The Zeroth Amendment (“Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor”) vs. the Omega Amendment (“You Maniacs!)


Gold Member
Oct 11, 2016
Washington, DC
The Zeroth Amendment (“Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor”) vs. the Omega Amendment (“You Maniacs! You Blew It Up. God Damn You, Damn You All to Hell”)

As we all know, the Zeroth Amendment to the Constitution, as carved on the Statue of Liberty, is that Americans don’t have the right to borders because that would discriminate against the civil right of every foreigner on Earth to immigrate here. For instance, former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright ringingly reminded us of the Zeroth Amendment today:


But that leads to the less-cited Omega Amendment:

I told you nazis your shitty propaganda doesn't work in America, whites aren't natives ....go back to beating up jews in Austria
The Zeroth Amendment (“Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor”) vs. the Omega Amendment (“You Maniacs! You Blew It Up. God Damn You, Damn You All to Hell”)

As we all know, the Zeroth Amendment to the Constitution, as carved on the Statue of Liberty, is that Americans don’t have the right to borders because that would discriminate against the civil right of every foreigner on Earth to immigrate here. For instance, former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright ringingly reminded us of the Zeroth Amendment today:


But that leads to the less-cited Omega Amendment:

Lady liberty is obsolete and should be torn down.. WE are no longer into nation building but nation survival. We have our own tired, poor yearning to breathe free. They are the homeless and unemployed Americans. Those immigrants came over legally through Ellis Island and did not steal across the border, raping the land taking jobs from poor Americans, dropping anchor babies. Bringing drugs and destroying our young men women and children. Received welfare and medical care. Build the damn wall and it will pay for itself with the money we save on educating children of illegal aliens, crime drugs and incarceration, etc.
If you are in favor of open borders, please have the honesty to say so.

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