The World Loves Obama!

Go fuck yourself you stupid obsessed bitch. Get a job, manage your own fucking life and stop being so concerned with mine.


I have a job and life's great!

Good. Now if you could stop pretending you know about mine, that would be cool. Mind your own fucking business about my life... otherwise I might start making personal remarks about yours. That's fair.

Well it's obvious you need a good dicking. Don't like people pointing it out? Stop being such an obvious sex deprived douche to people all day.

You can say whatever you want to me and it just rolls off my back. You can dish it out but you sure as hell can't take it without a neg rep and a mini-meltdown.

In other words, you are a pathetic thin-skinned loser who really needs to get laid.
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I have a job and life's great!

Good. Now if you could stop pretending you know about mine, that would be cool. Mind your own fucking business about my life... otherwise I might start making personal remarks about yours. That's fair.

Well it's obvious you need a good dicking. Don't like ppl pointing it out? Stop being such an obvious sex deprived douche to people all day.

what about you weezy?
Good. Now if you could stop pretending you know about mine, that would be cool. Mind your own fucking business about my life... otherwise I might start making personal remarks about yours. That's fair.

Well it's obvious you need a good dicking. Don't like ppl pointing it out? Stop being such an obvious sex deprived douche to people all day.

what about you weezy?

What about what?

I have a job and life's great!

Good. Now if you could stop pretending you know about mine, that would be cool. Mind your own fucking business about my life... otherwise I might start making personal remarks about yours. That's fair.

Well it's obvious you need a good dicking. Don't like people pointing it out? Stop being such an obvious sex deprived douche to people all day.

You can say whatever you want to me and it just rolls off my back. You can dish it out but you sure as hell can't take it without a neg rep and a mini-meltdown.

In other words, you are a pathetic thin-skinned loser who really needs to get laid.

Be a better parent, instead of behaving like a two bit hooker.

And to all those who let me know how badly you think Luissa is behaving.... Thank you but it is for her conscience, not mine. The only person she makes look like a bitter bitch is herself.
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You mean your mindless drones you love kissing your ass? Do you think I care what anyone who believes your bullshit thinks?
And when all else fails pull the bad parent card. You can't Blame me bringing up your dad this time. ;) I would also rather be a hooker, than a frigid bitch.
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To all those who claim that the world hates Obama, and doesn't respect him, check out the crowd in Dublin!

Bush never got these adoring crowds during his trips overseas - they were huge crowds, but there to protest him!


Contrary to popular belief (among the left), Obama is not 'loved' by the Europeans. They see him as a useful idiot. Only idiot lefties don't get that.

Er, no

Europe's Obamaphilia says more about its own weakness than the US president | Gary Younge | Comment is free | The Guardian

Er, yes. 'Comment is free' - it's an opinion piece. Most people in Europe do not give a rats ass about Obama. They don't 'love' or 'hate' him. He is just another President. And... most Europeans don't actually care about US politics unless it affects them. Shocking, I know, but that's how it is.

Now, if you're talking about the media... oh yea, they definitely love him. I find the issue is that many of us think the media speak for the nation. They don't. Many of us seem to think that the media is always right. They are not. Many of us seem to think that providing a link to a media organisation is deemed as 'fact'. It is not.

Not rocket science.

it is also not rocket science that it is prima facie wrong that europeans see obama as a useful idiot.

but that would not stop you from posting that bullshit anyway.

having no decency, no consistency and no shame makes life on a message board easy.

start calling yourself out, little brat, for the numerous insane stupid stuff you post.

then you will have enough on your hands and hopefully reduce your fouling up the place.

They love the guy and the Packistanis had better love him, he got rid of one of their biggest problems and one of the world's.

They love the guy and the Packistanis had better love him, he got rid of one of their biggest problems and one of the world's.

yeah yeah, and there are 100's more Bin Ladens out there, I don't think people are STUPID enough to think other wise. But hey that Obama is a REAL HERO.:lol:
You mean your mindless drones you love kissing your ass? Do you think I care what anyone who believes your bullshit thinks?
And when all else fails pull the bad parent card. You can't Blame me bringing up your dad this time. ;) I would also rather be a hooker, than a frigid bitch.

:lol::lol::lol: I can 'blame' you.... I didn't start shit with you, freak. This is your cross to carry. I pretty much ignore your pathetic whining, until you start with your attention seeking behavior, and start talking about my private life - of which you know jack shit, and, like I told you last time, you do that and, as far as I am concerned, that makes it ok for me to talk about yours.

Fucking stoner. Focus on your own life and don't worry about mine.

Oh, and.... no, a few of them were your buds, not mine. You're fucking embarrassing.

They love the guy and the Packistanis had better love him, he got rid of one of their biggest problems and one of the world's.

The Irish love that he came.... because it boosts their economy. They're a practical bunch of people, they'd dance with the devil himself, if it boost tourism.

In fact, Europeans generally don't give a rats ass about our President... shocking though it may be... the world does not revolve around the US. :eek: I know, I know... I found that difficult to grasp when I first left our shores. But it's true. They really aren't that interested in him... or us. :evil:
You mean your mindless drones you love kissing your ass? Do you think I care what anyone who believes your bullshit thinks?
And when all else fails pull the bad parent card. You can't Blame me bringing up your dad this time. ;) I would also rather be a hooker, than a frigid bitch.

:lol::lol::lol: I can 'blame' you.... I didn't start shit with you, freak. This is your cross to carry. I pretty much ignore your pathetic whining, until you start with your attention seeking behavior, and start talking about my private life - of which you know jack shit, and, like I told you last time, you do that and, as far as I am concerned, that makes it ok for me to talk about yours.

Fucking stoner. Focus on your own life and don't worry about mine.

Oh, and.... no, a few of them were your buds, not mine. You're fucking embarrassing.

Handling my own life and pointing out the obvious (that you really need to get some) are not mutually exclusive activities. I can do both at the same time just fine. Bring it up at the next MENSA meeting, they'll clue you in. Oh, and feel free to talk about my life all you want. Like I said, it just rolls off my back. My skin is thicker than your ass :lol:
Contrary to popular belief (among the left), Obama is not 'loved' by the Europeans. They see him as a useful idiot. Only idiot lefties don't get that.

more bullshit without support served by the obnoxious brat.

I'm seriously considering hiring a gigolo to fuck the consumed bitterness out of her ... for the sake of the board, of course.
She needs it, big time!

She doesn't even have the common decency to admit that I was correct about the Brits running out of missiles. You would think she would apologize if she had an ounce of class.
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They love the guy and the Packistanis had better love him, he got rid of one of their biggest problems and one of the world's.

All those folks don't count, Sarah! They were all just crossing the street to go to the market!!!

Interesting since Ive heard from people in Ireland who said the only people watching the motorcade were those who were waiting to cross the road to get to the market.

more bullshit without support served by the obnoxious brat.

I'm seriously considering hiring a gigolo to fuck the consumed bitterness out of her ... for the sake of the board, of course.
She needs it, big time!

She doesn't even have the common decency to admit that I was correct about the Brits running out of missiles. You would think she would apologize if she had an ounce of class.

CG has not only turned of Private Messaging, she's turned off ALL ways to leave her a message.


How big of a coward do you have to be to hand out negs left and right while shutting yourself off . . . in a lonely . . . frigid . . . loveless . . . bitchy . . . existence?

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