The World Is Sick Of Israeli Atrocities...

The Palestinians did not attack anyone. Why should foreign guns be going to Palestine?

Partition is a foreign concept imposed on the Palestinians at the point of foreign guns.

This is a violation of the Palestinian's inalienable rights.
The mid-term elections are coming up in 3 weeks from now and the best way to stop Israeli atrocities, is for me and my countrymen to vote out all these god-damn Israeli apologists we have in our government. The only reason Israel is allowed to commit genocide on the Palestinian people, is because they are protected in the UNSC. That must come to an end.
The Palestinians did not attack anyone. Why should foreign guns be going to Palestine?

Partition is a foreign concept imposed on the Palestinians at the point of foreign guns.

This is a violation of the Palestinian's inalienable rights.
The mid-term elections are coming up in 3 weeks from now and the best way to stop Israeli atrocities, is for me and my countrymen to vote out all these god-damn Israeli apologists we have in our government. The only reason Israel is allowed to commit genocide on the Palestinian people, is because they are protected in the UNSC. That must come to an end.

I can't agree more, and that is the first thing I look for, unfortunately they smooch up to Israel to get a position and keep one. Hard to weed them out.
The Palestinians did not attack anyone. Why should foreign guns be going to Palestine?

Partition is a foreign concept imposed on the Palestinians at the point of foreign guns.

This is a violation of the Palestinian's inalienable rights.
The mid-term elections are coming up in 3 weeks from now and the best way to stop Israeli atrocities, is for me and my countrymen to vote out all these god-damn Israeli apologists we have in our government. The only reason Israel is allowed to commit genocide on the Palestinian people, is because they are protected in the UNSC. That must come to an end.
Thank God for ZOG! Allahu Snackbar!
The Palestinians did not attack anyone. Why should foreign guns be going to Palestine?

Partition is a foreign concept imposed on the Palestinians at the point of foreign guns.

This is a violation of the Palestinian's inalienable rights.
The mid-term elections are coming up in 3 weeks from now and the best way to stop Israeli atrocities, is for me and my countrymen to vote out all these god-damn Israeli apologists we have in our government. The only reason Israel is allowed to commit genocide on the Palestinian people, is because they are protected in the UNSC. That must come to an end.

I can't agree more, and that is the first thing I look for, unfortunately they smooch up to Israel to get a position and keep one. Hard to weed them out.
AIPAC in action!
montelatici, et al,

I submit, you have no room to call anyone "frigging ignorant, stupid moron."

g) The Arabs of Palestine made a solemn declaration before the United Nations, before God and history, that they will never submit or yield to any power going to Palestine to enforce partition. The only way to establish partition is first to wipe them out — man, woman and child. (A/AC.21/10 16 February 1948)

The Arabs of Palestine in the beginning are the "them" at the end, you frigging ignorant, stupid moron.

I have two points to make:
  • FIRST: It is an excerpt on the variant of an Old Testament passage:
Deuteronomy 3:4-6 English Standard Version (ESV) said:
“We utterly destroyed them, as we did to a Sihon King of Heshbon, butterly destroying the men, women and children of every city."
  • SECOND: The threat passage is constructed in a very specific way.
    • The genocide passage (first to wipe them out — man, woman and child) refers to who?
      • It refers "to any power going to Palestine to enforce partition."
    • Who is the entity that is the "power going to Palestine to enforce partition (from the Arab perspective)?"
      • It is not the Hostile Arab Palestinian. It is the Jewish People who accepted the Partition and were exercising their right to self-determination.
Most Respectfully,
The Palestinians did not attack anyone. Why should foreign guns be going to Palestine?

Partition is a foreign concept imposed on the Palestinians at the point of foreign guns.

This is a violation of the Palestinian's inalienable rights.

'The Palestinians did not attack anyone'

Well of course that is a lie. The 'Palestinians' attqcked and massacred Jews many times before Jews attacked any 'Palestinian'. We've been through this many times.
What he forgets is that it is the arab league that are exerting the illegal external interference
That may be true with Jordan. Jordan accepted a deal from the Zionists/Britain to get $3M a year for five years and the West Bank to not attack Israel in a pre war agreement.

However, that just means that Jordan was in cahoots with the Zionists/Britain in their illegal external interference.

Nope the arab league denied the Palestinians the right to declare independence until after the cut off date. Then denied them the right of return when it was offered by Israel. Since 1948 it has been the arab league that has been the external illegal interference
What is the cut off date for inalienable rights?


In the case of UN res 181 it was stated that the declaration had to be in by a certain date or it would not be entertained. This in no way alters their rights in any way as they could resubmit the declaration at a later date, which they did in 1988, but have not acted on it since and still have not shown that they are capable of free determination or that they are capable of forming a viable government
The Palestinian's right to independence and sovereignty are independent from resolution 181.

