The World Is Sick Of Israeli Atrocities...

Because, as has been stated and proven multiple times on this and other forums, the Palestinians use the people as human shields. I'm sure sometimes the people are collaborating with them, and other times it is against their will, but the fact is that the terrorists oftentimes use the civilians as "pawns" in their sick little game. True story.
Yeah, yeah, Israel sang that same song when they were bombing the crap out of civilians in Lebanon.
Probably because the same conditions applied while they were bombing the crap out of Hezbollah in Lebanon.
And Israel could not think of a new lie.
Just to be clear... what 'lie' are we talking about?
We are talking about Israel and its illegal occupation in Palestine and in this regards jew are constantly refusing the facts and delaying peace process.

Not illegal as the UN and the ICJ have testified, but the muslims don't see it the way the rest of the world does.

You seem reasonably intelligent so here is a question for you. Is the Koran the never changing word of god and should be accepted as fact in all things. To the point that no part of the Koran should be altered and/or removed.
Aww so now Israel is being accused for the time who knows what for inhumanity behavior, let me correct that, THE JEWS are being accused, pff modern blood libels, never was close to be true, but like the Hebrew saying 'Faith is the easiest and hardest thing to achieve in life', nailed it.
Never close to being true? I don't think so!

Here's a short list of Israeli atrocities...

– Tira, December 11, 1947 – five Palestinians were killed and six injured;

– a village outside Haifa, December 12, 1947 – 12 Palestinians killed;

– a village outside Tel Aviv, December 14, 1947 – 18 Palestinians killed and 100 injured;

– al-Khias, December 18, 1947 – the paramilitary Haganah killed 10 Palestinians, most inside their homes;

– Haifa, December 30, 1947 – six Palestinians killed and 42 wounded;

– Jerusalem, December 30, 1947 – Irgun terrorists threw a bomb from a speeding car killing 11 Palestinians and two Brits;

– Balad Esh-Sheikh, December 31, 1947 – the Haganah killed 60 Palestinians, most inside their homes;

– Jaffa, January 4, 1948 – the Stern Gang killed up to 30 and wounded 100 in a truck bombing;

– the Semiramis Hotel, Jerusalem, January 4, 1948 – the Haganah bombed the hotel killing 25 civilians;

– Jaffa Gate, Jerusalem, January 7, 1948 – 17 Palestinians killed;

– Tireh, February 10, 1948 – seven Palestinians killed and five injured;

– on a bus from Safad, February 12, 1948 – five Palestinians killed and five injured;

– Sa’sa’, February 14, 1948 – 60 Palestinians killed, mostly in their homes;

– Qisarya, February 15 – 20, 1948 – 25 Palestinians killed;

– Haifa, February 20, 1948 – six Palestinians killed and 36 wounded;

– Haifa, March 3, 1948 – the Stern Gang blew up the Salameh Building killing 11 Palestinians and wounding 27;

– al-Husayniyya, March 12 and 16 – 17 – the Palmach twice raided the village killing 15 and wounding 20 in the first attack; killing 30 in the second one;

– Jews blew up a train near Benjamina on March 31, 1948 killing 25 Palestinians and wounding 61;

– al-Sarafand, April 5, 1948 – 16 Palestinians were killed and 12 wounded, most when a house was mortared;

– Dier Yassin, April 9, 1948 – the Menachem Begin-led Irgun slaughtered well over 120 Palestinian men, women and children in a bloody rampage; The New York Times reported 254 killed on April 13; 53 orphaned children were dumped like trash along the wall of the Old City; homes were dynamited with inhabitants inside; people were shot at close range, including children; the massacre marked the beginning of what followed during Israel’s β€œWar of Independence:” depopulating 531 towns and villages; 11 urban neighborhoods; massacring or displacing 800,000 Palestinians; and committing countless rapes and other atrocities;” remember Dier Yassin; it, too, is immortalized;

– Tel Litvinsky, April 19, 1948 – Jews killed 90 Palestinians;

– Tiberias, April 19, 1948 – Jews blew up a home killing Palestinians inside;

– Ayn al-Zaytun and nearby villages, May 1 – 4, 1948 – 27 Palestinians killed;

– Acre, May 18, 1948 – Israeli troops killed over 100 Palestinians;

– al-Kabri, May 20, 1948 – Israeli forces killed villagers and machine-gunned children who survived;

– al-Tantura, May 22 – 23, 1948 – Israeli troops killed over 200 villagers, mostly unarmed young men shot in cold blood;

– on May 26, 1948, David Ben-Gurion formed the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) from the Haganah;

– Lydda, July 11 – 12, 1948 – the IDF killed several hundred civilians, including 80 machine-gunned inside the Dahmash mosque;

– Elot, late July, 1948 – the IDF arrested 46 young men; on August 3, several were found dead, and 14 of those arrested were shot in cold blood in an olive grove – in full view of the villagers;

– Suqrir, August 29, 1948 – the IDF killed 10 villagers;

