Theories on how to efficiently run an economy

That being said, this is for people who -want- to die, not those who die due to malnutrition or outright starvation. I believe the case that people be allowed to die of malnutrition and/or starvation would only be ethically acceptable if there simply wasn't enough wealth in the world to feed everyone. This is definitely not the case.

Because you think people should be forced to be charitable with their hard earned money.

This, I believe, is your biggest mistake. You think that most money is created by the sweat of someone's brow. In truth, -all- money is created by the banks or the government. In the U.S., I have heard that the "Federal" reserve creates around 95% of all money, the government's minting of bills creating the other 5%. I haven't been able to track down a source to verify this, but I have found a source that states that in the U.K., their banks create about 97% of their money supply, so the U.S. banks creating 95% sounds about right. Here's the source for that:
How Banks Create Money - Positive Money

You talk about disliking subsidies. How does it make you feel that the banks essentially produce 95% of the money supply and then loan it out at interest? Compared to the banks, any other fraud is chump change.
I have never seen a conservative support tax plans of any kind. Just lowering them. What drives them nuts is that their hero raised taxes several times after his great 1982 tax cut and resultant killing of government programs drove the unemployment rate to 10.8%. Then, after finding himself in heavy trouble with voters, Reagan raised taxes, and spent more than all presidents before him combined. Tripled the national debt.
But today, nearly all republican congressmen have signed a promise to never increase taxes under any circumstance. They never, ever vote for anything that increases taxes.
Nearly all the GOP candidates bow down to Grover Norquist

Also, I have never heard a republican have a problem when the poor suffer. From the start of the great recession of 2008, republicans blocked every single attempt to pass bills to help the situation. And with unanimous support by all republican congressmen. And they put forward exactly zero bills to help. Zero. So, they are the party of the 1%. And to hell with the working class.

Also, I have never heard a republican have a problem when the poor suffer. From the start of the great recession of 2008, republicans blocked every single attempt to pass bills to help the situation. And with unanimous support by all republican congressmen. And they put forward exactly zero bills to help. Zero. So, they are the party of the 1%.And to hell with the working class.

Again you are so argonant, full of shit and lying.


In the "do-nothing Senate," there are 352 House bills "sitting on Harry Reid’s desk awaiting action," including 55 introduced by Democrats.
Lynn Jenkins on Tuesday, July 29th, 2014 in a press conference

Rep. Lynn Jenkins blames Harry Reid for 'do-nothing Senate
Are you dancing your happy dance, me boy? You should not be. You are about to strike out.
What I said, me poor stupid con troll, is that republicans put NO BILLS FORWARD to address the great republican recession of 2008. No lie at all. They put lots of bills forward to help their friends, the wealthy. Now, do you want to show which bill is not to help the wealthy but to do something about their very own recession.
I am still looking for one. Which is why you can show no bill that was meant to address their very own great recession. Just business issues for the congress and wet kisses for the wealthy. Dipshit.
Thing is, for all rational minds, the problem started when we were loosing hundreds of thousands of jobs per month at the end of Bush W's administration. Remember:

"Republican Death March: Betting Recession Continues and America Fails

By Brent Budowsky
The passage of the jobs bill represents a great victory for President Obama, a huge triumph for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and a tremendous moment for the smart Republican senators, Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania and Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins of Maine. It is a crushing blow for the do-nothing, obstructionist, recession Republicans who are betting against America."
Republican Death March: Betting Recession Continues and America Fails

Then, on the very eve of Obama's inauguration, there was the meeting by republicans where they came to an agreement to never allow Obama to win at any time. Whether it helped the workers of the country or not, they agreed to always stop any bill that obama wanted:

"Attending the dinner were House members Eric Cantor, Jeb Hensarling, Pete Hoekstra, Dan Lungren, Kevin McCarthy, Paul Ryan and Pete Sessions. From the Senate were Tom Coburn, Bob Corker, Jim DeMint, John Ensign and Jon Kyl. Others present were former House Speaker and future – and failed – presidential candidate Newt Gingrich and the Republican strategist Frank Luntz, who organised the dinner and sent out the invitations.
The dinner table was set in a square at Luntz's request so everyone could see one another and talk freely. The session lasted four hours and by the end the sombre mood had lifted: they had conceived a plan. They would take back the House in November 2010, which they did, and use it as a spear to mortally wound Obama in 2011 and take back the Senate and White House in 2012, Draper writes.

"If you act like you're the minority, you're going to stay in the minority," said Keven McCarthy, quoted by Draper. "We've gotta challenge them on every single bill and challenge them on every single campaign."
The Republicans have done that, bringing Washington to a near standstill several times during Obama's first term over debt and other issues."
The Conspiracy to Commit Legislative Constipation

Reoublicans voted for no helpful bills, voting in mass against several. And they brought no such bills to help the situation forward. Because they wanted the recession to go on. They cared not at all about the middle class or the unemployed of this country. They were, in short, unamerican.
So, prove me wrong. Find that bill meant to help that Republicans tried to put forward. And show us all they gave a damn.

Again fool it was a conspiracy to stop obama care, minimum wage laws and all Obama's other studio ideas to slow down and crash the economy some more in a disaster area.
So you say. But I could believe you, or believe Time magazine, The Hill, or many other expert sources. Since you have no credentials, you loose. And are lying like a rug. The fact is that there is no such thing a a studio idea, dipshit. Except in your addled brain.

It is true republicans passed 100s of job bills and democrats got paused 30 of their own , it is true Reid and the communities stalled them and most didn't see the light of day for a vote. No, it is a lie. Which is why you have no proof. Read the sources and try to learn something. Being less ignorant is always a good idea.

the republicans did what their voters asked them to do stop obama and Reid did what he did stall any and all bills so Obama didn't have to Veto them in front of the public

Still want to claim republicans didn't pass a single bill with democrats in a bipartisan manner? No, because I did not say that they did not, dipshit. I said they did not pass a single jobs bill. JOBS, dipshit. Look the word up. And still ignore my claim that Obama's henchman held them up? They did not, me boy, because they did not after January of 2014. Senate and the house were both under republican control. Jesus, you are stupid.

Here are just 10 of them, ranked in order of bipartisan support:

  • The Hire More Heroes Act(H.R. 3474) passed the House on March 11, 2014, with support from 183 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. You, nor I, have any idea what this is about except politicians patting themselves on the back. Hiring heroes seems like a good idea. But it does not increase jobs. It simply suggest that when you hire, hire heroes. Not a jobs bill.
  • The Success and Opportunity through Quality Charter Schools Act (H.R. 10) passed the House on May 9, 2014, with support from 158 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. Uh, a favorite subject of republicans, charter schools aimed at the wealthy, but not a jobs bill.
  • The Innovation Act (H.R. 3309) passed the House on December 5, 2013, with support from 130 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. Again, nothing to do with jobs, me poor ignorant con troll.
  • The Cybersecurity Information Sharing and Protection Act (H.R. 624) passed the House on April 18, 2013, with support from 92 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. Again, this was a bill that had nothing to do with jobs. It is aimed at protecting cybersecurity. Obviously.
  • The American Research and Competitiveness Act (H.R. 4438) passed the House on May 9, 2014, with support from 62 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. Nothing to do with jobs, so that would be, dipshit, not a jobs bill.
  • The America's Small Business Tax Relief Act (H.R. 4457) passed the House on June 12, 2014, with support from 53 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing.
  • The Domestic Prosperity and Global Freedom Act (H.R. 6) passed the House on June 25, 2014, with support from 46 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. A bill to promote freedom and wealth. Not a jobs bill, again.
  • The S Corporation Permanent Tax Relief Act(H.R. 4453) passed the House on June 12, 2014, with support from 42 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. A bill to reduce income taxes for the wealthy who use S corporation accounting methods. Again, not a jobs bill, just a bill to increase the wealth of the wealthy.
  • The Coal Residuals Reuse and Management Act (H.R. 2218) passed the House on July 25, 2013, with support from 39 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. A wet kiss to the coal industry, but not a jobs bill.
  • The Small Business Capital Access and Job Preservation Act (H.R. 1105) passed the House on December 4, 2013, with support from 36 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. Not passed.
So, exactly zero bills were passed of the 10 you listed. Exactly zero of those bills was a job bill. See the problem yet. So, the republican controlled house passed no jobs bills, and since 2014, the republican controlled Senate has passed no bills.
So, you could not find a jobs bill brought forward by a republican. SURPRISE.
How is that happy dance going, dipshit?


I see you didn't want to comment on this one why is that?

  • The Small Business Capital Access and Job Preservation Act (H.R. 1105) passed the House on December 4, 2013, with support from 36 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. Not passed.

? And Why wouldn't harry want to pass the hire a veteran/hero Bill? Why would obama veto it? If it is just a symbolic Bill...

Answer me that...

I posted 10 bills that harry refused to be voted on, you going to post the other 300

Now tell me the jobs bills that the house members didn't pass?

And again what bills for the poor did you want? More hand outs?
No, this isn't about ditching management and replacing them with union representatives, this is about the whole company caring about all the employees, not having a company divided between the 'managers' and the 'managed'. It's already been done by a fair amount of companies:
The Employee Ownership 100: America's Largest Majority Employee-Owned Companies

I didn't say anything about ditching or dividing, you're talking about forcing a business owner to either put unqualified people in management positions with them, or just generally sharing management with unqualified people. It doesn't matter how many different ways you try to explain this, sharing a business with what's basically a Union is a terrible idea.

It's already been shown to work (I trust you took a look at the link I provided above), and I think it would gain a lot more traction if it weren't for the fact that most money is produced by the banks, and what little remains is produced by the government.

I don't follow your reasoning. I think you would agree that incentives to do well energize people to do well. This is extending this beyond 'management' to encompass the 'managed' as well.

Incentives do motivate people, yes

Well then, I think we should be in agreement that if everyone in a company shared in the profits when business went well, everyone would be motivated to do well. Conversely, if the business did badly, -everyone's- shares would do badly, not just management. Surely there couldn't be a better motivator for everyone involved to do well.

Nothing so simple as that. I'm thinking it should be a gradual process, with many employees buying into a share of the companies/corporations they work for. I think that -all- shares should be voting shares when it comes to electing the board of directors. I think it's high time that more business become democratic.

If that were the case, it wouldn't be someone's business to own. They would not be a business owner. I don't think anyone builds a business thinking "Gee, I wanna share this with a bunch of random people and be unable to make executive decisions."

Corporations are already generally owned by shareholders with voting shares, not by a single owner. Employee owned business already exist. I think this is really the future- it incorporates the best of capitalism and of socialistic policies.
Before I begin, I'd like to say that while I've posted in many online forums over the years, I've never started a thread of this nature anywhere. It was something that definitely interested me, but not to the extent that I thought I should start a thread about it. That has now changed. I began to seriously get engaged in a thread discussing this subject, even though the thread itself had nothing to do with the economy. I think it's high time I transfer it over to one that does.

So now, for my politics: I am generally left wing, though I also believe in the market, so long as it is properly regulated. I think one of the biggest problem that economies today face is the double whammy of the rapacious nature of many corporations, and the way money is created. For those who are unfamiliar with how money is created, I invite you to take a look at the following 45 minute animated documentary on the subject:

I think it's fair to say that I'm a Berniecrat, despite the fact that I'm Canadian and so would never have been able to vote for him. I think he generally had the right idea on how to turn things around. What I'd like to discuss here, in a constructive way, is what people here think of Bernie's policy platform, and why. As I mentioned, I had previously been discussing the subject of how to efficiently run an economy in a thread that really had nothing to do with this, so I'll now be replying to those who I was discussing things with over there into this thread instead.

I found the video interesting to watch, but it is not completely accurate. Please take a look at the following playlist.

BANKING 101 - YouTube

You couldn't just tell me what you found to be innacurate from the video -.-? I saw the first video in your playlist, it seemed fine...
Who generally finances politicians' campaigns? Who lobbies them? The general population or the rich?

Certain corporations, but as I detailed before, they can't be prevented from doing that.

I actually posted a video in the very post you were responding that details how it can be done:

I agree that politics are totally off base from what the average citizen wants in both parties. Hence the US is really an oligarchy at this point rather than democracy.

Agreed. I think Bernie Sander's attempt at becoming the nominee for the democrats showed just how skewed the current system is against letting a truly good populist like him become president.

Taking away campaign contributions is a good way to fix this, as monetary influence should be removed from politics so that politicians can focus on the best choices for their citizenry.

Aye, or atleast make it so that people can only contribute minimally ($27 each anyone ;-)?)

I agree the free market needs to play no part in political elections themselves. However, if you think about it won't these companies just invest in propaganda in favor of their favorite political candidate anyway? It's like the oil companies investing in campaigns to promote fracking, they are doing that without campaign contributions, yet still swaying the public opinion. It is going to happen no matter how many regulations you try to burden companies and the rich down with, people are innovative in this way. Setup a road block and we will find a way around it whether you like it or not.

Well, I atleast think that the effort should be made. I personally believe the biggest help would be to return money creation to the people who work hard for it, instead of the banks, though. I believe cryptocurrencies like bitcoin and the removal of the current fiat currencies of the world are the answer there.
It's already been shown to work (I trust you took a look at the link I provided above), and I think it would gain a lot more traction if it weren't for the fact that most money is produced by the banks, and what little remains is produced by the government.
Except it wasn't shown to work, and I already explained why it doesn't work earlier in the thread. I showed Germany's economy is worse, even with such an incompetent president.

Well then, I think we should be in agreement that if everyone in a company shared in the profits when business went well, everyone would be motivated to do well. Conversely, if the business did badly, -everyone's- shares would do badly, not just management. Surely there couldn't be a better motivator for everyone involved to do well.
No, we don't agree, if that were the case Unions wouldn't work the way they do.