And they refused to act on this, preferring to be ruled by Jordan and Egypt from 1949 until Israel occupied the land in 1967. It took them another 20 years before they acted in part to the independence and sovereignty that is still not in place today because they don't have the intelligence to run a card game never mind a country.

Their rights all hinge on their ability, and unless they can show they have the ability then they will not be accepted as a full nation.
The attempts Palestinians does to claim Israel.
You have that backwards.
(d) In the sector from a point on the Dead Sea (MR 1925-0958) to the southernmost tip of Palestine,...
The Avalon Project Jordanian-Israeli General Armistice Agreement April 3 1949

4. The road Taba-Qouseima-Auja shall not be employed by any military forces whatsoever for the purpose of entering Palestine.
The Avalon Project Egyptian-Israeli General Armistice Agreement February 24 1949

In 1949 that territory was Palestine. When did Israel acquire that territory?

The armistice agreements were between Israel and several other states. Not Palestine and other states. You're asking irrelevant questions
Palestine was at the center of the agreements because they divided Palestine into three areas of occupation.

Try again as Palestine in 1919 took in what was to become Syria, Iraq, Jordan, part of Lebanon, part of Egypt and part of Saudi. This left less than 7% of the total area of Palestine that you claim is the only Palestine that ever existed and is the only part that is of concern.
The fact remains that no representative from the Palestinians has ever signed any treaty or agreement, and at no time was Palestine mentioned as a state in any UN resolution until 1988.
"A state" is not necessary. The right to sovereignty pre dates statehood.

Then what will they be sovereign over if they don't have a state. They cant claim anything until they prove their ability to form a government and become self sufficient.

Now how about a link that says sovereignty predates having the state to be sovereign over ?
The attempts Palestinians does to claim Israel.
You have that backwards.
(d) In the sector from a point on the Dead Sea (MR 1925-0958) to the southernmost tip of Palestine,...
The Avalon Project Jordanian-Israeli General Armistice Agreement April 3 1949

4. The road Taba-Qouseima-Auja shall not be employed by any military forces whatsoever for the purpose of entering Palestine.
The Avalon Project Egyptian-Israeli General Armistice Agreement February 24 1949

In 1949 that territory was Palestine. When did Israel acquire that territory?

The armistice agreements were between Israel and several other states. Not Palestine and other states. You're asking irrelevant questions
Palestine was at the center of the agreements because they divided Palestine into three areas of occupation.

That's the dumbest thing I've ever read..

Where did you read "divided Palestine into three area of occupation?"
Memo US Department of State, 4 May 1949, FRUS, 1949, p. 973.: "One of the most important problems which must be clared up before a lasting peace can be established in Palestine is the question of the more than 700,000 Arab refugees who during the Palestine conflict fled from their homes in what is now Israeli occupied territory and are at present living as refugees in Arab Palestine and the neighbouring Arab states.";​
FRUS Foreign relations of the United States 1949. The Near East South Asia and Africa Israel

The armistice lines were known afterwards as the "Green Line". The Gaza Strip and the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) were occupied by Egypt and Jordan respectively.

1948 Arab Israeli War - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So they abandoned their property giving up all claims by doing so according to your link. so what do you want the world to do about it.
And the green line was never a border, just as Palestine was never a state. And as the UN resolutions that the Palestinians have signed to abide to state before Palestine can become a state it needs to negotiate peace and mutual borders.
P F Tinmore, et al,

You almost have it right. See Posting in the alternate thread.

"A state" is not necessary. The right to sovereignty pre dates statehood.

"Statehood" is a manifestation and evidence that the "right to self-determination" (sovereignty and independence) were successfully exercised.

As the Hostile Arab Palestinian already know, from the 1970 attempts to kill HM The King of the Hashemite Kingdom, such attempts can fail and be crushed. Just having the "right" doesn't mean that the there is not a measure of successful implementation required (actual work).

Most Respectfully,
Indeed, it would require the removal of illegal external interference.

Which all the history books show is coming from the arab league, who still do not recognise Palestine as a nation
The Palestinians did not attack anyone. Why should foreign guns be going to Palestine?

Partition is a foreign concept imposed on the Palestinians at the point of foreign guns.

This is a violation of the Palestinian's inalienable rights.
The mid-term elections are coming up in 3 weeks from now and the best way to stop Israeli atrocities, is for me and my countrymen to vote out all these god-damn Israeli apologists we have in our government. The only reason Israel is allowed to commit genocide on the Palestinian people, is because they are protected in the UNSC. That must come to an end.

I can't agree more, and that is the first thing I look for, unfortunately they smooch up to Israel to get a position and keep one. Hard to weed them out.
AIPAC in action!

The sooner AIPAC is a distant memory , the better.
P F Tinmore, et al,

You almost have it right. See Posting in the alternate thread.

