The zionists do NOT speak for the Jewish people and antizionism is NOT antisemitism.

An Urgent Plea to President Donald Trump from Jews Worldwide
December 06, 2017

Dear Mr. President,

As you are currently considering a United States declaration regarding the city of Jerusalem, please allow us of Neturei Karta International [NKI], to give you a little background on the traditional Jewish position on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. NKI represents anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews true to our Torah, living throughout the world, including in the Holy Land and Jerusalem.

Zionism, the movement that created the State of Israel, is the complete opposite of traditional Jewish belief. Judaism is subservience to the Almighty, while Zionism is its total transformation into nationalism. In regard to creating a Jewish State, ever since the destruction of the Jewish Temple, 2000 years ago, Jews have been in exile by Divine decree and are forbidden to make a sovereign state of their own, rebel against any nation and certainly are forbidden to kill others or take the land of another people. From the time the Zionist movement was founded, rabbis from all Jewish communities worldwide spoke out against it, unanimously.

In July 1947 when the United Nations was considering the Partition Plan, the Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem, Rabbi Yosef Tzvi Dushinsky, came and testified before the UN’s committee, saying, “We wish to express our definite opposition to a Jewish state in any part of Palestine.” Several months later, on November 18, 1947 when he realized that the UN was proceeding with a recommendation for a Jewish state, he sent a telegram saying: “Our community demands that Jerusalem be an international zone, under your protection, with full autonomy, and its residents be free citizens of the international zone of Jerusalem.” The UN honored this request.

The creation of the state of Israel has led to both Palestinian and Jewish suffering. The Palestinians were murdered and expelled from their land, and those remaining were oppressed and denied equal rights. Likewise the original Jewish community of the Holy Land, the anti-Zionist religious Jews, have been continuously attacked and oppressed by the Israeli government. Their most recent attack on our freedom is their attempt to force Jewish boys and girls to serve in their army, which is a direct rebellion against the Almighty.

Declaring the heart of the Holy Land as the officially recognized capital of this illegitimate state, would be pouring salt on open wounds. It would magnify the catastrophe suffered by the Palestinian people and the pain felt by religious Jews.

We therefore ask you, Mr. President, to please rethink your planned declaration, for the benefit of all involved.

We pray to the Almighty for the day when we Jews and Arabs can live once again together in peace and harmony, as we have for so many hundreds of years in the Holy Land prior to the occupation of Palestine.

May we see the day when all of mankind joins together to serve G-d with one heart. Amen.

I wonder if Trump will even respond.
An Urgent Plea to President Donald Trump from Jews Worldwide
December 06, 2017

Dear Mr. President,

As you are currently considering a United States declaration regarding the city of Jerusalem, please allow us of Neturei Karta International [NKI], to give you a little background on the traditional Jewish position on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. NKI represents anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews true to our Torah, living throughout the world, including in the Holy Land and Jerusalem.

Zionism, the movement that created the State of Israel, is the complete opposite of traditional Jewish belief. Judaism is subservience to the Almighty, while Zionism is its total transformation into nationalism. In regard to creating a Jewish State, ever since the destruction of the Jewish Temple, 2000 years ago, Jews have been in exile by Divine decree and are forbidden to make a sovereign state of their own, rebel against any nation and certainly are forbidden to kill others or take the land of another people. From the time the Zionist movement was founded, rabbis from all Jewish communities worldwide spoke out against it, unanimously.

In July 1947 when the United Nations was considering the Partition Plan, the Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem, Rabbi Yosef Tzvi Dushinsky, came and testified before the UN’s committee, saying, “We wish to express our definite opposition to a Jewish state in any part of Palestine.” Several months later, on November 18, 1947 when he realized that the UN was proceeding with a recommendation for a Jewish state, he sent a telegram saying: “Our community demands that Jerusalem be an international zone, under your protection, with full autonomy, and its residents be free citizens of the international zone of Jerusalem.” The UN honored this request.

The creation of the state of Israel has led to both Palestinian and Jewish suffering. The Palestinians were murdered and expelled from their land, and those remaining were oppressed and denied equal rights. Likewise the original Jewish community of the Holy Land, the anti-Zionist religious Jews, have been continuously attacked and oppressed by the Israeli government. Their most recent attack on our freedom is their attempt to force Jewish boys and girls to serve in their army, which is a direct rebellion against the Almighty.

Declaring the heart of the Holy Land as the officially recognized capital of this illegitimate state, would be pouring salt on open wounds. It would magnify the catastrophe suffered by the Palestinian people and the pain felt by religious Jews.

We therefore ask you, Mr. President, to please rethink your planned declaration, for the benefit of all involved.

We pray to the Almighty for the day when we Jews and Arabs can live once again together in peace and harmony, as we have for so many hundreds of years in the Holy Land prior to the occupation of Palestine.

May we see the day when all of mankind joins together to serve G-d with one heart. Amen.

I wonder if Trump will even respond.

Why should he?
This is a fanatic extremist minority withing a minority of Orthodox Jews.
Big claims, not supported by numbers.
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This really has to come over here.