– Hula, Lebanon, October 24 – 29, 1948 – the IDF machine-gunned 50 villagers;

– al-Dawayima, October 29, 1948 – the IDF killed up to 200 villagers;

– Majd al-Kurum, October 30, 1948 – the IDF slaughtered 20 or more villagers in cold blood;

– Saliha, October 30, 1948 – IDF forces blew up a house killing 94 Palestinians;

– Sa’sa’, October 30, 1948 – hundreds of Palestinians were slaughtered in cold blood; the entire village was expelled;

– Nahf, October 31, 1948 – a brutal massacre was carried out of unknown numbers;

– Khirbat al-Wa’ra al-Sawda, November 2, 1948 – the IDF killed 14 villagers;

– Beit Jala, January 6, 1952 – seven Palestinians were slaughtered in cold blood;

– Jerusalem, April 22, 1953 – the IDF killed 10 Palestinians;

– Bureji Refugee Camp, August 28, 1953 – the IDF killed 20 Palestinians and wounded 62 others;

– Qibya, Jordan, October 14, 1953 – Ariel Sharon’s infamous Unit 101 killed 70 villagers;

– Nahalin, Jordan, March 28, 1954 – the IDF killed nine Arabs and wounded 19;

– Gaza City, April 5, 1956 – IDF shelling killed 56 and wounded 193;

– Kafr Kassem, October 29, 1956 – the IDF killed about 50 men, women and children;

– the Suez War, October 29 – November 7, 1956 – the IDF executed about 273 Egyptian soldiers and civilians in cold blood;

– Khan Yunis, November 3, 1956 – the IDF killed dozens of civilians in cold blood;

– Rafah Refugee Camp, November 12, 1956 – the IDF slaughtered over 100 Palestinians;

– Nuqeibi, Syria, March 16 – 17, 1962 – IDF artillery and aircraft killed at least 30 unarmed villagers;

– Samu, Jordan, November 13, 1966 – the IDF destroyed 125 houses, a school, clinic and 15 houses in a nearby village killing 18 and wounded 54 in cold blood;

– the Six-Day War, June 5 – 11, 1967 – IDF forces preemptively and without cause attacked Egypt, Syria and Jordan; they massacred as many as 2000 helpless or captured Egyptian soldiers; killed about 340 Syrian villagers in the Golan Heights and displaced more than 300,000 Palestinians who fled to the Jordan River’s east bank along with others to Lebanon, Egypt and Syria;
That's the short list!
Junior Abbas, also a lying scum, said once 5, 900, 000 Palestinians were killed by Israel, and of course a proud anti Semitic trash, now imagine this is the head of the Palestinians ..still curious why there is no peace?
It is already discuss on this forum and reports confirm by the international observer. Israel army is involve in war crime against innocent civilian.

Because, as has been stated and proven multiple times on this and other forums, the Palestinians use the people as human shields. I'm sure sometimes the people are collaborating with them, and other times it is against their will, but the fact is that the terrorists oftentimes use the civilians as "pawns" in their sick little game. True story.
But you can not punished whole nation if some one killed on jew, can you or is it right to do that.

Well, for one thing, it has been many, many more than just one Jew who has been killed. Israel has been dealing with terrorism for a very long time, much longer than the United States.

Do you think that Israel should not fight back? Do you think they should lie down and die? If they have the might and the fortitude, should they not fight for their country? Why on earth would they not use their military might to defeat a declared enemy? :D The expectations are quite comical actually. No other nation in the world that is a victim of daily bombings from an enemy who has declared that their goal is to wipe out said nation would be asked to take such ridiculous measures.
Then what about those Palestinian who's country Jew occupied with the help of the super powers, Israelis killed them in millions and force to live into camps. What you expect to some one in this situation like palestinians are, do you think Palestinian should love invaders.


I don't think so.

Time to step away from the hooka, son... smokin' that camel shit is rotting your brain.
It is already discuss on this forum and reports confirm by the international observer. Israel army is involve in war crime against innocent civilian.

Because, as has been stated and proven multiple times on this and other forums, the Palestinians use the people as human shields. I'm sure sometimes the people are collaborating with them, and other times it is against their will, but the fact is that the terrorists oftentimes use the civilians as "pawns" in their sick little game. True story.
But you can not punished whole nation if some one killed on jew, can you or is it right to do that.

Well, for one thing, it has been many, many more than just one Jew who has been killed. Israel has been dealing with terrorism for a very long time, much longer than the United States.

Do you think that Israel should not fight back? Do you think they should lie down and die? If they have the might and the fortitude, should they not fight for their country? Why on earth would they not use their military might to defeat a declared enemy? :D The expectations are quite comical actually. No other nation in the world that is a victim of daily bombings from an enemy who has declared that their goal is to wipe out said nation would be asked to take such ridiculous measures.
Then what about those Palestinian who's country Jew occupied with the help of the super powers, Israelis killed them in millions and force to live into camps. What you expect to some one in this situation like palestinians are, do you think Palestinian should love invaders.


