The World Is Sick Of Israeli Atrocities...

Aww so now Israel is being accused for the time who knows what for inhumanity behavior, let me correct that, THE JEWS are being accused, pff modern blood libels, never was close to be true, but like the Hebrew saying 'Faith is the easiest and hardest thing to achieve in life', nailed it.
Killing several hundred children in a span of a few weeks this summer is inhuman. No other country could get away with it without being criticized and sanctioned.
P F Tinmore, et al,

This is actually kind of cute.

1. The subjection of peoples to alien subjugation, domination and exploitation constitutes a denial of fundamental human rights, is contrary to the Charter of the United Nations and is an impediment to the promotion of world peace and co-operation.

Israel has not subjugated the Arab Palestinian. It has instituted a program of anti-terrorism and counter-insurgency directed against a people that have openly threatened the sovereign integrity of the Jewish State of Israel. Attempts to enter into good faith negotiations have met with negative results. The security measures instituted are those necessary to suppress (not subjugate) attempts by Hostile Arab Palestinians from conducting attacks, suicide bombing, rocket and mortar barrages, kidnappings and murders, piracy and hijackings, infiltrations and assaults, and other hostile actions directed against the nation and its citizens.

2. All peoples have the right to self-determination;
by virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development.

Israel has not suppressed the Arab Palestinian "right to self-determination" (RoS-D). The Palestinian People have:

  • The Arab Palestinian exercised the RoS-D when they rejected the formation of the Arab Agency.
  • The Arab Palestinian exercised the RoS-D when they rejected the Partition Plan.
  • The Arab Palestinian exercised the RoS-D when they joined the Jordanian Parliament and accepted Jordanian Annexation and Citizenship.
  • The Arab Palestinian exercised the RoS-D when they Declared Independence.

3. Inadequacy of political, economic, social or educational preparedness should never serve as a pretext for delaying independence.

Israel did not delay the independence of Palestine.

4. All armed action or repressive measures of all kinds directed against dependent peoples shall cease in order to enable them to exercise peacefully and freely their right to complete independence, and the integrity of their national territory shall be respected.

The Arab Palestinian has not attempted to exist peacefully with the Jewish State of Israel in more that a Half Century. The current policy of the government of Palestine is:

1. Palestine from the river to the sea, and from north to south, is a land of the Palestinian people and its homeland and its legitimate right, we may not a waiver an inch or any part thereof, no matter what the reasons and circumstances and pressures.

2. Palestine - all of Palestine - is a land of Islamic and Arab affiliation, a blessed sacred land, that has a major portion in the heart of every Arab and Muslim.

5. Immediate steps shall be taken, in Trust and Non-Self-Governing Territories or all other territories which have not yet attained independence,
to transfer all powers to the peoples of those territories, without any conditions or reservations, in accordance with their freely expressed will and desire, without any distinction as to race, creed or colour, in order to enable them to enjoy complete independence and freedom.

The State of Palestine is not a "non-self-governing" territory; it claims to have a "unity government." The fact that it has not been a "successful government" is the fault of the Palestinian Leadership. The fact that it is dependent and survives purely on external donor contributions is again --- the fault of the
Palestinian People to make a successful going concern of it.

The fact that it is not totally free is again, the fault of the Palestinian People in their focus to conduct wars, terrorism, and insurgencies, that make them a threat to regional peace and security:

The Palestinian have made it clear that:

On this basis the Palestinian masses, regardless of whether they are residing in the national homeland or in Diaspora (mahajir) constitute- both their organizations and the individuals- one national front working for the retrieval of Palestine and its liberation through armed struggle.
  • Armed struggle is the only way to liberate Palestine. This is the overall strategy, not merely a tactical phase. The Palestinian Arab people assert their absolute determination and firm resolution to continue their armed struggle and to work for an armed popular revolution for the liberation of their country and their return to it.

  • Palestine is the homeland of the Arab Palestinian people; it is an indivisible part of the greater Arab homeland, and the Palestinian people are an integral part of the Arab nation.

  • Palestine, with the boundaries it had during the British Mandate, is an indivisible territorial unit.
There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors.

In the face of such a declaration, the State of Israel must take what measures are necessary to suppress the Hostile Arab Palestinian in any attempt aimed at the partial or total disruption of the national unity and the territorial integrity of the Jewish State of Israel.