The representative of Iranian Jewish minority at the Iranian Parliament says US President Donald Trump has opened a new chapter in the book of obscenity by recognizing Jerusalem al-Quds as the capital of the Israeli regime.
Iranian Jewish MP Blasts Trump Decision on Jerusalem

And here we are thinking Iran is the devil for Jews, weird.
You obviously don't know jack shit about jack shit. Ever met or talked to an Iranian Jew?
They're are Zionists, the "antizionist" position is explained...calmly and simply.

Thank-you, I could go on and on with what I just saw, but clearly they do not represent the views of traditional Jews. The bias of the interviewer for one, was pretty obvious, even to you I am guessing. How do you feel about them burning Israeli flags? Seriously, what would you expect an Israeli to say?

Now, a question for you, do you know anything about this:

I write this article for the same reason I wrote my book: to tell the American people, and especially American Jews, that Jews from Islamic lands did not emigrate willingly to Israel; that, to force them to leave, Jews killed Jews; and that, to buy time to confiscate ever more Arab lands, Jews on numerous occasions rejected genuine peace initiatives from their Arab neighbors. I write about what the first prime minister of Israel called “cruel Zionism.”

This book was banned in America and in Israel:

Painful truths about the Zionist rape of Palestine and deliberate planting of anti-Semitism in Iraqi Jewish communities during David Ben-Gurion's political career to persuade Iraqi Jews to immigrate to Israel. The Zionists' goal was to import raw Jewish labor from the Middle East to farm the newly-vacated lands and fill the military ranks with conscripts, to defend the stolen lands.

Jews don't kill Jews; zionists do!
On another thread:
Oh and by the way, if you are a real Jew, why are you posting during shabbat?
As I pointed out, I do not follow all of the 613 commandments. But this begs the question that if my Jewishness is questioned for simply posting on the sabbath, then how can the zionists party all night long in Tel Aviv on every sabbath and still claim Jewishness?

The City that Never Stops will keep night owls busy with its trendy bars, dance clubs and diverse nightlife. Tel-Aviv tends to come alive late in the evening, at about 11pm and places of entertainment can stay open until the morning hours.

In Israel the weekend starts on Thursday night and Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights are the most active. Sunday is not a "day of rest" in Israel so you can go out and party on Sunday night as well.
Tel-Aviv Nightlife | Visit \ Tel-Aviv
I write this article for the same reason I wrote my book: to tell the American people, and especially American Jews, that Jews from Islamic lands did not emigrate willingly to Israel; that, to force them to leave, Jews killed Jews; and that, to buy time to confiscate ever more Arab lands, Jews on numerous occasions rejected genuine peace initiatives from their Arab neighbors. I write about what the first prime minister of Israel called “cruel Zionism.”

This book was banned in America and in Israel:

Painful truths about the Zionist rape of Palestine and deliberate planting of anti-Semitism in Iraqi Jewish communities during David Ben-Gurion's political career to persuade Iraqi Jews to immigrate to Israel. The Zionists' goal was to import raw Jewish labor from the Middle East to farm the newly-vacated lands and fill the military ranks with conscripts, to defend the stolen lands.

Jews don't kill Jews; zionists do!
Pile of crap, provided by an ignorant dumbfuck propagandist with no clue about factual history.

You obviously do not know any Middle Eastern Jews. They left Islamic lands for the same reason Christians, Bahaais, Zooroastrians, Armenians, etc. are fleeing Islamic lands today. Religious based Muslim intolerance and violence towards others. Muslim animals are doing the same to Black non Muslims in Africa today.
Now that's funny. All the wars and genocides that have been occurring in the last three to four decades, and Israel's so called "occupation" of Palestine, a country that never existed, is the one that is voted the worst Ha ha ha. Thanks for the laughs.
I guess he forgot about September of 1971 when Jordan's noble prize winning King Hussien mowed down more Belestinians in a few days than have been killed in the Israel / Palestine conflict in the last 70 years.
Now that's funny. All the wars and genocides that have been occurring in the last three to four decades, and Israel's so called "occupation" of Palestine, a country that never existed, is the one that is voted the worst Ha ha ha. Thanks for the laughs.
But, even if all true, that has nothing to do with the zionists pretending they speak for the Jewish people.
Now that's funny. All the wars and genocides that have been occurring in the last three to four decades, and Israel's so called "occupation" of Palestine, a country that never existed, is the one that is voted the worst Ha ha ha. Thanks for the laughs.
But, even if all true, that has nothing to do with the zionists pretending they speak for the Jewish people.
Jewish people speak for the Jewish people, Zionists are Jewish people, and 99.99% of Jewish people are Zionists.

You and your bullshit propaganda filled with ignorance and hatred certainly don't.

Now run along, fool.

OK, so it seems Americans are allowed the option of free speech and protest.

What a shame that we here in the Great Satan™️ don’t have Islamist style theocratic totalitarian religious police force to do away with this free speech nonsense.

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