I don't think so.

Time to step away from the hooka, son... smokin' that camel shit is rotting your brain.
For a nut cake that continues to support the expulsion of Israeli Muslims and the others trying to hang on to their ancestral homes, you must be on LSD...Clearly your brain is already fried...
It is already discuss on this forum and reports confirm by the international observer. Israel army is involve in war crime against innocent civilian.

Because, as has been stated and proven multiple times on this and other forums, the Palestinians use the people as human shields. I'm sure sometimes the people are collaborating with them, and other times it is against their will, but the fact is that the terrorists oftentimes use the civilians as "pawns" in their sick little game. True story.
Yeah, yeah, Israel sang that same song when they were bombing the crap out of civilians in Lebanon.

Yes, terrorists tend to all use the same terrorist tactics. :lol:
Sound like you are accepting the facts that Israelis are terrorist.

No just better politicians, the terrorists are the ISLAMONAZI muslims who are showing their true colours all over the world. Over 10 million innocents mass murdered by islam in the last 12 months tells a depressing sad story,
Sound like you are more Indian paid agent spreading terrorism, shame on you.
It is already discuss on this forum and reports confirm by the international observer. Israel army is involve in war crime against innocent civilian.

Because, as has been stated and proven multiple times on this and other forums, the Palestinians use the people as human shields. I'm sure sometimes the people are collaborating with them, and other times it is against their will, but the fact is that the terrorists oftentimes use the civilians as "pawns" in their sick little game. True story.
But you can not punished whole nation if some one killed on jew, can you or is it right to do that.

Well, for one thing, it has been many, many more than just one Jew who has been killed. Israel has been dealing with terrorism for a very long time, much longer than the United States.

Do you think that Israel should not fight back? Do you think they should lie down and die? If they have the might and the fortitude, should they not fight for their country? Why on earth would they not use their military might to defeat a declared enemy? :D The expectations are quite comical actually. No other nation in the world that is a victim of daily bombings from an enemy who has declared that their goal is to wipe out said nation would be asked to take such ridiculous measures.
Then what about those Palestinian who's country Jew occupied with the help of the super powers, Israelis killed them in millions and force to live into camps. What you expect to some one in this situation like palestinians are, do you think Palestinian should love invaders.


I don't think so.

Time to step away from the hooka, son... smokin' that camel shit is rotting your brain.
look jew have to accept the facts that they can not beat the numbers, jew claim that German killed 6 millions jew is correct and if Muslim claim that jew killed millions Muslims wrong, this the reason I am saying that jew have give this silly idea that they are special race and masaya is coming. Please free your self from your master or elders.
Yeah, yeah, Israel sang that same song when they were bombing the crap out of civilians in Lebanon.
Probably because the same conditions applied while they were bombing the crap out of Hezbollah in Lebanon.
And Israel could not think of a new lie.
Just to be clear... what 'lie' are we talking about?
We are talking about Israel and its illegal occupation in Palestine and in this regards jew are constantly refusing the facts and delaying peace process.

Not illegal as the UN and the ICJ have testified, but the muslims don't see it the way the rest of the world does.

You seem reasonably intelligent so here is a question for you. Is the Koran the never changing word of god and should be accepted as fact in all things. To the point that no part of the Koran should be altered and/or removed.
If you are paid agent how come you can argue about others, I will say you should leave the forum.
Aww so now Israel is being accused for the time who knows what for inhumanity behavior, let me correct that, THE JEWS are being accused, pff modern blood libels, never was close to be true, but like the Hebrew saying 'Faith is the easiest and hardest thing to achieve in life', nailed it.
Never close to being true? I don't think so!

Here's a short list of Israeli atrocities...

– Tira, December 11, 1947 – five Palestinians were killed and six injured;

– a village outside Haifa, December 12, 1947 – 12 Palestinians killed;

– a village outside Tel Aviv, December 14, 1947 – 18 Palestinians killed and 100 injured;

– al-Khias, December 18, 1947 – the paramilitary Haganah killed 10 Palestinians, most inside their homes;

– Haifa, December 30, 1947 – six Palestinians killed and 42 wounded;

– Jerusalem, December 30, 1947 – Irgun terrorists threw a bomb from a speeding car killing 11 Palestinians and two Brits;

– Balad Esh-Sheikh, December 31, 1947 – the Haganah killed 60 Palestinians, most inside their homes;

– Jaffa, January 4, 1948 – the Stern Gang killed up to 30 and wounded 100 in a truck bombing;

– the Semiramis Hotel, Jerusalem, January 4, 1948 – the Haganah bombed the hotel killing 25 civilians;

– Jaffa Gate, Jerusalem, January 7, 1948 – 17 Palestinians killed;

– Tireh, February 10, 1948 – seven Palestinians killed and five injured;

– on a bus from Safad, February 12, 1948 – five Palestinians killed and five injured;

– Sa’sa’, February 14, 1948 – 60 Palestinians killed, mostly in their homes;