Corporations are already generally owned by shareholders with voting shares, not by a single owner. Employee owned business already exist. I think this is really the future- it incorporates the best of capitalism and of socialistic policies.
Except Socialism has no 'best', it's inherently a stupid ideal, shared by the world's failures. That's like saying you'll make diamonds better by coating them in mucus. It's not the future, because most Nations want to keep employers so their economy doesn't keel over and die.

Also, I have never heard a republican have a problem when the poor suffer. From the start of the great recession of 2008, republicans blocked every single attempt to pass bills to help the situation. And with unanimous support by all republican congressmen. And they put forward exactly zero bills to help. Zero. So, they are the party of the 1%.And to hell with the working class.

Again you are so argonant, full of shit and lying.


In the "do-nothing Senate," there are 352 House bills "sitting on Harry Reid’s desk awaiting action," including 55 introduced by Democrats.
Lynn Jenkins on Tuesday, July 29th, 2014 in a press conference

Rep. Lynn Jenkins blames Harry Reid for 'do-nothing Senate
Are you dancing your happy dance, me boy? You should not be. You are about to strike out.
What I said, me poor stupid con troll, is that republicans put NO BILLS FORWARD to address the great republican recession of 2008. No lie at all. They put lots of bills forward to help their friends, the wealthy. Now, do you want to show which bill is not to help the wealthy but to do something about their very own recession.
I am still looking for one. Which is why you can show no bill that was meant to address their very own great recession. Just business issues for the congress and wet kisses for the wealthy. Dipshit.
Thing is, for all rational minds, the problem started when we were loosing hundreds of thousands of jobs per month at the end of Bush W's administration. Remember:

"Republican Death March: Betting Recession Continues and America Fails

By Brent Budowsky
The passage of the jobs bill represents a great victory for President Obama, a huge triumph for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and a tremendous moment for the smart Republican senators, Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania and Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins of Maine. It is a crushing blow for the do-nothing, obstructionist, recession Republicans who are betting against America."
Republican Death March: Betting Recession Continues and America Fails

Then, on the very eve of Obama's inauguration, there was the meeting by republicans where they came to an agreement to never allow Obama to win at any time. Whether it helped the workers of the country or not, they agreed to always stop any bill that obama wanted:

"Attending the dinner were House members Eric Cantor, Jeb Hensarling, Pete Hoekstra, Dan Lungren, Kevin McCarthy, Paul Ryan and Pete Sessions. From the Senate were Tom Coburn, Bob Corker, Jim DeMint, John Ensign and Jon Kyl. Others present were former House Speaker and future – and failed – presidential candidate Newt Gingrich and the Republican strategist Frank Luntz, who organised the dinner and sent out the invitations.
The dinner table was set in a square at Luntz's request so everyone could see one another and talk freely. The session lasted four hours and by the end the sombre mood had lifted: they had conceived a plan. They would take back the House in November 2010, which they did, and use it as a spear to mortally wound Obama in 2011 and take back the Senate and White House in 2012, Draper writes.

"If you act like you're the minority, you're going to stay in the minority," said Keven McCarthy, quoted by Draper. "We've gotta challenge them on every single bill and challenge them on every single campaign."
The Republicans have done that, bringing Washington to a near standstill several times during Obama's first term over debt and other issues."
The Conspiracy to Commit Legislative Constipation

Reoublicans voted for no helpful bills, voting in mass against several. And they brought no such bills to help the situation forward. Because they wanted the recession to go on. They cared not at all about the middle class or the unemployed of this country. They were, in short, unamerican.
So, prove me wrong. Find that bill meant to help that Republicans tried to put forward. And show us all they gave a damn.

Again fool it was a conspiracy to stop obama care, minimum wage laws and all Obama's other studio ideas to slow down and crash the economy some more in a disaster area.
So you say. But I could believe you, or believe Time magazine, The Hill, or many other expert sources. Since you have no credentials, you loose. And are lying like a rug. The fact is that there is no such thing a a studio idea, dipshit. Except in your addled brain.

It is true republicans passed 100s of job bills and democrats got paused 30 of their own , it is true Reid and the communities stalled them and most didn't see the light of day for a vote. No, it is a lie. Which is why you have no proof. Read the sources and try to learn something. Being less ignorant is always a good idea.

the republicans did what their voters asked them to do stop obama and Reid did what he did stall any and all bills so Obama didn't have to Veto them in front of the public

Still want to claim republicans didn't pass a single bill with democrats in a bipartisan manner? No, because I did not say that they did not, dipshit. I said they did not pass a single jobs bill. JOBS, dipshit. Look the word up. And still ignore my claim that Obama's henchman held them up? They did not, me boy, because they did not after January of 2014. Senate and the house were both under republican control. Jesus, you are stupid.

Here are just 10 of them, ranked in order of bipartisan support:

  • The Hire More Heroes Act(H.R. 3474) passed the House on March 11, 2014, with support from 183 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. You, nor I, have any idea what this is about except politicians patting themselves on the back. Hiring heroes seems like a good idea. But it does not increase jobs. It simply suggest that when you hire, hire heroes. Not a jobs bill.
  • The Success and Opportunity through Quality Charter Schools Act (H.R. 10) passed the House on May 9, 2014, with support from 158 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. Uh, a favorite subject of republicans, charter schools aimed at the wealthy, but not a jobs bill.
  • The Innovation Act (H.R. 3309) passed the House on December 5, 2013, with support from 130 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. Again, nothing to do with jobs, me poor ignorant con troll.
  • The Cybersecurity Information Sharing and Protection Act (H.R. 624) passed the House on April 18, 2013, with support from 92 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. Again, this was a bill that had nothing to do with jobs. It is aimed at protecting cybersecurity. Obviously.
  • The American Research and Competitiveness Act (H.R. 4438) passed the House on May 9, 2014, with support from 62 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. Nothing to do with jobs, so that would be, dipshit, not a jobs bill.
  • The America's Small Business Tax Relief Act (H.R. 4457) passed the House on June 12, 2014, with support from 53 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing.
  • The Domestic Prosperity and Global Freedom Act (H.R. 6) passed the House on June 25, 2014, with support from 46 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. A bill to promote freedom and wealth. Not a jobs bill, again.
  • The S Corporation Permanent Tax Relief Act(H.R. 4453) passed the House on June 12, 2014, with support from 42 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. A bill to reduce income taxes for the wealthy who use S corporation accounting methods. Again, not a jobs bill, just a bill to increase the wealth of the wealthy.
  • The Coal Residuals Reuse and Management Act (H.R. 2218) passed the House on July 25, 2013, with support from 39 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. A wet kiss to the coal industry, but not a jobs bill.
  • The Small Business Capital Access and Job Preservation Act (H.R. 1105) passed the House on December 4, 2013, with support from 36 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. Not passed.
So, exactly zero bills were passed of the 10 you listed. Exactly zero of those bills was a job bill. See the problem yet. So, the republican controlled house passed no jobs bills, and since 2014, the republican controlled Senate has passed no bills.
So, you could not find a jobs bill brought forward by a republican. SURPRISE.
How is that happy dance going, dipshit?

I see you didn't want to comment on this one why is that?

  • The Small Business Capital Access and Job Preservation Act (H.R. 1105) passed the House on December 4, 2013, with support from 36 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. Not passed. I missed it. Simple enough to comment on. It was not a jobs bill, at any point. If it were dems would have passed it. You have a bill name which is interesting, but my bet is that it is of no value for saving jobs.

? And Why wouldn't harry want to pass the hire a veteran/hero Bill? Why would obama veto it? If it is just a symbolic Bill...

Answer me that... I do not believe that Harry, apparently your friend, stopped the bill with no reason. You have no information.
Shy would obama veto it? Is obama shy? He did not veto it. Obviously. Stop lying. It is getting old.
If it is just a symbolic bill, why do you list it, since it 1. Is not a jobs bill, and 2. Did not pass. 3, Is not important, just symbolic. Dipshit.
You know what, I am going to try to educate you. Because you really need it. Even though I do not like you.
Did you know that there are between 5 and 10 thousand bills every year in the possession of the head of the house or senate. Of those, did you know that only about 5% ever get passed. Under any administration. So, if Harry has 450 bills on his desk, only about 20 would likely be passed under any circumstance. Of those 450 would be voted on, the rest would be pulled for various reasons. Do you feel stupid yet?

Out of 5,000 Bills in Every Congress, Guess How Many Become Law?
I posted 10 bills that harry refused to be voted on, you going to post the other 300.
You have no proof of whether these particular 10 bills were ever voted on, me boy. None at all. I hear Harry had all voted on. Got any proof of anything, dipshit?
I really do not care how many bills you posted. NONE WERE JOBS BILLS, me poor ignorant con troll. And you posted 10 bills that you have no idea what happened to. See above to explain what happens to bills normally, me ignorant con troll.

Now tell me the jobs bills that the house members didn't pass?
Not before you can show me the great jobs created by republican jobs bills. Me lying con troll. I am tired of educating you, when you only lie and pretend. Where are those great republican jobs bills, and how many jobs did they create????

What the Republicans did not vote for was every stimulus bill brought to the hill, all by democrats. What every single republican voted against but that did pass was the Obama Stimulus. Which created over 9 MILLION jobs. That, me boy, is a jobs bill. Got a republican jobs bill, So far, we have 9,265,000 jobs created by democratics to
zero created by Republicans. dipshit.
Here, again for your education, is a link to my claim. You will notice it is It is impartial and it is well respected by dems and republicans. Read and learn, me poor ignorant con troll.
Obama’s Numbers (January 2016 Update)

And again what bills for the poor did you want? More hand outs? No, me congenital idiot. Jobs, me boy. That thing which you and republicans do not care about.
So, have you always been an ass hole, or is it something you are just now working on.

So far, you have made lots of claims, proven you do not know how congress works, or what powers the president has, called a number of proposed bills jobs bills with no proof, and disrespected the working people of this country. Not working out well for you, me boy.
Also, I have never heard a republican have a problem when the poor suffer. From the start of the great recession of 2008, republicans blocked every single attempt to pass bills to help the situation. And with unanimous support by all republican congressmen. And they put forward exactly zero bills to help. Zero. So, they are the party of the 1%.And to hell with the working class.

Again you are so argonant, full of shit and lying.


In the "do-nothing Senate," there are 352 House bills "sitting on Harry Reid’s desk awaiting action," including 55 introduced by Democrats.
Lynn Jenkins on Tuesday, July 29th, 2014 in a press conference

Rep. Lynn Jenkins blames Harry Reid for 'do-nothing Senate
Are you dancing your happy dance, me boy? You should not be. You are about to strike out.
What I said, me poor stupid con troll, is that republicans put NO BILLS FORWARD to address the great republican recession of 2008. No lie at all. They put lots of bills forward to help their friends, the wealthy. Now, do you want to show which bill is not to help the wealthy but to do something about their very own recession.
I am still looking for one. Which is why you can show no bill that was meant to address their very own great recession. Just business issues for the congress and wet kisses for the wealthy. Dipshit.
Thing is, for all rational minds, the problem started when we were loosing hundreds of thousands of jobs per month at the end of Bush W's administration. Remember:

"Republican Death March: Betting Recession Continues and America Fails

By Brent Budowsky
The passage of the jobs bill represents a great victory for President Obama, a huge triumph for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and a tremendous moment for the smart Republican senators, Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania and Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins of Maine. It is a crushing blow for the do-nothing, obstructionist, recession Republicans who are betting against America."
Republican Death March: Betting Recession Continues and America Fails

Then, on the very eve of Obama's inauguration, there was the meeting by republicans where they came to an agreement to never allow Obama to win at any time. Whether it helped the workers of the country or not, they agreed to always stop any bill that obama wanted:

"Attending the dinner were House members Eric Cantor, Jeb Hensarling, Pete Hoekstra, Dan Lungren, Kevin McCarthy, Paul Ryan and Pete Sessions. From the Senate were Tom Coburn, Bob Corker, Jim DeMint, John Ensign and Jon Kyl. Others present were former House Speaker and future – and failed – presidential candidate Newt Gingrich and the Republican strategist Frank Luntz, who organised the dinner and sent out the invitations.
The dinner table was set in a square at Luntz's request so everyone could see one another and talk freely. The session lasted four hours and by the end the sombre mood had lifted: they had conceived a plan. They would take back the House in November 2010, which they did, and use it as a spear to mortally wound Obama in 2011 and take back the Senate and White House in 2012, Draper writes.

"If you act like you're the minority, you're going to stay in the minority," said Keven McCarthy, quoted by Draper. "We've gotta challenge them on every single bill and challenge them on every single campaign."
The Republicans have done that, bringing Washington to a near standstill several times during Obama's first term over debt and other issues."
The Conspiracy to Commit Legislative Constipation

Reoublicans voted for no helpful bills, voting in mass against several. And they brought no such bills to help the situation forward. Because they wanted the recession to go on. They cared not at all about the middle class or the unemployed of this country. They were, in short, unamerican.
So, prove me wrong. Find that bill meant to help that Republicans tried to put forward. And show us all they gave a damn.

Again fool it was a conspiracy to stop obama care, minimum wage laws and all Obama's other studio ideas to slow down and crash the economy some more in a disaster area.
So you say. But I could believe you, or believe Time magazine, The Hill, or many other expert sources. Since you have no credentials, you loose. And are lying like a rug. The fact is that there is no such thing a a studio idea, dipshit. Except in your addled brain.

