Their own words may have doomed men who killed Ahmaud Arbery

Jul 26, 2010
The murder convictions of the three white men who chased him may have been secured as much by their own words to investigators the day of the shooting.

The shooter, Travis McMichael, his dad, Greg McMichael and neighbor William “Roddie” Bryan all spoke extensively and candidly with Glynn County investigators just hours after Arbery was killed in their Brunswick, Georgia, neighborhood in February 2020.

Greg McMichael, who was in the bed of a pickup truck when his son killed Arbery, told police the Black man "was trapped like a rat" and he told Arbery: "Stop, or I’ll blow your f---ing head off!”

Statements like that allowed prosecutors to give context to the short video that didn't show the entire shooting and had little of the five minutes that the men chased Arbery.

“I don’t think the guy has actually stolen anything out of there, or if he did it was early in the process. But he keeps going back over and over again to this damn house," Greg McMichael said, according to a transcript of the interview that Glynn County police Sgt. Roderic Nohilly read in court.

Bryan was on his front porch when he saw Arbery run past with the McMichaels’ truck close behind. He told police he didn’t recognize any of them, or know what prompted the chase, but still joined in after calling out: “Y’all got him?”

“I figured he had done something wrong,”
Bryan said. “I didn’t know for sure.”

That left the attorneys for the men to struggle to explain away their statements.

“The evidence suggests that Roddie Bryan legitimately struggles to find the right words,” Bryan's lawyer, Kevin Gough, told jurors in his closing argument Monday.

Travis McMichael, testifying in his own defense, said he was in shock when he first spoke to police, calling the shooting the most traumatic event of his life.

Greg McMichael's lawyer suggested maybe he never shouted at Arbery: "Stop, or I’ll blow your f---ing head off” like he told police because the remark wasn’t recorded on the cellphone video of the shooting or the 911 call Greg McMichael made to police. Both of those recordings covered only a small part of the five-minute chase that ended in Arbery’s death.

“You only have a handful of defenses to deal with what is basically a confession,” Pate said.

Their dumb ass decisions and their big mouths is why they are going to spend a lot of years in prison.
I’ve been posting the same thing since this story broke in the news. The McMichaels broke several laws in Georgia. And the biggest mistake they made on that day, was talking to the cops. As the story came out in more detail, I refined it to this.

Every step of the way, the McMichaels made the wrong choice. But with this thread, we can stick with talking to the cops.

Somewhere in this nation, there is the worst lawyer currently practicing. I mean this guy is so incompetent that he screws up personal injury cases. A real waste of flesh.

That worst lawyer in the nation will tell you not to talk to the cops. More than a year ago, discussing this case, I said that the Cops are not your friend. You may worship the ground they walk on, but they don’t like you. Get a lawyer. Always.

Instead the McMichaels tried to invoke the Good Old Boys Network, Greg called his former boss, and friend, Jackie Johnson. The DA who is currently facing Obstruction of Justice Charges in her handling of the case.

That tells everyone with a mind that Greg knew he was in trouble, and this was going to go badly wrong if it went to court.

In the end, every decision made was wrong. Every action they took was stupid. And they are going to spend the rest of their lives in Prison probably without parole, over their poor decisions.
I’ve been posting the same thing since this story broke in the news. The McMichaels broke several laws in Georgia. And the biggest mistake they made on that day, was talking to the cops. As the story came out in more detail, I refined it to this.

Every step of the way, the McMichaels made the wrong choice. But with this thread, we can stick with talking to the cops.

Somewhere in this nation, there is the worst lawyer currently practicing. I mean this guy is so incompetent that he screws up personal injury cases. A real waste of flesh.

That worst lawyer in the nation will tell you not to talk to the cops. More than a year ago, discussing this case, I said that the Cops are not your friend. You may worship the ground they walk on, but they don’t like you. Get a lawyer. Always.

Instead the McMichaels tried to invoke the Good Old Boys Network, Greg called his former boss, and friend, Jackie Johnson. The DA who is currently facing Obstruction of Justice Charges in her handling of the case.

That tells everyone with a mind that Greg knew he was in trouble, and this was going to go badly wrong if it went to court.

In the end, every decision made was wrong. Every action they took was stupid. And they are going to spend the rest of their lives in Prison probably without parole, over their poor decisions.
Yes, and with all the crimes theses racist thugs committed, it still took the county 72 days before they arrested them.

White Supremacy 101.
I'm still in shock that they didnt get off in racist ass Georgia but I am very happy with the outcome. I wonder what kind of treatment will they get in prison? Hotel like accomodations from a racist warden or normal prison accomodations?
I’ve been posting the same thing since this story broke in the news. The McMichaels broke several laws in Georgia. And the biggest mistake they made on that day, was talking to the cops. As the story came out in more detail, I refined it to this.

Every step of the way, the McMichaels made the wrong choice. But with this thread, we can stick with talking to the cops.

Somewhere in this nation, there is the worst lawyer currently practicing. I mean this guy is so incompetent that he screws up personal injury cases. A real waste of flesh.