– Qisarya, February 15 – 20, 1948 – 25 Palestinians killed;

– Haifa, February 20, 1948 – six Palestinians killed and 36 wounded;

– Haifa, March 3, 1948 – the Stern Gang blew up the Salameh Building killing 11 Palestinians and wounding 27;

– al-Husayniyya, March 12 and 16 – 17 – the Palmach twice raided the village killing 15 and wounding 20 in the first attack; killing 30 in the second one;

– Jews blew up a train near Benjamina on March 31, 1948 killing 25 Palestinians and wounding 61;

– al-Sarafand, April 5, 1948 – 16 Palestinians were killed and 12 wounded, most when a house was mortared;

– Dier Yassin, April 9, 1948 – the Menachem Begin-led Irgun slaughtered well over 120 Palestinian men, women and children in a bloody rampage; The New York Times reported 254 killed on April 13; 53 orphaned children were dumped like trash along the wall of the Old City; homes were dynamited with inhabitants inside; people were shot at close range, including children; the massacre marked the beginning of what followed during Israel’s β€œWar of Independence:” depopulating 531 towns and villages; 11 urban neighborhoods; massacring or displacing 800,000 Palestinians; and committing countless rapes and other atrocities;” remember Dier Yassin; it, too, is immortalized;

– Tel Litvinsky, April 19, 1948 – Jews killed 90 Palestinians;

– Tiberias, April 19, 1948 – Jews blew up a home killing Palestinians inside;

– Ayn al-Zaytun and nearby villages, May 1 – 4, 1948 – 27 Palestinians killed;

– Acre, May 18, 1948 – Israeli troops killed over 100 Palestinians;

– al-Kabri, May 20, 1948 – Israeli forces killed villagers and machine-gunned children who survived;

– al-Tantura, May 22 – 23, 1948 – Israeli troops killed over 200 villagers, mostly unarmed young men shot in cold blood;

– on May 26, 1948, David Ben-Gurion formed the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) from the Haganah;

– Lydda, July 11 – 12, 1948 – the IDF killed several hundred civilians, including 80 machine-gunned inside the Dahmash mosque;

– Elot, late July, 1948 – the IDF arrested 46 young men; on August 3, several were found dead, and 14 of those arrested were shot in cold blood in an olive grove – in full view of the villagers;

– Suqrir, August 29, 1948 – the IDF killed 10 villagers;

– Hula, Lebanon, October 24 – 29, 1948 – the IDF machine-gunned 50 villagers;

– al-Dawayima, October 29, 1948 – the IDF killed up to 200 villagers;

– Majd al-Kurum, October 30, 1948 – the IDF slaughtered 20 or more villagers in cold blood;

– Saliha, October 30, 1948 – IDF forces blew up a house killing 94 Palestinians;

– Sa’sa’, October 30, 1948 – hundreds of Palestinians were slaughtered in cold blood; the entire village was expelled;

– Nahf, October 31, 1948 – a brutal massacre was carried out of unknown numbers;

– Khirbat al-Wa’ra al-Sawda, November 2, 1948 – the IDF killed 14 villagers;

– Beit Jala, January 6, 1952 – seven Palestinians were slaughtered in cold blood;

– Jerusalem, April 22, 1953 – the IDF killed 10 Palestinians;

– Bureji Refugee Camp, August 28, 1953 – the IDF killed 20 Palestinians and wounded 62 others;

– Qibya, Jordan, October 14, 1953 – Ariel Sharon’s infamous Unit 101 killed 70 villagers;

– Nahalin, Jordan, March 28, 1954 – the IDF killed nine Arabs and wounded 19;

– Gaza City, April 5, 1956 – IDF shelling killed 56 and wounded 193;

– Kafr Kassem, October 29, 1956 – the IDF killed about 50 men, women and children;

– the Suez War, October 29 – November 7, 1956 – the IDF executed about 273 Egyptian soldiers and civilians in cold blood;

– Khan Yunis, November 3, 1956 – the IDF killed dozens of civilians in cold blood;

– Rafah Refugee Camp, November 12, 1956 – the IDF slaughtered over 100 Palestinians;

– Nuqeibi, Syria, March 16 – 17, 1962 – IDF artillery and aircraft killed at least 30 unarmed villagers;

– Samu, Jordan, November 13, 1966 – the IDF destroyed 125 houses, a school, clinic and 15 houses in a nearby village killing 18 and wounded 54 in cold blood;

– the Six-Day War, June 5 – 11, 1967 – IDF forces preemptively and without cause attacked Egypt, Syria and Jordan; they massacred as many as 2000 helpless or captured Egyptian soldiers; killed about 340 Syrian villagers in the Golan Heights and displaced more than 300,000 Palestinians who fled to the Jordan River’s east bank along with others to Lebanon, Egypt and Syria;
That's the short list!