It is true republicans passed 100s of job bills and democrats got paused 30 of their own , it is true Reid and the communities stalled them and most didn't see the light of day for a vote. No, it is a lie. Which is why you have no proof. Read the sources and try to learn something. Being less ignorant is always a good idea.

the republicans did what their voters asked them to do stop obama and Reid did what he did stall any and all bills so Obama didn't have to Veto them in front of the public

Still want to claim republicans didn't pass a single bill with democrats in a bipartisan manner? No, because I did not say that they did not, dipshit. I said they did not pass a single jobs bill. JOBS, dipshit. Look the word up. And still ignore my claim that Obama's henchman held them up? They did not, me boy, because they did not after January of 2014. Senate and the house were both under republican control. Jesus, you are stupid.

Here are just 10 of them, ranked in order of bipartisan support:

  • The Hire More Heroes Act(H.R. 3474) passed the House on March 11, 2014, with support from 183 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. You, nor I, have any idea what this is about except politicians patting themselves on the back. Hiring heroes seems like a good idea. But it does not increase jobs. It simply suggest that when you hire, hire heroes. Not a jobs bill.
  • The Success and Opportunity through Quality Charter Schools Act (H.R. 10) passed the House on May 9, 2014, with support from 158 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. Uh, a favorite subject of republicans, charter schools aimed at the wealthy, but not a jobs bill.
  • The Innovation Act (H.R. 3309) passed the House on December 5, 2013, with support from 130 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. Again, nothing to do with jobs, me poor ignorant con troll.
  • The Cybersecurity Information Sharing and Protection Act (H.R. 624) passed the House on April 18, 2013, with support from 92 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. Again, this was a bill that had nothing to do with jobs. It is aimed at protecting cybersecurity. Obviously.
  • The American Research and Competitiveness Act (H.R. 4438) passed the House on May 9, 2014, with support from 62 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. Nothing to do with jobs, so that would be, dipshit, not a jobs bill.
  • The America's Small Business Tax Relief Act (H.R. 4457) passed the House on June 12, 2014, with support from 53 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing.
  • The Domestic Prosperity and Global Freedom Act (H.R. 6) passed the House on June 25, 2014, with support from 46 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. A bill to promote freedom and wealth. Not a jobs bill, again.
  • The S Corporation Permanent Tax Relief Act(H.R. 4453) passed the House on June 12, 2014, with support from 42 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. A bill to reduce income taxes for the wealthy who use S corporation accounting methods. Again, not a jobs bill, just a bill to increase the wealth of the wealthy.
  • The Coal Residuals Reuse and Management Act (H.R. 2218) passed the House on July 25, 2013, with support from 39 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. A wet kiss to the coal industry, but not a jobs bill.
  • The Small Business Capital Access and Job Preservation Act (H.R. 1105) passed the House on December 4, 2013, with support from 36 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. Not passed.
So, exactly zero bills were passed of the 10 you listed. Exactly zero of those bills was a job bill. See the problem yet. So, the republican controlled house passed no jobs bills, and since 2014, the republican controlled Senate has passed no bills.
So, you could not find a jobs bill brought forward by a republican. SURPRISE.
How is that happy dance going, dipshit?

I see you didn't want to comment on this one why is that?

  • The Small Business Capital Access and Job Preservation Act (H.R. 1105) passed the House on December 4, 2013, with support from 36 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. Not passed. I missed it. Simple enough to comment on. It was not a jobs bill, at any point. If it were dems would have passed it. You have a bill name which is interesting, but my bet is that it is of no value for saving jobs.

? And Why wouldn't harry want to pass the hire a veteran/hero Bill? Why would obama veto it? If it is just a symbolic Bill...

Answer me that... I do not believe that Harry, apparently your friend, stopped the bill with no reason. You have no information.
Shy would obama veto it? Is obama shy? He did not veto it. Obviously. Stop lying. It is getting old.
If it is just a symbolic bill, why do you list it, since it 1. Is not a jobs bill, and 2. Did not pass. 3, Is not important, just symbolic. Dipshit.
You know what, I am going to try to educate you. Because you really need it. Even though I do not like you.
Did you know that there are between 5 and 10 thousand bills every year in the possession of the head of the house or senate. Of those, did you know that only about 5% ever get passed. Under any administration. So, if Harry has 450 bills on his desk, only about 20 would likely be passed under any circumstance. Of those 450 would be voted on, the rest would be pulled for various reasons. Do you feel stupid yet?

Out of 5,000 Bills in Every Congress, Guess How Many Become Law?
I posted 10 bills that harry refused to be voted on, you going to post the other 300.
You have no proof of whether these particular 10 bills were ever voted on, me boy. None at all. I hear Harry had all voted on. Got any proof of anything, dipshit?
I really do not care how many bills you posted. NONE WERE JOBS BILLS, me poor ignorant con troll. And you posted 10 bills that you have no idea what happened to. See above to explain what happens to bills normally, me ignorant con troll.

Now tell me the jobs bills that the house members didn't pass?
Not before you can show me the great jobs created by republican jobs bills. Me lying con troll. I am tired of educating you, when you only lie and pretend. Where are those great republican jobs bills, and how many jobs did they create????

What the Republicans did not vote for was every stimulus bill brought to the hill, all by democrats. What every single republican voted against but that did pass was the Obama Stimulus. Which created over 9 MILLION jobs. That, me boy, is a jobs bill. Got a republican jobs bill, So far, we have 9,265,000 jobs created by democratics to
zero created by Republicans. dipshit.
Here, again for your education, is a link to my claim. You will notice it is It is impartial and it is well respected by dems and republicans. Read and learn, me poor ignorant con troll.
Obama’s Numbers (January 2016 Update)

And again what bills for the poor did you want? More hand outs? No, me congenital idiot. Jobs, me boy. That thing which you and republicans do not care about.
So, have you always been an ass hole, or is it something you are just now working on.

So far, you have made lots of claims, proven you do not know how congress works, or what powers the president has, called a number of proposed bills jobs bills with no proof, and disrespected the working people of this country. Not working out well for you, me boy.

You have no proof of whether these particular 10 bills were ever voted on, me boy. None at all. I hear Harry had all voted on. Got any proof of anything, dipshit?
I really do not care how many bills you posted. NONE WERE JOBS BILLS, me poor ignorant con troll. And you posted 10 bills that you have no idea what happened to. See above to explain what happens to bills normally, me ignorant con troll.

I gave you the proof spunk, that the republican and democrat jobs bills no how little and symbolic they were passed the house and Senate, but didn't go to a full vote because harry Reid and the cometties hid them.

My proof is in the pudding dumb dumb, obama I think I am right has the all time low of vetos in the history of the USA.

Harry Reid protected obama, plain and simple from the public eye, Damn dude, regeans own party shut down the government over his vetos like what five times?
Obama's historic lows of vetos= only one thing and one thing only

Harry Reid refused flat out for an open vote to send them to Obama so he didn't have to bother with the media and public perception of him.
Also, I have never heard a republican have a problem when the poor suffer. From the start of the great recession of 2008, republicans blocked every single attempt to pass bills to help the situation. And with unanimous support by all republican congressmen. And they put forward exactly zero bills to help. Zero. So, they are the party of the 1%.And to hell with the working class.

Again you are so argonant, full of shit and lying.


In the "do-nothing Senate," there are 352 House bills "sitting on Harry Reid’s desk awaiting action," including 55 introduced by Democrats.
Lynn Jenkins on Tuesday, July 29th, 2014 in a press conference

Rep. Lynn Jenkins blames Harry Reid for 'do-nothing Senate
Are you dancing your happy dance, me boy? You should not be. You are about to strike out.
What I said, me poor stupid con troll, is that republicans put NO BILLS FORWARD to address the great republican recession of 2008. No lie at all. They put lots of bills forward to help their friends, the wealthy. Now, do you want to show which bill is not to help the wealthy but to do something about their very own recession.
I am still looking for one. Which is why you can show no bill that was meant to address their very own great recession. Just business issues for the congress and wet kisses for the wealthy. Dipshit.
Thing is, for all rational minds, the problem started when we were loosing hundreds of thousands of jobs per month at the end of Bush W's administration. Remember:

"Republican Death March: Betting Recession Continues and America Fails

By Brent Budowsky
The passage of the jobs bill represents a great victory for President Obama, a huge triumph for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and a tremendous moment for the smart Republican senators, Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania and Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins of Maine. It is a crushing blow for the do-nothing, obstructionist, recession Republicans who are betting against America."
Republican Death March: Betting Recession Continues and America Fails

Then, on the very eve of Obama's inauguration, there was the meeting by republicans where they came to an agreement to never allow Obama to win at any time. Whether it helped the workers of the country or not, they agreed to always stop any bill that obama wanted:

"Attending the dinner were House members Eric Cantor, Jeb Hensarling, Pete Hoekstra, Dan Lungren, Kevin McCarthy, Paul Ryan and Pete Sessions. From the Senate were Tom Coburn, Bob Corker, Jim DeMint, John Ensign and Jon Kyl. Others present were former House Speaker and future – and failed – presidential candidate Newt Gingrich and the Republican strategist Frank Luntz, who organised the dinner and sent out the invitations.
The dinner table was set in a square at Luntz's request so everyone could see one another and talk freely. The session lasted four hours and by the end the sombre mood had lifted: they had conceived a plan. They would take back the House in November 2010, which they did, and use it as a spear to mortally wound Obama in 2011 and take back the Senate and White House in 2012, Draper writes.

"If you act like you're the minority, you're going to stay in the minority," said Keven McCarthy, quoted by Draper. "We've gotta challenge them on every single bill and challenge them on every single campaign."
The Republicans have done that, bringing Washington to a near standstill several times during Obama's first term over debt and other issues."
The Conspiracy to Commit Legislative Constipation

Reoublicans voted for no helpful bills, voting in mass against several. And they brought no such bills to help the situation forward. Because they wanted the recession to go on. They cared not at all about the middle class or the unemployed of this country. They were, in short, unamerican.
So, prove me wrong. Find that bill meant to help that Republicans tried to put forward. And show us all they gave a damn.

Again fool it was a conspiracy to stop obama care, minimum wage laws and all Obama's other studio ideas to slow down and crash the economy some more in a disaster area.
So you say. But I could believe you, or believe Time magazine, The Hill, or many other expert sources. Since you have no credentials, you loose. And are lying like a rug. The fact is that there is no such thing a a studio idea, dipshit. Except in your addled brain.

It is true republicans passed 100s of job bills and democrats got paused 30 of their own , it is true Reid and the communities stalled them and most didn't see the light of day for a vote. No, it is a lie. Which is why you have no proof. Read the sources and try to learn something. Being less ignorant is always a good idea.

the republicans did what their voters asked them to do stop obama and Reid did what he did stall any and all bills so Obama didn't have to Veto them in front of the public

Still want to claim republicans didn't pass a single bill with democrats in a bipartisan manner? No, because I did not say that they did not, dipshit. I said they did not pass a single jobs bill. JOBS, dipshit. Look the word up. And still ignore my claim that Obama's henchman held them up? They did not, me boy, because they did not after January of 2014. Senate and the house were both under republican control. Jesus, you are stupid.

Here are just 10 of them, ranked in order of bipartisan support:

  • The Hire More Heroes Act(H.R. 3474) passed the House on March 11, 2014, with support from 183 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. You, nor I, have any idea what this is about except politicians patting themselves on the back. Hiring heroes seems like a good idea. But it does not increase jobs. It simply suggest that when you hire, hire heroes. Not a jobs bill.
  • The Success and Opportunity through Quality Charter Schools Act (H.R. 10) passed the House on May 9, 2014, with support from 158 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. Uh, a favorite subject of republicans, charter schools aimed at the wealthy, but not a jobs bill.
  • The Innovation Act (H.R. 3309) passed the House on December 5, 2013, with support from 130 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. Again, nothing to do with jobs, me poor ignorant con troll.
  • The Cybersecurity Information Sharing and Protection Act (H.R. 624) passed the House on April 18, 2013, with support from 92 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. Again, this was a bill that had nothing to do with jobs. It is aimed at protecting cybersecurity. Obviously.
  • The American Research and Competitiveness Act (H.R. 4438) passed the House on May 9, 2014, with support from 62 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. Nothing to do with jobs, so that would be, dipshit, not a jobs bill.
  • The America's Small Business Tax Relief Act (H.R. 4457) passed the House on June 12, 2014, with support from 53 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing.
  • The Domestic Prosperity and Global Freedom Act (H.R. 6) passed the House on June 25, 2014, with support from 46 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. A bill to promote freedom and wealth. Not a jobs bill, again.
  • The S Corporation Permanent Tax Relief Act(H.R. 4453) passed the House on June 12, 2014, with support from 42 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. A bill to reduce income taxes for the wealthy who use S corporation accounting methods. Again, not a jobs bill, just a bill to increase the wealth of the wealthy.
  • The Coal Residuals Reuse and Management Act (H.R. 2218) passed the House on July 25, 2013, with support from 39 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. A wet kiss to the coal industry, but not a jobs bill.
  • The Small Business Capital Access and Job Preservation Act (H.R. 1105) passed the House on December 4, 2013, with support from 36 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. Not passed.
So, exactly zero bills were passed of the 10 you listed. Exactly zero of those bills was a job bill. See the problem yet. So, the republican controlled house passed no jobs bills, and since 2014, the republican controlled Senate has passed no bills.
So, you could not find a jobs bill brought forward by a republican. SURPRISE.
How is that happy dance going, dipshit?

I see you didn't want to comment on this one why is that?

  • The Small Business Capital Access and Job Preservation Act (H.R. 1105) passed the House on December 4, 2013, with support from 36 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. Not passed. I missed it. Simple enough to comment on. It was not a jobs bill, at any point. If it were dems would have passed it. You have a bill name which is interesting, but my bet is that it is of no value for saving jobs.

? And Why wouldn't harry want to pass the hire a veteran/hero Bill? Why would obama veto it? If it is just a symbolic Bill...