6. Any attempt aimed at the partial or total disruption of the national unity and the territorial integrity of a country is incompatible with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations.

Israel was established in accordance with the UN Partition Plan as implemented by the UN Palestine Commission on behalf of the Security Council. Since that time, the Hostile Arab Palestinian has been instrumental in the instigation of various wars and conflicts "aimed at the partial or total disruption of Israeli national unity.

7. All States shall observe faithfully and strictly the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the present Declaration on the basis of equality, non-interference in the internal affairs of all States, and respect for the sovereign rights of all peoples and their territorial integrity.

Israel was the entity attacked by five Arab Armies (external interference) on behalf of the Hostile Arab Palestinian.

The United Nations and Decolonization - Declaration

Israel is not a colonial power. It is not now, nor has it ever been a colonial power. Israel has not established any colony in the West Bank or Gaza Strip outside the Settlements Areas negotiated in the Oslo Accords, pursuant to that agreed upon by the sole representative of the Palestinians people.

Most Respectfully,
Jews where massacred. We know atrocities. Islam NOW is like Germany in 1933. When the good Germans did nothing to stop the extremists, that is what Islam is NOW, Islam does NOTHING to stop the extremists. Israel does what it has to, in self defense. Islam? it murders unarmed civilians in Europe and America. We all know what it is.

Oh brother. Yet another idiotic attempt to compare modern world events to the Holocaust with ignorant generalizations.
Oh brother, another condescending idiot that has no concept of history. people like you are why history repeats itself. You know everything and nothing.
No one beleave that German killed 6 million jew and no one can prove it too may be they become Lutheran Christian as jew have this ability they can speak many languages and can practice more than one religion. So they can transform themselves in dangerous time like WII in Germany.
Junior Abbas, also a lying scum, said once 5, 900, 000 Palestinians were killed by Israel, and of course a proud anti Semitic trash, now imagine this is the head of the Palestinians ..still curious why there is no peace?
It is already discuss on this forum and reports confirm by the international observer. Israel army is involve in war crime against innocent civilian.
:disagree: :hellno: :poop:
Oh brother. Yet another idiotic attempt to compare modern world events to the Holocaust with ignorant generalizations.
Oh brother, another condescending idiot that has no concept of history. people like you are why history repeats itself. You know everything and nothing.
No one beleave that German killed 6 million jew and no one can prove it too may be they become Lutheran Christian as jew have this ability they can speak many languages and can practice more than one religion. So they can transform themselves in dangerous time like WII in Germany.
Junior Abbas, also a lying scum, said once 5, 900, 000 Palestinians were killed by Israel, and of course a proud anti Semitic trash, now imagine this is the head of the Palestinians ..still curious why there is no peace?
It is already discuss on this forum and reports confirm by the international observer. Israel army is involve in war crime against innocent civilian.
:disagree: :hellno: :poop:
Oh oh, ya'll must be snoring in the outhouse again, wake up!
Aww so now Israel is being accused for the time who knows what for inhumanity behavior, let me correct that, THE JEWS are being accused, pff modern blood libels, never was close to be true, but like the Hebrew saying 'Faith is the easiest and hardest thing to achieve in life', nailed it.
Faith in what? Believing in the Old Testament or Torah of maiming and killing of all women and children as the Moon god Yahweh instructs? It goes on today!
Aww so now Israel is being accused for the time who knows what for inhumanity behavior, let me correct that, THE JEWS are being accused, pff modern blood libels, never was close to be true, but like the Hebrew saying 'Faith is the easiest and hardest thing to achieve in life', nailed it.
Faith in what? Believing in the Old Testament or Torah of maiming and killing of all women and children as the Moon god Yahweh instructs?
Shallow as always, your ignorant and useless mentality of make-noise-think-less combined with premature issues drove you all the way to spreading those lies as truth, pity pbel.
...Your in denial.
Uhhhhh... yeah... right... tell your Sturmbannführer that I said "Nice try."
Very Limp answer!
Not before I've had my first cup of coffee, pissant... now... go dry-hump somebody else's pants-leg, eh?

Frankly, combating anti-semitism online - such as that manifested by our colleague Penelope in that post - is not limp at at - rather, it's actually quite firm, and righteous, and precisely targeted.

