There Are A Few, Not Many, Republicans Who Understand

It's always amusing to see people put up these long rambling post with seemingly the idea if they make it long enough it will be seen as intelligent yet when you shovel all the horseshit away all it really says is I don't like Trump and Republicans.
Yanno... I would have taken the OP more seriously if it hadn't proceeded to call Trump an "idiot" every other sentence. Is this OP built on facts or hatred?

I'll let you, the dear reader, decide.

Trump is fundamentally wrong about vindication...

Actually if anything this Memo highlights that while it say Carter Page was targeted by the dossier but the big thing is they got renewals... To get renewal you have to show the surveillance is finding new evidence. This means Page was supplying more evidence of wrong doing...

I think that is what Gowdy read in the memo... The Memo is a general disgrace anyway, there is accusations made and right of reply has been denied the the FBI.

So what have they charged Page with?

The idiot Trump has done much damage to the United States’ reputation during his first disastrous year as POTUS.

The list is long of events and instances that describe the idiot Trump’s stupid mistakes both here and abroad. His alienating of our allies, his insults to other nation’s leaders, and his general boorish behavior have disgraced the office of the United States’ President too many times to count. His classless conduct as President after inauguration quickly made him and the U.S. laughingstock around the world.

His statements have openly declared only he and Putin tell the truth. And he has strongly recommended conservatives commit violent acts against those who oppose him, that conservatives embrace Nazis and Nazi-types and the hatred they spew, and he has proclaimed non-white people to be murderers, rapists, drug pushers, terrorists, etc.

There are a few remaining Republican politicians who still understand what the United States stands for in the world community, not many, but a few.

“Rep. Trey Gowdy refuted President Trump’s claim that a controversial GOP-penned memo vindicates him in special counsel Robert Mueller’s sweeping Russia probe.” Also, “Gowdy (R-S.C.) drew the line between the former FBI chief’s Russia investigation and the memo’s assertion that the Justice Department relied too much on a highly scrutinized dossier to get a surveillance warrant.” In a CBS News’ “Face the Nation” interview Gowdy said, “There is a Russia investigation without a dossier.”

It would appear Gowdy is one of the few Republicans able to understand the irreparable damage being done to the reputation of U.S. by the idiot Trump. Gowdy and a few other Republican politicians also realize the long-term damage the idiot Trump’s constant pandering to the lowest element in America is doing.

However, regardless of the idiot Trump’s assertion of his vindication, “Gowdy said the dossier didn’t have anything to do with potential obstruction of justice charges in Mueller’s investigation.”

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, in the conservatives' responses to this thread we can expect only their typical nonsense, denial, alternate facts, and off-topic silliness, (e.g. non-sequiturs, ratings, transference, memes, etc.), to which any reply is a waste of time.

Regardless of which memos are declassified, what dossiers come to light, or that Nunes ignored intelligence reports to fabricate his tall tales to shield the idiot Trump, all of this is irrelevant to the Mueller investigation into the idiot Trump’s and his cronies’ collusion with the Russians to interfere with our 2016 elections.

Of course, the idiot Trump’s legal team much prefers he avoid any and all situations where he might be called upon answer questions concerning the investigation. His lawyers know full well it is impossible for him to tell the truth. They also know it is next to impossible to make him follow their advice. In addition to these facts, the idiot Trump’s lawyers know the idiot Trump believes himself to be the smartest person on the planet. This truly unwarranted confidence has the idiot Trump convinced he can razzle dazzle Mueller and his team of professional prosecutors, just as he has the conservatives.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller is fully experienced in the investigative and prosecutorial processes involved for cases such as this. He led the legal teams that convicted former Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega, and that of John Gotti, head of the Gambino crime family, and consigliere Frank Locascio.

In the 1991 Manuel Noriega was convicted and sentenced to 40 years in jail. In 1992, John Gotti and Frank Locascio were convicted and sentenced to life with no parole.

However, like most conservatives the idiot Trump, his sons, and son-in-law are oblivious to the real world. This family firmly believes they are not required to live by the rules of past administrations, so, have openly admitted to certain unethical acts (actually they boasted of them). But upon reflection (and their attorneys’ advice), all have retracted their admissions. They have even gone as far as denying making these statements, though all have been recorded or are on film and videotape.

Republican House members Trey Gowdy (S.C.), Chris Stewart (Utah), Will Hurd (Texas) and Brad Wenstrup (Ohio) are some of the few Republicans who understand the idiot Trump’s inability to tell the truth and his refusal to be interviewed by Mueller carry political consequences.

Such consequences include the appearance the idiot Trump is hiding something, and will extend the investigation well into the 2018 mid-term election year. This can only keep the scandal fresh in the conservative voters’ collective memory, which normally forgets important news within a few days.