Answer me that... I do not believe that Harry, apparently your friend, stopped the bill with no reason. You have no information.
Shy would obama veto it? Is obama shy? He did not veto it. Obviously. Stop lying. It is getting old.
If it is just a symbolic bill, why do you list it, since it 1. Is not a jobs bill, and 2. Did not pass. 3, Is not important, just symbolic. Dipshit.
You know what, I am going to try to educate you. Because you really need it. Even though I do not like you.
Did you know that there are between 5 and 10 thousand bills every year in the possession of the head of the house or senate. Of those, did you know that only about 5% ever get passed. Under any administration. So, if Harry has 450 bills on his desk, only about 20 would likely be passed under any circumstance. Of those 450 would be voted on, the rest would be pulled for various reasons. Do you feel stupid yet?

Out of 5,000 Bills in Every Congress, Guess How Many Become Law?
I posted 10 bills that harry refused to be voted on, you going to post the other 300.
You have no proof of whether these particular 10 bills were ever voted on, me boy. None at all. I hear Harry had all voted on. Got any proof of anything, dipshit?
I really do not care how many bills you posted. NONE WERE JOBS BILLS, me poor ignorant con troll. And you posted 10 bills that you have no idea what happened to. See above to explain what happens to bills normally, me ignorant con troll.

Now tell me the jobs bills that the house members didn't pass?
Not before you can show me the great jobs created by republican jobs bills. Me lying con troll. I am tired of educating you, when you only lie and pretend. Where are those great republican jobs bills, and how many jobs did they create????

What the Republicans did not vote for was every stimulus bill brought to the hill, all by democrats. What every single republican voted against but that did pass was the Obama Stimulus. Which created over 9 MILLION jobs. That, me boy, is a jobs bill. Got a republican jobs bill, So far, we have 9,265,000 jobs created by democratics to
zero created by Republicans. dipshit.
Here, again for your education, is a link to my claim. You will notice it is It is impartial and it is well respected by dems and republicans. Read and learn, me poor ignorant con troll.
Obama’s Numbers (January 2016 Update)

And again what bills for the poor did you want? More hand outs? No, me congenital idiot. Jobs, me boy. That thing which you and republicans do not care about.
So, have you always been an ass hole, or is it something you are just now working on.

So far, you have made lots of claims, proven you do not know how congress works, or what powers the president has, called a number of proposed bills jobs bills with no proof, and disrespected the working people of this country. Not working out well for you, me boy.

Again this argument began when you said zero jobs bills were past and I have proof they matter how small and just symbolic

You are dealing now with two sides who can't even agree on how to pay for a lunch Bill, quit changing the goal posts.

Simple enough to comment on. It was not a jobs bill, at any point. If it were dems would have passed it. You have a bill name which is interesting, but my bet is that it is of no value for saving jobs.
Are you dancing your happy dance, me boy? You should not be. You are about to strike out.
What I said, me poor stupid con troll, is that republicans put NO BILLS FORWARD to address the great republican recession of 2008. No lie at all. They put lots of bills forward to help their friends, the wealthy. Now, do you want to show which bill is not to help the wealthy but to do something about their very own recession.
I am still looking for one. Which is why you can show no bill that was meant to address their very own great recession. Just business issues for the congress and wet kisses for the wealthy. Dipshit.
Thing is, for all rational minds, the problem started when we were loosing hundreds of thousands of jobs per month at the end of Bush W's administration. Remember:

"Republican Death March: Betting Recession Continues and America Fails

By Brent Budowsky
The passage of the jobs bill represents a great victory for President Obama, a huge triumph for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and a tremendous moment for the smart Republican senators, Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania and Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins of Maine. It is a crushing blow for the do-nothing, obstructionist, recession Republicans who are betting against America."
Republican Death March: Betting Recession Continues and America Fails

Then, on the very eve of Obama's inauguration, there was the meeting by republicans where they came to an agreement to never allow Obama to win at any time. Whether it helped the workers of the country or not, they agreed to always stop any bill that obama wanted:

"Attending the dinner were House members Eric Cantor, Jeb Hensarling, Pete Hoekstra, Dan Lungren, Kevin McCarthy, Paul Ryan and Pete Sessions. From the Senate were Tom Coburn, Bob Corker, Jim DeMint, John Ensign and Jon Kyl. Others present were former House Speaker and future – and failed – presidential candidate Newt Gingrich and the Republican strategist Frank Luntz, who organised the dinner and sent out the invitations.
The dinner table was set in a square at Luntz's request so everyone could see one another and talk freely. The session lasted four hours and by the end the sombre mood had lifted: they had conceived a plan. They would take back the House in November 2010, which they did, and use it as a spear to mortally wound Obama in 2011 and take back the Senate and White House in 2012, Draper writes.

"If you act like you're the minority, you're going to stay in the minority," said Keven McCarthy, quoted by Draper. "We've gotta challenge them on every single bill and challenge them on every single campaign."
The Republicans have done that, bringing Washington to a near standstill several times during Obama's first term over debt and other issues."
The Conspiracy to Commit Legislative Constipation

Reoublicans voted for no helpful bills, voting in mass against several. And they brought no such bills to help the situation forward. Because they wanted the recession to go on. They cared not at all about the middle class or the unemployed of this country. They were, in short, unamerican.
So, prove me wrong. Find that bill meant to help that Republicans tried to put forward. And show us all they gave a damn.

Again fool it was a conspiracy to stop obama care, minimum wage laws and all Obama's other studio ideas to slow down and crash the economy some more in a disaster area.
So you say. But I could believe you, or believe Time magazine, The Hill, or many other expert sources. Since you have no credentials, you loose. And are lying like a rug. The fact is that there is no such thing a a studio idea, dipshit. Except in your addled brain.

It is true republicans passed 100s of job bills and democrats got paused 30 of their own , it is true Reid and the communities stalled them and most didn't see the light of day for a vote. No, it is a lie. Which is why you have no proof. Read the sources and try to learn something. Being less ignorant is always a good idea.

the republicans did what their voters asked them to do stop obama and Reid did what he did stall any and all bills so Obama didn't have to Veto them in front of the public

Still want to claim republicans didn't pass a single bill with democrats in a bipartisan manner? No, because I did not say that they did not, dipshit. I said they did not pass a single jobs bill. JOBS, dipshit. Look the word up. And still ignore my claim that Obama's henchman held them up? They did not, me boy, because they did not after January of 2014. Senate and the house were both under republican control. Jesus, you are stupid.

Here are just 10 of them, ranked in order of bipartisan support:

  • The Hire More Heroes Act(H.R. 3474) passed the House on March 11, 2014, with support from 183 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. You, nor I, have any idea what this is about except politicians patting themselves on the back. Hiring heroes seems like a good idea. But it does not increase jobs. It simply suggest that when you hire, hire heroes. Not a jobs bill.
  • The Success and Opportunity through Quality Charter Schools Act (H.R. 10) passed the House on May 9, 2014, with support from 158 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. Uh, a favorite subject of republicans, charter schools aimed at the wealthy, but not a jobs bill.
  • The Innovation Act (H.R. 3309) passed the House on December 5, 2013, with support from 130 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. Again, nothing to do with jobs, me poor ignorant con troll.
  • The Cybersecurity Information Sharing and Protection Act (H.R. 624) passed the House on April 18, 2013, with support from 92 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. Again, this was a bill that had nothing to do with jobs. It is aimed at protecting cybersecurity. Obviously.
  • The American Research and Competitiveness Act (H.R. 4438) passed the House on May 9, 2014, with support from 62 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. Nothing to do with jobs, so that would be, dipshit, not a jobs bill.
  • The America's Small Business Tax Relief Act (H.R. 4457) passed the House on June 12, 2014, with support from 53 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing.
  • The Domestic Prosperity and Global Freedom Act (H.R. 6) passed the House on June 25, 2014, with support from 46 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. A bill to promote freedom and wealth. Not a jobs bill, again.
  • The S Corporation Permanent Tax Relief Act(H.R. 4453) passed the House on June 12, 2014, with support from 42 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. A bill to reduce income taxes for the wealthy who use S corporation accounting methods. Again, not a jobs bill, just a bill to increase the wealth of the wealthy.
  • The Coal Residuals Reuse and Management Act (H.R. 2218) passed the House on July 25, 2013, with support from 39 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. A wet kiss to the coal industry, but not a jobs bill.
  • The Small Business Capital Access and Job Preservation Act (H.R. 1105) passed the House on December 4, 2013, with support from 36 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. Not passed.
So, exactly zero bills were passed of the 10 you listed. Exactly zero of those bills was a job bill. See the problem yet. So, the republican controlled house passed no jobs bills, and since 2014, the republican controlled Senate has passed no bills.
So, you could not find a jobs bill brought forward by a republican. SURPRISE.
How is that happy dance going, dipshit?

I see you didn't want to comment on this one why is that?

  • The Small Business Capital Access and Job Preservation Act (H.R. 1105) passed the House on December 4, 2013, with support from 36 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. Not passed. I missed it. Simple enough to comment on. It was not a jobs bill, at any point. If it were dems would have passed it. You have a bill name which is interesting, but my bet is that it is of no value for saving jobs.

? And Why wouldn't harry want to pass the hire a veteran/hero Bill? Why would obama veto it? If it is just a symbolic Bill...

Answer me that... I do not believe that Harry, apparently your friend, stopped the bill with no reason. You have no information.
Shy would obama veto it? Is obama shy? He did not veto it. Obviously. Stop lying. It is getting old.
If it is just a symbolic bill, why do you list it, since it 1. Is not a jobs bill, and 2. Did not pass. 3, Is not important, just symbolic. Dipshit.
You know what, I am going to try to educate you. Because you really need it. Even though I do not like you.
Did you know that there are between 5 and 10 thousand bills every year in the possession of the head of the house or senate. Of those, did you know that only about 5% ever get passed. Under any administration. So, if Harry has 450 bills on his desk, only about 20 would likely be passed under any circumstance. Of those 450 would be voted on, the rest would be pulled for various reasons. Do you feel stupid yet?

Out of 5,000 Bills in Every Congress, Guess How Many Become Law?
I posted 10 bills that harry refused to be voted on, you going to post the other 300.
You have no proof of whether these particular 10 bills were ever voted on, me boy. None at all. I hear Harry had all voted on. Got any proof of anything, dipshit?
I really do not care how many bills you posted. NONE WERE JOBS BILLS, me poor ignorant con troll. And you posted 10 bills that you have no idea what happened to. See above to explain what happens to bills normally, me ignorant con troll.

Now tell me the jobs bills that the house members didn't pass?
Not before you can show me the great jobs created by republican jobs bills. Me lying con troll. I am tired of educating you, when you only lie and pretend. Where are those great republican jobs bills, and how many jobs did they create????

What the Republicans did not vote for was every stimulus bill brought to the hill, all by democrats. What every single republican voted against but that did pass was the Obama Stimulus. Which created over 9 MILLION jobs. That, me boy, is a jobs bill. Got a republican jobs bill, So far, we have 9,265,000 jobs created by democratics to
zero created by Republicans. dipshit.
Here, again for your education, is a link to my claim. You will notice it is It is impartial and it is well respected by dems and republicans. Read and learn, me poor ignorant con troll.
Obama’s Numbers (January 2016 Update)

And again what bills for the poor did you want? More hand outs? No, me congenital idiot. Jobs, me boy. That thing which you and republicans do not care about.
So, have you always been an ass hole, or is it something you are just now working on.

So far, you have made lots of claims, proven you do not know how congress works, or what powers the president has, called a number of proposed bills jobs bills with no proof, and disrespected the working people of this country. Not working out well for you, me boy.

You have no proof of whether these particular 10 bills were ever voted on, me boy. None at all. I hear Harry had all voted on. Got any proof of anything, dipshit?
I really do not care how many bills you posted. NONE WERE JOBS BILLS, me poor ignorant con troll. And you posted 10 bills that you have no idea what happened to. See above to explain what happens to bills normally, me ignorant con troll.

I gave you the proof spunk, No, you did not. None at all. that the republican and democrat jobs bills no how little and symbolic they were passed the house and Senate, but didn't go to a full vote because harry Reid and the cometties hid them. Wow. You have no idea how stupid that post was, do you, me poor ignorant con troll. Jesus, you have shown how ignorant you are again. There is a house vote and a senate vote. It they had passed both, they would have been law. There is no full vote, and there is no such thing as a commettie. That is a new word you just made up.
So, you have no republican jobs bill. As I thought. Thanks for trying.

My proof is in the pudding dumb dumb, obama I think I am right has the all time low of vetos in the history of the USA.
All time low? Vetoes by president? President Obama has used the veto less often than any president since Harding in the early 1920's. Tell us why you think that is a bad thing, me boy. Or are you just bragging about him.
U.S. Senate: President Veto Counts

Harry Reid protected obama, plain and simple from the public eye, No, he did not, Damn dude, regeans own party shut down the government over his vetos like what five times?
There was never a president named regeans. Maybe you were thinking of Mr. Green Jeans. Eh?? Now President Reagan had two spending gaps each less than 2 days in length, not caused by anything worth worrying about. And certainly not over vetoes in any way. Really, me boy, maybe this is too difficult for you.
Are you dancing your happy dance, me boy? You should not be. You are about to strike out.
What I said, me poor stupid con troll, is that republicans put NO BILLS FORWARD to address the great republican recession of 2008. No lie at all. They put lots of bills forward to help their friends, the wealthy. Now, do you want to show which bill is not to help the wealthy but to do something about their very own recession.
I am still looking for one. Which is why you can show no bill that was meant to address their very own great recession. Just business issues for the congress and wet kisses for the wealthy. Dipshit.
Thing is, for all rational minds, the problem started when we were loosing hundreds of thousands of jobs per month at the end of Bush W's administration. Remember:

"Republican Death March: Betting Recession Continues and America Fails

By Brent Budowsky
The passage of the jobs bill represents a great victory for President Obama, a huge triumph for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and a tremendous moment for the smart Republican senators, Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania and Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins of Maine. It is a crushing blow for the do-nothing, obstructionist, recession Republicans who are betting against America."
Republican Death March: Betting Recession Continues and America Fails

Then, on the very eve of Obama's inauguration, there was the meeting by republicans where they came to an agreement to never allow Obama to win at any time. Whether it helped the workers of the country or not, they agreed to always stop any bill that obama wanted:

"Attending the dinner were House members Eric Cantor, Jeb Hensarling, Pete Hoekstra, Dan Lungren, Kevin McCarthy, Paul Ryan and Pete Sessions. From the Senate were Tom Coburn, Bob Corker, Jim DeMint, John Ensign and Jon Kyl. Others present were former House Speaker and future – and failed – presidential candidate Newt Gingrich and the Republican strategist Frank Luntz, who organised the dinner and sent out the invitations.
The dinner table was set in a square at Luntz's request so everyone could see one another and talk freely. The session lasted four hours and by the end the sombre mood had lifted: they had conceived a plan. They would take back the House in November 2010, which they did, and use it as a spear to mortally wound Obama in 2011 and take back the Senate and White House in 2012, Draper writes.