Now be a good little Nazi and do the same for the Jews........................
Because, as has been stated and proven multiple times on this and other forums, the Palestinians use the people as human shields. I'm sure sometimes the people are collaborating with them, and other times it is against their will, but the fact is that the terrorists oftentimes use the civilians as "pawns" in their sick little game. True story.
Yeah, yeah, Israel sang that same song when they were bombing the crap out of civilians in Lebanon.

Yes, terrorists tend to all use the same terrorist tactics. :lol:
Sound like you are accepting the facts that Israelis are terrorist.

No just better politicians, the terrorists are the ISLAMONAZI muslims who are showing their true colours all over the world. Over 10 million innocents mass murdered by islam in the last 12 months tells a depressing sad story,
Sound like you are more Indian paid agent spreading terrorism, shame on you.

Just posting facts that can be seen by anyone with an open mind
Aww so now Israel is being accused for the time who knows what for inhumanity behavior, let me correct that, THE JEWS are being accused, pff modern blood libels, never was close to be true, but like the Hebrew saying 'Faith is the easiest and hardest thing to achieve in life', nailed it.
Never close to being true? I don't think so!

Here's a short list of Israeli atrocities...

– Tira, December 11, 1947 – five Palestinians were killed and six injured;

– a village outside Haifa, December 12, 1947 – 12 Palestinians killed;

– a village outside Tel Aviv, December 14, 1947 – 18 Palestinians killed and 100 injured;

– al-Khias, December 18, 1947 – the paramilitary Haganah killed 10 Palestinians, most inside their homes;

– Haifa, December 30, 1947 – six Palestinians killed and 42 wounded;

– Jerusalem, December 30, 1947 – Irgun terrorists threw a bomb from a speeding car killing 11 Palestinians and two Brits;

– Balad Esh-Sheikh, December 31, 1947 – the Haganah killed 60 Palestinians, most inside their homes;

– Jaffa, January 4, 1948 – the Stern Gang killed up to 30 and wounded 100 in a truck bombing;

– the Semiramis Hotel, Jerusalem, January 4, 1948 – the Haganah bombed the hotel killing 25 civilians;

– Jaffa Gate, Jerusalem, January 7, 1948 – 17 Palestinians killed;

– Tireh, February 10, 1948 – seven Palestinians killed and five injured;

– on a bus from Safad, February 12, 1948 – five Palestinians killed and five injured;

– Sa’sa’, February 14, 1948 – 60 Palestinians killed, mostly in their homes;

– Qisarya, February 15 – 20, 1948 – 25 Palestinians killed;

– Haifa, February 20, 1948 – six Palestinians killed and 36 wounded;

– Haifa, March 3, 1948 – the Stern Gang blew up the Salameh Building killing 11 Palestinians and wounding 27;

– al-Husayniyya, March 12 and 16 – 17 – the Palmach twice raided the village killing 15 and wounding 20 in the first attack; killing 30 in the second one;

– Jews blew up a train near Benjamina on March 31, 1948 killing 25 Palestinians and wounding 61;

– al-Sarafand, April 5, 1948 – 16 Palestinians were killed and 12 wounded, most when a house was mortared;

– Dier Yassin, April 9, 1948 – the Menachem Begin-led Irgun slaughtered well over 120 Palestinian men, women and children in a bloody rampage; The New York Times reported 254 killed on April 13; 53 orphaned children were dumped like trash along the wall of the Old City; homes were dynamited with inhabitants inside; people were shot at close range, including children; the massacre marked the beginning of what followed during Israel’s β€œWar of Independence:” depopulating 531 towns and villages; 11 urban neighborhoods; massacring or displacing 800,000 Palestinians; and committing countless rapes and other atrocities;” remember Dier Yassin; it, too, is immortalized;

– Tel Litvinsky, April 19, 1948 – Jews killed 90 Palestinians;

– Tiberias, April 19, 1948 – Jews blew up a home killing Palestinians inside;

– Ayn al-Zaytun and nearby villages, May 1 – 4, 1948 – 27 Palestinians killed;

– Acre, May 18, 1948 – Israeli troops killed over 100 Palestinians;

– al-Kabri, May 20, 1948 – Israeli forces killed villagers and machine-gunned children who survived;

– al-Tantura, May 22 – 23, 1948 – Israeli troops killed over 200 villagers, mostly unarmed young men shot in cold blood;

– on May 26, 1948, David Ben-Gurion formed the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) from the Haganah;

– Lydda, July 11 – 12, 1948 – the IDF killed several hundred civilians, including 80 machine-gunned inside the Dahmash mosque;

– Elot, late July, 1948 – the IDF arrested 46 young men; on August 3, several were found dead, and 14 of those arrested were shot in cold blood in an olive grove – in full view of the villagers;

– Suqrir, August 29, 1948 – the IDF killed 10 villagers;

– Hula, Lebanon, October 24 – 29, 1948 – the IDF machine-gunned 50 villagers;

– al-Dawayima, October 29, 1948 – the IDF killed up to 200 villagers;

