Theater shooters gun was not purchased legally, despite what the press says...

. A 30 round magazine is a standard issue is the magazine used by our military and therefore belongs in the hands of the civilians who employ the military. The practical don't have to spend your time constantly reloading magazines at the range.......and if there ever is a need to resist government murder...those magazines will be important...and you don't have the right to deny our descendants that tool.

The military also has machine guns and nukes. By your reasoning (?) civilians should be allowed to them too.

Oh, the agony of having to reload at the range. I feel your pain.

When I read the part about needing large cap mags to resist government murder I knew I was in the twilight zone.

No one with military experience would think a bunch of untrained yokels would last 2 minutes against a rifle platoon.

You are the kind of crazy who is going to ruin it for all of us.
If the pawn shop he bought the gun at broke the law, they should be jailed and fined and probably sued.

This also goes to show how gun control is only useful in disarming good people.

There's no reason to believe the store broke the law. HE did, by not being honest about his long history of mental problems.

Once again, we have a mass shooting case that highlights not the need for more and stricter gun control, but mental illness control.

Purchasing a gun shouldn't rely on the honor system.
. A 30 round magazine is a standard issue is the magazine used by our military and therefore belongs in the hands of the civilians who employ the military. The practical don't have to spend your time constantly reloading magazines at the range.......and if there ever is a need to resist government murder...those magazines will be important...and you don't have the right to deny our descendants that tool.

The military also has machine guns and nukes. By your reasoning (?) civilians should be allowed to them too.

Oh, the agony of having to reload at the range. I feel your pain.

When I read the part about needing large cap mags to resist government murder I knew I was in the twilight zone.

No one with military experience would think a bunch of untrained yokels would last 2 minutes against a rifle platoon.

You are the kind of crazy who is going to ruin it for all of us. are a moron....granted you could tell that because of what you previously posted.....but here we go....

--The American citizen should have complete and total access to the small arms that standard and elite military personel have.......crew served weapons are not part of that.....but I could care less if they have them since criminals don't use them, and law abiding citizens don't use them to commit crimes.....

--Standard magazines are not a I posted, all rifles are used for only 200 or so deaths a year, and that is going down, not up as over 1 million AR-15s are in private having those magazines are not a problem....considering knives and empty hands kill far more people than rifles with 30 round magazines....

--the American Citizen is far more advanced than your basic terrorist tribesman in Iraq and Afghanistan, and with small arms and improvised explosives they drove out obama and the combined weight of the most advanced military in the that stupid argument that Americans, better armed, many with actual military experience and better technology couldn't stand off against the U.S. military if push came to shove is a pretty stupid thing to think...

And are an anti gun just want to convince us to give up our rights one gun, one bullet, one piece of equipment at a screw you and your agenda.....we know who you are and what you want....again, screw you....
. A 30 round magazine is a standard issue is the magazine used by our military and therefore belongs in the hands of the civilians who employ the military. The practical don't have to spend your time constantly reloading magazines at the range.......and if there ever is a need to resist government murder...those magazines will be important...and you don't have the right to deny our descendants that tool.

The military also has machine guns and nukes. By your reasoning (?) civilians should be allowed to them too.

Oh, the agony of having to reload at the range. I feel your pain.

When I read the part about needing large cap mags to resist government murder I knew I was in the twilight zone.

No one with military experience would think a bunch of untrained yokels would last 2 minutes against a rifle platoon.

You are the kind of crazy who is going to ruin it for all of us.

I'll take his opinions over yours.......

. A 30 round magazine is a standard issue is the magazine used by our military and therefore belongs in the hands of the civilians who employ the military. The practical don't have to spend your time constantly reloading magazines at the range.......and if there ever is a need to resist government murder...those magazines will be important...and you don't have the right to deny our descendants that tool.

The military also has machine guns and nukes. By your reasoning (?) civilians should be allowed to them too.

Oh, the agony of having to reload at the range. I feel your pain.

When I read the part about needing large cap mags to resist government murder I knew I was in the twilight zone.

No one with military experience would think a bunch of untrained yokels would last 2 minutes against a rifle platoon.

You are the kind of crazy who is going to ruin it for all of us.