It's a little too early in the morning for the Hate-the-Jews Brigade to be out of bed, isn't it?

Its a little late to be getting up isn't it? Prove whatever I said is inaccurate.
The burden of proof is not upon me.

If you think you can prove that Jews control America, by all means, have at it.

But expect each and every source and each and every article or link and each and every opinion and conclusion to be required to withstand the most extreme scrutiny before it passes muster.
The Palestinians did not attack anyone. Why should foreign guns be going to Palestine? Partition is a foreign concept imposed on the Palestinians at the point of foreign guns. This is a violation of the Palestinian's inalienable rights.

Winston Churchill of blessed memory stated "So far from being persecuted, the Arabs have crowded into the country and multiplied till their population has increased more than even all world Jewry could lift up the Jewish population.".

I'd like a link to that statement.
Junior Abbas, also a lying scum, said once 5, 900, 000 Palestinians were killed by Israel, and of course a proud anti Semitic trash, now imagine this is the head of the Palestinians ..still curious why there is no peace?
It is already discuss on this forum and reports confirm by the international observer. Israel army is involve in war crime against innocent civilian.

Because, as has been stated and proven multiple times on this and other forums, the Palestinians use the people as human shields. I'm sure sometimes the people are collaborating with them, and other times it is against their will, but the fact is that the terrorists oftentimes use the civilians as "pawns" in their sick little game. True story.
Yeah, yeah, Israel sang that same song when they were bombing the crap out of civilians in Lebanon.
Probably because the same conditions applied while they were bombing the crap out of Hezbollah in Lebanon.
And Israel could not think of a new lie.
Just to be clear... what 'lie' are we talking about?
...Your in denial.
Uhhhhh... yeah... right... tell your Sturmbannführer that I said "Nice try."
Very Limp answer!
Not before I've had my first cup of coffee, pissant... now... go dry-hump somebody else's pants-leg, eh?

Frankly, combating anti-semitism online - such as that manifested by our colleague Penelope in that post - is not limp at at - rather, it's actually quite firm, and righteous, and precisely targeted.

It's a little too early in the morning for the Hate-the-Jews Brigade to be out of bed, isn't it?
Cry us a river, Limpy...
Non sequitur.
...Your in denial.
Uhhhhh... yeah... right... tell your Sturmbannführer that I said "Nice try."
Very Limp answer!
Not before I've had my first cup of coffee, pissant... now... go dry-hump somebody else's pants-leg, eh?

Frankly, combating anti-semitism online - such as that manifested by our colleague Penelope in that post - is not limp at at - rather, it's actually quite firm, and righteous, and precisely targeted.

It's a little too early in the morning for the Hate-the-Jews Brigade to be out of bed, isn't it?

Its a little late to be getting up isn't it? Prove whatever I said is inaccurate.
The burden of proof is not upon me.

If you think you can prove that Jews control America, by all means, have at it.

But expect each and every source and each and every article or link and each and every opinion and conclusion to be required to withstand the most extreme scrutiny before it passes muster.

Typical liberal tactic, prove a negative. :lol: "Prove this does NOT exist." Funny that the atheists get so angry when people challenge THEM to prove there is no God though.
Aww so now Israel is being accused for the time who knows what for inhumanity behavior, let me correct that, THE JEWS are being accused, pff modern blood libels, never was close to be true, but like the Hebrew saying 'Faith is the easiest and hardest thing to achieve in life', nailed it.
Faith in what? Believing in the Old Testament or Torah of maiming and killing of all women and children as the Moon god Yahweh instructs?
Shallow as always, your ignorant and useless mentality of make-noise-think-less combined with premature issues drove you all the way to spreading those lies as truth, pity pbel.
What lies are those, you sick ZioNazi...How many children did you maim as an IDF member and still applaud?
Last edited:
No one beleave that German killed 6 million jew and no one can prove it too may be they become Lutheran Christian as jew have this ability they can speak many languages and can practice more than one religion. So they can transform themselves in dangerous time like WII in Germany.
Junior Abbas, also a lying scum, said once 5, 900, 000 Palestinians were killed by Israel, and of course a proud anti Semitic trash, now imagine this is the head of the Palestinians ..still curious why there is no peace?
It is already discuss on this forum and reports confirm by the international observer. Israel army is involve in war crime against innocent civilian.

