The world reacts to Obama's win.....the world laughs when Trump wins!!

The only people that celebrated Tweets win.....a large number of racist rednecks in America....LOLOLOLO
The only people that celebrated Tweets win.....a large number of racist rednecks in America....LOLOLOLO
------------------------------------------------------------------------- looks like a bunch foreigner , millennials , children and other yahoos . As concerns the REDNECK comment , keep in mind that the USA Foundations were formed and built by Rednecks TRed !!
I think , at least hope that mrobamas rise to power was a flash in the pan and a mistake in Good Americans minds and memories . 'illary's' loss might be proof of that hope TRed !!
So, tig, enough about your hatred of whites and white presidents and white bread, and snow.
What else you been up to today? Do you have any New Years Eve plans? Have you made any resolutions? :)
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