"A state" is not necessary. The right to sovereignty pre dates statehood.

"Statehood" is a manifestation and evidence that the "right to self-determination" (sovereignty and independence) were successfully exercised.

As the Hostile Arab Palestinian already know, from the 1970 attempts to kill HM The King of the Hashemite Kingdom, such attempts can fail and be crushed. Just having the "right" doesn't mean that the there is not a measure of successful implementation required (actual work).

Most Respectfully,

I love it how this clown accuse the people who have been dispossessed and are held in virtual concentration camps, hostile. You are truly a piece of work terrone.

If they attack another nation then they are hostile, and the Palestinians attacked Jordan with the intention of taking it from its rightful owners. The Jordanian army gave them a long lasting lesson that has put them in their place ever since. The mass murder of 50,000 Palestinians locked up behind barbed wire showed Arafat just what to expect if he carried on with his land theft. Do you want the rest of the Palestinians history of hostility against sovereign nations ?
Coyote, et al,

This is an essential point.

But you have people living there now, in the West Bank, who have been there for along time - who some here are stating should categorically kicked off the land (ethnically cleansed), to another country so that region can be inhabited by others who seem to me to have no more right to it then they do.
Coyote said:
Both sides are stuck in that same rut.

Have you forgotten Israel's many pre-conditions over the years?

There is a very good argument, to be made on the part of the Arab Palestinian, relative to the Settlement Issue and the Oslo Accords.

But I'm not sure that anyone (in authority) on the Arab Palestinian side of the talks is actually interested in serious negotiations.

Who, actually, wants to sit down and talk about solutions?

Most Respectively,
tell us your solution...
Fight until everyone on one side or the other is dead.
Problem solved.
OK, arm the Palestinians with the same armaments and make it a fair fight.

Why should we pay for their wars, let them buy the weapons themselves. Should put a big hole in the P.A. leaders pockets and bank accounts.
But were will they fly the planes from as the open land is too dangerous for the hamas fighters, and Israel would destroy the planes in one day. Same with the tanks cant put them in civilian areas as that would make the civilian areas military targets . Would defeat the Palestinians in about 6 days and destroy most of their infrastructure and kill 75% of the population, and guess what it would all be the Palestinians fault for being stupid. So another BLACK SEPTEMBER FOR THE PALESTINIANS COURTESY OF YOU AND THEIR LEADERS.
montelatici, et al,

I submit, you have no room to call anyone "frigging ignorant, stupid moron."

g) The Arabs of Palestine made a solemn declaration before the United Nations, before God and history, that they will never submit or yield to any power going to Palestine to enforce partition. The only way to establish partition is first to wipe them out — man, woman and child. (A/AC.21/10 16 February 1948)

The Arabs of Palestine in the beginning are the "them" at the end, you frigging ignorant, stupid moron.

I have two points to make:
  • FIRST: It is an excerpt on the variant of an Old Testament passage:
Deuteronomy 3:4-6 English Standard Version (ESV) said:
“We utterly destroyed them, as we did to a Sihon King of Heshbon, butterly destroying the men, women and children of every city."
  • SECOND: The threat passage is constructed in a very specific way.
    • The genocide passage (first to wipe them out — man, woman and child) refers to who?
      • It refers "to any power going to Palestine to enforce partition."
    • Who is the entity that is the "power going to Palestine to enforce partition (from the Arab perspective)?"
      • It is not the Hostile Arab Palestinian. It is the Jewish People who accepted the Partition and were exercising their right to self-determination.
Most Respectfully,
The Palestinians did not attack anyone. Why should foreign guns be going to Palestine?

Partition is a foreign concept imposed on the Palestinians at the point of foreign guns.

This is a violation of the Palestinian's inalienable rights.

'The Palestinians did not attack anyone'

Well of course that is a lie. The 'Palestinians' attqcked and massacred Jews many times before Jews attacked any 'Palestinian'. We've been through this many times.

They also attacked Jordan who wiped out 50,000 Palestinians for their sins. They attacked Lebanon and the Christians wiped out about the same numbers. Then they attacked Egypt who destroyed their homes and wiped out about 2,000 in one day. So they are now going for the soft touch and getting destroyed every time.
The Palestinians did not attack anyone. Why should foreign guns be going to Palestine?

Partition is a foreign concept imposed on the Palestinians at the point of foreign guns.

This is a violation of the Palestinian's inalienable rights.
The mid-term elections are coming up in 3 weeks from now and the best way to stop Israeli atrocities, is for me and my countrymen to vote out all these god-damn Israeli apologists we have in our government. The only reason Israel is allowed to commit genocide on the Palestinian people, is because they are protected in the UNSC. That must come to an end.

I can't agree more, and that is the first thing I look for, unfortunately they smooch up to Israel to get a position and keep one. Hard to weed them out.
AIPAC in action!