Because, as has been stated and proven multiple times on this and other forums, the Palestinians use the people as human shields. I'm sure sometimes the people are collaborating with them, and other times it is against their will, but the fact is that the terrorists oftentimes use the civilians as "pawns" in their sick little game. True story.
But you can not punished whole nation if some one killed on jew, can you or is it right to do that.

Well, for one thing, it has been many, many more than just one Jew who has been killed. Israel has been dealing with terrorism for a very long time, much longer than the United States.

Do you think that Israel should not fight back? Do you think they should lie down and die? If they have the might and the fortitude, should they not fight for their country? Why on earth would they not use their military might to defeat a declared enemy? :D The expectations are quite comical actually. No other nation in the world that is a victim of daily bombings from an enemy who has declared that their goal is to wipe out said nation would be asked to take such ridiculous measures.
Then what about those Palestinian who's country Jew occupied with the help of the super powers, Israelis killed them in millions and force to live into camps. What you expect to some one in this situation like palestinians are, do you think Palestinian should love invaders.
No one beleave that German killed 6 million jew and no one can prove it too may be they become Lutheran Christian as jew have this ability they can speak many languages and can practice more than one religion. So they can transform themselves in dangerous time like WII in Germany.
Junior Abbas, also a lying scum, said once 5, 900, 000 Palestinians were killed by Israel, and of course a proud anti Semitic trash, now imagine this is the head of the Palestinians ..still curious why there is no peace?
It is already discuss on this forum and reports confirm by the international observer. Israel army is involve in war crime against innocent civilian.

Because, as has been stated and proven multiple times on this and other forums, the Palestinians use the people as human shields. I'm sure sometimes the people are collaborating with them, and other times it is against their will, but the fact is that the terrorists oftentimes use the civilians as "pawns" in their sick little game. True story.
Yeah, yeah, Israel sang that same song when they were bombing the crap out of civilians in Lebanon.

Yes, terrorists tend to all use the same terrorist tactics. :lol:
Sound like you are accepting the facts that Israelis are terrorist.
It is already discuss on this forum and reports confirm by the international observer. Israel army is involve in war crime against innocent civilian.

Because, as has been stated and proven multiple times on this and other forums, the Palestinians use the people as human shields. I'm sure sometimes the people are collaborating with them, and other times it is against their will, but the fact is that the terrorists oftentimes use the civilians as "pawns" in their sick little game. True story.
Yeah, yeah, Israel sang that same song when they were bombing the crap out of civilians in Lebanon.
Probably because the same conditions applied while they were bombing the crap out of Hezbollah in Lebanon.
And Israel could not think of a new lie.
Just to be clear... what 'lie' are we talking about?
We are talking about Israel and its illegal occupation in Palestine and in this regards jew are constantly refusing the facts and delaying peace process.
The armistice agreements were between Israel and several other states. Not Palestine and other states. You're asking irrelevant questions
Palestine was at the center of the agreements because they divided Palestine into three areas of occupation.

Try again as Palestine in 1919 took in what was to become Syria, Iraq, Jordan, part of Lebanon, part of Egypt and part of Saudi. This left less than 7% of the total area of Palestine that you claim is the only Palestine that ever existed and is the only part that is of concern.
The fact remains that no representative from the Palestinians has ever signed any treaty or agreement, and at no time was Palestine mentioned as a state in any UN resolution until 1988.
"A state" is not necessary. The right to sovereignty pre dates statehood.

Then what will they be sovereign over if they don't have a state. They cant claim anything until they prove their ability to form a government and become self sufficient.

Now how about a link that says sovereignty predates having the state to be sovereign over ?
1. The subjection of peoples to alien subjugation, domination and exploitation constitutes a denial of fundamental human rights, is contrary to the Charter of the United Nations and is an impediment to the promotion of world peace and co-operation.

2. All peoples have the right to self-determination; by virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development.

3. Inadequacy of political, economic, social or educational preparedness should never serve as a pretext for delaying independence.

4. All armed action or repressive measures of all kinds directed against dependent peoples shall cease in order to enable them to exercise peacefully and freely their right to complete independence, and the integrity of their national territory shall be respected.