That worst lawyer in the nation will tell you not to talk to the cops. More than a year ago, discussing this case, I said that the Cops are not your friend. You may worship the ground they walk on, but they don’t like you. Get a lawyer. Always.

Instead the McMichaels tried to invoke the Good Old Boys Network, Greg called his former boss, and friend, Jackie Johnson. The DA who is currently facing Obstruction of Justice Charges in her handling of the case.

That tells everyone with a mind that Greg knew he was in trouble, and this was going to go badly wrong if it went to court.

In the end, every decision made was wrong. Every action they took was stupid. And they are going to spend the rest of their lives in Prison probably without parole, over their poor decisions.
The more I learned about this case, the more disgusted I became. These fucking racist idiots deserve the gaping ass poundings they're about to receive.
Yes, and with all the crimes theses racist thugs committed, it still took the county 72 days before they arrested them.

White Supremacy 101.

The 72 days would have been longer if Greg had not instructed a lawyer to release the video.

The Good Old Boys network was just about finished burying the entire mess in a sea of paper.

But showing Greg believed his own crap he ordered the release of the video to stop the “whispers” that he had done something wrong.

For an arrogant prick like Greg. Getting away with it wasn’t enough. He had to be lauded for getting away with it. Like many Fools he believed that the majority felt as he did. Look how many here will come up with racist phrases to justify the indefensible. Black Brain Disease as one example.

As far as their motivations. I think Racism was a part. But not the primary driving factor. I think it was the idea that they were special. And not just because they were white.

I’ve said it before. They assumed the criminal was black. They assumed the black guy had stolen Travis’s gun from out of his truck. The sight of Arbery jogging was certain to be perceived as rubbing their noses in it.

You can imagine the conversations. He is running by laughing at us. Knowing he stole my gun and knows we can’t do anything about it.

There was a sense of entitlement. But it was driven more by the fact that Daddy was a retired cop and part of the GOB network than racism in my opinion.

Yes. Racism was a part. But the main driving force was the entitlement of being on the in with the powers that be. Racism alone doesn’t explain the motivation. It was Greg who shouted to get your gun and come on. Greg who was personally outraged at the audacity of that SOB to steal and not hide from him.
I'm still in shock that they didnt get off in racist ass Georgia but I am very happy with the outcome. I wonder what kind of treatment will they get in prison? Hotel like accomodations from a racist warden or normal prison accomodations?
The jury got this one right, just like the Rittenhouse jury got that right as well.
The murder convictions of the three white men who chased him may have been secured as much by their own words to investigators the day of the shooting.

The shooter, Travis McMichael, his dad, Greg McMichael and neighbor William “Roddie” Bryan all spoke extensively and candidly with Glynn County investigators just hours after Arbery was killed in their Brunswick, Georgia, neighborhood in February 2020.

Greg McMichael, who was in the bed of a pickup truck when his son killed Arbery, told police the Black man "was trapped like a rat" and he told Arbery: "Stop, or I’ll blow your f---ing head off!”

Statements like that allowed prosecutors to give context to the short video that didn't show the entire shooting and had little of the five minutes that the men chased Arbery.

“I don’t think the guy has actually stolen anything out of there, or if he did it was early in the process. But he keeps going back over and over again to this damn house," Greg McMichael said, according to a transcript of the interview that Glynn County police Sgt. Roderic Nohilly read in court.

Bryan was on his front porch when he saw Arbery run past with the McMichaels’ truck close behind. He told police he didn’t recognize any of them, or know what prompted the chase, but still joined in after calling out: “Y’all got him?”

“I figured he had done something wrong,”
Bryan said. “I didn’t know for sure.”

That left the attorneys for the men to struggle to explain away their statements.

“The evidence suggests that Roddie Bryan legitimately struggles to find the right words,” Bryan's lawyer, Kevin Gough, told jurors in his closing argument Monday.

Travis McMichael, testifying in his own defense, said he was in shock when he first spoke to police, calling the shooting the most traumatic event of his life.

Greg McMichael's lawyer suggested maybe he never shouted at Arbery: "Stop, or I’ll blow your f---ing head off” like he told police because the remark wasn’t recorded on the cellphone video of the shooting or the 911 call Greg McMichael made to police. Both of those recordings covered only a small part of the five-minute chase that ended in Arbery’s death.

“You only have a handful of defenses to deal with what is basically a confession,” Pate said.

Their dumb ass decisions and their big mouths is why they are going to spend a lot of years in prison.

I sure hope they do spend a lot of years in prison. If not the rest of their lives.

They hunted that man down, trapped him with their vehicle and murdered him in cold blood.

These men don't belong is our society. They belong in prison for the rest of their lives.
I sure hope they do spend a lot of years in prison. If not the rest of their lives.

They hunted that man down, trapped him with their vehicle and murdered him in cold blood.

These men don't belong is our society. They belong in prison for the rest of their lives.
The jury got this one right, just like the Rittenhouse jury got it right.
The jury got this one right, just like the Rittenhouse jury got that right as well.

Yeah I hate to say it but I agree. Rittenhouse had no choice. These 3 cracks in a truck didn't have to chase this guy down and kill him. It just didn't need to happen, really.

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