The Mueller investigation will benefit greatly from the arrogance of this family and administration, as it will provided him and his team countless examples of reliable evidence of these admissions, boasts, and much, much more.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. But as we've seen thus far, the conservatives' responses have consisted of the drivel and foolishness predicted at the end of the OP. So as usual, any reply to their idiocy is a waste of time.’s-lawyers-want-him-to-refuse-an-interview-in-russia-inquiry/ar-BBIKADh?li=BBmkt5R&ocid=spartandhp


As stated in an earlier post, “Special Counsel Robert Mueller is fully experienced in the investigative and prosecutorial processes involved for cases such as this.” And, it is becoming apparent there are FBI agents who are also experienced in understanding the investigative processes necessary in such cases.

Two months before Mueller was appointed special counsel, “an agent in the FBI's counterintelligence division emailed the deputy general counsel at GSA [General Services Administration] to preserve documents, electronics and communications from the Trump transition team.” Within approximately a month of Mueller’s appointment, a formal preservation request was sent to the GSA to assure this evidence was protected.

Those people close to the idiot Trump were, “worried that a special counsel, which comes with broad authority to investigate any matters deemed relevant, could lead to an expansive investigation beyond what the FBI had in its initial inquiry.”

A representative for the Mueller team stated, " ‘When we have obtained emails in the course of our ongoing criminal investigation, we have secured either the account owner's consent or appropriate criminal process.' " So, not only were the idiot Trump’s friend’s worries correct, it proves Mueller’s knowledge of the steps that must be taken in this important investigation. The man definitely knows his business.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. But as we have already seen, in the conservatives' responses to this thread so far, all we can expect is their typical nonsense, denial, alternate facts, and off-topic silliness (e.g. non-sequiturs, ratings, memes, etc.), to which any reply is a waste of time.


The idiot Trump wants to talk to Mueller despite lawyers' concerns. Of course he does. He flim flammed about 3 million voters less than half, and in his fantasy world, believes he can do the same in an interview with Mueller or a member of his team.

However, the idiot Trump’s attorneys know he has little or no ability to speak the truth, as lies served him so well as a businessman. His attorneys are certain the idiot Trump will perjure himself all the way into prison, and take many of his cronies with him.

It is obvious that Mueller is also certain of this.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. But thus far, the conservatives' responses in this thread have again proven, all we can expect is their typical nonsense, denial, alternate facts, and off-topic silliness (e.g. ludicrous talking points, moronic quotes, memes, etc.). The conservatives' nonsense enables them to remain safely cloistered in their alternate reality. And, as people of reason and good conscience discovered long ago, any reply to a conservative’s foolishness is a complete waste of time.

The idiot Trump has done much damage to the United States’ reputation during his first disastrous year as POTUS.

The list is long of events and instances that describe the idiot Trump’s stupid mistakes both here and abroad. His alienating of our allies, his insults to other nation’s leaders, and his general boorish behavior have disgraced the office of the United States’ President too many times to count. His classless conduct as President after inauguration quickly made him and the U.S. laughingstock around the world.

His statements have openly declared only he and Putin tell the truth. And he has strongly recommended conservatives commit violent acts against those who oppose him, that conservatives embrace Nazis and Nazi-types and the hatred they spew, and he has proclaimed non-white people to be murderers, rapists, drug pushers, terrorists, etc.

There are a few remaining Republican politicians who still understand what the United States stands for in the world community, not many, but a few.

“Rep. Trey Gowdy refuted President Trump’s claim that a controversial GOP-penned memo vindicates him in special counsel Robert Mueller’s sweeping Russia probe.” Also, “Gowdy (R-S.C.) drew the line between the former FBI chief’s Russia investigation and the memo’s assertion that the Justice Department relied too much on a highly scrutinized dossier to get a surveillance warrant.” In a CBS News’ “Face the Nation” interview Gowdy said, “There is a Russia investigation without a dossier.”

It would appear Gowdy is one of the few Republicans able to understand the irreparable damage being done to the reputation of U.S. by the idiot Trump. Gowdy and a few other Republican politicians also realize the long-term damage the idiot Trump’s constant pandering to the lowest element in America is doing.

However, regardless of the idiot Trump’s assertion of his vindication, “Gowdy said the dossier didn’t have anything to do with potential obstruction of justice charges in Mueller’s investigation.”

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, in the conservatives' responses to this thread we can expect only their typical nonsense, denial, alternate facts, and off-topic silliness, (e.g. non-sequiturs, ratings, transference, memes, etc.), to which any reply is a waste of time.
Yep... he sent weapons to drug cartels, funded terrorists, and turned the IRS against his opposition. Then he told the Russians he would have more flexibility after the election.... oh wait a second, this sounds familiar.

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