The military also has machine guns and nukes. By your reasoning (?) civilians should be allowed to them too.

Civilians can already own machine
I heard this last night, that the shooter bought his gun legally though he could not get a concealed carry permit.....and this is wrong.....leave it to the anti gun press to get it wrong...

Who knew......a man intent on mass murder would lie to get his hands on a gun........color me shocked.........

Lafayette Theater Shooter s Pistol Purchase Was Not In Fact Legal - The Truth About Guns

In order to purchase the handgun, the person in question would have completed the ATF’s “Firearms Transaction Record” paperwork, affectionately known as an ATF Form 4473. Anyone who has ever bought a gun from a FFL license holder should recognize question 11 (F):

Have you ever been adjudicated mentally defective (which includes a determination by a court, board, commission, or other lawful authority that you are a danger to yourself or to others or are incompetent to manage your own affairs) OR have you ever been committed to a mental institution?

As we already know, the attacker in this case was involuntarily committed to a mental institution after being judged a danger to himself and others in 2008. Legally, the person filling out the form would be required to tick the “YES” box — anything else would constitute a felony, as stated on the declaration that the buyer is required to sign. The problem in this case is that the attacker most likely lied, checked the “NO” box, and the subsequent NICS background check didn’t include that nugget of information.

And even if the ATF had discovered Houser’s lie, there’s almost no chance they would have done anything about it.

So this isn’t a story of broken gun laws, but one of a broken system.

Just as in the case of the Charleston church shooting, the attacker in question purchased his firearm from a law-abiding gun dealer who dutifully followed the law to the best of their abilities.

Where things broke down in both instances was that the NICS system apparently did not have the relevant information at hand, and as a result the individuals (who should have otherwise been barred from purchasing firearms under existing laws) walked out with a brand new handgun

Who gives a flying shit how he got it?

Does it make his victims somehow "less dead"? Or is this one of your ploys to put points on that message board scoreboard?

Yeah it does moron. Because assholes like you and warf keep pushing for more useless gun laws <snip>.


What "gun laws", useless or not, have I been pushing for, moron?
For that matter what have I posted on background checks?

Show me.

Oh, this is gonna be good. :popcorn:
I heard this last night, that the shooter bought his gun legally though he could not get a concealed carry permit.....and this is wrong.....leave it to the anti gun press to get it wrong...

Who knew......a man intent on mass murder would lie to get his hands on a gun........color me shocked.........

Lafayette Theater Shooter s Pistol Purchase Was Not In Fact Legal - The Truth About Guns

In order to purchase the handgun, the person in question would have completed the ATF’s “Firearms Transaction Record” paperwork, affectionately known as an ATF Form 4473. Anyone who has ever bought a gun from a FFL license holder should recognize question 11 (F):

Have you ever been adjudicated mentally defective (which includes a determination by a court, board, commission, or other lawful authority that you are a danger to yourself or to others or are incompetent to manage your own affairs) OR have you ever been committed to a mental institution?

As we already know, the attacker in this case was involuntarily committed to a mental institution after being judged a danger to himself and others in 2008. Legally, the person filling out the form would be required to tick the “YES” box — anything else would constitute a felony, as stated on the declaration that the buyer is required to sign. The problem in this case is that the attacker most likely lied, checked the “NO” box, and the subsequent NICS background check didn’t include that nugget of information.

And even if the ATF had discovered Houser’s lie, there’s almost no chance they would have done anything about it.

So this isn’t a story of broken gun laws, but one of a broken system.

Just as in the case of the Charleston church shooting, the attacker in question purchased his firearm from a law-abiding gun dealer who dutifully followed the law to the best of their abilities.

Where things broke down in both instances was that the NICS system apparently did not have the relevant information at hand, and as a result the individuals (who should have otherwise been barred from purchasing firearms under existing laws) walked out with a brand new handgun

Who gives a flying shit how he got it?

Does it make his victims somehow "less dead"? Or is this one of your ploys to put points on that message board scoreboard?

Yeah it does moron. Because assholes like you and warf keep pushing for more useless gun laws <snip>.


What "gun laws", useless or not, have I been pushing for, moron?
For that matter what have I posted on background checks?

Show me.

Oh, this is gonna be good. :popcorn:



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