"If you act like you're the minority, you're going to stay in the minority," said Keven McCarthy, quoted by Draper. "We've gotta challenge them on every single bill and challenge them on every single campaign."
The Republicans have done that, bringing Washington to a near standstill several times during Obama's first term over debt and other issues."
The Conspiracy to Commit Legislative Constipation

Reoublicans voted for no helpful bills, voting in mass against several. And they brought no such bills to help the situation forward. Because they wanted the recession to go on. They cared not at all about the middle class or the unemployed of this country. They were, in short, unamerican.
So, prove me wrong. Find that bill meant to help that Republicans tried to put forward. And show us all they gave a damn.

Again fool it was a conspiracy to stop obama care, minimum wage laws and all Obama's other studio ideas to slow down and crash the economy some more in a disaster area.
So you say. But I could believe you, or believe Time magazine, The Hill, or many other expert sources. Since you have no credentials, you loose. And are lying like a rug. The fact is that there is no such thing a a studio idea, dipshit. Except in your addled brain.

It is true republicans passed 100s of job bills and democrats got paused 30 of their own , it is true Reid and the communities stalled them and most didn't see the light of day for a vote. No, it is a lie. Which is why you have no proof. Read the sources and try to learn something. Being less ignorant is always a good idea.

the republicans did what their voters asked them to do stop obama and Reid did what he did stall any and all bills so Obama didn't have to Veto them in front of the public

Still want to claim republicans didn't pass a single bill with democrats in a bipartisan manner? No, because I did not say that they did not, dipshit. I said they did not pass a single jobs bill. JOBS, dipshit. Look the word up. And still ignore my claim that Obama's henchman held them up? They did not, me boy, because they did not after January of 2014. Senate and the house were both under republican control. Jesus, you are stupid.

Here are just 10 of them, ranked in order of bipartisan support:

  • The Hire More Heroes Act(H.R. 3474) passed the House on March 11, 2014, with support from 183 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. You, nor I, have any idea what this is about except politicians patting themselves on the back. Hiring heroes seems like a good idea. But it does not increase jobs. It simply suggest that when you hire, hire heroes. Not a jobs bill.
  • The Success and Opportunity through Quality Charter Schools Act (H.R. 10) passed the House on May 9, 2014, with support from 158 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. Uh, a favorite subject of republicans, charter schools aimed at the wealthy, but not a jobs bill.
  • The Innovation Act (H.R. 3309) passed the House on December 5, 2013, with support from 130 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. Again, nothing to do with jobs, me poor ignorant con troll.
  • The Cybersecurity Information Sharing and Protection Act (H.R. 624) passed the House on April 18, 2013, with support from 92 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. Again, this was a bill that had nothing to do with jobs. It is aimed at protecting cybersecurity. Obviously.
  • The American Research and Competitiveness Act (H.R. 4438) passed the House on May 9, 2014, with support from 62 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. Nothing to do with jobs, so that would be, dipshit, not a jobs bill.
  • The America's Small Business Tax Relief Act (H.R. 4457) passed the House on June 12, 2014, with support from 53 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing.
  • The Domestic Prosperity and Global Freedom Act (H.R. 6) passed the House on June 25, 2014, with support from 46 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. A bill to promote freedom and wealth. Not a jobs bill, again.
  • The S Corporation Permanent Tax Relief Act(H.R. 4453) passed the House on June 12, 2014, with support from 42 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. A bill to reduce income taxes for the wealthy who use S corporation accounting methods. Again, not a jobs bill, just a bill to increase the wealth of the wealthy.
  • The Coal Residuals Reuse and Management Act (H.R. 2218) passed the House on July 25, 2013, with support from 39 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. A wet kiss to the coal industry, but not a jobs bill.
  • The Small Business Capital Access and Job Preservation Act (H.R. 1105) passed the House on December 4, 2013, with support from 36 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. Not passed.
So, exactly zero bills were passed of the 10 you listed. Exactly zero of those bills was a job bill. See the problem yet. So, the republican controlled house passed no jobs bills, and since 2014, the republican controlled Senate has passed no bills.
So, you could not find a jobs bill brought forward by a republican. SURPRISE.
How is that happy dance going, dipshit?

I see you didn't want to comment on this one why is that?

  • The Small Business Capital Access and Job Preservation Act (H.R. 1105) passed the House on December 4, 2013, with support from 36 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. Not passed. I missed it. Simple enough to comment on. It was not a jobs bill, at any point. If it were dems would have passed it. You have a bill name which is interesting, but my bet is that it is of no value for saving jobs.

? And Why wouldn't harry want to pass the hire a veteran/hero Bill? Why would obama veto it? If it is just a symbolic Bill...

Answer me that... I do not believe that Harry, apparently your friend, stopped the bill with no reason. You have no information.
Shy would obama veto it? Is obama shy? He did not veto it. Obviously. Stop lying. It is getting old.
If it is just a symbolic bill, why do you list it, since it 1. Is not a jobs bill, and 2. Did not pass. 3, Is not important, just symbolic. Dipshit.
You know what, I am going to try to educate you. Because you really need it. Even though I do not like you.
Did you know that there are between 5 and 10 thousand bills every year in the possession of the head of the house or senate. Of those, did you know that only about 5% ever get passed. Under any administration. So, if Harry has 450 bills on his desk, only about 20 would likely be passed under any circumstance. Of those 450 would be voted on, the rest would be pulled for various reasons. Do you feel stupid yet?

Out of 5,000 Bills in Every Congress, Guess How Many Become Law?
I posted 10 bills that harry refused to be voted on, you going to post the other 300.
You have no proof of whether these particular 10 bills were ever voted on, me boy. None at all. I hear Harry had all voted on. Got any proof of anything, dipshit?
I really do not care how many bills you posted. NONE WERE JOBS BILLS, me poor ignorant con troll. And you posted 10 bills that you have no idea what happened to. See above to explain what happens to bills normally, me ignorant con troll.

Now tell me the jobs bills that the house members didn't pass?
Not before you can show me the great jobs created by republican jobs bills. Me lying con troll. I am tired of educating you, when you only lie and pretend. Where are those great republican jobs bills, and how many jobs did they create????

What the Republicans did not vote for was every stimulus bill brought to the hill, all by democrats. What every single republican voted against but that did pass was the Obama Stimulus. Which created over 9 MILLION jobs. That, me boy, is a jobs bill. Got a republican jobs bill, So far, we have 9,265,000 jobs created by democratics to
zero created by Republicans. dipshit.
Here, again for your education, is a link to my claim. You will notice it is It is impartial and it is well respected by dems and republicans. Read and learn, me poor ignorant con troll.
Obama’s Numbers (January 2016 Update)

And again what bills for the poor did you want? More hand outs? No, me congenital idiot. Jobs, me boy. That thing which you and republicans do not care about.
So, have you always been an ass hole, or is it something you are just now working on.

So far, you have made lots of claims, proven you do not know how congress works, or what powers the president has, called a number of proposed bills jobs bills with no proof, and disrespected the working people of this country. Not working out well for you, me boy.

You have no proof of whether these particular 10 bills were ever voted on, me boy. None at all. I hear Harry had all voted on. Got any proof of anything, dipshit?
I really do not care how many bills you posted. NONE WERE JOBS BILLS, me poor ignorant con troll. And you posted 10 bills that you have no idea what happened to. See above to explain what happens to bills normally, me ignorant con troll.

I gave you the proof spunk, No, you did not. None at all. that the republican and democrat jobs bills no how little and symbolic they were passed the house and Senate, but didn't go to a full vote because harry Reid and the cometties hid them. Wow. You have no idea how stupid that post was, do you, me poor ignorant con troll. Jesus, you have shown how ignorant you are again. There is a house vote and a senate vote. It they had passed both, they would have been law. There is no full vote, and there is no such thing as a commettie. That is a new word you just made up.
So, you have no republican jobs bill. As I thought. Thanks for trying.
My proof is in the pudding dumb dumb, obama I think I am right has the all time low of vetos in the history of the USA.
All time low? Vetoes by president? President Obama has used the veto less often than any president since Harding in the early 1920's. Tell us why you think that is a bad thing, me boy. Or are you just bragging about him.
U.S. Senate: President Veto Counts

Harry Reid protected obama, plain and simple from the public eye, No, he did not, Damn dude, regeans own party shut down the government over his vetos like what five times?
There was never a president named regeans. Maybe you were thinking of Mr. Green Jeans. Eh?? Now President Reagan had two spending gaps each less than 2 days in length, not caused by anything worth worrying about. And certainly not over vetoes in any way. Really, me boy, maybe this is too difficult for you.
So, here we sit. Democrats created 9,265,000 jobs, Republicans created ZERO. See the difference, me boy.
Are you dancing your happy dance, me boy? You should not be. You are about to strike out.
What I said, me poor stupid con troll, is that republicans put NO BILLS FORWARD to address the great republican recession of 2008. No lie at all. They put lots of bills forward to help their friends, the wealthy. Now, do you want to show which bill is not to help the wealthy but to do something about their very own recession.
I am still looking for one. Which is why you can show no bill that was meant to address their very own great recession. Just business issues for the congress and wet kisses for the wealthy. Dipshit.
Thing is, for all rational minds, the problem started when we were loosing hundreds of thousands of jobs per month at the end of Bush W's administration. Remember:

"Republican Death March: Betting Recession Continues and America Fails

By Brent Budowsky
The passage of the jobs bill represents a great victory for President Obama, a huge triumph for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and a tremendous moment for the smart Republican senators, Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania and Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins of Maine. It is a crushing blow for the do-nothing, obstructionist, recession Republicans who are betting against America."
Republican Death March: Betting Recession Continues and America Fails

Then, on the very eve of Obama's inauguration, there was the meeting by republicans where they came to an agreement to never allow Obama to win at any time. Whether it helped the workers of the country or not, they agreed to always stop any bill that obama wanted:

"Attending the dinner were House members Eric Cantor, Jeb Hensarling, Pete Hoekstra, Dan Lungren, Kevin McCarthy, Paul Ryan and Pete Sessions. From the Senate were Tom Coburn, Bob Corker, Jim DeMint, John Ensign and Jon Kyl. Others present were former House Speaker and future – and failed – presidential candidate Newt Gingrich and the Republican strategist Frank Luntz, who organised the dinner and sent out the invitations.
The dinner table was set in a square at Luntz's request so everyone could see one another and talk freely. The session lasted four hours and by the end the sombre mood had lifted: they had conceived a plan. They would take back the House in November 2010, which they did, and use it as a spear to mortally wound Obama in 2011 and take back the Senate and White House in 2012, Draper writes.

"If you act like you're the minority, you're going to stay in the minority," said Keven McCarthy, quoted by Draper. "We've gotta challenge them on every single bill and challenge them on every single campaign."
The Republicans have done that, bringing Washington to a near standstill several times during Obama's first term over debt and other issues."
The Conspiracy to Commit Legislative Constipation

Reoublicans voted for no helpful bills, voting in mass against several. And they brought no such bills to help the situation forward. Because they wanted the recession to go on. They cared not at all about the middle class or the unemployed of this country. They were, in short, unamerican.
So, prove me wrong. Find that bill meant to help that Republicans tried to put forward. And show us all they gave a damn.

Again fool it was a conspiracy to stop obama care, minimum wage laws and all Obama's other studio ideas to slow down and crash the economy some more in a disaster area.
So you say. But I could believe you, or believe Time magazine, The Hill, or many other expert sources. Since you have no credentials, you loose. And are lying like a rug. The fact is that there is no such thing a a studio idea, dipshit. Except in your addled brain.

It is true republicans passed 100s of job bills and democrats got paused 30 of their own , it is true Reid and the communities stalled them and most didn't see the light of day for a vote. No, it is a lie. Which is why you have no proof. Read the sources and try to learn something. Being less ignorant is always a good idea.

the republicans did what their voters asked them to do stop obama and Reid did what he did stall any and all bills so Obama didn't have to Veto them in front of the public

Still want to claim republicans didn't pass a single bill with democrats in a bipartisan manner? No, because I did not say that they did not, dipshit. I said they did not pass a single jobs bill. JOBS, dipshit. Look the word up. And still ignore my claim that Obama's henchman held them up? They did not, me boy, because they did not after January of 2014. Senate and the house were both under republican control. Jesus, you are stupid.

