide.
Jews where massacred. We know atrocities. Islam NOW is like Germany in 1933. When the good Germans did nothing to stop the extremists, that is what Islam is NOW, Islam does NOTHING to stop the extremists. Israel does what it has to, in self defense. Islam? it murders unarmed civilians in Europe and America. We all know what it is.

Oh brother. Yet another idiotic attempt to compare modern world events to the Holocaust with ignorant generalizations.
Oh brother, another condescending idiot that has no concept of history. people like you are why history repeats itself. You know everything and nothing.
No one beleave that German killed 6 million jew and no one can prove it too may be they become Lutheran Christian as jew have this ability they can speak many languages and can practice more than one religion. So they can transform themselves in dangerous time like WII in Germany.
Junior Abbas, also a lying scum, said once 5, 900, 000 Palestinians were killed by Israel, and of course a proud anti Semitic trash, now imagine this is the head of the Palestinians ..still curious why there is no peace?
The Palestinians did not attack anyone. Why should foreign guns be going to Palestine? Partition is a foreign concept imposed on the Palestinians at the point of foreign guns. This is a violation of the Palestinian's inalienable rights.
Winston Churchill of blessed memory stated "So far from being persecuted, the Arabs have crowded into the country and multiplied till their population has increased more than even all world Jewry could lift up the Jewish population.".
Coyote, et al,

I don't really think that anyone here (in this discussion group) actually supports "genocide." I think this is more a matter of frustration with a situation that has no obvious solutions that present themselves. (Even I have my moments!)

The world is sick of Muslim apologists. Throwing stones and chopping off heads and all that. Screw Islam. Bomb Mecca back to the stone age. Let them die for Allah if that's what they believe.

Nice to see you approve of genocide.

Neither side, at this moment in time, really wants "peace" to be established on terms that are acceptable to the other. And, afterall, the end-game here is "peace."

Most Respectfully,
Coyote, et al,

I don't really think that anyone here (in this discussion group) actually supports "genocide." I think this is more a matter of frustration with a situation that has no obvious solutions that present themselves. (Even I have my moments!)

The world is sick of Muslim apologists. Throwing stones and chopping off heads and all that. Screw Islam. Bomb Mecca back to the stone age. Let them die for Allah if that's what they believe.

Nice to see you approve of genocide.

Neither side, at this moment in time, really wants "peace" to be established on terms that are acceptable to the other. And, afterall, the end-game here is "peace."

Most Respectfully,

I disagree. I think that the Israelis want peace, and yes on their terms because of whom they are dealing with. I don't think any of their "demands" are unreasonable either.
Coyote, et al,

I don't really think that anyone here (in this discussion group) actually supports "genocide." I think this is more a matter of frustration with a situation that has no obvious solutions that present themselves. (Even I have my moments!)

The world is sick of Muslim apologists. Throwing stones and chopping off heads and all that. Screw Islam. Bomb Mecca back to the stone age. Let them die for Allah if that's what they believe.

Nice to see you approve of genocide.

Neither side, at this moment in time, really wants "peace" to be established on terms that are acceptable to the other. And, afterall, the end-game here is "peace."

Most Respectfully,
We have always tried to get peace without justice. That is why it always fails.

There will not be peace until the world decides to base peace on rights and international law. Those words have never crossed the lips of the fakesters in the peace process.
The Palestinians did not attack anyone. Why should foreign guns be going to Palestine? Partition is a foreign concept imposed on the Palestinians at the point of foreign guns. This is a violation of the Palestinian's inalienable rights.
Winston Churchill of blessed memory stated "So far from being persecuted, the Arabs have crowded into the country and multiplied till their population has increased more than even all world Jewry could lift up the Jewish population.".

Truman Library - Harry S. Truman 1947 Diary July 21
Harry Truman of Blessed memory wrote in his diary:The Jews, I find are very, very selfish. They care not how many Estonians, Latvians, Finns, Poles, Yugoslavs or Greeks get murdered or mistreated as D[isplaced] P[ersons] as long as the Jews get special treatment. Yet when they have power, physical, financial or political neither Hitler nor Stalin has anything on them for cruelty or mistreatment to the under dog. Put an underdog on top and it makes no difference whether his name is Russian, Jewish, Negro, Management, Labor, Mormon, Baptist he goes haywire. I've found very, very few who remember their past condition when prosperity comes.

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