– Majd al-Kurum, October 30, 1948 – the IDF slaughtered 20 or more villagers in cold blood;

– Saliha, October 30, 1948 – IDF forces blew up a house killing 94 Palestinians;

– Sa’sa’, October 30, 1948 – hundreds of Palestinians were slaughtered in cold blood; the entire village was expelled;

– Nahf, October 31, 1948 – a brutal massacre was carried out of unknown numbers;

– Khirbat al-Wa’ra al-Sawda, November 2, 1948 – the IDF killed 14 villagers;

– Beit Jala, January 6, 1952 – seven Palestinians were slaughtered in cold blood;

– Jerusalem, April 22, 1953 – the IDF killed 10 Palestinians;

– Bureji Refugee Camp, August 28, 1953 – the IDF killed 20 Palestinians and wounded 62 others;

– Qibya, Jordan, October 14, 1953 – Ariel Sharon’s infamous Unit 101 killed 70 villagers;

– Nahalin, Jordan, March 28, 1954 – the IDF killed nine Arabs and wounded 19;

– Gaza City, April 5, 1956 – IDF shelling killed 56 and wounded 193;

– Kafr Kassem, October 29, 1956 – the IDF killed about 50 men, women and children;

– the Suez War, October 29 – November 7, 1956 – the IDF executed about 273 Egyptian soldiers and civilians in cold blood;

– Khan Yunis, November 3, 1956 – the IDF killed dozens of civilians in cold blood;

– Rafah Refugee Camp, November 12, 1956 – the IDF slaughtered over 100 Palestinians;

– Nuqeibi, Syria, March 16 – 17, 1962 – IDF artillery and aircraft killed at least 30 unarmed villagers;

– Samu, Jordan, November 13, 1966 – the IDF destroyed 125 houses, a school, clinic and 15 houses in a nearby village killing 18 and wounded 54 in cold blood;

– the Six-Day War, June 5 – 11, 1967 – IDF forces preemptively and without cause attacked Egypt, Syria and Jordan; they massacred as many as 2000 helpless or captured Egyptian soldiers; killed about 340 Syrian villagers in the Golan Heights and displaced more than 300,000 Palestinians who fled to the Jordan River’s east bank along with others to Lebanon, Egypt and Syria;
That's the short list!

Now be a good little Nazi and do the same for the Jews........................
But German didn't kill 6 million jews, I will say mostly jew covert as luthran to Hitler anger.
Because, as has been stated and proven multiple times on this and other forums, the Palestinians use the people as human shields. I'm sure sometimes the people are collaborating with them, and other times it is against their will, but the fact is that the terrorists oftentimes use the civilians as "pawns" in their sick little game. True story.
But you can not punished whole nation if some one killed on jew, can you or is it right to do that.

Well, for one thing, it has been many, many more than just one Jew who has been killed. Israel has been dealing with terrorism for a very long time, much longer than the United States.

Do you think that Israel should not fight back? Do you think they should lie down and die? If they have the might and the fortitude, should they not fight for their country? Why on earth would they not use their military might to defeat a declared enemy? :D The expectations are quite comical actually. No other nation in the world that is a victim of daily bombings from an enemy who has declared that their goal is to wipe out said nation would be asked to take such ridiculous measures.
Then what about those Palestinian who's country Jew occupied with the help of the super powers, Israelis killed them in millions and force to live into camps. What you expect to some one in this situation like palestinians are, do you think Palestinian should love invaders.


I don't think so.

Time to step away from the hooka, son... smokin' that camel shit is rotting your brain.
look jew have to accept the facts that they can not beat the numbers, jew claim that German killed 6 millions jew is correct and if Muslim claim that jew killed millions Muslims wrong, this the reason I am saying that jew have give this silly idea that they are special race and masaya is coming. Please free your self from your master or elders.

"I falsely claimed that the Jews had killed millions of Muslims, and,when challenged on that claim, I could not substantiate it, and then chose, instead, to attempt to deflect and distract attention away from that failure, with some vagaries and sundry fluff."

Epic fail.

Big surprise.

Last edited:
Yeah, yeah, Israel sang that same song when they were bombing the crap out of civilians in Lebanon.

Yes, terrorists tend to all use the same terrorist tactics. :lol:
Sound like you are accepting the facts that Israelis are terrorist.
Yeah, yeah, Israel sang that same song when they were bombing the crap out of civilians in Lebanon.

Yes, terrorists tend to all use the same terrorist tactics. :lol:
Sound like you are accepting the facts that Israelis are terrorist.

No just better politicians, the terrorists are the ISLAMONAZI muslims who are showing their true colours all over the world. Over 10 million innocents mass murdered by islam in the last 12 months tells a depressing sad story,
Sound like you are more Indian paid agent spreading terrorism, shame on you.

Just posting facts that can be seen by anyone with an open mind
First, Look the way you argued, Second if you through from your own posts, contradict to each others, third some others posters like me also contradict with you on the forum.
As world know their are some countries using social media and people to promote propaganda around.
But you can not punished whole nation if some one killed on jew, can you or is it right to do that.