5. Immediate steps shall be taken, in Trust and Non-Self-Governing Territories or all other territories which have not yet attained independence, to transfer all powers to the peoples of those territories, without any conditions or reservations, in accordance with their freely expressed will and desire, without any distinction as to race, creed or colour, in order to enable them to enjoy complete independence and freedom.

6. Any attempt aimed at the partial or total disruption of the national unity and the territorial integrity of a country is incompatible with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations.

7. All States shall observe faithfully and strictly the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the present Declaration on the basis of equality, non-interference in the internal affairs of all States, and respect for the sovereign rights of all peoples and their territorial integrity.

The United Nations and Decolonization - Declaration

1) The Palestinians faced that under the arab league and now hamas/fatah. You cant lay that at Israel's feet as they are acting in defence. The Palestinians constant terrorist attacks show

2) The Palestinians have not shown that they are capable of free determination yet. After 66 years that is a disgrace.

3) Unless the UN see it as a deciding factor to stop them for going for independence, which Palestine did in 1988 and have not done anything with it yet.

4) Tell that to the Palestinians who are the ones instigating the violence and belligerence

5) Granted to the Palestinians as far back as 1947 which the refused to take up, by the time they did take it up in 1988 they did not have the means to exercise it fully because of their deep seated policy of violence and belligerence.

6) Which is what the Palestinians are doing to Israel and getting the worst of the deal in the process. Stop all violence and terrorism accept the terms of the UN charter and Resolutions and see what happens.

7) Tell that to the Palestinians who seem to believe they are above all laws but sharia.
The mid-term elections are coming up in 3 weeks from now and the best way to stop Israeli atrocities, is for me and my countrymen to vote out all these god-damn Israeli apologists we have in our government. The only reason Israel is allowed to commit genocide on the Palestinian people, is because they are protected in the UNSC. That must come to an end.

I can't agree more, and that is the first thing I look for, unfortunately they smooch up to Israel to get a position and keep one. Hard to weed them out.
AIPAC in action!

The sooner AIPAC is a distant memory , the better.

Why when the biggest spenders on influencing the American government are Saudi, Pakistan, Qatar and the gun lobby, AIPAC comes in at about 10th in he list of influential lobbyists
AIPAC directs many affiliates to buy politicians than anyone in the USA and counted together it is the largest
The mid-term elections are coming up in 3 weeks from now and the best way to stop Israeli atrocities, is for me and my countrymen to vote out all these god-damn Israeli apologists we have in our government. The only reason Israel is allowed to commit genocide on the Palestinian people, is because they are protected in the UNSC. That must come to an end.

I can't agree more, and that is the first thing I look for, unfortunately they smooch up to Israel to get a position and keep one. Hard to weed them out.
AIPAC in action!

The sooner AIPAC is a distant memory , the better.

Why when the biggest spenders on influencing the American government are Saudi, Pakistan, Qatar and the gun lobby, AIPAC comes in at about 10th in he list of influential lobbyists

Phoney you are lying again...AIPAC has many affiliates and in total is either number one or two in contributions and certainly by far for a foreign country...It is an agent for Israel, period.

Produce the evidence of this from a US government source then, as the ones already posted here show AIPAC to be 10th on the list with Islamic PAC's in the first 4 places along with the NRA
Junior Abbas, also a lying scum, said once 5, 900, 000 Palestinians were killed by Israel, and of course a proud anti Semitic trash, now imagine this is the head of the Palestinians ..still curious why there is no peace?
It is already discuss on this forum and reports confirm by the international observer. Israel army is involve in war crime against innocent civilian.

Because, as has been stated and proven multiple times on this and other forums, the Palestinians use the people as human shields. I'm sure sometimes the people are collaborating with them, and other times it is against their will, but the fact is that the terrorists oftentimes use the civilians as "pawns" in their sick little game. True story.
Yeah, yeah, Israel sang that same song when they were bombing the crap out of civilians in Lebanon.

Yes, terrorists tend to all use the same terrorist tactics. :lol:
Sound like you are accepting the facts that Israelis are terrorist.

No just better politicians, the terrorists are the ISLAMONAZI muslims who are showing their true colours all over the world. Over 10 million innocents mass murdered by islam in the last 12 months tells a depressing sad story,

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