The Worthless Paris Accord


Diamond Member
May 10, 2015
What a bunch of complete imbeciles. I listened to John Kerry, who makes me want to gag, spew the nonsense about rejoining the Paris Accord. The drones that vote for these morons deserve exactly the decline they get, but unfortunately, we are all in the same sinking boat. I am saddened that our country has become so dumbed down and non-patriotic. The globalists are succeeding in their brainwashing. I guess the only answer is to try to make it to the ruling class and not get stuck suffering with all the indoctrinated surfs. Or maybe those of us with the means will just get out and watch the decline from afar(on a beautiful Caribbean beach).

4 Reasons Trump Was Right to Pull Out of the Paris Agreement
America has less great people who are movers and shakers today then we had in the past. To many like this guy who will destroy everything to fix a problem that humans have very little affect on.
Great news that President-elect Biden will rejoin the Paris Accords. The Climate crisis needs to be addressed. President-elect Biden is doing what he promised: Renewing American leadership in the world. Kudos to President-elect Biden!
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Great news that President-elect Biden rejoined the Paris Accords. The Climate crisis needs to be addressed. President-elect Biden is doing what he promised: Renewing American leadership in the world. Kudos to President-elect Biden!
If we were leaders of this circle jerk it wouldn't be called the Paris Accords. We are followers
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Great news that President-elect Biden rejoined the Paris Accords. The Climate crisis needs to be addressed. President-elect Biden is doing what he promised: Renewing American leadership in the world. Kudos to President-elect Biden!
And the decline of the West continues as it picks up steam. Meanwhile in China...those stupid round eyes...bwhahahaa!
Great news that President-elect Biden rejoined the Paris Accords. The Climate crisis needs to be addressed. President-elect Biden is doing what he promised: Renewing American leadership in the world. Kudos to President-elect Biden!

I'll just stand over here and LMAO at your stupid post.

Find a way to harness the Sun and the moon then you can affect climate change.

You people are gullible idiots. Hell Gore already laughed his way to the bank using his climate change gig.

Grow a few brain cells that actually work. Good Lord are you idiots gullible.
Great news that President-elect Biden rejoined the Paris Accords. The Climate crisis needs to be addressed. President-elect Biden is doing what he promised: Renewing American leadership in the world. Kudos to President-elect Biden!

I'll just stand over here and LMAO at your stupid post.

Find a way to harness the Sun and the moon then you can affect climate change.

You people are gullible idiots. Hell Gore already laughed his way to the bank using his climate change gig.

Grow a few brain cells that actually work. Good Lord are you idiots gullible.
Spoken like the true imbecile you are.
Great news that President-elect Biden will rejoin the Paris Accords. The Climate crisis needs to be addressed. President-elect Biden is doing what he promised: Renewing American leadership in the world. Kudos to President-elect Biden! will accomplish nothing except fking over the US.....
...let me fill you in on a something: you CAN'T change the climate
Great news that President-elect Biden rejoined the Paris Accords. The Climate crisis needs to be addressed. President-elect Biden is doing what he promised: Renewing American leadership in the world. Kudos to President-elect Biden!

I'll just stand over here and LMAO at your stupid post.

Find a way to harness the Sun and the moon then you can affect climate change.

You people are gullible idiots. Hell Gore already laughed his way to the bank using his climate change gig.

Grow a few brain cells that actually work. Good Lord are you idiots gullible.
Spoken like the true imbecile you are.

Nope. Spoken like someone with brain cells that actually work. Yours obviously don't.

Climate is controlled by the Sun and the Moon. Nothing else. If you can harness them then you can control the climate. Since you can't . You will never control the climate that has been changing for billions of years.

Only a gullible fool would believe otherwise.
Just a reminder.

We are the ONLY nation on the planet to not sign on to the Paris Accords
Great news that President-elect Biden rejoined the Paris Accords. The Climate crisis needs to be addressed. President-elect Biden is doing what he promised: Renewing American leadership in the world. Kudos to President-elect Biden!

I'll just stand over here and LMAO at your stupid post.

Find a way to harness the Sun and the moon then you can affect climate change.

You people are gullible idiots. Hell Gore already laughed his way to the bank using his climate change gig.

Grow a few brain cells that actually work. Good Lord are you idiots gullible.
Spoken like the true imbecile you are.
Spoken like the true imbecile you are.
Great news that President-elect Biden rejoined the Paris Accords. The Climate crisis needs to be addressed. President-elect Biden is doing what he promised: Renewing American leadership in the world. Kudos to President-elect Biden!

I'll just stand over here and LMAO at your stupid post.

Find a way to harness the Sun and the moon then you can affect climate change.

You people are gullible idiots. Hell Gore already laughed his way to the bank using his climate change gig.

Grow a few brain cells that actually work. Good Lord are you idiots gullible.
Spoken like the true imbecile you are.
Spoken like the true imbecile you are.
So original. Did you have a long think on that one?

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