Well, for one thing, it has been many, many more than just one Jew who has been killed. Israel has been dealing with terrorism for a very long time, much longer than the United States.

Do you think that Israel should not fight back? Do you think they should lie down and die? If they have the might and the fortitude, should they not fight for their country? Why on earth would they not use their military might to defeat a declared enemy? :D The expectations are quite comical actually. No other nation in the world that is a victim of daily bombings from an enemy who has declared that their goal is to wipe out said nation would be asked to take such ridiculous measures.
Then what about those Palestinian who's country Jew occupied with the help of the super powers, Israelis killed them in millions and force to live into camps. What you expect to some one in this situation like palestinians are, do you think Palestinian should love invaders.


I don't think so.

Time to step away from the hooka, son... smokin' that camel shit is rotting your brain.
look jew have to accept the facts that they can not beat the numbers, jew claim that German killed 6 millions jew is correct and if Muslim claim that jew killed millions Muslims wrong, this the reason I am saying that jew have give this silly idea that they are special race and masaya is coming. Please free your self from your master or elders.

"I falsely claimed that the Jews had killed millions of Muslims, and,when challenged on that claim, I could not substantiate it, and then chose, instead, to attempt to deflect and distract attention away from that failure, with some vagaries and sundry fluff."

Epic fail.

Big surprise.

Well no one care about your surprise, world care about facts and figure, and world know that jew always alter the facts and figures.
Well, for one thing, it has been many, many more than just one Jew who has been killed. Israel has been dealing with terrorism for a very long time, much longer than the United States.

Do you think that Israel should not fight back? Do you think they should lie down and die? If they have the might and the fortitude, should they not fight for their country? Why on earth would they not use their military might to defeat a declared enemy? :D The expectations are quite comical actually. No other nation in the world that is a victim of daily bombings from an enemy who has declared that their goal is to wipe out said nation would be asked to take such ridiculous measures.
Then what about those Palestinian who's country Jew occupied with the help of the super powers, Israelis killed them in millions and force to live into camps. What you expect to some one in this situation like palestinians are, do you think Palestinian should love invaders.


I don't think so.

Time to step away from the hooka, son... smokin' that camel shit is rotting your brain.
look jew have to accept the facts that they can not beat the numbers, jew claim that German killed 6 millions jew is correct and if Muslim claim that jew killed millions Muslims wrong, this the reason I am saying that jew have give this silly idea that they are special race and masaya is coming. Please free your self from your master or elders.

"I falsely claimed that the Jews had killed millions of Muslims, and,when challenged on that claim, I could not substantiate it, and then chose, instead, to attempt to deflect and distract attention away from that failure, with some vagaries and sundry fluff."

Epic fail.

Big surprise.

Well no one care about your surprise, world care about facts and figure, and world know that jew always alter the facts and figures.

Oh, is that so. "Jews" do this? I think you need to post a link.
Well, for one thing, it has been many, many more than just one Jew who has been killed. Israel has been dealing with terrorism for a very long time, much longer than the United States.

Do you think that Israel should not fight back? Do you think they should lie down and die? If they have the might and the fortitude, should they not fight for their country? Why on earth would they not use their military might to defeat a declared enemy? :D The expectations are quite comical actually. No other nation in the world that is a victim of daily bombings from an enemy who has declared that their goal is to wipe out said nation would be asked to take such ridiculous measures.
Then what about those Palestinian who's country Jew occupied with the help of the super powers, Israelis killed them in millions and force to live into camps. What you expect to some one in this situation like palestinians are, do you think Palestinian should love invaders.


I don't think so.

Time to step away from the hooka, son... smokin' that camel shit is rotting your brain.
look jew have to accept the facts that they can not beat the numbers, jew claim that German killed 6 millions jew is correct and if Muslim claim that jew killed millions Muslims wrong, this the reason I am saying that jew have give this silly idea that they are special race and masaya is coming. Please free your self from your master or elders.

"I falsely claimed that the Jews had killed millions of Muslims, and,when challenged on that claim, I could not substantiate it, and then chose, instead, to attempt to deflect and distract attention away from that failure, with some vagaries and sundry fluff."

Epic fail.

Big surprise.

Well no one care about your surprise, world care about facts and figure, and world know that jew always alter the facts and figures.
But of course you're certain Israel killed little schmuck deserve zero credibility.
Then what about those Palestinian who's country Jew occupied with the help of the super powers, Israelis killed them in millions and force to live into camps. What you expect to some one in this situation like palestinians are, do you think Palestinian should love invaders.


I don't think so.

Time to step away from the hooka, son... smokin' that camel shit is rotting your brain.
look jew have to accept the facts that they can not beat the numbers, jew claim that German killed 6 millions jew is correct and if Muslim claim that jew killed millions Muslims wrong, this the reason I am saying that jew have give this silly idea that they are special race and masaya is coming. Please free your self from your master or elders.