The sooner AIPAC is a distant memory , the better.

Why when the biggest spenders on influencing the American government are Saudi, Pakistan, Qatar and the gun lobby, AIPAC comes in at about 10th in he list of influential lobbyists
You have that backwards.
(d) In the sector from a point on the Dead Sea (MR 1925-0958) to the southernmost tip of Palestine,...
The Avalon Project Jordanian-Israeli General Armistice Agreement April 3 1949

4. The road Taba-Qouseima-Auja shall not be employed by any military forces whatsoever for the purpose of entering Palestine.
The Avalon Project Egyptian-Israeli General Armistice Agreement February 24 1949

In 1949 that territory was Palestine. When did Israel acquire that territory?

The armistice agreements were between Israel and several other states. Not Palestine and other states. You're asking irrelevant questions
Palestine was at the center of the agreements because they divided Palestine into three areas of occupation.

Try again as Palestine in 1919 took in what was to become Syria, Iraq, Jordan, part of Lebanon, part of Egypt and part of Saudi. This left less than 7% of the total area of Palestine that you claim is the only Palestine that ever existed and is the only part that is of concern.
The fact remains that no representative from the Palestinians has ever signed any treaty or agreement, and at no time was Palestine mentioned as a state in any UN resolution until 1988.
"A state" is not necessary. The right to sovereignty pre dates statehood.

Then what will they be sovereign over if they don't have a state. They cant claim anything until they prove their ability to form a government and become self sufficient.

Now how about a link that says sovereignty predates having the state to be sovereign over ?
1. The subjection of peoples to alien subjugation, domination and exploitation constitutes a denial of fundamental human rights, is contrary to the Charter of the United Nations and is an impediment to the promotion of world peace and co-operation.

2. All peoples have the right to self-determination; by virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development.

3. Inadequacy of political, economic, social or educational preparedness should never serve as a pretext for delaying independence.

4. All armed action or repressive measures of all kinds directed against dependent peoples shall cease in order to enable them to exercise peacefully and freely their right to complete independence, and the integrity of their national territory shall be respected.

5. Immediate steps shall be taken, in Trust and Non-Self-Governing Territories or all other territories which have not yet attained independence, to transfer all powers to the peoples of those territories, without any conditions or reservations, in accordance with their freely expressed will and desire, without any distinction as to race, creed or colour, in order to enable them to enjoy complete independence and freedom.

6. Any attempt aimed at the partial or total disruption of the national unity and the territorial integrity of a country is incompatible with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations.

7. All States shall observe faithfully and strictly the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the present Declaration on the basis of equality, non-interference in the internal affairs of all States, and respect for the sovereign rights of all peoples and their territorial integrity.

The United Nations and Decolonization - Declaration
The Palestinians did not attack anyone. Why should foreign guns be going to Palestine?

Partition is a foreign concept imposed on the Palestinians at the point of foreign guns.

This is a violation of the Palestinian's inalienable rights.
The mid-term elections are coming up in 3 weeks from now and the best way to stop Israeli atrocities, is for me and my countrymen to vote out all these god-damn Israeli apologists we have in our government. The only reason Israel is allowed to commit genocide on the Palestinian people, is because they are protected in the UNSC. That must come to an end.

I can't agree more, and that is the first thing I look for, unfortunately they smooch up to Israel to get a position and keep one. Hard to weed them out.
AIPAC in action!

The sooner AIPAC is a distant memory , the better.

Why when the biggest spenders on influencing the American government are Saudi, Pakistan, Qatar and the gun lobby, AIPAC comes in at about 10th in he list of influential lobbyists
AIPAC directs many affiliates to buy politicians than anyone in the USA and counted together it is the largest
The Palestinians did not attack anyone. Why should foreign guns be going to Palestine?

Partition is a foreign concept imposed on the Palestinians at the point of foreign guns.

This is a violation of the Palestinian's inalienable rights.
The mid-term elections are coming up in 3 weeks from now and the best way to stop Israeli atrocities, is for me and my countrymen to vote out all these god-damn Israeli apologists we have in our government. The only reason Israel is allowed to commit genocide on the Palestinian people, is because they are protected in the UNSC. That must come to an end.

I can't agree more, and that is the first thing I look for, unfortunately they smooch up to Israel to get a position and keep one. Hard to weed them out.
AIPAC in action!

The sooner AIPAC is a distant memory , the better.

Why when the biggest spenders on influencing the American government are Saudi, Pakistan, Qatar and the gun lobby, AIPAC comes in at about 10th in he list of influential lobbyists

Phoney you are lying again...AIPAC has many affiliates and in total is either number one or two in contributions and certainly by far for a foreign country...It is an agent for Israel, period.
Sounds like the Jews of Israel conduct a much better lobbying campaign than do the Arabs.

No surprise... the Jews do most things far better than the Arabs... this is just one more.

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