Here are just 10 of them, ranked in order of bipartisan support:

  • The Hire More Heroes Act(H.R. 3474) passed the House on March 11, 2014, with support from 183 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. You, nor I, have any idea what this is about except politicians patting themselves on the back. Hiring heroes seems like a good idea. But it does not increase jobs. It simply suggest that when you hire, hire heroes. Not a jobs bill.
  • The Success and Opportunity through Quality Charter Schools Act (H.R. 10) passed the House on May 9, 2014, with support from 158 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. Uh, a favorite subject of republicans, charter schools aimed at the wealthy, but not a jobs bill.
  • The Innovation Act (H.R. 3309) passed the House on December 5, 2013, with support from 130 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. Again, nothing to do with jobs, me poor ignorant con troll.
  • The Cybersecurity Information Sharing and Protection Act (H.R. 624) passed the House on April 18, 2013, with support from 92 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. Again, this was a bill that had nothing to do with jobs. It is aimed at protecting cybersecurity. Obviously.
  • The American Research and Competitiveness Act (H.R. 4438) passed the House on May 9, 2014, with support from 62 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. Nothing to do with jobs, so that would be, dipshit, not a jobs bill.
  • The America's Small Business Tax Relief Act (H.R. 4457) passed the House on June 12, 2014, with support from 53 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing.
  • The Domestic Prosperity and Global Freedom Act (H.R. 6) passed the House on June 25, 2014, with support from 46 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. A bill to promote freedom and wealth. Not a jobs bill, again.
  • The S Corporation Permanent Tax Relief Act(H.R. 4453) passed the House on June 12, 2014, with support from 42 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. A bill to reduce income taxes for the wealthy who use S corporation accounting methods. Again, not a jobs bill, just a bill to increase the wealth of the wealthy.
  • The Coal Residuals Reuse and Management Act (H.R. 2218) passed the House on July 25, 2013, with support from 39 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. A wet kiss to the coal industry, but not a jobs bill.
  • The Small Business Capital Access and Job Preservation Act (H.R. 1105) passed the House on December 4, 2013, with support from 36 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. Not passed.
So, exactly zero bills were passed of the 10 you listed. Exactly zero of those bills was a job bill. See the problem yet. So, the republican controlled house passed no jobs bills, and since 2014, the republican controlled Senate has passed no bills.
So, you could not find a jobs bill brought forward by a republican. SURPRISE.
How is that happy dance going, dipshit?

I see you didn't want to comment on this one why is that?

  • The Small Business Capital Access and Job Preservation Act (H.R. 1105) passed the House on December 4, 2013, with support from 36 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. Not passed. I missed it. Simple enough to comment on. It was not a jobs bill, at any point. If it were dems would have passed it. You have a bill name which is interesting, but my bet is that it is of no value for saving jobs.

? And Why wouldn't harry want to pass the hire a veteran/hero Bill? Why would obama veto it? If it is just a symbolic Bill...

Answer me that... I do not believe that Harry, apparently your friend, stopped the bill with no reason. You have no information.
Shy would obama veto it? Is obama shy? He did not veto it. Obviously. Stop lying. It is getting old.
If it is just a symbolic bill, why do you list it, since it 1. Is not a jobs bill, and 2. Did not pass. 3, Is not important, just symbolic. Dipshit.
You know what, I am going to try to educate you. Because you really need it. Even though I do not like you.
Did you know that there are between 5 and 10 thousand bills every year in the possession of the head of the house or senate. Of those, did you know that only about 5% ever get passed. Under any administration. So, if Harry has 450 bills on his desk, only about 20 would likely be passed under any circumstance. Of those 450 would be voted on, the rest would be pulled for various reasons. Do you feel stupid yet?

Out of 5,000 Bills in Every Congress, Guess How Many Become Law?
I posted 10 bills that harry refused to be voted on, you going to post the other 300.
You have no proof of whether these particular 10 bills were ever voted on, me boy. None at all. I hear Harry had all voted on. Got any proof of anything, dipshit?
I really do not care how many bills you posted. NONE WERE JOBS BILLS, me poor ignorant con troll. And you posted 10 bills that you have no idea what happened to. See above to explain what happens to bills normally, me ignorant con troll.

Now tell me the jobs bills that the house members didn't pass?
Not before you can show me the great jobs created by republican jobs bills. Me lying con troll. I am tired of educating you, when you only lie and pretend. Where are those great republican jobs bills, and how many jobs did they create????

What the Republicans did not vote for was every stimulus bill brought to the hill, all by democrats. What every single republican voted against but that did pass was the Obama Stimulus. Which created over 9 MILLION jobs. That, me boy, is a jobs bill. Got a republican jobs bill, So far, we have 9,265,000 jobs created by democratics to
zero created by Republicans. dipshit.
Here, again for your education, is a link to my claim. You will notice it is It is impartial and it is well respected by dems and republicans. Read and learn, me poor ignorant con troll.
Obama’s Numbers (January 2016 Update)

And again what bills for the poor did you want? More hand outs? No, me congenital idiot. Jobs, me boy. That thing which you and republicans do not care about.
So, have you always been an ass hole, or is it something you are just now working on.

So far, you have made lots of claims, proven you do not know how congress works, or what powers the president has, called a number of proposed bills jobs bills with no proof, and disrespected the working people of this country. Not working out well for you, me boy.

You have no proof of whether these particular 10 bills were ever voted on, me boy. None at all. I hear Harry had all voted on. Got any proof of anything, dipshit?
I really do not care how many bills you posted. NONE WERE JOBS BILLS, me poor ignorant con troll. And you posted 10 bills that you have no idea what happened to. See above to explain what happens to bills normally, me ignorant con troll.

I gave you the proof spunk, No, you did not. None at all. that the republican and democrat jobs bills no how little and symbolic they were passed the house and Senate, but didn't go to a full vote because harry Reid and the cometties hid them. Wow. You have no idea how stupid that post was, do you, me poor ignorant con troll. Jesus, you have shown how ignorant you are again. There is a house vote and a senate vote. It they had passed both, they would have been law. There is no full vote, and there is no such thing as a commettie. That is a new word you just made up.
So, you have no republican jobs bill. As I thought. Thanks for trying.
My proof is in the pudding dumb dumb, obama I think I am right has the all time low of vetos in the history of the USA.
All time low? Vetoes by president? President Obama has used the veto less often than any president since Harding in the early 1920's. Tell us why you think that is a bad thing, me boy. Or are you just bragging about him.
U.S. Senate: President Veto Counts

Harry Reid protected obama, plain and simple from the public eye, No, he did not, Damn dude, regeans own party shut down the government over his vetos like what five times?
There was never a president named regeans. Maybe you were thinking of Mr. Green Jeans. Eh?? Now President Reagan had two spending gaps each less than 2 days in length, not caused by anything worth worrying about. And certainly not over vetoes in any way. Really, me boy, maybe this is too difficult for you.[/QUOTE]

Do you know how a Bill works in the Senate you fucking idiot?

It gets passed by the house, thrown up to the Senate, it gets voted on , then goes to the speakers desk in this case Harry Reid and he files it in the garbage can or gives it to committees where the final amendments to that Bill is put up to a full Senate vote to be passed on to the president..

God You are fucking dumb for a so called college graduate.

And I am just an industrial maintenance guy, pathetic moron.
Again fool it was a conspiracy to stop obama care, minimum wage laws and all Obama's other studio ideas to slow down and crash the economy some more in a disaster area.
So you say. But I could believe you, or believe Time magazine, The Hill, or many other expert sources. Since you have no credentials, you loose. And are lying like a rug. The fact is that there is no such thing a a studio idea, dipshit. Except in your addled brain.

It is true republicans passed 100s of job bills and democrats got paused 30 of their own , it is true Reid and the communities stalled them and most didn't see the light of day for a vote. No, it is a lie. Which is why you have no proof. Read the sources and try to learn something. Being less ignorant is always a good idea.

the republicans did what their voters asked them to do stop obama and Reid did what he did stall any and all bills so Obama didn't have to Veto them in front of the public

Still want to claim republicans didn't pass a single bill with democrats in a bipartisan manner? No, because I did not say that they did not, dipshit. I said they did not pass a single jobs bill. JOBS, dipshit. Look the word up. And still ignore my claim that Obama's henchman held them up? They did not, me boy, because they did not after January of 2014. Senate and the house were both under republican control. Jesus, you are stupid.

Here are just 10 of them, ranked in order of bipartisan support:

  • The Hire More Heroes Act(H.R. 3474) passed the House on March 11, 2014, with support from 183 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. You, nor I, have any idea what this is about except politicians patting themselves on the back. Hiring heroes seems like a good idea. But it does not increase jobs. It simply suggest that when you hire, hire heroes. Not a jobs bill.
  • The Success and Opportunity through Quality Charter Schools Act (H.R. 10) passed the House on May 9, 2014, with support from 158 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. Uh, a favorite subject of republicans, charter schools aimed at the wealthy, but not a jobs bill.
  • The Innovation Act (H.R. 3309) passed the House on December 5, 2013, with support from 130 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. Again, nothing to do with jobs, me poor ignorant con troll.
  • The Cybersecurity Information Sharing and Protection Act (H.R. 624) passed the House on April 18, 2013, with support from 92 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. Again, this was a bill that had nothing to do with jobs. It is aimed at protecting cybersecurity. Obviously.
  • The American Research and Competitiveness Act (H.R. 4438) passed the House on May 9, 2014, with support from 62 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. Nothing to do with jobs, so that would be, dipshit, not a jobs bill.
  • The America's Small Business Tax Relief Act (H.R. 4457) passed the House on June 12, 2014, with support from 53 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing.
  • The Domestic Prosperity and Global Freedom Act (H.R. 6) passed the House on June 25, 2014, with support from 46 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. A bill to promote freedom and wealth. Not a jobs bill, again.
  • The S Corporation Permanent Tax Relief Act(H.R. 4453) passed the House on June 12, 2014, with support from 42 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. A bill to reduce income taxes for the wealthy who use S corporation accounting methods. Again, not a jobs bill, just a bill to increase the wealth of the wealthy.
  • The Coal Residuals Reuse and Management Act (H.R. 2218) passed the House on July 25, 2013, with support from 39 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. A wet kiss to the coal industry, but not a jobs bill.
  • The Small Business Capital Access and Job Preservation Act (H.R. 1105) passed the House on December 4, 2013, with support from 36 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. Not passed.
So, exactly zero bills were passed of the 10 you listed. Exactly zero of those bills was a job bill. See the problem yet. So, the republican controlled house passed no jobs bills, and since 2014, the republican controlled Senate has passed no bills.
So, you could not find a jobs bill brought forward by a republican. SURPRISE.
How is that happy dance going, dipshit?

I see you didn't want to comment on this one why is that?

  • The Small Business Capital Access and Job Preservation Act (H.R. 1105) passed the House on December 4, 2013, with support from 36 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. Not passed. I missed it. Simple enough to comment on. It was not a jobs bill, at any point. If it were dems would have passed it. You have a bill name which is interesting, but my bet is that it is of no value for saving jobs.

? And Why wouldn't harry want to pass the hire a veteran/hero Bill? Why would obama veto it? If it is just a symbolic Bill...

Answer me that... I do not believe that Harry, apparently your friend, stopped the bill with no reason. You have no information.
Shy would obama veto it? Is obama shy? He did not veto it. Obviously. Stop lying. It is getting old.
If it is just a symbolic bill, why do you list it, since it 1. Is not a jobs bill, and 2. Did not pass. 3, Is not important, just symbolic. Dipshit.
You know what, I am going to try to educate you. Because you really need it. Even though I do not like you.
Did you know that there are between 5 and 10 thousand bills every year in the possession of the head of the house or senate. Of those, did you know that only about 5% ever get passed. Under any administration. So, if Harry has 450 bills on his desk, only about 20 would likely be passed under any circumstance. Of those 450 would be voted on, the rest would be pulled for various reasons. Do you feel stupid yet?

Out of 5,000 Bills in Every Congress, Guess How Many Become Law?
I posted 10 bills that harry refused to be voted on, you going to post the other 300.
You have no proof of whether these particular 10 bills were ever voted on, me boy. None at all. I hear Harry had all voted on. Got any proof of anything, dipshit?
I really do not care how many bills you posted. NONE WERE JOBS BILLS, me poor ignorant con troll. And you posted 10 bills that you have no idea what happened to. See above to explain what happens to bills normally, me ignorant con troll.

Now tell me the jobs bills that the house members didn't pass?
Not before you can show me the great jobs created by republican jobs bills. Me lying con troll. I am tired of educating you, when you only lie and pretend. Where are those great republican jobs bills, and how many jobs did they create????

What the Republicans did not vote for was every stimulus bill brought to the hill, all by democrats. What every single republican voted against but that did pass was the Obama Stimulus. Which created over 9 MILLION jobs. That, me boy, is a jobs bill. Got a republican jobs bill, So far, we have 9,265,000 jobs created by democratics to
zero created by Republicans. dipshit.
Here, again for your education, is a link to my claim. You will notice it is It is impartial and it is well respected by dems and republicans. Read and learn, me poor ignorant con troll.
Obama’s Numbers (January 2016 Update)

And again what bills for the poor did you want? More hand outs? No, me congenital idiot. Jobs, me boy. That thing which you and republicans do not care about.
So, have you always been an ass hole, or is it something you are just now working on.

So far, you have made lots of claims, proven you do not know how congress works, or what powers the president has, called a number of proposed bills jobs bills with no proof, and disrespected the working people of this country. Not working out well for you, me boy.

You have no proof of whether these particular 10 bills were ever voted on, me boy. None at all. I hear Harry had all voted on. Got any proof of anything, dipshit?
I really do not care how many bills you posted. NONE WERE JOBS BILLS, me poor ignorant con troll. And you posted 10 bills that you have no idea what happened to. See above to explain what happens to bills normally, me ignorant con troll.