"I falsely claimed that the Jews had killed millions of Muslims, and,when challenged on that claim, I could not substantiate it, and then chose, instead, to attempt to deflect and distract attention away from that failure, with some vagaries and sundry fluff."

Epic fail.

Big surprise.

Well no one care about your surprise, world care about facts and figure, and world know that jew always alter the facts and figures.
But of course you're certain Israel killed little schmuck deserve zero credibility.

Israelis don't kill Palestinians, in the thousands?


I don't think so.

Time to step away from the hooka, son... smokin' that camel shit is rotting your brain.
look jew have to accept the facts that they can not beat the numbers, jew claim that German killed 6 millions jew is correct and if Muslim claim that jew killed millions Muslims wrong, this the reason I am saying that jew have give this silly idea that they are special race and masaya is coming. Please free your self from your master or elders.

"I falsely claimed that the Jews had killed millions of Muslims, and,when challenged on that claim, I could not substantiate it, and then chose, instead, to attempt to deflect and distract attention away from that failure, with some vagaries and sundry fluff."

Epic fail.

Big surprise.

Well no one care about your surprise, world care about facts and figure, and world know that jew always alter the facts and figures.
But of course you're certain Israel killed little schmuck deserve zero credibility.

Israelis don't kill Palestinians, in the thousands?
Nope, Israelis don't kill Palestinians, in the thousands.
look jew have to accept the facts that they can not beat the numbers, jew claim that German killed 6 millions jew is correct and if Muslim claim that jew killed millions Muslims wrong, this the reason I am saying that jew have give this silly idea that they are special race and masaya is coming. Please free your self from your master or elders.

"I falsely claimed that the Jews had killed millions of Muslims, and,when challenged on that claim, I could not substantiate it, and then chose, instead, to attempt to deflect and distract attention away from that failure, with some vagaries and sundry fluff."

Epic fail.

Big surprise.

Well no one care about your surprise, world care about facts and figure, and world know that jew always alter the facts and figures.
But of course you're certain Israel killed little schmuck deserve zero credibility.

Israelis don't kill Palestinians, in the thousands?
Nope, Israelis don't kill Palestinians, in the thousands.
look jew have to accept the facts that they can not beat the numbers, jew claim that German killed 6 millions jew is correct and if Muslim claim that jew killed millions Muslims wrong, this the reason I am saying that jew have give this silly idea that they are special race and masaya is coming. Please free your self from your master or elders.

"I falsely claimed that the Jews had killed millions of Muslims, and,when challenged on that claim, I could not substantiate it, and then chose, instead, to attempt to deflect and distract attention away from that failure, with some vagaries and sundry fluff."

Epic fail.

Big surprise.

Well no one care about your surprise, world care about facts and figure, and world know that jew always alter the facts and figures.
But of course you're certain Israel killed little schmuck deserve zero credibility.

Israelis don't kill Palestinians, in the thousands?
Nope, Israelis don't kill Palestinians, in the thousands.
Right! By the hundred thousands...When the time comes they'll return the favor...

"I falsely claimed that the Jews had killed millions of Muslims, and,when challenged on that claim, I could not substantiate it, and then chose, instead, to attempt to deflect and distract attention away from that failure, with some vagaries and sundry fluff."

Epic fail.

Big surprise.

Well no one care about your surprise, world care about facts and figure, and world know that jew always alter the facts and figures.
But of course you're certain Israel killed little schmuck deserve zero credibility.

Israelis don't kill Palestinians, in the thousands?
Nope, Israelis don't kill Palestinians, in the thousands.

"I falsely claimed that the Jews had killed millions of Muslims, and,when challenged on that claim, I could not substantiate it, and then chose, instead, to attempt to deflect and distract attention away from that failure, with some vagaries and sundry fluff."

Epic fail.

Big surprise.

Well no one care about your surprise, world care about facts and figure, and world know that jew always alter the facts and figures.
But of course you're certain Israel killed little schmuck deserve zero credibility.

Israelis don't kill Palestinians, in the thousands?
Nope, Israelis don't kill Palestinians, in the thousands.
Right! By the hundred thousands...When the time comes they'll return the favor...
Another sunstroke prophet? Get lost moron.
Well no one care about your surprise, world care about facts and figure, and world know that jew always alter the facts and figures.
But of course you're certain Israel killed little schmuck deserve zero credibility.

Israelis don't kill Palestinians, in the thousands?
Nope, Israelis don't kill Palestinians, in the thousands.
Well no one care about your surprise, world care about facts and figure, and world know that jew always alter the facts and figures.
But of course you're certain Israel killed little schmuck deserve zero credibility.

Israelis don't kill Palestinians, in the thousands?
Nope, Israelis don't kill Palestinians, in the thousands.
Right! By the hundred thousands...When the time comes they'll return the favor...
Another sunstroke prophet? Get lost moron.
Its not a prophesy moron, its a fact...1.4 billion Muslims in time cannot be stopped!

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