I gave you the proof spunk, No, you did not. None at all. that the republican and democrat jobs bills no how little and symbolic they were passed the house and Senate, but didn't go to a full vote because harry Reid and the cometties hid them. Wow. You have no idea how stupid that post was, do you, me poor ignorant con troll. Jesus, you have shown how ignorant you are again. There is a house vote and a senate vote. It they had passed both, they would have been law. There is no full vote, and there is no such thing as a commettie. That is a new word you just made up.
So, you have no republican jobs bill. As I thought. Thanks for trying.
My proof is in the pudding dumb dumb, obama I think I am right has the all time low of vetos in the history of the USA.
All time low? Vetoes by president? President Obama has used the veto less often than any president since Harding in the early 1920's. Tell us why you think that is a bad thing, me boy. Or are you just bragging about him.
U.S. Senate: President Veto Counts

Harry Reid protected obama, plain and simple from the public eye, No, he did not, Damn dude, regeans own party shut down the government over his vetos like what five times?
There was never a president named regeans. Maybe you were thinking of Mr. Green Jeans. Eh?? Now President Reagan had two spending gaps each less than 2 days in length, not caused by anything worth worrying about. And certainly not over vetoes in any way. Really, me boy, maybe this is too difficult for you.[/QUOTE]

Do you know how a Bill works in the Senate you fucking idiot?
That is funny. Let me try to straighten your little mess out. So, lets start with the obvious. It is not how a bill works in the Senate, me boy. It is how it works in congress, and what the president does with it.
1. It gets passed by the house
It gets introduced by a congressman in either the senate or house, and is assigned a bill number.
If it is a tax bill, it must start in the house, otherwise it may start in either the house or the Senate.

2. You forgot this step.
It gets referred to the appropriate committee in the house or senate.
The Committee may then send the bill to a sub committee, kill the bill, or approve it.

3. thrown up to the Senate,
If the bill is approved by committee, it is sent to the full house or Senate depending on where it started.

4. You forgot this step.
There is a debate in each house, Representatives and Senate.
Genarally, two versions are produced, house and senate versions.
A conference committee combines the two versions.

it gets voted on
The final combined version of the bill is voted on by the house, and by the Senate.

It then goes to the speakers desk in this case Harry Reid and he files it in the garbage can or gives it to committees
Once the bill is approved by both houses, step 5, the bill goes to the president where it is approved or vetoed.
Nearly always the bill is simply signed by the president and becomes law.

X where the final amendments to that Bill is put up to a full Senate vote to be passed on to the president..Part was back in step 4.
Uh, the bill must be approved by both the senate and the House. Sorry, that is nonsense. Neither the senate nor the house can be the final word before submitting a bill to the President.

God You are fucking dumb for a so called college graduate.
That is funny, indeed, after that rat gaggle of an attempt to explain the path of a bill from introduction to law.

And I am just an industrial maintenance guy, pathetic moron.
A janitor? Yeah, that makes sense. Good for you.
@ phoenyx , regarding income inequality:

I believe this is just a product of the computer revolution over the past 20 years. The world of computers and technology has made it easy for the average citizen with an amazing idea to get that idea out there and make themselves wealthy. It takes time for the free market to correct itself, it doesn't happen overnight. When someone is the sole producer for say a product like CISCO routers and switches, they are going to dominate the market for quite some time, but as we see today, CISCO's market share of routers and switches has dropped dramatically as new products have entered the ring to compete with them. The same for Facebook, they won't be top dog in social media forever I'd be willing to bet.

This technological revolution has increased productivity so dramatically that yes, we can build houses autonomously without human intervention for the most part. Yes, it drives jobs down to a certain degree. That requires people to be vigilant about the ever changing world and say to themselves, hey, a robot might do my job in 10-15 years, I had better start learning a new trade or skill.

You might be interested in reading the following article by Timothy Noah:
Did Computers Create Inequality? | Slate

His short answer to the question: "No. The tech boom's impact was no greater than that of previous technological upheavals during the 20th century."

Source: Trying to understand income inequality, the most profound change in American society in your lifetime | Slate
@ phoenyx , regarding income inequality:
If we were to spread income around, say we start taxing the rich substantially more than the poor, what are the rich going to do? They will move their companies, goods, wealth, and jobs they supply us with to other areas. They aren't stupid, you can try to get them for a short time but push hard enough and they will just leave.

First of all, the U.S. used to tax the rich substantially more and the rich didn't seem too bothered by it at the time. As Timothy Noah from Slate explains:

**...income-tax policy has changed very dramatically during the last 30 years. Before Ronald Reagan's election in 1980, the top income tax bracket stood at or above 70 percent, where it had been since the Great Depression. (In the 1950s and the Mad Men early 1960s, the top bracket exceeded 90 percent!) Throughout the Great Compression, as the economy boomed and income inequality dwindled, the top bracket resided at a level that even most Democrats would today call confiscatory. Reagan dropped the top bracket from 70 percent to 50 percent, and eventually pushed it all the way down to 28 percent. Since then, it has hovered between 30 percent and 40 percent. If President Obama lets George W. Bush's 2001 tax cut expire for families earning more than $250,000, as he's expected to do, Tea Partiers will call him a Bolshevik. But at a whisker under 40 percent (up from 35), the top bracket would remain 30 to 50 percentage points below what it was under Presidents Eisenhower, Nixon, and Ford. That's how much Reagan changed the debate.**

Source: Can We Blame Income Inequality on Republicans? | Slate

Secondly, the U.S. is a big market, and I believe it would be a bigger one if income was more evenly distributed, as unlike the rich, the middle class tends to -spend- most of its money (and even money it doesn't even have, in the form of credit), frequently because it needs to to maintain a fairly decent living. The main wealth of the U.S. comes from its physical resources and from its labour pool. The resources can only be carted away with the consent of the U.S. government and even assuming a significant portion of the top 1% wanted to move out if taxes went too high for their tastes, I don't believe it would affect the labour pool all that much. As to the capital they own, that's another matter entirely, but they don't have to move out of the country to make markets crash, as they did in the 2008 financial meltdown.

Thirdly, I think we have a fundamentally different view of the role of the rich, defined by some as the 1%, and particularly the "Stinking Rich" as Timothy Noah likes to put it, the top .1% of Americans, who own around 7% of America's wealth and earn an average of around $7 million a year, which works out to almost 70 times more wealth per capita then remaining 99.9% of the population. And that's just the average- go further up the scale, and you'll find wealth that is truly dizzying. Wilford King, writing way back in 1915, wrote the following passage concerning income inequality:

**It is easy to find a man in almost any line of employment who is twice as efficient as another employee, but it is very rare to find one who is ten times as efficient. It is common, however, to see one man possessing not ten times but a thousand times the wealth of his neighbor. … Is the middle class doomed to extinction and shall we soon find the handful of plutocrats, the modern barons of wealth, lined up squarely in opposition to the propertyless masses with no buffer between to lessen the chances of open battle? With the middle class gone and the laborer condemned to remain a lifelong wage-earner with no hope of attaining wealth or even a competence in his old age, all the conditions are ripe for a crowning class-conflict equaling in intensity and bitterness anything pictured by the most radical follower of Karl Marx. Is this condition soon coming to pass? [emphasis his]**

Source: Introducing the Great Divergence | Slate

Perhaps you see them as a beneficial force in America? I see them primarily as parasitical, like a vampire, their main source of income coming from the banks, who create around 95% of the U.S.'s money supply, at the expense of the rest of the population. Until the monetary system is changed, they will continue to feed from this trough while most Americans do with increasingly less each year.
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This isn't about businesses per se; there are some mom and pops businesses that barely make ends meet. What we're talking about here are things like the wealthiest 20% of the population owning 80% of the wealth, and the bottom 40% owning .2% of the wealth. Here's a graphical representation of some different income brackets:

Bernie has another quote which addresses this issue of income disparity and its consequences in the work place and politics:
**“If you have no influence over your own working conditions, what kind of power can you have over the economics and politics of the entire country? Why bother to vote? Why bother to pay attention to politics? And millions don’t. In Vermont and throughout the country, the rich ante up $500 or $5,000 at a fundraising event to support the candidate who will represent their interests. Meanwhile, the majority of the poor and working people don’t even vote. No wonder the rich gets richer and everyone else gets poorer. Are we really living in a democracy?”**

Source: 10 Ways That Bernie Sanders Has Described Democratic Socialism That Prove It Isn't a Radical Idea at All

Except... I don't care about any income disparity, that's just how the world works.

You make it sound like it's simply a law of nature. To be fair, you certainly aren't alone in your point of view. Suzanne Moore of the Guardian has a good article explaining how despite this view being represented as the truth, it's not:
Most of us – I count myself – are economically inept. The economic climate is represented as a natural force, like uncontrollable weather. It’s a shame that the planet is getting hotter, just as it’s a shame that the rich are getting richer. But these things are man-made and not inevitable at all. In fact, there are deliberate and systemic reasons as to why this is happening.

The rich, via lobbyists and Byzantine tax arrangements, actively work to stop redistribution. Inequality is not inevitable, it’s engineered. Many mainstream economists do not question the degree of this engineering, even when it is highly dubious. This level of acceptance among economists of inequality as merely an unfortunate byproduct of growth, alongside their failure to predict the crash, has worryingly not affected their cult status among blinkered admirers.

Even the mild challenge of Thomas Piketty, with his heretical talk of public rather than private interest being essential to a functioning democracy, is revolutionary in a world which buys the conservative idea that the elixir of “growth” simply has to mean these huge extremes in income distribution.

That argument may now be collapsing. The contortions that certain pet economists make to defend the indefensible 1% are often to do with positing the super-rich as inherently talented and being self-made. The myth is that everyone is a cross between Steve Jobs and Bono; creative, entrepreneurial, unique. The reality is cloned inherited wealth and insane performance-related pay, eg the bankers who continue to reward themselves more than a million a year after overseeing the collapse of the industry.

There are always those who will side with the powerful against the powerless, and economists specialise in this. No wonder Prof Gregory Mankiw’s Harvard students walked out of his class following his ludicrous insistence that the system is not gamed for the rich. Such “theorists” flatter the rich by granting them some superpower, which is why they like rock star comparisons. In fact, international finance is peopled by interchangeable guys who are essentially just paying themselves double what they were 10 years ago. They may need to think of themselves as special. We don’t have to...**

Source: Inequality isn’t inevitable, it’s engineered. That’s how the 1% have taken over | Suzanne Moore

Cullen Roche, author of Pragmatic Capitalism: What Every Investor Needs to Know About Money and Finance, makes the same point:
Good question here from the forum today:

“Is wealth and income inequality inevitable in a capitalist system?”

I discuss this a bit in my new book, which, in my opinion, is a great primer for Thomas Piketty’s book on inequality. If you want to understand Piketty my book lays the foundation for the entire discussion by helping you understand the macro framework in which he makes his argument. But here’s my general view:

“Inevitable” is a bit of a generalization. “Highly probable” – yes. The thing is, capitalism runs on profits. And profits are optimized when they’re monopolized. A good capitalist will try to monopolize the means of production therefore maximizing profits. And when profits are monopolized then you are very likely to get inequality because only a handful of people own the means of production. So capitalism has a natural tendency towards monopolization because capitalists naturally want to maximize profits.

Does it have to happen? No, it’s not certain, but my guess is that if you left a capitalist system entirely to its own devices there would be a handful of capitalists who monopolize everything. In fact, this almost happened in the late 1800′s and early 1900′s before the US government came in and started busting up some of the big companies. We were well on our way to seeing a handful of people owning everything.

So, why is this potentially problematic? Well, the economy isn’t like a poker game. It doesn’t just end at some point where Warren Buffett gets to get up and walk away from the table with all the money. The other players have to keep playing to keep on generating profits for the big stack players. And if those big stack players just accumulate more and more chips then the other players have to rely on the incomes from their big stack employer, keep borrowing from the bank, relying on government redistribution to stay in the game OR compete with the big stack. Of course, they could “pull themselves up by their bootstraps”, but that’s often easier said than done. Especially when you’re competing against the big stack who has monopolized the means of production. The endgame is a situation where the people who actually buy the goods and services that the big stack makes, don’t actually have the income or credit necessary to be able to go on participating and so you get a very stagnant economy.

Anyhow, this is a controversial and highly theoretical discussion, but it is my opinion that capitalism, if left entirely to its own devices, would tend towards monopoly which would tend towards inequality as fewer and fewer people own more and more of the means of the production.**

Source: Is Wealth and Income Inequality Inevitable in a Capitalist System? | Pragmatic Capitalism

One thing was monopolized long ago in the U.S. and most of the rest of the world- the creation of money. Only the banks and governments can create it, with the vast majority of it being created by the banks. Until this changes, inequality will continue to grow for reasons that I think are fairly easy to understand.
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Still want to claim republicans didn't pass a single bill with democrats in a bipartisan manner? No, because I did not say that they did not, dipshit. I said they did not pass a single jobs bill. JOBS, dipshit. Look the word up. And still ignore my claim that Obama's henchman held them up? They did not, me boy, because they did not after January of 2014. Senate and the house were both under republican control. Jesus, you are stupid.

Here are just 10 of them, ranked in order of bipartisan support:

  • The Hire More Heroes Act(H.R. 3474) passed the House on March 11, 2014, with support from 183 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. You, nor I, have any idea what this is about except politicians patting themselves on the back. Hiring heroes seems like a good idea. But it does not increase jobs. It simply suggest that when you hire, hire heroes. Not a jobs bill.
  • The Success and Opportunity through Quality Charter Schools Act (H.R. 10) passed the House on May 9, 2014, with support from 158 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. Uh, a favorite subject of republicans, charter schools aimed at the wealthy, but not a jobs bill.
  • The Innovation Act (H.R. 3309) passed the House on December 5, 2013, with support from 130 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. Again, nothing to do with jobs, me poor ignorant con troll.
  • The Cybersecurity Information Sharing and Protection Act (H.R. 624) passed the House on April 18, 2013, with support from 92 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. Again, this was a bill that had nothing to do with jobs. It is aimed at protecting cybersecurity. Obviously.
  • The American Research and Competitiveness Act (H.R. 4438) passed the House on May 9, 2014, with support from 62 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. Nothing to do with jobs, so that would be, dipshit, not a jobs bill.
  • The America's Small Business Tax Relief Act (H.R. 4457) passed the House on June 12, 2014, with support from 53 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing.
  • The Domestic Prosperity and Global Freedom Act (H.R. 6) passed the House on June 25, 2014, with support from 46 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. A bill to promote freedom and wealth. Not a jobs bill, again.
  • The S Corporation Permanent Tax Relief Act(H.R. 4453) passed the House on June 12, 2014, with support from 42 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. A bill to reduce income taxes for the wealthy who use S corporation accounting methods. Again, not a jobs bill, just a bill to increase the wealth of the wealthy.
  • The Coal Residuals Reuse and Management Act (H.R. 2218) passed the House on July 25, 2013, with support from 39 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. A wet kiss to the coal industry, but not a jobs bill.
  • The Small Business Capital Access and Job Preservation Act (H.R. 1105) passed the House on December 4, 2013, with support from 36 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. Not passed.
So, exactly zero bills were passed of the 10 you listed. Exactly zero of those bills was a job bill. See the problem yet. So, the republican controlled house passed no jobs bills, and since 2014, the republican controlled Senate has passed no bills.
So, you could not find a jobs bill brought forward by a republican. SURPRISE.
How is that happy dance going, dipshit?

I see you didn't want to comment on this one why is that?

  • The Small Business Capital Access and Job Preservation Act (H.R. 1105) passed the House on December 4, 2013, with support from 36 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing. Not passed. I missed it. Simple enough to comment on. It was not a jobs bill, at any point. If it were dems would have passed it. You have a bill name which is interesting, but my bet is that it is of no value for saving jobs.

? And Why wouldn't harry want to pass the hire a veteran/hero Bill? Why would obama veto it? If it is just a symbolic Bill...

Answer me that... I do not believe that Harry, apparently your friend, stopped the bill with no reason. You have no information.
Shy would obama veto it? Is obama shy? He did not veto it. Obviously. Stop lying. It is getting old.
If it is just a symbolic bill, why do you list it, since it 1. Is not a jobs bill, and 2. Did not pass. 3, Is not important, just symbolic. Dipshit.
You know what, I am going to try to educate you. Because you really need it. Even though I do not like you.
Did you know that there are between 5 and 10 thousand bills every year in the possession of the head of the house or senate. Of those, did you know that only about 5% ever get passed. Under any administration. So, if Harry has 450 bills on his desk, only about 20 would likely be passed under any circumstance. Of those 450 would be voted on, the rest would be pulled for various reasons. Do you feel stupid yet?

Out of 5,000 Bills in Every Congress, Guess How Many Become Law?
I posted 10 bills that harry refused to be voted on, you going to post the other 300.
You have no proof of whether these particular 10 bills were ever voted on, me boy. None at all. I hear Harry had all voted on. Got any proof of anything, dipshit?
I really do not care how many bills you posted. NONE WERE JOBS BILLS, me poor ignorant con troll. And you posted 10 bills that you have no idea what happened to. See above to explain what happens to bills normally, me ignorant con troll.

Now tell me the jobs bills that the house members didn't pass?
Not before you can show me the great jobs created by republican jobs bills. Me lying con troll. I am tired of educating you, when you only lie and pretend. Where are those great republican jobs bills, and how many jobs did they create????

What the Republicans did not vote for was every stimulus bill brought to the hill, all by democrats. What every single republican voted against but that did pass was the Obama Stimulus. Which created over 9 MILLION jobs. That, me boy, is a jobs bill. Got a republican jobs bill, So far, we have 9,265,000 jobs created by democratics to
zero created by Republicans. dipshit.
Here, again for your education, is a link to my claim. You will notice it is It is impartial and it is well respected by dems and republicans. Read and learn, me poor ignorant con troll.
Obama’s Numbers (January 2016 Update)

And again what bills for the poor did you want? More hand outs? No, me congenital idiot. Jobs, me boy. That thing which you and republicans do not care about.
So, have you always been an ass hole, or is it something you are just now working on.

So far, you have made lots of claims, proven you do not know how congress works, or what powers the president has, called a number of proposed bills jobs bills with no proof, and disrespected the working people of this country. Not working out well for you, me boy.

You have no proof of whether these particular 10 bills were ever voted on, me boy. None at all. I hear Harry had all voted on. Got any proof of anything, dipshit?
I really do not care how many bills you posted. NONE WERE JOBS BILLS, me poor ignorant con troll. And you posted 10 bills that you have no idea what happened to. See above to explain what happens to bills normally, me ignorant con troll.

I gave you the proof spunk, No, you did not. None at all. that the republican and democrat jobs bills no how little and symbolic they were passed the house and Senate, but didn't go to a full vote because harry Reid and the cometties hid them. Wow. You have no idea how stupid that post was, do you, me poor ignorant con troll. Jesus, you have shown how ignorant you are again. There is a house vote and a senate vote. It they had passed both, they would have been law. There is no full vote, and there is no such thing as a commettie. That is a new word you just made up.
So, you have no republican jobs bill. As I thought. Thanks for trying.
My proof is in the pudding dumb dumb, obama I think I am right has the all time low of vetos in the history of the USA.
All time low? Vetoes by president? President Obama has used the veto less often than any president since Harding in the early 1920's. Tell us why you think that is a bad thing, me boy. Or are you just bragging about him.
U.S. Senate: President Veto Counts

Harry Reid protected obama, plain and simple from the public eye, No, he did not, Damn dude, regeans own party shut down the government over his vetos like what five times?
There was never a president named regeans. Maybe you were thinking of Mr. Green Jeans. Eh?? Now President Reagan had two spending gaps each less than 2 days in length, not caused by anything worth worrying about. And certainly not over vetoes in any way. Really, me boy, maybe this is too difficult for you.

Do you know how a Bill works in the Senate you fucking idiot?
That is funny. Let me try to straighten your little mess out. So, lets start with the obvious. It is not how a bill works in the Senate, me boy. It is how it works in congress, and what the president does with it.
1. It gets passed by the house
It gets introduced by a congressman in either the senate or house, and is assigned a bill number.
If it is a tax bill, it must start in the house, otherwise it may start in either the house or the Senate.

2. You forgot this step.
It gets referred to the appropriate committee in the house or senate.
The Committee may then send the bill to a sub committee, kill the bill, or approve it.

3. thrown up to the Senate,
If the bill is approved by committee, it is sent to the full house or Senate depending on where it started.

4. You forgot this step.
There is a debate in each house, Representatives and Senate.
Genarally, two versions are produced, house and senate versions.
A conference committee combines the two versions.

it gets voted on
The final combined version of the bill is voted on by the house, and by the Senate.

It then goes to the speakers desk in this case Harry Reid and he files it in the garbage can or gives it to committees
Once the bill is approved by both houses, step 5, the bill goes to the president where it is approved or vetoed.
Nearly always the bill is simply signed by the president and becomes law.

X where the final amendments to that Bill is put up to a full Senate vote to be passed on to the president..Part was back in step 4.
Uh, the bill must be approved by both the senate and the House. Sorry, that is nonsense. Neither the senate nor the house can be the final word before submitting a bill to the President.

God You are fucking dumb for a so called college graduate.
That is funny, indeed, after that rat gaggle of an attempt to explain the path of a bill from introduction to law.

And I am just an industrial maintenance guy, pathetic moron.
A janitor? Yeah, that makes sense. Good for you.

You love to change the goal post you fucking idiot, I gave you a basic run down and didn't bother to cut and paste....

Those bills did get voted on, did go to Harry's and the communities shit for brains where harry filed them in his garbage can or held up by the commities...

Again asshole Why does obama have the lowest hero's in recent memory?

Cause harry refused for a final vote to be sent to obama numb nuts.
This isn't about businesses per se; there are some mom and pops businesses that barely make ends meet. What we're talking about here are things like the wealthiest 20% of the population owning 80% of the wealth, and the bottom 40% owning .2% of the wealth. Here's a graphical representation of some different income brackets:

Bernie has another quote which addresses this issue of income disparity and its consequences in the work place and politics:
**“If you have no influence over your own working conditions, what kind of power can you have over the economics and politics of the entire country? Why bother to vote? Why bother to pay attention to politics? And millions don’t. In Vermont and throughout the country, the rich ante up $500 or $5,000 at a fundraising event to support the candidate who will represent their interests. Meanwhile, the majority of the poor and working people don’t even vote. No wonder the rich gets richer and everyone else gets poorer. Are we really living in a democracy?”**

Source: 10 Ways That Bernie Sanders Has Described Democratic Socialism That Prove It Isn't a Radical Idea at All

Except... I don't care about any income disparity, that's just how the world works.

You make it sound like it's simply a law of nature. To be fair, you certainly aren't alone in your point of view. Suzanne Moore of the Guardian has a good article explaining how despite this view being represented as the truth, it's not:
Most of us – I count myself – are economically inept. The economic climate is represented as a natural force, like uncontrollable weather. It’s a shame that the planet is getting hotter, just as it’s a shame that the rich are getting richer. But these things are man-made and not inevitable at all. In fact, there are deliberate and systemic reasons as to why this is happening.

The rich, via lobbyists and Byzantine tax arrangements, actively work to stop redistribution. Inequality is not inevitable, it’s engineered. Many mainstream economists do not question the degree of this engineering, even when it is highly dubious. This level of acceptance among economists of inequality as merely an unfortunate byproduct of growth, alongside their failure to predict the crash, has worryingly not affected their cult status among blinkered admirers.

Even the mild challenge of Thomas Piketty, with his heretical talk of public rather than private interest being essential to a functioning democracy, is revolutionary in a world which buys the conservative idea that the elixir of “growth” simply has to mean these huge extremes in income distribution.

That argument may now be collapsing. The contortions that certain pet economists make to defend the indefensible 1% are often to do with positing the super-rich as inherently talented and being self-made. The myth is that everyone is a cross between Steve Jobs and Bono; creative, entrepreneurial, unique. The reality is cloned inherited wealth and insane performance-related pay, eg the bankers who continue to reward themselves more than a million a year after overseeing the collapse of the industry.

There are always those who will side with the powerful against the powerless, and economists specialise in this. No wonder Prof Gregory Mankiw’s Harvard students walked out of his class following his ludicrous insistence that the system is not gamed for the rich. Such “theorists” flatter the rich by granting them some superpower, which is why they like rock star comparisons. In fact, international finance is peopled by interchangeable guys who are essentially just paying themselves double what they were 10 years ago. They may need to think of themselves as special. We don’t have to...**

Source: Inequality isn’t inevitable, it’s engineered. That’s how the 1% have taken over | Suzanne Moore

Cullen Roche, author of Pragmatic Capitalism: What Every Investor Needs to Know About Money and Finance, makes the same point:
Good question here from the forum today:

“Is wealth and income inequality inevitable in a capitalist system?”

I discuss this a bit in my new book, which, in my opinion, is a great primer for Thomas Piketty’s book on inequality. If you want to understand Piketty my book lays the foundation for the entire discussion by helping you understand the macro framework in which he makes his argument. But here’s my general view:

“Inevitable” is a bit of a generalization. “Highly probable” – yes. The thing is, capitalism runs on profits. And profits are optimized when they’re monopolized. A good capitalist will try to monopolize the means of production therefore maximizing profits. And when profits are monopolized then you are very likely to get inequality because only a handful of people own the means of production. So capitalism has a natural tendency towards monopolization because capitalists naturally want to maximize profits.

Does it have to happen? No, it’s not certain, but my guess is that if you left a capitalist system entirely to its own devices there would be a handful of capitalists who monopolize everything. In fact, this almost happened in the late 1800′s and early 1900′s before the US government came in and started busting up some of the big companies. We were well on our way to seeing a handful of people owning everything.

So, why is this potentially problematic? Well, the economy isn’t like a poker game. It doesn’t just end at some point where Warren Buffett gets to get up and walk away from the table with all the money. The other players have to keep playing to keep on generating profits for the big stack players. And if those big stack players just accumulate more and more chips then the other players have to rely on the incomes from their big stack employer, keep borrowing from the bank, relying on government redistribution to stay in the game OR compete with the big stack. Of course, they could “pull themselves up by their bootstraps”, but that’s often easier said than done. Especially when you’re competing against the big stack who has monopolized the means of production. The endgame is a situation where the people who actually buy the goods and services that the big stack makes, don’t actually have the income or credit necessary to be able to go on participating and so you get a very stagnant economy.

Anyhow, this is a controversial and highly theoretical discussion, but it is my opinion that capitalism, if left entirely to its own devices, would tend towards monopoly which would tend towards inequality as fewer and fewer people own more and more of the means of the production.**

Source: Is Wealth and Income Inequality Inevitable in a Capitalist System? | Pragmatic Capitalism

One thing was monopolized long ago in the U.S. and most of the rest of the world- the creation of money. Only the banks and governments can create it, with the vast majority of it being created by the banks. Until this changes, inequality will continue to grow for reasons that I think are fairly easy to understand.
I pretty much lost interest in the article the moment the person complained about people trying to stop redistribution(Legal thievery), and claiming the planet is warming. From that point it was clear that person was one of many Socialist, Climate Alarmists, who have no idea how the economy works, and like you, isn't okay with people actually having to work to actually earn money. In a Capitalist society, you're on your own. Deal with it.

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